Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Vol 1 Chapter 45: The Climb


After our strategy meeting, we immediately departed to the mountain.

The entrance was located right at the outskirts of the city, so it didn’t take long at all until we reached the gate. As expected, it was closed, and there were a group of mage guards standing right in front of it.

Just like we had discussed, we weren’t going to go up to them and ask whether we could be allowed to enter. We very well knew that there was little to no chance that Vera would approve, and it would only alert the rest of her forces of our presence.

To the sides were a series of natural sheer cliffs, preventing ordinary folk to opt out of the main road.

However, we weren’t ordinary in the slightest.. Cliffs like that, we could climb up with no problem whatsoever.

After making sure that we were far away enough From the main entrance, we began our climb.

“Barrier! Ramp Mode!”

Mother lifted her staff, and then, a ramp formed out of the same translucent structure she generated to protect us appeared out of thin air.

“Impressed?” She giggled a little, looking at my surprised expression. “A barrier isn’t just limited to the usual dome structure, you know. You can use it like this as well.”

...That’s a good point. Why can’t you use barrier or force field spells this way in all those RPGs I’ve played?

We walked up the ramp with Mother guiding us in the front, lengthening the ramp as we went while retracting it behind us. It didn’t take long until we reached the top of the cliff.

“First step complete,” Father stated with a smile. “Now, to climb up the mountain for real.”


The mountain was expectedly cold as it was covered with snow. Our decision to buy and wear winter clothes was certainly the right one. They weren’t just going to be used to fight Vera.

Father warned us to remain vigilant, and try to be as stealthy as possible. It’s hard to do so however, since there are so many spots around where a person could certainly see us from a distance, with us possibly not even noticing. If they wore white robes, they could easily mix in with all the snow around us.

Still, we hurried on upwards, taking a route as far away as possible from the main road. Mother would use her barrier spell to help us cross a chasm or go up a cliff, but Father said we shouldn't use it all the time as she needed to conserve her mana for the possible fight we might have.


Lotho and Myrtle

Little did Hugo and his family know that they were being watched. By an unassuming, totally normal-looking snow rabbit that blended perfectly with the snow-covered grounds and rocks.

The rabbit, after affirming their position and the route they seemed to be taking, immediately hopped away out of their sight range, before transforming back into his human form. And then, he used a different transformation magic to turn into a pigeon before flying away.

It was one of the mage scouts whose job were to look for any unwanted vagrants climbing up the mountain. Normally, they would appear in front of said intruders, asking what their business was, but they had been informed that there was a possibility of a pair of powerful adventurers entering illegally. And their explicit orders were not to engage, but to report back to their superior.

The scouts were not specialized for battle, but they all were able of transformation magic that allowed them to be practically unnoticeable to the intruder, as well as granting them the ability to pass their report quickly. 

The pigeon flew to a wooden outpost sitting halfway up the mountain. When he landed, he turned back to his human form, before kneeling to one of said superiors.

"Report! The intruders you spoke about, they're already here!"

"And their location?"

"Near the Great Ice Gorge, Sir!"

"Understood. Thank you for your report. Gather all the men. We're going to intercept them at once. And of course, send a messenger to Lady Vera to inform her of this intrusion."

The man he spoke with was a middle-aged male hobbit, Lotho Marjoram. Even though he was Thomas Marjoram’s father, his features were nothing like him. He was rough-looking with a square jaw and broad shoulders, with only his black hair marking their similarity. As a hobbit, he couldn't grow any facial hair, with his roughness stemming from the sharp look on his eyes and the scar on his cheek—a scar he got when he fought for his wife, Myrtle. However, contrary to the popular opinion amongst his men, he didn't wear it with pride. He wore it with fear.

There was once a time he was a proud adventuring hobbit. But that era had vanished, even to his own memories.

Now, he was just another one of Vera's loyal puppet.

"So they come after all."

Approaching behind him with her boots digging through the snow was her lovely wife, Myrtle. Her gnomish features were soft and delicate, a full reminisce of her mother. However, unlike Vera, there's a constant shadow of fear behind her eyes—fear that he took notice ever since the first time they met.

And now, it's a fear they both shared.

"Yes, my dear," he replied softly, though with a grin smile.

"So we have to fight them after all?"

"Yes, my dear."

"There's no other way, is there?"

"No, my dear."

"Do you think—"

"We do not think, my dear. We simply do what she asks of us. After all, it's for our own good, and our son's as well." His left hand went around her, wrapping around her waist.

"... You're right. This is for the greater good. They're fools if they think they can stand against Mother."

"Indeed. No one can stand against her. As one of this fair nation's rulers, she's an absolute existence. Just two adventurers can never hope to match her, even if they're a pair of S-ranks."

He spoke from experience. He used to think he was a big hotshot, being one of the rare few who could reach such a rank. He thanked Vera every day for showing how foolish he had been.

“We shall depart right away. They shall never reach Lady Vera’s halls while we’re still alive.”



Two hours had passed since we started our climb. Thanks to Mother’s Ramp Barrier spell, we were making good progress. According to Father’s estimation, we were already halfway up the mountain. Thankfully, it wasn’t that tall of a mountain in the first place. We would be screwed if it’s as tall as Mount Everest back home.

In front of us was a narrow passage between two towering tall ice cliffs. They were so tall that we couldn’t get a good look on what’s above them.

“Father, I don’t think we should go this way.” I spoke up. “We can get ambushed very easily in a place like this.” It’s just common sense really. I could just imagine a group of ice mages standing on top of those cliffs, just collapsing the entire thing right on top of our heads.

“Hmm, you’re right. Renee, can you make the steps for us to go up there? I’ll carry you while Hugo can fly on his own using his magic.”

“Ah, that form, isn’t it?” Mother replied with a smile. “Yep. A ramp would be too long and steep. It’d be better if I make it in that form instead.”

Stepping forward, she raised her staff and declared, “Barrier! Platform Mode!” Immediately, a series of translucent square-shaped floors appeared in the middle of the air, going upwards until it reached the top of the cliff. They were not that big, but enough so that an adult could stand safely on top of them without falling.

It’s too bad that I am unable to fly them upwards with my wind magic, or else I wouldn’t have to let Mother do all the work. My control wasn’t good enough for that unfortunately, since I was only used to using it on my own light body.

Father then grabbed Mother’s waist, before doing a series of tall jumps that must be superhuman. I soon followed using my Wind Step spell.

On top of the cliff was only more ice. It seemed we had arrived at a literal field of them. The ground was made out of pure ice. There was no dirt or even snow around. It was truly a pure and unblemished ice field, as far as the eye can see.

“Oh dear.” Mother spoke first. “Well, this is unfortunate.”

“This is going to be hard to walk on for sure.” Father then stepped onto the ice. “Yep. This is slippery alright. I don’t think it’s wise for us to walk up here. Our movements are going to be severely hindered.”

“Tch, if only we had bought ice skates before we went here…” I grumbled under my breath. But what’s done is done. I can’t turn back the clock on that. Not to mention that I don’t really know how to ice skate in the first place, and Father and Mother probably wouldn’t know it either. We don’t live in a snowy region like this after all.

“What should we do then?” Mother asked. “Should we turn back and walk through the path from before? I can certainly help our feet get a better grip by conjuring my barrier as a floor but we don’t know how long this ice field would last. I’ll run out of mana doing that,” she said with a regretful look on her face.

“That’s fine. We’ll take the lower road instead,” Father answered. “Though Hugo, occasionally, you will fly upwards with your magic to scout. You’re alright with that?”

 I readily nodded.

I don’t like it though. I’m not a claustrophobic person or anything but walking inside a crack in the middle of an ice field, it really feels like a bad idea.

We have no choice though. We didn’t have any other routes we could easily turn back to. This was definitely the fastest way to take if we were aiming for the top of the mountain.


We traveled inside the crevice for half an hour before suddenly, the weather changed drastically.

The blue sky from before disappeared, replaced by a furious snowstorm that covered our sight in pure white.

It only started with snow falling, but not even five minutes later, before we knew it, we were in the middle of a full blown snowstorm.

"...This is magic. Renee, cover us with your barrier. Now!"

"Got it!"

The moment she erected it, the snow and cold wind that battered my body disappeared. Her barrier can protect from harsh weather as well, huh?

"Keep it up. And prepare for ambush."

Father was right. With our severely reduced visibility and hearing, it would be so easy to launch an attack without us noticing. I didn't see anything the last time I did my scouting though.

Even so, I still drew my wand and unsheathed my sword. I wasn't going to underestimate our current situation. Father did the same thing, taking out his greatsword from his back.

We progressed like this for a good while, until…





"Renee! Platforms! Now!" Father shouted.

Shit shit shit the ice cliffs to our sides are cracking, isn't it?

"Hugo! Fly up! But stay close to me!"

Father didn't hesitate. He immediately grabbed Mother and jumped up as fast as he could using her platforms.


Damn it! I can't see anything in this snowstorm!

Thankfully though, it seemed we managed to avoid being buried alive, as judging by the crashing noises, the ice only fell down after we were safely up.

Only for us to walk straight into a trap.

"Cold Blast!"

"Cold Blast!"

"Cold Blast!"

Numerous amounts of the Advanced-level Ice spell were fired right towards us from all directions. Shit! They've been waiting above the ice all this time!

"Hugo, duck!"

Hearing Father's yell, I immediately lowered my height, just in time before the swing of his greatsword formed a circular wave that repelled all the fired spells away from us. Any later and my head would've been flying off my torso. In fact, I could feel my soul nearly leaving my body as the slash cut a lock of my hair. And the powerful woosh sound it made didn't help matters either.

...G-gah, I might have dribbled a little from that...

I recognized the technique he used to be the same as the one Sherry used to disperse my own Cold Blast. Only far more powerful, as he completely destroyed what must be ten or twenty or even more Cold Blasts fired off simultaneously.

"Hugo! Go to the ice!"

Using the opening he had made, he took Mother and jumped straight to the edge of the ice cliff, one that was still relatively intact. I quickly followed.

And now, being on firm ground, I could start casting other spells than just my Wind Step.


Mother erected the normal barrier back up, not having to keep up the platforms anymore.

This snowstorm—I can't see a thing! I don't know where to aim my spell!


..Oh right, I can just use that!

“Air Sunder!”

Using the Advanced-level Wind spell, I blew away the snowstorm momentarily, letting me see through it, even if just for a single moment.

And that was enough, as I could see five figures nearby, all wearing white. And they were all in the middle of chanting another spell!

I have to stop it! “Flame Wall!"

Unlike them, I could cast my Advanced-level spell far quicker. So even though they were already Midway through their chants, I managed to launch my spell earlier than them.


They were standing nicely on a line, so my Flame Wall could hit all of them at once.

My sense of victory was short-lived however as immediately after, Father shouted, "Renee! Incoming!"

Incoming? Incoming wha—

A powerful cold spell suddenly rammed right onto Mother’s barrier, visibly making her flinch.

“T-this is a Master-level spell!” She yelled. “M-my normal Barrier can’t hold!”

“Hold on! I’ll go get the mage right away! Hugo, protect your Mother!”

Before I could say anything, he already ran out of the barrier into the snowstorm.

Damn it, Dad! I can counter this spell with my own! You don’t need to go out on your own like that!

I began charging up the only Master-level spell I knew. My Boom Cannon. A Master-level spell to fight another Master-level one. It only made sense.

Aiming at where the waves of frost were coming from, I let my spell loose.

“Boom Cannon!”

With a loud explosive sound, my air cannonball flew, right into frost spell.

And immediately, I could tell that my spell had an advantage. It weaved through the frost wave, crashing through any ice and snow like it was nothing—its supersonic speed barely impeded by them.

However, I didn’t hear it—the scream of pain that should come when my spell hit the caster.

Did they dodge it? With that speed? I know it’s going slower thanks to the frost, but it’s not that slow!

At the very least, I managed to relieve the pressure on Mother’s barrier.

“Thunder Strike!”

“Rock Cannon!”

“Cold Blast!”

Or so I thought, before those three Advanced-level spells stroke it simultaneously, destroying the barrier while in its weakened state. It knocked her off balance, making her fall down, thanks to the slippery ice we were standing on not giving any grip to our boots.


“Hugo, don’t look at me! Look at the follow-up attack!” She yelled.

H-huh, wha— oh crap!”

A giant-sized white wolf suddenly appeared out of nowhere and leaped towards me, fully intending to bite my head off with its large jaw.

I got no choice! I have to summon those two!

Those two, of course, being my two fairy summons.

"Yes, Master, I'm here to—uwaahhh!"

The mud sprite was more ready than the high fairy, and she promptly formed a sphere of hard mud around herself and the high fairy, protecting themselves from a snap from its jaw.

Sorry, you two! But I need you to act as a meat shield for a while!

"Flame Strike!"

A quick Intermediate-level Fire spell, right at the beast's eyes. It screamed in pain as my wand torched it like a flamethrower before retreating, spitting the mud ball in the process.



To my horror, there isn't just one of them. There were at least a dozen of them, surrounding us completely.

And they all now rushed towards us, knowing that just one of them wouldn't be enough.

Tch, this is bad! I can't take them all at once!

"High Barrier!"

Right before they landed, they were thrown back by a translucent dome that they crashed painfully into.

It was Mother. She had recovered, and apparently, while she was down, she was chanting her Master-level Barrier spell under her breath.

“Hugo! Now’s your chance! High Barrier will hurt anyone that attacks it in a melee range!”

She’s right! The wolves are now all prone on the ground, unable to recover right away from their failed attack! This is my chance!

“Flame Wall!”

I created a ring of fire around us that enveloped all the incapacitated wolves before they could escape. And it worked, as I could hear their squeals and yelps of pain as they were being burned alive. They’re most likely snow wolves, so they would be weak to fire.

Only after those noises died down that I turned off my spell.

W-wait, t-those are—

Only to find out that I just killed fifteen people with a single spell.

They were transformation mages, and they had turned to those wolves in order to attack us up close and personal.

I could only look at horror at their charred, burnt remains. Most of them were gnomes, just like their mistress, with only two being humans.

And I just killed them. Ended their lives like it was nothing.

My body shook, and I felt I was going to puke right then and there.

Before Mother pulled me into a hug from behind, calming me down.

“It’s alright, Hugo, it’s alright. You did nothing wrong. You were only defending me after all. And you did it because I told you to as well.”

“You can’t lose it now. There are still enemies nearby. I need you to protect me, my dear.” She whispered behind my ear.

T-that’s right… what am I thinking?

I can’t waver! I’ve sworn to save Marina, even if I have to kill other people to do it!

“Good. You’re calming down.” I could tell that she was smiling as she said it. “Now, we should go chase after your father.”

Is it child abuse, making a ten year old massacre a group of people like that? You decide!

Also, Youtube suddenly recommends me clips of that VRMMORPG anime with the overpowered mother. I can imagine some of you wanting ecchi scenes with Renee like in that anime :p

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