Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Vol 2 Chapter 27: Fiora’s Feelings

En route back to our room, I decided to have a little chat with Nicole beforehand—about Fiora naturally.

“Nicole, one sec.”

“Hmm?” She stopped, turning around to face me.

“About Fiora. Can you let me handle it?”

“Handle it?” She tilted her head. “You mean you’re going to try to convince her to apologize?”

“Yeah, that. No offense, but I don’t think your approach would work, Nicole. You’re just too kind, you see. That girl—she would be better off with a friend that would talk back to her. Like me.”

She paused, before sighing with a smile. “I suspected that. You know, she’s been happier ever since you’re around, Hugo. I think your presence entertains her.”

“Entertains her, huh?” I gave a light grin. “What am I, a clown?”

“She enjoys going back and forth with you. Talking with you like that, I feel she can finally have a true friend that can be her equal.” She clasped her hands together.

“How about you, Nicole? Aren’t you her friend?”

“I am.” She averted her gaze, a sad expression drawn on her face. “But I am not her equal. I am not as smart or bold as her. But you are, Hugo.” She looked at me. “You are her equal. I’m even sure that her treating you like a servant is just her wanting to rile you up.”

“Rile me up? What, she enjoys making me angry?” I frowned, folding my arms.

“Teehee.” She giggled a little. “She doesn’t mean any harm with it. She really just wants an interaction that is not just people bowing down to her and doing her orders. I believe if you were more like a proper bodyguard, she would lose interest in you quickly and ignore you entirely. But instead, she showers you with it. She wants to be with you, Hugo.”

“In fact,” She sighed again. “If you weren’t already engaged with Sherry, I might ask you to become her lifelong companion. You know, when we were still in the academy, she once said she wanted a lover that is her equal in every way. And I believe you fit that description. But of course, I couldn’t ask you to do that now. It would only hurt Sherry terribly if you abandon her for another girl.”

She looked away once more as silence fell between us. We were thankfully in the middle of a secluded corridor so there was no one else coming back and forth to interrupt our talk.

So her seduction back then… that was real? She seriously wants me to become her lover?

My imagination immediately went wild, as I remembered her thumb caressing the tip of my member. I envisioned her laying down on a bed, wearing only a skimpy nightgown that showed off her lacy royal panties (I imagine they were white). With an inviting look, a smirk, and a blush, she said to me, “Come Hugo. Prove to me that you are truly a man by pleasuring me until I climax. If you can’t make me scream your name, then you don’t deserve to be my prince.” She then would move her panties to the side, exposing her sacred spot to me. Of course, she would already be wet down there, as she was merely pretending to be tough, even though her entire girlhood was already aching for my member. And then, with my own smirk, I would take out my weapon and plunge it right into her—

“Umm, Hugo? You’re drooling.”

“...O-oh, r-right, sorry about that.” I quickly wiped it off.

“Hugo, were you fantasizing about Fiora just now?” Her eyes narrowed.

"U-uh, well, I—"

"You did, didn't you? Look, the front of your robe is renting."

Sure enough, she was right. It was all too obvious.

Nicole gave a short glance at my boner before blushing and looking away, only to steal another glance shortly after, repeating the cycle altogether. Oh wow, I never thought she could be this cute. You know, it’s okay if you want to peek~♥. Or so I want to say, before I stop myself. I would only anger her further if I start teasing her.

“Really, Hugo. You really should start reigning your desire.” Oh boy, is she going full lecture mode now? “I’m starting to get worried again that you’ll one day cheat on Sherry with another girl, just because you find her pretty.”

“Look, I don’t even like Fiora,” I interrupted her. “I find her to be arrogant and an annoyance—not the type I like at all. But as a healthy young man, I also recognize her beauty. So it’s not odd at all that I would fantasize about her, especially after you suggested that I should become her lover.”

It’s true. Fiora certainly had her charms and I would love to have my way with her in bed, but it only applies if I can make her break down in pleasure with my technique though, which, naturally, has never been tested before. But if our fun session just ends up with her mocking me for my incompetence, well, that wouldn’t be nice at all for my low self-esteem.

But other than that, I really wouldn’t want her to be my girlfriend, or God help, wife. Imagine having to live the rest of my life with her nagging personality. I would not have the ideal household life that I always dreamed, with a loving and gentle wife that wouldn’t order me around at every minute.

I suppose you can call her the type of girl who’s only good for one-night stands, as horrible as that sounds. Really though, if she would just fix that personality of hers, and become more princess-like, then I would like her far more.

"...I suppose you're right," Nicole replied. "But please, try not to… show that indecent thing like that."

"Yeah, sorry about that." I smiled, putting both of my hands on the front of my robe to cover it. Call me an exhibitionist, but I don't mind showing my boner like this. As long as I don't get called a pervert for it anyway. Even in my old life, I was satisfied with my size. Probably thanks to my hormones that I have in an abundance. And now, thankfully enough, it seemed I was going to end up with the same size. Well, since I was still young, it was still small. But I’m sure it will grow bigger in no time!

“Anyway.” She coughed in an attempt to dispel the awkwardness. “Back to our conversation from before, if you want to persuade Fiora, then I won’t stop you. I too would try to persuade her later, but for now, I’ll leave it to you first.” She smiled. “I truly believe she would listen to you better than she would to me.”

“Well, let’s just hope you’re right. That girl is both really stubborn and prideful—a deadly combo if you ask me.” I gave a little chuckle.


When we reached our room, Fiora and Helen were already there. The princess sat on the bed while the maid stood in front of her to the side. They were in the middle of a conversation when we entered, and they immediately stopped once they noticed our presence. 

“Welcome back.” Fiora turned her body to face us, putting on her usual smug grin, as if nothing had happened. “So, how did it go? Nicole, did she give you her recommendation letter?”

Nicole averted her gaze, answering with, “She would, if I could do this one task for her.”

“And that task would be?”

“To make you apologize to her for your outburst. In a genuine manner.”

Fiora paused, her grin disappearing into an annoyed expression, before returning once more. “Ha! I see what that woman is trying to do! Probably something along the line of ‘teaching me humility’ or something! You Church folks are big on that after all!”

"Fiora, I agree with her." I stepped in with a firm look. "I do think you should apologize. She was right and you were in the wrong. You were being childish, acting like that."

She immediately sent a glare towards me. Yep, she's pissed all right.

"Fine." She folded her arms under her chest. "I'll apologize."

"That wouldn't work. You have to be genuine about it."

"Genuine?" She smirked. "I can fake that."

"No, you don't understand." I shook my head, giving her a concerned gaze. "Look, I've said before that I don't care for your plan. I'm just here as your bodyguard. But now, I feel I have to tell you that the way you're doing things wouldn't work. You'd just end up ruining the Empire, and I'm pretty sure that's not what your mother wanted."

Nicole gave a surprised look towards me. I guess Fiora didn't tell her about our little conversation on that morning.

Her glare insentified. "You… How dare you tell me what my mother wants or not?"

She then stood up and said to Helen and Nicole, "Leave us. I have to teach this foolish boy a lesson."

Helen gave me a "You're gonna get it now look" while Nicole gave a worried one before they left, leaving only us two in the room.

I stood unflinching. To teach this brat a lesson she desperately needed, I have to stand up to her without fear.

"I had a mother as well you know," I continued with a calm stare. "And she wouldn't want me to be embroiled in revenge like you are."

"Easy for you to say. You already killed Vera. My enemy is the entire court. I wouldn't be satisfied until they're brought low."

"The rest of the Magocracy was in it as well. Just like your father, they allowed it to happen, which made them complicit in the act." I frowned.

"So, what are you going to do about it?" She asked me back with a smirk. "Get strong enough to take them out one by one? Rule over the Magocracy as the strongest mage? If I were you, that's what I would do."

I paused. I wouldn't say that the thought of revenge had never crossed my mind. However…

"I would not." I shook my head. "Not because I don't hate them, but because I would rather live my life happily and to the fullest instead of wasting it for revenge. I want to travel the world and see everything there is to see."

"With Sherry?"

"Yes, with her. And Marina as well." I smiled.

"Ah, your big sister…"

She trailed off, averting her gaze for a few moments before looking back at me.

"Isn't it nice? To still have your family like that?"

A smile formed on her lips—a bitter one.

"The only family I have left is Helen. Bill, Lancaster, Hector, and all my other servants were murdered in their efforts to protect me.”


“She had made her choice to be with her adoptive mother instead. So she would leave me when the time came. As would you.”

...Damn it, is this her attempt on guilt-tripping me to join her for real?

...No, I think—I think this is her genuine feeling she’s showing right now.

“Here’s my offer to you.” She continued. “If you would become my loyal knight, then I would listen to your advice. Otherwise, I do not wish to hear anything from a mercenary who’s not going to share my ambition and dream.”

With that said, she walked past me and left the room. She didn’t have her smirk as she said that. She was completely serious.

“Hold it.” I placed my hand on her shoulder, stopping her. “I’m not standing here as a mere hired bodyguard. I’m speaking to you as a friend.”

“Hoo? A friend?” She turned around, her smug look returning. “Since when you’re a friend of mine?”

“Don’t lie. I already heard from Nicole how you are happier since I was around. If that’s not what a friend does, then I don’t know what else.”

She paused, moving my hand away from her with the back of her hand while her sharp eyes seemingly drilled inside my head.

“Oh, I could think of one other role that would fit.”

“And what’s that?”


And then, she grabbed the back of my head, yanked it upwards (as I was shorter than her), and forced my lips to touch hers.


...Yep, she just forced me into a kiss.

I was so surprised that I didn’t do anything until it was all over. I didn’t know how long it lasted. It could be just a second or two or it could be an eternity, to be all poetic about it. It was a chaste kiss, but it was a ravenous one nonetheless, as she pressed her lips strongly into mine.

“There. Your answer.”

And with those three words, she left the room, leaving me completely stunned.

A-ah… My right fingers immediately went to caress my lips.



For the rest of the day, I was somewhat in a light daze. Not just from the kiss, mind you, but from what she said as well.

I wasn’t dense. I knew perfectly well what she meant. She likes me. In a romantic, man-with-woman manner. That was the only conclusion that I could reach.

I was ready to dismiss it as just her manipulating me once again, like I originally thought when she did that to me. But after what Nicole said, I could no longer ignore the possibility that she might actually have a genuine interest in me.

And cursing myself, deep down, I realize that I might be attracted to her as well, even if just a little.

Damn it, I'm supposed to be faithful to Sherry! I'm not like those cheating riajuu bastards who would two-time their girlfriends! Calm down, Hugo. That's just your little guy speaking, isn't it? Think about it! Do you really want a girlfriend with that bad of an attitude?

...Oh goddamnit. I just broke my promise to Sherry not to kiss other girls when she was away, didn’t I? Welp, that’s another thing I have to tell and apologize to her when we meet again.

Swimming with those thoughts, I walked around the temple complex on my own, as Fiora opted to rest in our room instead, most likely having a chat with Nicole. Guess she wasn't in the mood to teach me. I ended up spending a couple hours training on my own though, just so I wouldn’t get rusty.

I also spent a little bit of time in the temple library. Not that I was particularly interested in the religious books that should be abundant there, but just simply out of pure curiosity. And I was grateful for that decision, as I did find a book that interested me.

It was a story about the journey of the Legendary Hero to defeat the Evil God. It reminded me immediately of that book I read way back then with the same topic. Only that one was from the Magocracy, which made this book quite a lot different from that one. For starters, Milicis was actually portrayed as a wise and kind saint in this book, instead of the incompetent high-strung cleric that she was in the Magocracy’s version. Mira on the other hand was, actually not that bad. I mean, she is portrayed as kind of a shady witch, if you get what I mean, but she’s also a competent member of the party.

The interesting part however came after the Evil God was defeated. According to the book, Mira, who ended up founding the Magocracy, ended up becoming a full blown dark mage in the end, delving into the forbidden arts like necromancy, blood magic, curses, demon summoning and the like. It led to a rift between her and Milicis, who was obviously against it.

Well, it made sense. The Magocracy used to allow all study of magic after all. They only banned necromancy after the whole Necromancer King thing happened. But of course, this book put it in a way to sound that Mira went insane with her power at the later stages of her life.

Still, much better book than the Magocracy one. It helps that it’s intended for an older audience, judging by the complexity of the language.

Before I knew it, the day was already over, and it was time for dinner. I purposefully had a late lunch to avoid meeting with Fiora (the temple cafeteria was nice enough to still serve me even though I came when there was no one else there). But I couldn’t dodge out of dinner.

Or so I thought, until she decided not to come altogether, opting to have it delivered to our room instead. So that’s another bullet dodged. Or delayed, as I had to meet with her anyways afterwards.

When I returned to our room however…

“Boy, you’re late. Where have you been?”

She was back to her usual self like nothing had happened.

She already wore her nightdress, which, I had to regretfully admit, actually looked quite good on her. It was white with a pinkish hue, frilly yet elegant at the same time. It seemed even though she was (technically) a tomboy, she wasn’t afraid of wearing feminine things like that.

"I was at the library," I answered.

"Hoo? I never thought you're the kind of boy who likes to read books, let alone religious ones."

I shrugged. "You didn't want to teach me today so I figured I would use my free time for something else."

"Well, prepare yourself, for tomorrow, I'll work you twice as hard." She smirked, folding her hands under her chest.

This girl… she's not going to talk about it, is she?

Yeah, I'll have to confront her tomorrow, before we have our training. If you really like me, then stop pussyfooting around it and tell me straight on.

That night, I had an erotic dream about her.

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