Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Vol 4 Chapter 42: The True Enemy

I remember.

I remember it all.

I remember how She had been present, all through this second life of mine.

All the way from the start, before I was even reborn.


H-huh? Where am I?

No way, does Heaven actually exist? But even if it does, there’s no way it’ll accept someone like me in. So what is this place?

Could it be that me saving that girl actually grants me entrance?

When I opened my eyes, I wasn’t in some hospital room, hooked up to an IV with a nurse looking over me.

No, I found myself somewhere else entirely. Somewhere that defied all my expectations.

I was now standing on a large circular platform, with clouds stretching on to infinity beyond it. Both of them were golden. In fact, the whole place looked as if it was made of gold.

And there, in the middle of the platform, sat a golden-haired woman on a golden throne.

Is that… is that God? But he’s a woman. Is God really a woman?

As I approached closer, I realized just how harsh the light emanating from the throne was. No, it didn’t emanate from the throne. The golden light came from the face of the woman. So much so that I couldn’t make out her face in the slightest.

Damn, this golden light…  Is this… the light of God?

No, it's… it's too harsh… God is supposed to be nice, right? Or not, if you're a bad person, which I certainly am...

I then noticed the golden chains wrapped around the woman and the throne itself, attached to the eight stakes placed around the structure. However, one of the stakes had been lifted from its hole, leaving only seven to secure the chains in place. The unsecured chain ended up on what looked like a curved piece of golden metal, about the size of a human mouth.

As for the woman herself, she wore a long white dress that went down to her ankles. It reminded me of the togas the ancient Greeks used to wear.

The hell? What is this? A bondage goddess?

"Oh? What's this? A stray soul from another world?"

The woman spoke. For some reason, her voice irked me immediately. Perhaps it was because of her arrogant tone.

"Welcome to my world. I am Gaia, this world's goddess. This world is a land of magic and you'll find it very different from your old world."

...Wait, is this a situation like in those isekai stories where the protagonist meets a god or goddess that will give them cheats?

"You must be confused." She laughed. "Poor little soul. Instead of staying in your world, you have drifted here. I don't know whether to call you fortunate or not. Such an occurrence is incredibly rare, I assure you that much."

She was now slouching on her seat, resting her head on the back of her hand.

"Drifted? You mean, you didn't summon me here? A-as a hero to defeat the demon king or something like that?" I nervously grinned.

Oh please say I'm the chosen hero and that you'll give me cheats! I want to travel a fantasy world while being overpowered and having a bunch of cute girls in my harem! That's all I want as a man!

She laughed once more. "No. I didn't. You're an accident. Just like that man was."

That man? Does she mean there's another isekai'd person before me?

"As such, it is my duty as the guardian of this world to destroy your soul."


She straightened herself and stretched her chained right hand.


Pain surged through my entire body, knocking me off my feet in an instant. I wriggled and writhed on the floor, not unlike a lowly earthworm.

There were no words to describe it. It was as if my very essence was being torn apart from the inside.

I looked up at her.

She was smirking.

The only mercy I had was the fact that it ended. But not before a good ten minutes of the torture.

"What a shame." She flicked a strand of her hair. "My power isn't strong enough yet, it seems. Well, I suppose you'll reincarnate, and with your old memory intact. Just like he did."

Anger filled my chest as realization set in.

She wasn't the benevolent goddess like in those easy isekai stories. No, she's like those gods in misery isekai that would callously torture the main character right from the start of the story.

She didn't summon me. She didn't want me in her world.

I was an intruder.

"Good. I don't need your blessing. I'll make it on my own just fine." I huffed.

That was a lie.

A fantasy world is really dangerous without cheats. If you don't die to a monster, you'll get screwed over by despot nobles instead.

Still, if it means I can grope the tail of a real cat girl, it is all worth it. Even if I die immediately afterwards.

"Oh, I'll give you my blessing. In exchange, you have to serve me without question."

...Of course. She's an evil isekai god after all.

Still, I had to ask, just to fulfill my curiosity.

"What blessing?"

"Oh, unrivaled swordsmanship and magic. And the ability to charm any woman to fall in love with you. That's what you want, isn't it?" She giggled.

I froze.

That's… that's exactly what I want!

Should I… should I take her offer?

No, calm yourself. Her kindness is a lie.

"...There's a catch, isn't it?"

"Well, yes. Like I said, you have to serve me without question."

"What if I take the blessing and then refuse to do your bidding?"

"Then I'll retract it. Nothing more. Really, you have nothing to lose here."

...Yeah, this feels really suspicious. I don't trust this woman one bit.

"...You know, I find it odd how you tried to kill me one minute and now you're giving me a generous offer like this."

"See these chains, binding me here? An evil god made me like this. I am weakened as a result. I'm supposed to prevent any stray soul from reincarnating in this world but I can't even unravel a simple soul… It really is a bother." She sighed.

"So you want me to fight this evil god?"

"Yes, pretty much. You don't have to think.  You just do as you're told."

"...Hold on. I need some time to think."

I walked back and forth in place for a few minutes, deciding the pros and cons of her offer.

Pros: Cheats and harem. Cons: Shady goddess, having to fight some evil god, basically her tool for as long as I live.

After some thinking, I came to a decision.

"No, I refuse." I shook my head.

"...And might I ask why?"

"Because I want to be free in my next life. I don't want to be some shady goddess's pawn. Not to mention that this evil god of yours must be stronger than you, seeing how you can't break out of those chains. So even with your blessing, fighting against him is a terrible idea."

"...Are you sure? You don't want to try being my apostle, even for just a bit?"

"No. I've seen this before. You'll slip a mind control in there, making me obedient to you." And by seeing it before, I've read it in those dark isekai stories.

"...What a shame. What a shame indeed. Begone then. When you wake up, you won't remember this conversation ever happening.

"But remember this. Misery will follow you and everyone you care about, arrogant otherworlder. I'll make sure of that."

"W-wait, what do you—"

Before I could say anything, my sight turned black.


That was my first encounter with her.

And then, I was born as Hugo Greenwood, blissfully forgetting her existence.

Until that night — the night before the letter arrived.


"This place… I remember this! You're… you're that shady goddess I met ten years ago!"

"Will you please call me by my name?" She sighed.

"No." I frowned. "And if you're giving me that offer again, the answer is still no. I'm perfectly happy living the way I am now, thank you very much."

She chuckled. "Oh, that's fine. Just don't blame me for what will happen to your sister."

"M-Marina? Don't you dare touch her!"

"Oh, it's not me who's going to touch her. You'll see."


With a laugh, she kicked me out of the dream. And just like before, I didn't remember my meeting with her.

The next day, the letter of her kidnapping came.

And then, that night, I met her again.



Not having my wand in the dream, I ran up to her, fully intending to punch her for what she did to Marina.

Only to slip and fall in the most pathetic manner, hitting my nose on the hard floor.

"M-My body… it's… it's back to the old one?"

I was no longer Hugo Greenwood.

I was Fujimora Takuto, the overweight, bespectacled virgin that I was ten years ago.

"This is what happens to all that defy me. A path of unending misery. To you and your family."

I stood up and resumed my run. Only to find that no matter how long I did, I wasn't getting any closer to her throne.

Eventually, I stopped, gasping and wheezing for air. My old body couldn't take all these physical exercise.

"Unless you accept my offer, of course. Become my apostle and I promise I shall—"


"...Suit yourself then."

With a clack of her tongue, the dream ended.


The True Enemy. Xaela referred to her as such once.

She is my true enemy as well.

After that, the next dream where she came was just before our fight with Vera. She warned me of the impending calamity but I still rejected her offer.

I should've accepted. I'm fine being a Goddess' plaything, if it means keeping Alan and Renee alive.

But, I didn't. So they died. And I ran.

Only to meet her again that very night.



I didn't need to see her face. I could tell she was grinning behind that blinding light of hers.

Once again, I couldn't get close to her throne. I couldn't fire any spells either.

All I could do was cry. Me, with my old, obese body, crying in front of my enemy.

When I fell silent, she spoke.

"So, will you accept? Become my apostle. And I shall lift you from the pathetic worm that you are."


"No? Even though you're a failure, in this world or your previous world. What is it that you cling on?"


"Your pride? Your anger at me? How foolish. I am this planet itself. Would you be angry at a tornado for destroying your house?"


"Very well. Return to your pathetic existence."


That time, I only denied her offer for one reason only.


Choosing to be her toy meant abandoning her. And I couldn't do that. She was the only thing I had at that moment.

The Goddess appeared once more after the death of the three newbie adventurers I coached. She didn't even bother warning me beforehand. She was just there to see me suffer.

Her ability to influence Fate… there was nothing I could do against it. I couldn't even remember her existence in the waking world.

She didn't appear for a long time afterwards. I met with Fiora and Nicole, left them, and then met with the Flaming Arrows. She returned the day before I rescued Felicia, warning me of another impending calamity.

I refused her offer. At that time, I already regained my confidence so I thought I could handle whatever she had in store for me. And naturally, I had yet to forgive her for what she did to my family.

And then, Leila died. All because I was too much of an indecisive coward.

That night, as I slept together with Felicia, she came, once again to gloat on my worthlessness.

And I couldn't respond. She was right. I was a worthless human being.

And yet, I still rejected her offer.

I didn't want to have cheats anymore. Or rather, I felt I wouldn't deserve it. I wouldn't deserve being a powerful hero and a harem. Not after my failure.

I deserved to suffer.


When I woke up, my head was resting on Xaela's laps.

She was gently caressing my hair, smiling lightly as she did.

My heart skipped a beat.

She really is beautiful…

"You're awake, Unchained One."

Quickly, I sat up, my cheeks getting warm in the process.

"Now you know the truth — the reason why my masters fought so hard for their freedom against Her."

I nodded, smiling wryly. "Yeah, she's not really a good Goddess, is she?" I chuckled. "Can she really do it? Manipulate Fate like that?"

I still remembered one of her taunts, how everything that existed in this world had their Fates preordained by her.

"Yes. It was how she led the destruction of my masters. Like a chain reaction, even the littlest, slightest change in events could lead to a catastrophe far in the future. Before the End Days, she already made so many people suffer."

A pained look was now drawn on her gentle face.

"Did she… did she make you suffer too?" I blurted out.

I didn't know why I asked that question. Somehow, I felt she had suffered the same way I did.

"Not me. My little sister." She averted her gaze.

I fell silent.

Erika… you have suffered greatly too from her machinations. And I wasn't there to comfort you.

"Is there… is there a way to fight her?"

She shook her head, looking back at me with her neutral expression. "No. All we can do is to keep her sealed. And unfortunately, that seal is weakening. And rapidly so. I'm afraid the next Cycle won't be fulfilled and the Heavenly Dragon will be cast off his throne."

She stood up, offering her hand to me. I took it immediately.

Wow, her skin is so smooth…

"That's why your existence is a precious one. Once again, you can populate the world with Unchained Ones. Even if the Heavenly Dragon were to fall, as long as you exist, we can have a second chance to defeat her for good. You are an Unchained One, immune to her Fate manipulations. You and your descendants... My masters… they were pretty close in defeating the Goddess once and for all. If it were not for the Final Days…"

"...So, I take it that all I can do is to start a family. And make sure they don't fall to the Goddess's schemes. Is that right?"

She nodded.

"Well, that's already what I wanted to do in the first place." I grinned.

"It won't be that easy. She will no doubt go after you and your descendants. If the Heavenly Dragon is deposed, She would regain her full strength. And no one knows what She would do to dispose of your family."

"You got a point…"

A tyrant goddess… manipulating Fate to hurl tragedies after tragedies to me and the people I care about… just because I refused to serve her.

The True Enemy.

"If… if I had taken Her offer… to be her apostle…"

"You will be happier, perhaps. Truthfully, I won't blame you for surrendering to her Will. I have divined your fate and I saw many more tragedies surrounding you in the future."

She stepped closer, so close that I felt redness creeping on my cheeks again.

"But, my sister served her. Yet she was repaid in death and suffering. The Goddess is capricious. There's no guarantee She won't betray you even after you served Her faithfully."


It was what I saw behind her eyes.

"Your little sister… How long ago was it?"

"Before I became the Administrator. I… don't want to remember it." She looked away.

...Nice job, Hugo, you insensitive idiot.

But now, I understand.

Her kindness comes from her being a big sister. Before she was tasked to stand watch over this place, she was just a normal person.

Even with a thousand or even ten thousand years of solitude, she still retains her warmth.

"My sister… she's a lot like you in some way." Suddenly, a smile adorned her face.

"What do you mean?"

"She can be a crybaby at times but she's really kind and brave. Just like you. I saw you protect your companions throughout this dungeon. You even would sacrifice an arm for them. And when you begged for your lover's life, I knew I couldn't just stand by and watch."

Oh, when the Demon Lord woman nearly killed me.

But does she have to say I'm a crybaby?

"Is that why you comforted me back then?"

"Yes. With my eye, I knew how much you had struggled. That's why I told you that you had done your best, given the circumstances. Beating yourself up for something you couldn't do anything about — that was also one of my little sister's vices."

I see. The warmth she gave — her beautiful smile — they were the same thing she gave to her sister.

It's still a really charming smile though.

"Your eye?"

"Yes. My red eye is an artificial eye. It has the ability to see the past of any person. That was how I learned you were an Unchained One, for you once lived on another world."

Her right eye. So her heterochromia isn't natural.

Knowing what the Progenitors are capable of, it isn't that odd for them to invent something like this.

I walked closer to her. "I understand." I placed my hands on her shoulders. "I'll live up to your wish. I have no plans being a dog of a callous goddess like her."

Releasing my hands, I walked away from her. Putting said hands on my waist, I looked at the stars above.

"I'll just have to grow even stronger. To protect those I cared about from that her."

"That's why my master ordered me to test you. To see just how strong you are."

"Heh, then you'll know I'm still not strong enough." I turned to face her.

"I believe I can help you with that."

"...You mean, you'll train me?"

"Yes. Though we don't have much time. You shall have to depart from here soon."

"... It's the Demon Lord, isn't it?"

"No, Isolde will fight her off just fine. However, using this astrolabe, I had foreseen that a companion of yours would soon come to Arborea. You have to go with them."

I followed her gaze. She was staring at the large sphere floating in the middle of the room.

That's the Astrolabe? I assume she can scry the future with it. Her Eye allows her to see people’s past while that sphere allows her to see people’s future.

And Isolde will fight against the fox woman. Yeah, she probably can handle it. She’s terrifyingly strong for a human.

“Oh yeah, what’s your relationship with Isolde? She seems to know you well,” I asked.

What’s your relationship? What, am I asking if they’re dating or something?

“She has her own purpose. I had examined her through the Astrolabe and I had determined she would be amongst the Heroes of the next Cycle.”

“Whoa, really? No wonder she’s so strong then… But what do you want her to do? Keeping the Cycle… it means letting the Demon God go on a rampage first, right?"

"...The Demon God would exude a miasma that is highly poisonous to anyone without the blessing of the Heavenly Dragon. And he would only grant that to the heroes once he feels the time is right."

"Meaning, he wants the Demon God to slaughter humanity first."

"...Yes. It is the price we have to pay to keep the Goddess at bay."

I chuckled. "Your artificial God isn't that much better than the Goddess then."

She couldn't respond.

"Well, nothing I can do about that either." I grinned.

The Heavenly Dragon or the Goddess. Two gods playing with the lives of the millions that walk upon this world.

Can't say I'm fond of either of them.

"One more thing… my memory loss regarding the Goddess… it wasn't her work, was it? I am supposed to be immune to her influence after all."

"Yes." She looked away. "The Heavenly Dragon took your memories away. And once you stepped out of this room, you would begin to forget again."

"... What's the point of telling me all this then?"

"I can grant you the permission to retain your memories, if you so choose. You and your companions."

"Do it then. At least for me. The way your Heavenly Dragon hides her existence — it just makes things worse."

If I had known there was an evil goddess beneath Alan and Renee's death, I might have not run away. My weak self can just blame her instead of himself.

"Very well. Then, stand still."

She reached her right hand in my direction. "Change memory permission. Subject: Hugo Greenwood. Reason: Unchained One. Authorization Code: 5470-ADMIN-05"

Well, that sounds like a computer—Argh!

A sharp pain flared inside my head for a split second.

"There. Now you won't forget."

Urgh, at this rate, I'm going to have a migraine soon.

"As for the others, I shall take you there."

Light suddenly surrounded us, covering my sight with white.

When I opened my eyes, I was no longer on the 1000th floor.


I guess this is a good time to post Hugo's artwork, now that he has his new staff.

Sherry and Victoria's artwork would have to wait. Unless you're a Patreon backer of course.

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