Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Vol 4 Chapter 67: A New Despair

The rest of the day, we spent our time amongst the villages, helping them in any way we could. Most of them refused our help though, saying that we should just “enjoy our honeymoon”. Look, I don’t want to spend the entire day just having sex! I’ll be seen as lazy by Quania!

I did have an encounter with that guy though — the guy that would’ve become Sherry’s husband hadn’t come. It turned out to be Fran’s own son.

I was just helping the villagers fix their houses by my magic when he popped out of nowhere, asking to speak with me one by one. As Felicia and Sherry weren’t there, busy with their own tasks, I decided to agree. He didn’t look like a bad guy. He just looked a bit… effeminate.

“So, what do you want to talk about?” I asked him once we were on the hills overlooking the village.

Suddenly, he grabbed my hands and shook it vigorously.

“Thank you! Thank you very much!”


“Your fight with the Elder… that was really amazing! I never knew someone could be that strong, let alone a human at that! No wonder Sherry fell for you!”

I was taken aback. Had I really just created another fanboy?

“Sherry? You’re her friend?”

“Friend? I wish I was! I was her admirer! Ever since she came, I was already attracted to her, you know! But she always gave me the cold shoulder!”

Wait, this guy’s my love rival?

“Now I see how foolish I was! How can I ever compete with a guy like you?!” He shook my hands again, grabbing them even harder.

“Uhh, okay….”

All of a sudden, his smile disappeared. He released my hands and jumped back, landing with his head touching the ground. He was now kowtowing to me.

“Apologies for trying to steal your spouse!”

As you could imagine, it was as awkward as it got.



“Victoria… come out come out wherever you are…”

The orc prince couldn’t take it anymore. He finally decided to take things into his own hand.

And that’s why he was now inside Selene’s garden. Despite the warning given to him by his mother, he still decided to go into the fairy’s domain.

All while armed with his waraxe.

The weapon was made out of mithril and it was enchanted with runemancy. A weapon fit for a royal like him, but at the same time, it showed just how much he lacked the skill to wield one. It was designed so that any buffoon wielding the thing would be able to fight just as well as a skilled axeman.

Coming here, he had only one idea in mind.

He would force her to bed with his strength.

That was what her mother told him to do. And he would prove to her that he was as capable as the other princes in the household.

“Victoria~ Your dear prince is coming for ya~”

A perverted grin was plastered on his face, not that dissimilar to the one Hugo loved to sport. He was already imagining all the things he would do to her once he caught her. He couldn’t help it. He was a full-blooded (okay, maybe half-blooded) orc after all.

Only, he couldn’t find her. The autumnal forest was empty, devoid of any presence, fairy or otherwise.

It was as eerie as it could be. The only thing he could hear was his own steps, and the crackling of dead leaves and branches he stepped on as he traversed through the seemingly endless forest.

“There you are~”

At last, he found her.

She was standing at a clearing, with her back turned to him. She was in her full fairy form, with her revealing knight armor and large butterfly wings sprouting off her back.

“So pretty~”

He had never seen her in this form. And this reveal only made him even hornier for her.

Slowly, he walked forward, not wanting to alert her to his presence.

His plan was simple. He would hit her with the blunt end of his waraxe to knock her out. And then, he would have his way with her.

Only, it never happened.

She suddenly turned to face him, stopping him in his tracks.


“H-huh? What… what is going on?”

He looked down and saw that his legs had turned into tree roots.

He looked back at Victoria. He saw how emotionless her face was and how her eyes were glowing.

“You—you’re doing this?”

The fairy didn’t answer. She just continued to stare at him, unblinkingly.

“Stop! Stop! I command you! I command—ahhhhhhh!”

His scream was the last thing he said before he became a tree from top to bottom.

All thanks to the fairy curse Victoria had placed upon him.

“Well done.” A golden butterfly whispered to her ears. “That is what a true fairy does.”

She could only nod.



That night, the whole village celebrated my union with Sherry.

A banquet was held. Not the fancy kind. The fun kind where Quania just brought a massive fey boar for a giant barbeque.

I quickly learned that the Izurds had their own cultural dances and songs. Of course, they performed it with the help of their living hairs. Both the dances and songs would have scenes of combat in the middle and they would create the beasts by said hair. And to my surprise, it worked quite well.

“Here is the tale of T’wana and Fan. It’s a classic amongst us Izurds.” Fran described it to me as I sat beside her. “You might think we’re just a bunch of muscleheads with no culture but we do have our own folklores.”

“Those dresses the girls wore. They’re your ceremonial dresses?” I asked, pointing to the odd-looking outfits the performers were wearing. If I had to describe them, they looked somewhat like the dresses Native Americans wore back in my world.

“Yes, though it’s tailored pretty recently. Had to order it from the outside world due to the materials,” she answered.

“Huh? You guys still have contact with the outside world?”

“Of course.” She smiled. “Myrilla is my messenger. I paid her handsomely to deliver all sorts of stuff from the outside world, including those maid outfits I gave to your servants.”

Oh, Myrilla certainly said something to that effect regarding her relationship with the Izurds.

Speaking of the demoness, I couldn’t find her at all in the crowd. For a vegan like her, she probably wasn’t interested in sitting around for a barbeque she couldn’t eat.

“Look. It’s your subordinates’ turn to perform now.” Fran spoke, grinning.

I returned my gaze to the middle of the village and saw Kiri and Aria, dressed in the same ceremonial garb as the Izurds before. Theo, Tira, and Tama were also there as well, wearing similar outfits.

“We offer this for our Master Hugo!” Kiri announced with pride, beaming at my direction. “This is the story about how we fight at his side!”

What followed was both the most pride-inducing and embarrassing play I had the fortune to witness.

The former was caused by the fact that I was the main character (played by Theo, who seemed to have been roped in into it, the poor kid). The latter was because I was the main character. And I was portrayed as this heroic guy who came to the rescue of damsels in distresses. Nothing like my real self at all. I could only blush every time Theo did a heroic speech, which he did around five times through the entire play. When it was over, I must have been as red as a tomato.

Still, I knew that they all worked hard on it. And they did it on such short notice too, which made me give them a standing applause.

After that, the night seemingly grew into a blur. Alcohol was given freely and I quickly succumbed to its influence. The last thing I remembered was being carried back to the house by Sherry and Felicia.


When I woke up, it was because I felt the need to relieve myself.

I was naked, with Sherry and Felicia naked as well to my sides. Heh, I guess they had their way with me when I passed out drunk yesterday.

Outside, I noticed that the day was still dark. It was probably around five in the morning if I had to guess.

I released my arms from their grip before climbing off the bed. Noticing the bundle of clothes on the floor, I wore mine before I went outside, looking for the nearest tree to take a leak at.

"Well met, mortal."

I jumped. Probably dribbling a little in my briefs in the process.

Out of nowhere, a crooked, short figure blocked my path. It looked like an old woman. Only, her presence was closer to a fey over that of a human.

I pointed my staff at her. "A fey, are you? What do you want?"

"A message." The woman grinned. "I came here to deliver a message."

Her grin sent chills all across my body. Her teeth were all sharp and yellowed, more like a canine’s over that of a man’s.

“That girl is supposed to be the one to deliver it but alas, it seems she has failed.”

She stepped a bit closer to me, allowing me to see more of her looks under the dying moonlight. I now could see her many wrinkles and grey hair, eerily reflecting said light into my eyes.

“Your sister has sent a fairy of hers to me. Or rather, the fairy found me, the Soothsayer, the fey with the ability to find any living being that exists. In exchange for her life, she told me to deliver this message to you.”

M-Marina? Wait, but couldn’t she just used a Dream Orb to send her message?

“She is… imprisoned, at the current moment. Controlled by a vile magic that she can not resist. Her body is now merely a puppet while her soul can only watch from the inside and weep.”

My heart dropped.

“And so, she sought your help. For there was no one else she could rely upon. Unfortunately,” The woman chuckled. “We both knew it would take you years until you could come to her side. Years that mortals like you two could not afford, I imagine.”

My throat became dry all of a sudden. “You…” I croaked. “You’re not lying, are you?”

“I cannot lie!” She burst into a laugh, sending a fresh wave of shivers all over my body. “I have made a pact with the little fairy! Betraying that is beyond my power!”

When she finished, she stared at me with her crimson eyes. “Now I have delivered the message. My pact is complete. I shall take my leave, mortal.”

“Oh, one more thing.”

She walked a few steps closer to me.

“That girl… Victoria… she might need your help as well… You see, in your absence, her family had sold her to a marriage with Balthazar. Or, to be exact, one of his many sons. And he just so happened to be stuck with a pig.” She broke off into another laugh. “Though, of course, you are well within your rights to abandon her. She foolishly chose her family over you, after all! Ahahahahahyahyahyahyahya!

“H-hey, wait, don’t just—”

Before I could say anything, the woman flickered out of existence.

Leaving me with a newfound feeling of despair.


The first thing I did afterwards was naturally to take out my Dream Crystal and send a message to her right away. I cursed myself. I had forgotten to tell her about my reunion with Sherry.

Marina, please… please be safe…

I sat down on the bed and gripped the crystal as tightly as I could.

Don't worry, Marina… I'm coming… I'm coming alright…

Only after I felt a hand on my shoulder that I stopped.

"What happened?" Sherry asked me with a concerned look, her hair wiping the tears from under my eyelids.

"Marina—she—she needs my help. She's been captured. The enemy—they now control her."

"Calm down." Sherry shook my shoulders. "Where did you learn about this?"

"A—a fey. In the form of an old hag. She said she was simply delivering a message Marina's fairy had given her."

"A fey?" She frowned. "Are you sure she's not lying?"

"I...I don't know… She said she wasn't lying… that she had made a pact with Marina's fairy so she couldn't…"

Sherry paused for a few moments before she climbed off the bed and put on her clothes. At the same time, Felicia sat up and yawned, stretching her hands upwards.

"Good morning, Darling~" She smiled at me. "Now I know to give you some beer before we made love at night~"

Her smile quickly vanished however. Probably once she noticed my expression.

"Is something the matter?"

"Hugo's sister might be in trouble." Sherry answered, sparing a glance towards the redheaded woman. "The enemy has captured her." She pulled up her teal panties from her legs.

I explained the same thing to Felicia, who quickly reacted by climbing off the bed and wearing her clothes as well.

"The enemy? You mean the Magocracy?" She narrowed her eyes as she pulled up her red thong.

"I...I don't know. The fey didn't say anything about that."

"It's a lie." Sherry chimed in, now buttoning her short shorts. "They're just trying to spite you after they lost their leader here."

I sighed. If only it really was a lie…

"I… I don't know… the Goddess… she did say she would go after my family…"

Sherry raised her eyebrows. "The Goddess?"

"It's a long story." Felicia replied as she put on her coat. "I'll tell you while we take a walk."

"Where?" I asked.

"To Quania and Fran. I want to hear their opinion. And your familiar too."

I nodded. No sense thinking about it all on my own.


Now fully dressed, we made our way down the hill back to Fran's place. Luckily for us, everyone was already there so we could begin the urgent meeting immediately. As there were so many of us, we decided to hold the meeting outside.

"It's not real," Fran shook her head once I finished my story. "Don’t listen to her. It’s as real as the tale that Mystel died killing her.”

Mystel, Sherry’s mother and Fran’s little sister. She supposedly took her own life after being betrayed by her human husband, leaving Sherry behind. We only knew this from the Archfey’s mouth and we all knew very well just how untrustworthy she was.

“I wouldn’t be so sure.” Myrilla spoke, staring right at my direction. “You leaving her on her own make her vulnerable. She might have the protection of your grandfather but it was a feeble one, only granted by his title as an Earl. If someone who doesn’t care about such distinctions would come, like those monsters from the Magocracy, he wouldn’t be able to stop them.”

I averted her sharp, piercing gaze, looking down at my lap.

“My suggestion: We depart at once to her place. Continue to contact her every day. Beg her to contact you back with a Dream Orb. We assume she’s really in distress until you get a reply from her.”

“And Victoria?”

To my surprise, it was Felicia who decided to speak up about her.

I had also told them about her current state. And to be honest, I was really thinking of just leaving her behind. Marina needed me more and rescuing her meant facing off against a Demon Lord. And seeing how my encounter with Quania went…

“It's up to him." Myrilla glanced back at me. "Does he wish to save her before going after his sister?"

I didn't have an answer that I could give.

"An old lady, Master? I think I know what kind of fey it is." Kiri chimed in. "She has big teeth and a large, hooked nose, right?"

I nodded.

"It's a fairy-eater." Aria continued, a grave look on her face. "A terrible fey that sustains itself from the flesh of us fairies."

"Is it the type to lie?" Sherry asked.

Kiri shook her head. "I dunno. But they say it will try to deceive fairies to come inside her hut before eating it. Scary~" She shuddered.

In short, we still have no idea whether we can trust her words or not.

Aarghhh, I really want to scream right now! If Marina's really being controlled by someone, and that someone is a depraved pervert…

I covered my ears with my hands, burying my face in my lap.

"Knock it off, human."

Sensing a person standing right in front of me, I looked up.

And saw Quania glaring down at me.

"You're overthinking it. Just go and come to your sister's rescue as fast as you can. And bring your sword to the necks of those responsible."

"As for your fairy friend, if you want to save her, then go on ahead. Fight off that Balthazar. You have the strength. You and Sherry."

She placed her hand on my head. "That is the way of the Izurd. We do not abandon our friends or family."

... She's right. I'm overthinking it. I can only do what I'm capable of to the best of my abilities.

And, if Marina or Victoria end up getting hurt before I can come to their rescue, at the very least, I can avenge their suffering.

A smile broke out on my face. "Thank you, Quania."

And, to my surprise, she gave me a small, proud smile in return.


In the end, we departed in that grim, foreboding atmosphere, unsure of what the future held.

Before that though, we had a conversation afterwards regarding the future of the Izurds. Now that they were no longer hidden away from the world, they could very well end up in a conflict with other demon races, sooner or later. Not to mention the feys possibly taking their revenge. If that’s a thing with them anyways. I asked Aria and Kiri about it but they couldn’t answer. They both said it all depended on Titania and they practically knew nothing about her.

Quania’s answer? “Let them come. My blade will be ready for their heads. As well as the blades of the other Izurds”

Sheesh, I guess she’s going to fully militarize the Izurds after this. Just like the old days.

Though judging by the mood of the village after my victory, I think they’re fine with it. After all, they apparently got inspired by the valor I displayed there. Got that warrior blood boiling again.

Now, I wouldn’t say I deserve that praise. After all, I didn’t actually win against Quania. And I’m pretty sure she’s still holding back.

Not to mention the matter of Marina… am I really strong enough as I am now to save her?

The rest of the Izurds showed us off as we left their village, wishing us strength to face our ordeals in the future. Apparently, it was a custom of the Izurds to wish for strength and fortitude instead of wellness like humans do.

However, instead of absorbing their prayers, all I could think about was Marina, and how much she must be suffering right now if that fey spoke true. The last time she sent a message was a year ago. And after that, nothing.

Both Sherry and Felicia told me not to blame myself for it. But Myrilla’s judgmental look said otherwise. She would’ve had the correct view, seeing how she wasn’t in love with me. They would say anything so I would feel better.

And what about Erika? Was she spared? I had to send messages to her too, begging her to stay strong.

…I hate this.

Just when I finally gain happiness, there’s always something else that shoves me back into despair.

…That shitty Goddess… if only I can fight her head on…



And that’s the end of Volume 4, The Demon Continent! Whew, that went on far longer than I originally planned!

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