Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Vol 1 Chapter 37: Vera Marjoram

When I returned, Father and Mother were thankfully still inside their room. Judging by the rush inside when I knocked, they probably just had sex and were still cuddling on their bed naked. Haah, can't leave this two alone on their own at all.

Once Father opened the door, all dressed up of course, I immediately told them of my encounter. As expected, they immediately turned pale with the news.

"Y-you didn't—" Mother grabbed me on the shoulders.

"I didn't do anything, Mother, don't worry. I just blocked their path, that's all. And I quickly moved to the side when the maid told me to."

"Ah, that's good to know..." Father let out a relieved sight.

"Really, what were you doing there?! And so close to the entrance too?!" Mother asked, shouting, shaking my body lightly as well. "You don't just walk to the front gates of a lord's castle just to sightsee! They might think of you as a spy or something!"

"Sorry…" I apologized. Now that I thought about it, there really was no one else there other than me. It seemed the locals were wise enough to respect their rulers and stay away from their domain.

“To think that you end up meeting one of the Council like that… I don’t know whether to call you a lucky boy or an unlucky one, Hugo,” Father said with a sigh, putting his hand on my shoulder. “They could kill you on the spot if you displease them, and there would be nothing that we can do against it, even if I were a Marchen Duke. The Magocracy is the dominant power in this southern region of the continent after all, and our kingdom is no match against its mages."

"Yeah…" I smiled dryly, looking down to my knees. "That lady… she's scary…"

"Good! That means you can tell a strong opponent from a weak one." Father patted with a grin. "You need that to be a good adventurer."

"Well, I'm just glad you're alright, Hugo." Mother smiled, before wrapping her arms around me from behind. We were sitting on the bed, with me in the middle.


Aahh, I can feel it—her soft breasts pressing into my head!

We had our dinner at the inn. It was a decent enough food, but certainly couldn't compare to the stuff Mother made every day back at home. And no, it's just my bias as her son. Mother truly was a great cook.

The next morning, we dressed up in our semi-formal outfits before heading to the Academy. Marina said that technically there wasn't a dress code mentioned but we certainly couldn't just appear looking like country bumpkins. We would embarrass Marina then! Especially since most of the other parents there would be from well-off, rich families.

I wore a white shirt under a black jacket, and since I was still a young boy, I could get away with wearing my usual white shorts. Mother wore a long-sleeved button-up ruffle blouse with a long dark blue skirt. She had her blonde hair primly tied in a bun, and she even used lipstick to redden her lips, something she never ever did. And as usual, like with her other clothes, there was no hiding her assets. Damn, those poor buttons…

Father on the other hand wore a similar pair of white shirt and black jacket like mine, only that he wore a pair of long black dress pants down below. It was all too obvious that he was uncomfortable in them, knowing how he usually only wore sleeveless shirts, exposing his amazing biceps to the world.

Mother looks nice, but Father… he just looks awkward, unfortunately.

Erika, on the other hand, looked absolutely perfect. She wore this bright white frilly dress that must have multiplied her cuteness by tenfold. Not to mention the flower headband she had on. Mother really went all out on her.

We departed early in the morning after breakfast, as the parents would be gathered in the academy’s hall first for a speech from the headmaster.

As we walked there, we found out that we probably should’ve taken a carriage to the school, as numerous other carriages all went past us, no doubt carrying the other parents. Private carriages, I bet. We don’t have such a thing, unfortunately.

Once we reached the open gates, a guard immediately came to us and offered to take us to the hall. We, of course, accepted.

We walked through the academy grounds, seeing all sorts of people disembarking from their carriages. Some were old, some were young, and some were even just little boys and girls like me and Erika.


I felt Erika's grip on my hand tightening.

I looked down and noticed how she was biting her lip with a frown on her face, with her eyes darting back and forth.

Ah, she must be nervous. This was the first time she was near this many people after all.

I was about to lift her up and calm her down, before I realized that this was a prime opportunity for her to be more used to strangers. Back at home, she would always hide behind me if we met someone.

Sorry Erika, but I would have to stop spoiling you sooner or later. It's for your own good.

I looked around as well, just to see how we compared to the others.

Hmm, most of them either wear mage outfits or super formal outfits like suits and the like. I don't think we look that out of place though. And I can certainly say that Mother may be the most beautiful parent there—an opinion that quite a number of husbands shared as they stole glances to her, and her impressive chest.

We didn't meet with Marina right away, as she was still in her morning class.

We took our seats at the back of the room in the hall, with Erika having her own chair beside me. Thankfully, it didn't take long until the speech started, with the vice headmaster opening the event before announcing the headmaster's appearance at the podium.

Is that how they introduce people here?

The vice headmaster had opened his welcoming statement by stating his name and his magic level, before introducing the headmaster with the same format. Now I know that the vice-headmaster was a Master in Fire while the headmaster was a Master in Wind. It's hilarious to imagine that Marina had already surpassed these two old coots.


It didn't take long for me to start sighing, as the headmaster was droning on and on with his speech. The only thing that was entertaining about him was his perfectly smooth bald head. Seriously, I think I can see light reflecting off it.

I noticed Erika getting uneasy as well. She's still far too young for this kind of stuff. I doubt she can understand any of baldie’s words to be honest.

Suddenly, a man on the front row stood up and whispered something to him.

“A-ah, right, the time…”

Oh thank God…

And thus, we were saved from what could probably be another hour of speech that would no doubt make Erika cry and me sleep out of boredom.

Afterwards, the faculty told the parents to move to the cafeteria, where a buffet brunch would be provided, as one by one they would be summoned to the meeting office where they would have a nice chat with the teachers about their children’s future.

However, before we could even get started moving there, one of the teachers came over to us, stopping us on our tracks. It was a chubby middle-aged woman, wearing a black robe and a black witch hat.

“E-excuse me. You four are from the Greenwood family, correct?” she asked, a clear sign of nervousness displayed on her face.

“Yes, we are,” Father answered, his eyebrows raised.

“I-it’s your turn for the consultation. F-follow me.”

Father exchanged looks with Mother. Something was up. I could feel it.

We then followed her as she requested. I wonder what makes her this nervous. Maybe she’s just a naturally nervous person? That won’t be good if she’s a teacher.

When we entered the room, Marina was already there, sitting on the couch with her back turned to us. And in front of her was… wait, that couldn’t be her teacher, could it?

It was a girl—a young girl to be exact. She looked as if she was around ten using my estimate. She was dressed in quite the flashy way, with a pure white luxurious-looking fur shawl wrapping around her little arms and back. She was sitting slouched on the opposing couch, casually putting her white stocking-covered legs on it. She had really long blue hair, tied on the side with a hair ornament mimicking an ice crystal.

Wait, those long, narrow ears… she's not human.

Let's see, if I remembered correctly, that kind of long, pointed ears that go flat to the side instead of upwards mean she's either a gnome or a high elf.

...Well, that changes everything! If she's a teacher, then she must be a gnome! They're similar to the hobbits that they are small and look like children for a lot of their lives. Only that they have a much higher lifespan than them.

She was also holding a staff in her left hand, which she casually slung over the couch.

"Finally! Took you long enough!"

Noticing our entrance, she immediately sat up and gave a haughty grin towards us.

"H-here they are, Ma'am." The plump teacher's voice was positively shaking. "A-anything else I could—"

"No. You may leave us."

Without even looking at us, she immediately bolted out of the room.

"So…" Her gaze was now planted towards all four of us. "This is the Greenwood Family. The caretakers of one Marina Greenwood, the girl that my dear grandson Thomas is smitten with."

Thomas? That's the name of—

My eyes widened. I connected the dots.

She—she's the grandmother of that hobbit Marina talked about! Vera Marjoram! One of the Council mages! W-why is she—

"Don't just stand there! Sit! Still a lot of space on your daughter's couch," her haughty grin turned into a smile.

I glanced at Marina and noticed how tense-looking she was. She too must have known who this gnome woman really is.

We did as she told, taking our spaces on Marina's sofa.

"I suppose I should start with the introduction. The name's Vera Marjoram. I assume you have heard of me?”

“The Ice Snake Witch,” Mother replied, her expression unflinching, though I could see sweat crawling down her forehead.  “One of the Magocracy’s top mages.”

“Good. I hate having to tell people who I am.” Her smug grin had returned. “And now, we can get straight to the point. Thomas, you can come out now.”

From the back of the room a boy walked forward to us. Her presence was so overwhelming that I didn’t notice that he too was in the room with her and Marina.

So this is the little scamp that wants to marry my big sister…

My first impression of him? Not good. He screamed timid from top to bottom, and his girlish face did not help matters either. This is the guy that wants to marry Marina? As if I would ever entrust her to an unreliable-looking guy like him!

Look at that! Look at how he periodically glances to his grandmother, seeking her approval! He’s totally under her thumb, just like Marina predicted! 

I gave him a glare, playing the disapproving little brother role. Honestly, if I thought about it, I didn’t care at all when my little sister in my previous life brought home a boyfriend with her… No, that’s not quite right. I did care, but only to heighten my sense of self-pity, knowing that my little sister had successfully entered a relationship while I, her older brother, still couldn’t. Not to mention the jealousy of her being a “riajuu”. I even started to think of her as a promiscuous 3DPD girl that I would never touch with a ten feet pole, as I heard them having sex on her room beside mine.

If only I realized how childish and petty I was being then.

But now, it was different. I truly cared for Marina like a little brother should. And I would certainly guard her from anyone not worthy of her hand. Like this hobbit guy.

And then, all of a sudden, our eyes met.

To my genuine surprise, his timid, fearful eyes immediately transformed into a fierce one. He returned my glare without any fear whatsoever.

What in the— this little brat!

… That’s it, huh? You must have known about me, Marina’s dear little brother. And you think that I’m one of the reasons why you haven’t conquered her yet. And now you want to declare war over her, is it?

You got guts, kid. You got guts. But Marina’s adoration belongs to me and me alone. And I’m not sharing it with you. If you think you can replace me as her No.1 little brother, think again!

“So, Thomas here wants your daughter’s hand in marriage. And I ask you two, as her parents, to give your blessings to their union. And, before you ask, you don’t have to worry. I’ll get your family  a mansion, right in my territory. I can even make it so it’s built just beside mine, if you want to see your daughter every day. Of course, I would also grant you a generous amount of salary every month, as my guards. You two used to be adventurers, no? I certainly could use some more strong people under my house. We’ve been quite understaffed lately, you see.” She gave a light chuckle before continuing. “I assure you, it would far outclass whatever knight salary you’re currently living from.” She smiled towards Father.

“...You’ve been spying on us, haven’t you?” Father returned with a stern look.

“Of course! I need to know the kind of family my grandson’s love belongs to after all! And unlike those other stuffy Council members, I don’t mind at all having my grandson marry a foreigner. I’ve read the reports. Your daughter is practically the perfect model student! I’m so happy that my little Thomas decides on such a girl to be his life partner!” She patted him on the head, making him flinch.

“So, how about it? It’s a deal then?” She grinned, placing her free hand on the table as she leaned forward to support her chin.

“I won’t. Like I had said before, I have no interest in your grandson whatsoever.”

Marina, who had kept her silence all this time, suddenly spoke out. There was no hint of fear or hesitation in her voice, and she was looking straight at the ice witch’s eyes, unblinking.

Once again, I had to applaud my big sister’s mental strength. No wonder she could go through all that bullying when Merinda was still around just fine.

“I’m not asking you, my dear Marina. I’m asking your father and mother.” She replied sweetly, though it was obvious that Marina had offended her quite severely by saying that.

“If Marina doesn’t want it, then I won’t want it for her either,” Mother replied, now coldly glaring at the witch. “I apologize, Lady Marjoram, but I would have to refuse your offer.”

“Same with me,” Father joined in, folding her arms and sending his own glare towards her. “We’re getting by just fine with my knight salary. We don’t need your help.”

The witch fell silent for a moment, her smile disappearing for a little bit. But then, it quickly returned as she retorted with, “Very well! So Thomas would just have to win her over, right? Then there’s no problem! We still have a lot of time before their graduation after all! I’ll teach him all about wooing girls and make him win your daughter’s heart! I’m sure he can do it! Your daughter likes cute younger boys, right? So my Thomas is perfect for her! Especially since he would stay looking that way for a long time!”

“However, just in case, if you still don’t want to marry him even after you graduate, would you be willing to be my personal guard? I’ll pay you handsomely, you know! I’ll even give you your own land if you want!”

“...No. I would have to refuse that too. I’m planning to become an adventurer once I graduate,” Marina answered, plain and frank, still not breaking her eye contact.

“Oh? An adventurer? How peculiar. You know they don’t pay adventurers that much money, even for the S-rank ones.”

“That’s fine. I don’t need a lot of money.”

“You sure? Your wand certainly is an expensive one. You can’t pay for it on your or your father’s money, can you?” She grinned. This bitch! She’s the one who gave her that!

“...Here. You can have it if you want it back.”

Without any hesitation, Marina threw the wand on the table. That glint in her eyes… ooh, if she isn’t angry before, then she certainly is now!

A snort escaped the witch’s mouth.

“It’s yours. You deserve it for being such a good student after all. I don’t need it back.” She pushed it back to her side of the table.

She then paused again, before letting out a long sigh that sounded just a little too exaggerated to be real.

“Alright then. Fine. You know, the other students would kill for a job offer I just gave you. Especially those less wealthy similar to you. But, if you rather become an overglorified mercenary, then it’s your future, not mine.”

She stood up. “Come, Thomas, we’re done here.”

Without a word, the hobbit followed her to the exit. He gave another glance towards me and then towards Marina, before following his grandmother like a little puppy.

We all took a relieved sigh once they left. Except for Erika, who just didn’t seem to understand what was going on.

“...I don’t like her. I don’t think I’ll be able to stand it, to have her as a relative,” Mother spoke first. "Did you see how she looked at us? Such arrogance!"

“And that hobbit kid, that boy’s too timid for my taste. Push to shove, he would prioritize his grandmother over Marina for sure. And I won’t have a person like that as my daughter’s husband.” Father spoke next. "Especially since he's immature enough to involve her grandma in his love escapades. Who does that? You're not a man if you do that!"

Hearing them, Marina started to giggle. Ah, there it is! The usual smile she always shows around us!

"Well, since I now have the rest of the day free, why don't I take you all for a tour around the city?" She stood up and clapped her hands.

I noticed her pocketing her wand back to her coat. Guess even after being insulted like that, she still wanted to keep it.

Vera Marjoram… another top ranked mage of the Magocracy. Her atmosphere is completely different though. She might be dripping in arrogance, but she's still less threatening than the one I met yesterday. Maybe she's weaker than her? Or maybe it's just her childlike looks.

Urgh, this means Marina would have to fend off even more advances from that brat. You know, maybe I should have a little "chat" with him. But not when her grandma is around, of course.

I started to smirk, imagining what I would do to him.

"Big Bro, your smile is scary…"



Here’s how Vera looks. Just with a pair of long, elvish ears.

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