Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Vol 5 Chapter 12: Second Day of The Tournament




It’s not fair… why can’t I cuddle with him too…

Aria Earthroot was not happy in the slightest.

In fact, she had a slight frown in her normally expressionless face, giving her somewhat of a pitiful look as she stood there, staring at Hugo and his lovers hugging with each other on their bed.

She wanted it. She wanted to be there too—her arms embracing him as she let his face be buried inside her chest. She wanted to smell his pleasant scent. She wanted to hear his delightful heartbeat.

She wanted to be his wife too.

She knew what it meant to be one, thanks to her teacher, Tira. In the human world, a man is supposed to only be embraced by his wives. Sleeping together like that is a privilege only given to those that her master considered as his wives.

She, on the other hand, was a mere familiar.

Kraa! Kraa! Kraa!

She glanced to her left. The clock had just hit twelve, and with it, the crow perched on top of it cawed twelve times.

Not an enemy. The crow was merely a mechanical puppet.

Her gaze returned to the bed—the momentary distraction doing little to calm the ember of jealousy growing inside her heart.

If one were to ask why she liked her master so much, she would simply say that she liked his warmth. That’s why her payment was a hug. She liked being hugged, especially by a human as pleasant and wonderful as he was.

Little did she realize that Hugo’s pains and joys have influenced her as well. The bond between a mage and their summoned being only grew the more they trusted each other, resulting in their hearts opening to one another. This meant speaking telepathically without speaking a word, or even sensing each other’s moods and emotions.

And she, over the years, had sensed all the emotions her dear master had gone through. His laugh, his tears, his desires, his dreams—she could all feel them unconsciously. His kind yet weak heart… she desired to protect that from the harsh world he had to endure.

She was born as a lowly mud sprite, knowing nothing about the world other than the small pond of mud she manifested from. And yet, from her contract with him, she grew and grew and grew, until she became the way she was now—a complex being, no longer as simple-minded as her sister sprites.

And a complex being like her was very much capable of something that was very much similar to what you call “love”

She loved him. She loved her master. She wanted to be by his side forever. Serving him brought great joy to her fey heart.

She had grown all too human.

Kraa! Kraa! Kraa!

The clock struck again, this time only once, as it was one in the morning. 

Has it really been an hour? Human time simply flies like the wind, doesn’t it?

I’m sorry, Master, but I would have to disobey your order.

Normally, a familiar wouldn't be able to do so. But, Hugo was a kind master, who never had even considered using his authority to command her to do something she didn’t want to. It allowed her some degree of autonomy, allowing her to disobey his command to stand watch while he and his lovers slept. In fact, she already broke that command, as she was supposed to stay in the living room instead of here, inside the dimly lit bedroom.

She walked over to the bed, stopping just short of its southern side.

Now, how should she do it? Could she just… climb up the bed? She wouldn’t want to wake up Mistress Felicia and Mistress Sherry…

She looked at the two girls. They had stopped hugging her master. Sherry now had her back turned to the other side while Felicia was just grabbing one of his hands.

She had a chance. If she could just sneak there undetected, she could wrap her arms around her Master, finally able to have the cuddling she desperately wanted.

With a flash of determination on her face, the fey began her work.




Slowly, my eyes fluttered open.

Huh… it’s still dark… did I wake up early? I didn’t get any nightmares though…

No… This sensation on my face…

Boobs. My face is pressing into a pair of boobs.

But this fabric… it’s too thick for Felicia’s thin nightgown… and the size… they’re about similar… but this one is just ever so slightly bigger…

Nice scent… it smells like… fresh earth…


Wait, this is Aria, isn’t it?

I pulled my face away ever so slightly from her bosom. And sure enough, when I looked up, it was the face of the fey that I found.

Somehow, she had sneaked up the bed, dislodged Sherry and Felicia from me, and took me for herself.

She had betrayed my order to guard the room without sleep. Now that was unexpected. I thought, as my familiar, she wouldn’t be able to do that. How curious…

Still, since feys don’t really need sleep, this sleep of hers was just a light one. With a light pinch, she should wake up immediately.

I moved my hand upwards, brushing with her boobs in the process. 

Damn, she’s big. 

But I can’t lose focus. I’m not going to cheat on Sherry and Felicia with another woman, even if that woman is my own familiar.

And so, I gave her cheek a good pinch.

“Ow! M-Master? You’ve waken up already?”

“Yes, I have.” I put on my frown. “And I’m not happy that you decided to disobey my order, Aria.”

Her eyes widened in shock. She clearly didn’t expect me to be so blunt.

“I… I’m sorry, Master… it’s just that… I want to sleep with you so badly that I just can’t resist…”

Her reply was accompanied by a sideway glance away from my stare. That, and her eyes glistening with tears.

Shit, did I go overboard? I just wanted to be stern to her. She’s not like Kiri who’ll cry at the drop of a hat. She’s supposed to be cool and composed. A kuudere, if you will.

And yet, I nearly made her cry like this.

I glanced to my left and right. Sure enough, Sherry and Felicia were still there, still asleep in their dreams.

I can rectify this. I can just pretend this never happened.

No, that won’t fly. They’ll be able to notice Aria’s scent on me. Women always have a really sharp nose for the scent of other women.

I just have to come clean.

I patted her head. “We’ll talk about it with Sherry and Felicia, okay?”

She nodded.

“So, let me get this straight… you want to sleep with Milord? Despite you not being his wife?”

Ten minutes later, we had an impromptu emergency meeting regarding Aria. We were back in the living room, sitting on the couch there. Sherry and Felicia were still in their sleeping gowns while Aria—probably because she didn’t have any other clothes–was still in her maid uniform. Sherry and Felicia sat across me and her.

“Yes. I believe I have the right to do so, as his familiar,” Aria coolly replied. She had mostly regained her composure, despite her nearly bursting into tears before.

“You know that makes us uncomfortable, right?” Felicia narrowed her eyes. “You’re a beautiful young woman. And Milord is a handsome, perverted young man. If we were to let you sleep with him, I have no doubt whatsoever it would lead to something more down in the future.” She folded her arms under her chest.

“Something more?” Aria tilted her head.

“Sex.” Felicia answered without skipping a beat. “I assume Tira has taught you that?”

Aria nodded. “I don’t understand the details but it’s something couples do that are really pleasurable. It’s something involving the male thrusting his throbbing member into the female’s hole between her legs. To be honest, I don’t understand how such an act can be pleasurable.”

…Thinking about it, I’m not sure whether feys could be horny in the first place. But Victoria exists—the daughter of a fey and a human–so they definitely can have sex. Even if the baby will be born somewhere else in the world, from some other woman’s belly.

“Well, it doesn’t matter what you think,” A slight pout formed on Felicia’s lips. “You just have to know that we are both uncomfortable doing it if you or any other stranger is in the room.”

“That is fine,” Aria sternly met her gaze. “I will leave the room if you wish, Mistress. But once you’re done, I’ll come back in.”

“No, you don’t understand!” Felicia suddenly raised her voice. “That would be terribly awkward! I don’t want to feel your stare behind my back when I’m flirting with Milord!”

Sherry, who had been silent all this time, nodded with agreement.

Aria looked down, dejected by Felicia’s words. She began to play with her fingers, pressing her two index fingers into each other.

“I… I understand. My knowledge of human custom is lacking. As such, I have made such a ridiculous request upon you two.”

She glanced towards me, giving me a sorrowful smile. “I’m glad I can sleep with you last night, Master. You’re… really warm and tender…"

Goddamnit. Fine. I'll defend her. You happy, my conscience?

"Look, I owe my life to Aria. And Kiri. So many times I called for their help in combat. Hell, I would be without an arm if not for them! Don't you think they should be rewarded for that?”

“So, you suggest we let you sleep with them?” Sherry asked, her tone sending a chill down my spine. “How convenient. You get two more cute girls to fondle.”

“Not every night. You and Felicia will still be sleeping with me most of the time. That would be fine, right, Aria?”

The maid nodded. “Yes. That will be fine, Master. I am not greedy. I know that Mistress Sherry and Mistress Felicia deserve you more than I.” She gave a quick look towards the two.

Sherry sighed, crossing her legs and arms. “Hugo.” She gave me a suspicious stare. “Why are you so popular with girls?”

“Well..” I smiled, scratching my cheek. “I assure you, it’s not my intention to flirt with them. I have no idea why I’m popular either. Maybe because of my dashingly good looks?” I grinned.

“That…” Felicia chimed in with her own smile. “...and him being an exceptional human being. Or, to use the common term, he’s just really, really cool. Right, Milord?” She giggled. “You should try being less cool sometimes.”

“Heh, and how do you propose I do that exactly? Walk around with my fly open?”

“Nonono! You should show more of that perverted side of yours. I’m sure girls will run away at the sight of you if you would assault them the same way you assault me in bed…” Felicia gave a lascivious wink.

"Wait, did you just tell me to grope random girls in public?"

She froze.

Yeah, didn't think that through, did you?

"It can't be helped, really." Sherry gave an exaggerated shrug before giving me a smirk. "Hugo is just too cool of a person to not attract girls like flies. Still, I sometimes wish you were less cool, Hugo, so I can have you all for myself."

She turned to look at Aria, a small smile adorning her face. "Fine. I'll allow it. You and that blue haired friend of yours.”

Aria’s eyes widened. She bolted out from her seat, knelt in front of her, and grabbed her hand vigoriously.

“Oh thank you… thank you for sharing Master with me…”

Well, would you look at that? The monogamous Izurd just allowed another woman to be with her husband. She really has grown up…

…Wait. Does this mean I just added two new chicks to my harem?

After our little discussion, we dressed ourselves before meeting back up with Myrilla. Aria quickly informed Kiri of the news, which led to the spring fairy hugging my arm, laughing as she did.

“Yay! I can be with Master! I can be with Master!”

Of course, in the process, her boobs wrapped themselves around said arm. It took quite a bit of self control not to reach up and grope them.

Myrilla paid me a glare. It seemed she wasn’t happy with this arrangement, for some reason.

Our breakfast went far more smoothly than the disaster that was last night. A lot of the fighters were still nursing their hangovers and wounds in their rooms, making the hall relatively empty.

Once we finished our meal, we made our way outside. As promised, Sari was waiting for us, jumping and waving her arm the moment she noticed us.

“Heeyyyy! Heeeyyyyy! Over here!”

Sheesh, must she be so loud?

“Hehe, good morning to you all!” She gave a theatrical bow. “Now, the interview!” She took out her pen and notebook.

“We’ll do it in the colosseum, not here.” Felicia gave her a smile. “We have all the time in the world there.”

“Alright!” The elf nodded. “Though, excuse me for asking, who are those two maids Sir Hugo has in both of his arms?” She gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. “Wait, don’t tell me, Sir Hugo has even more lovers that I didn’t know about?!”

“It’s a long story.” Felicia sighed. “And no, they’re not his lovers. They’re his familiars.”

“Familiars?” The elf tilted her head.

The trip to the colosseum took us several minutes, and all the way, Kiri and Aria still remained glued to my left and right.

I sighed. So much for hiding them as my trump card… They kept insisting that they wanted to be out. And I don’t have the strength to deny them.

Kiri acted exactly like you would expect her to, gawking at every single thing she found. Aria, on the other hand, was just happy she got to push her breasts into my bicep. Okay, that’s not exactly why she has a slight smile on her lips but you get the point.

Meanwhile, I could feel stares of jealousy boring down at me from both Sherry and Felicia. They had permitted it, sure, but that didn’t mean their womanly hearts liked it when other women were occupying what they believed to be their rightful spot.

As for Myrilla, she said nothing, seemingly busy scanning our surroundings in a way that made me think she was being too paranoid.

Well, no one tried to assassinate us. And we didn’t get poisoned either. So I don’t think anyone is after our heads. As for spying, even now, I don’t sense any of those invisible fishes following us, even though I can see them following the people we pass along the way.

The moment the Colosseum came in sight, Kiri’s jaws dropped. 

“Amaziiiing! That’s the Colosseum? It’s so bigggg! Humans really love that kind of stuff, huh, Master?” She looked up to me for my reply.

“Well, the ones building this are demons, not humans.” I corrected her with a smile.

“Oooh, demons! What’s the difference between demons and humans again?”

“Uh… that’s—”

“Alright, that’s enough, you two!” I heard Sherry’s voice coming from behind. “Hugo needs to go with me now so stop clinging to him and go with Felicia instead!”

Without waiting for my approval, she walked up for me and dragged me with her, forcing me off the two familiars.

“H-hey! That hurts!” I protested.

“M-Master! Master, nooooo!” Kiri dramatically shouted.

Aria said nothing, probably out of fear of Sherry’s wrath. 

“Oh, stop your whining! We’re gonna be late! And you!” She glared at Sari. “Don’t forget to add me into your songs, alright? Don’t let me lose to that big-chested woman!”

And just like that, we left Felicia and the others.


The second day of the tournament was the competition proper. There were 32 fighters remaining from the preliminaries and the rule they used was a double elimination rule. Two defeats and you were out of the game.

Still, if your first opponent beated you up so badly that you couldn't fight for the second, that's an automatic loss.

The winner, after going through all their fights, would then fight Mrs. Dullahan. In their tired, wounded state. No wonder she remained the undefeated champion for fifty years.

Heh, so much for a fair fight.

The first to go was Sherry. And her opponent? That same demon she threw a plate at yesterday night.

“You! You whelp! Ha… hahahahahahahahaha! This is perfect! The Demon Lord sees it fit for me to have my revenge!”

Hmm, that’s certainly a possibility—them intentionally matchmaking them together like this.

When Sherry took the field, I was sitting on the fighter’s bench, opposite of her side. We had been put in a separate bracket, thankfully enough, which meant we wouldn’t have to face each other until the finals.

“Ladieees and gentlemaaannnn!”

The crowd cheered at the announcer’s voice, which belonged to a winged woman flying above the arena.

“From the southern corner is Maga Tonali, a brutal demon warrior of the Zum Race! He fights with both strength and cunning, tricking his opponents with illusions before attacking while they’re distracted! Truly, the epitome of brains and brawns!”

The crowd cheered once again, nearly deafening my ears in the process.

“And from the northern corner is Sherry Izurdia, a powerful martial artist of, you guessed it, the Izurd Race! You think they had been wiped out from the face of the earth! Think again! This little lady has proven herself by beating up three of her opponents yesterday with her bare fists!”

The crowd cheered once more, and, to my delight, they seemed to prefer Sherry over the demon, judging by the volume.

“Sherry! Sherry! Sherry!”

“Miss Sherry! Step on me please!”

“Miss Sherry! Crush me between your thighs!”

Uh… yeah… Sherry’s gonna murder you if she hears that…

And judging by the glare she gave to the crowd, who were now whistling and catcalling her, she definitely heard that.

For their sake, I hope that Sherry doesn’t remember their faces…

With the sound of a gong, their battle began. And immediately Sherry took the offensive, running towards him across the field.

As for her opponent…

“Ha! You idiot! You fell into my trap!”

The ground in front of her burst open—the demon jumping out of the hole with his chainsaw-like sword.

The demon who stood on the other side of the field… was just an illusion all along.

What the…

I had to admit, it took me completely by surprise. The demon was too far away for my sight to notice any anomaly in his mana—the telltale sign of an illusionary construct.

So he’s the digger type, capable of traveling under the dirt freely like that giant earth worm monster.

And from the start, the one who was in the surface was his illusion. The real one entered the arena from the underground instead.

And, using the golden chance he had made for himself, the demon thrusted his sword, intending to bisect her while she let her guard down. 

“Got you, you little—”

Only to find it stopped by a single, tiny strand of pitch black hair.


The last thing he saw was a fist crashing into his left jaw, followed by a kick to his abdomen.

The demon flew, all the way to the wall, crashing onto its hard surface. That flawless black obsidian—it now had cracks all over it.

That was how powerful Sherry’s attack was.

Silence. The crowd could not process what they had just witnessed.

Before bursting into a deafening gale of cheers.

“Aaaaaand the winner is…. Sherry Izurdia!”

The crowd went into a frenzy. For their favorite had won her match yet again in a flawless and swift manner. Her name echoed in the air as the demons rained her down with praise.

And yet, all she cared about was me, for she looked at me with a proud smile on her face, adorned with the most adorable, tiny blush on her cheeks.

I stood up and gave her my standing ovation.

Yeah, you did good, Sherry… you did good…

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