Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 22 (6)

Dear Diary,

Well, it took four days, but the wolves didn’t attack us today! Success!

They still clearly don’t like us, but they didn’t attack us when we went to the next door. And that’s all we wanted.

Level 95 is a water level. There aren’t any boats or rafts available, which kinda really sucked. I guess at lvl95 everyone already has some kind of floating thing.

Well, we didn’t. So we just started swimming. And that’s when we found out that sharks are a thing. And Aya says that a kraken lives down there, too. I don’t think that we’ll be able to make friends with sharks the same way we made friends with the dire wolves. So tomorrow we’ll be crossing in the cheapest of rafts available in Kimi’s shop.

Honestly, no one expects the raft to survive. But we need to find out what kind of things our floaty thing will have to go up against, and while we have a decent amount of cash we don’t have an infinite supply.

Staab is getting used to us. He’s becoming super sarcastic and dry. Kimi tried to flirt with him, and his reply was “Just… No.” which was hilarious. She isn’t going to take that as a challenge or anything, she isn’t like that. But the rest of us might. We haven’t decided yet.

The marble races continue on. It’s too early to say how things are going to shape up, which is good because I’m in dead last. Mimo, my marble this cycle, has completely failed to even get bronze in any race so far. I might switch him out if he doesn’t get a medal tomorrow. I mean, I know that the first couple races are hard, everyone is sizing up the competition and getting their stride, but this is just sad.

I don’t know why I call all my marbles “he”. Lilly calls all hers “she”, Aya calls hers “they”, Mika switches it up, and Kimi claims to be the only sane one because she calls hers “it”. I mean, we all know they’re just marbles, and they can’t think or anything, but it’s fun to pretend. Like when little kids invent personalities for all their toys. In a way they know that the toys aren’t alive, and it’s all pretend, but they’d never in a million years admit that out loud.

What makes it even funnier to me is, before we touch them, all the marbles are cat eyes. There are like twenty different colors, all mixed together. But as soon as we take them, they become a solid color, depending on what our color is. It’s weird to see it happen, have them all transform as they’re being handed to me, but that’s just the way things are. Everything I own has to be green. And not just semi-green, no, GREEN green.

Oh, in case you were wondering, dear unsapient notebook… Kimi is red, Mika is blue, Aya is yellow, and Lilly is purple. Well, she says lilac, but it’s purple. And… Dorothy is... grey. Yeah, grey. ...Grey...

Anyways, the meatballs for the wolves tomorrow are done, so I have to go take them off the stove and drain them.

Goodnight, dungeon!

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