Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 23 (6)


Dear Diary,


Ok so, this sounds insane, but slimes can’t cross a line made from ranch dressing. Why? Who the heck knows. But for some reason I just decided to throw things at the slimes, and when I threw ranch dressing, the slime backed away!!! So after we killed that slime, we agro’d the next slime, laid down a line of ranch dressing, and it didn’t cross it! We were able to take it out from a distance. It was so cool!

So yeah, lvl 96 is going to be getting a lot of ranch dressing in it over the next few weeks. Or more, since Aya will probably tell the players that the slimes don’t like it. Which I don’t mind, since I literally don’t know what else the stuff is for.

We’re killed about 3/4 of the kobolds this time. Slowly but surely we’re getting better.

Mo continues to be a very good marble. It’s still too early to tell, but I think I might win the championship this cycle.

I… don’t know what else to write. Not much has been happening other than getting killed by kobolds every other day, and the marble races.

Maybe I should start writing poetry or something. That sounds hard, tho. I think Aya does poetry.

I’m kinda bored, honestly. Not in the “waiting in line at a bank” kind of way, more in the “there’s nothing new in my life” way. Every day is just, kind of the same. I don’t usually feel it, but sometimes I just… I don’t know. I need something new. And there’s no way for me to get anything new. Which really sucks.

Oh well. Things will get better soon.

Goodnight, dungeon!

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