Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Vol 5 Chapter 15: The Naughty Succubus Is Caught

Night had fallen over the city—a bright, starry night with a reddish full moon.

It was quite late in the night, to be exact, enough time for some smaller bars to close their doors to their patrons. The city was mostly silent, especially at the edge of the town where there were less "nightly activities" going on.

Still, even then, inside the inn Hugo and co. were staying, there were still a few patrons having a chat with each other inside the inn's tavern.

"No way!" One demon laughed. "You seriously think he could've won against her? He's far weaker than that lover of his." The demon who spoke was an ogre, with an eyepatch covering his left eye,

"Nono, hear me out," another demon responded—another ogre who happened to be his best friend. He didn’t have an eyepatch however. "I heard that guy was actually a mage! Him fighting with a sword—that's not him fighting with all his strength. He's been toying with all his competitors in the tournament!"

"And where did you hear that exactly?” Eyepatch guy responded. “He's a dumbass then if he entered a martial arts tournament even though he's a mage. A smug, idiot dumbass who pissed himself after losing to the Champion. Heh, serve him right, I say.” The demon took a big gulp of his beer.

“And then his Izurd lover made her piss herself.” His friend chuckled. “That was a sight to see. I used to be a fan of hers, you know. But, after seeing her begging for her life like that, my heart now belongs to another.”

“And who’s that exactly?”

“Why, the Izurd, of course!” He slammed his mug onto the table. “She’s strong, she’s cute, and she got an ass to die for! Seeing her half-naked after her fight like that—damn, that human boy sure is one lucky guy!”

“Heh, you and your ass obsession.” Eyepatch guy shook his head. “I was more happy seeing Mrs Dullahan naked. Now that is a body to kill for.”

The two paused their conversation, chugging down their beers before asking the bartender for another. 

The bartender, a centaur with a black goatee, could only sigh in response. Tired of his long shift, he couldn't even be bothered to tell them that the guy they were talking about was staying right here in this very inn. The duo wasn't around for dinner and they arrived really late to have their drinks. So they hadn't had the chance to speak to other patrons who did see him there.

“Dude, I tell ya’—that human guy is special.” Eyepatch guy continued. “Ain’t no way he got that Izurd chick without him being strong himself. Not to mention the fact that he got other chicks with him! Don’t you know that Izurd women would kill their partners if they ever cheat on them?”

“Eh? Really?” His friend cocked his head. “I only know that they’re supposed to be extinct. Are you even sure she’s the real deal?”

“What? Didn’t you see the giant hair drill she used? That’s the signature ability of the Izurds! Their hair is their weapon! Along with their superstrength of course,” he quickly added.

“Hmph, fine. Let’s say that you’re right.” His friend crossed his arms. “That still doesn’t make him this badass mage you’re implying him to be. He ain’t that Hugo Greenwood guy for sure.”

“Ah, him.” Eyepatch guy smiled. “Heard he got a harem too. Think they could be the same person?”

“No way!” His friend laughed, slamming his mug to the table again. “Why would he humiliate himself like that?! He could’ve just snapped his finger and killed our dear Champion in an instant! Not to mention the fact that he has no reason to participate in our tournament in the first place! Ain’t no way a candidate for Demon Lord like him would lower his head to another Demon Lord!”

The two took another swig of their beer.

"Still, you can call me a fan of the human." The eyepatch ogre grinned. "He might or might not be the rumored Hugo Greenwood but I couldn’t care in the slightest. He’s stronger than all those tough guys in the tournament. And he would’ve won against the Champ if not for her legendary greatsword! Imagine that—a mere human!”

“Heh, imagine being a fan of a human who got his tiny junk displayed to the entire capital.” His friend chuckled.

“That can’t be helped.” Eyepatch ogre chuckled as well. “He’s human after all. All humans have tiny junks.”

The two let out a laugh, clashing their beer mugs in the air before chugging them down.

There was one thing all ogres could agree about humans.

That their penis size was tiny compared to theirs.

And then, right after they put down their mugs…

“Huh? Why am I suddenly—”

They never got to finish their sentences.

For they collapsed there and then, landing their heads on the table, followed by a loud, hearty snore.

A spell had shrouded the entire building, making them all fall into a deep sleep in an instant.


“Uhuhuhuhuhuhu! Phase 1 complete!”

Outside, the cloaked figure from before laughed, covering her mouth with her hands in the process.

“Now, I just have to sneak in~”

The cloaked figure walked inside—the door wide open as the owner never got to lock it before he fell asleep. She then went to the registry book behind the receptionist table, using it to find where Hugo and co. were staying.

“Let’s see here… hmm… hmm… hmm…”

Her heart-shaped tail swished back and forth as she bent over the table. If anyone were to come in, they would see here in quite the compromising position, with her lace purple panties visible, as she wore an extremely short black dress under her cloak, which by itself ended halfway down her thighs.

“Ah, there it is! Alycon!”

With a giggle, she started to climb up the stairs, heading straight to the second floor where he was resting.

“Now, looking at the numbers… 250… 249… 245… ah, here it is. 230.” She stopped right in front of his door. “And across should be the room of one of his harem. I don’t know why they’re sleeping separately but that only makes my job easier.”

She then tapped her polished nail into the doorknob, unlocking it with a simple magic. Then, slowly, she pushed the door open.


Her eyes could see in the dark so the fact that the room was completely pitch black didn’t hinder her in the slightest.

And there, she saw him. Her lovely prey—the swordsman Alcyon. And, as she had expected, he was sleeping with his four harem girls, each hugging a part of his body.

How lovely! I’ll break their hearts first and then I’ll break his!”

But first, the Izurd. I have to make sure she won’t sense me coming.

She pointed her finger at Sherry, chanting silently under her breath.

There. That should do the trick. She now has an extremely lewd dream that should disable her strength and instincts.

Tiptoeing on her dress shoes, she made her way to the bed as silently as she could. As she did, Sherry began to mumble, saying things like, “Hmmhhh… Hugo… not there… you… you pervert…” while rubbing her crotch with her right hand—both a telltale sign of the wet dream taking effect.

The succubus stopped right in front of her, smiling ear-to-ear. Her gaze rested on Hugo’s sleeping face.

Soooo cuuuteeeee! I can’t believe how cute he isssss!

She let out a silent squee, her tail standing on attention in the process.

Now, I just have to separate him from all these pesky hands…

She never really got to do that, however, for Sherry’s hand flew straight to her throat, choking her right where she stood.


The room brightened considerably as someone had conjured a small fireball to lit up the room. That someone was Felicia, who was never asleep in the first place. She merely pretended to, just like the others.

Sherry’s eyes were now fully open, glaring at the succubus in her hand. She sat up, grabbed her arms and legs with her hair, before finally giving her a chance to breathe.

“And here she is.” Felicia stood up, a smug smile on her face. “Our little succubus intruder. And stalker. Oh yes, like I said, she has been following Hugo around for the last few days.”

She grabbed her staff from beside the bed, walking to the other side before patting the succubus in the head.

"So, mind telling us who you are, little girl?"


Damn. Never before had I seen Felicia smile in such a bone-chilling way.

She'd kill this girl. And she wouldn't even blink an eye doing it.

"Y-you—unhand me at once, you villains!" She tried to swing her legs around to no avail, as Sherry's hair was tightly binding them together. "I'm Anya Naturia, the daughter of the eight wife of Balthazar, Rita Naturia! You'll get in trouble if you do anything to me!"

"Yes, we know who you are." Felicia smirked, removing her hand from her head. "You think you were the only one stalking? I stalked you too. And I saw you talking to one of your attendants. And she called you by your name."

"Y-you know?" Her panic just increased two-fold.

"Oh yes. Fortunately, you have an important role to play for us. So don't worry. We won't kill you. Yet."

The succubus girl then broke down into tears.

"Uwaaaa, I'm sorry! I just… I just want to see him up close! Sir Alcyon!" She looked at me. "I'm your biggest fan!"

At this point, Myrilla, whose job was to ensure she wouldn't run away, entered the room.

But I didn't need her to tell that her innocent act was just that—an act. I still remembered what Orluk said about her after all. He too was a champion of the colosseum, only one step below the dullahan. She came after him, charmed him, only to dump him in the end, accusing him of falsely assaulting her at that.

This girl was a snake through and through.

I stood up, putting on an intimidating smile as I leaned down to look her in the eyes.

Immediately her eyes flashed pink, her pupils turning heart-shaped for a single moment before returning back to normal.

It was her trying to charm me with her succubi ability.

Immediately a rush of tender feelings seeped into my heart, followed by thoughts of lust and desire.

All directed towards her of course.

I began to pity her as I took notice of her perky breasts and her purple panties, scarcely hidden by the sheer black minidress she wore. How delicious would it be for me to grope those mounds…

I looked back at her face. Tears were still leaking out of her eyelids. Her puppy eyes didn't help matters either.

She's good.

My old self would've been charmed for sure.

But now, after having two hot chicks as my wives that I bang almost every night…

It doesn't work anymore. Not in the slightest.

I gave her forehead a hard flick, chuckling at her dumbfounded expression.

"Trash like you can't compete with my women." I grinned, sitting back down on the bed with my arms crossed. "I know what you did to Orluk. And probably a dozen other men. You think any sensible man would ever be attracted to such a rotten, disgusting personality? Think again.”

Her tears stopped as her eyes widened in shock. “H-how? Y-you know Orluk? He should’ve—”

“—rotted away as a slave. Too bad I rescued him. And now he’s the leader of his own ogre clan. With a hot dark elf chick as his wife.”

Her eyes then turned wild, looking up and down and up and down as if they couldn’t decide which part of my body to focus on.

“You… who are you? You’re not just some adventurer, are you?”

“Me?” I laughed. “I am just some kid who ran away from his house after getting his parents killed. I’m nobody special.” I shook my head. “No, I’m only special because I have these wonderful women with me. Without them, I am nothing.”

I stood back up, patting her on the head. “Relax. I don’t like unnecessary violence. We’ll just be using you as a bargaining chip with your father.”

“B-bargaining chip? W-what? What do you want with him?! H-he’ll destroy you if he knows you treat me like this! He’ll make all of you be slaves!”

“Just like he did with Orluk?” I chuckled. “Not going to happen.”

“You think you can face his wrath and get off scott free?! He’s a Demon Lord! His power is incomparable to a mere human like you!”

“A mere human, eh? Can a mere human do this?”

A simple, asphyxious spell.

I stopped her lungs from being able to breathe.

“W-wha—what are you—-gaahhh—-ahhhckk—I can’t—I can’t breathe—”

Slowly, her face turned blue as she desperately tried to suck in more air into her lungs.

I have to say—it's pretty satisfying choking a b*tch like her like this.

Uh, not that I advocate for violence against women, mind you. Just special ones like her.

"Stop… please… stop…"

"Don't worry, Milord." Felicia smirked. "A demon can withstand asphyxiation for half an hour before losing their life. More, if she actually knows how to survive off the ambient demonic mana."

"Oh really?" I raised my eyebrows.

"It's true." Sherry glanced at me while looking at the succubus in disgust. "I can survive without breathing for pretty much forever. It's still unpleasant though."

The succubus was now actively crying—this time giving us her actual tears. She couldn't speak anymore, only gasping vaguely at my direction.

"Look, Master! She's peeing!" Kiri pointed with a laugh.

Sure enough, a stream of liquid was falling down from between her crotch.


I released my spell, allowing her to breathe once again.

"Oh thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou! I understand now! You're Hugo Greenwood!"

"The one and only." Felicia chuckled. "And you just made him and his wives angry. You're lucky he hasn't decapitated you yet."

The succubus looked at me—terror filling her eyes to the brim.

Yeah, that's right. You should be afraid.

Afterwards, we tied her up using Sherry’s hair before keeping her in Myrilla’s room. We then made her beg for her release while recording it using a recording conch that Felicia bought in the markets earlier in the day.

Yes, Sherry would bring it with her. Yes, it was to guarantee her safe return.

Honestly, it was her own fault she became our hostage. So I didn't feel too bad using the b*tch like this.

I could only hope her dad valued her enough. Somehow, I had a hunch that a Demon Lord with ten wives wouldn't care if one of his many kids went missing.

The next morning, we had our breakfast inside the inn. Just like yesterday, when we had our dinner, we were drawing eyes from the other people there. One even came up to me and Sherry, asking for our autographs.

"The way you two fought yesterday—it was amazing!" The young boy grinned, waiting with his tail swaying back and forth. He wasn't a demon. Rather, he was a beastkin. A dog one, judging by his ears.

I could only blush and chuckle as I signed his toy wooden shield. Sherry did the same, blushing as well from his exorbitant praises.

“Oh, thank you so much!” He gave us a deep bow. “Thanks to you two, I have decided! I’m going to be an adventurer!”

Wait, I thought he’s—

“I don’t care what the old man says! I’m going to be a strong and cool swordsman like y—”

I put a hand on his shoulder, locking my eyes with his.

“Go back to your father. Don’t become an adventurer like us.”

“...E-eh?” He took a step back. “Why not?!”

“It’s dangerous. You’ll die. Trust me, I’ve seen kids like you perish right in front of my eyes, eaten alive by a giant worm… or worse…”

“G-g-giant worms?” He shivered. “I-I hate worms!”

“See?” I smiled. “You’d be better off helping your father. You’re still, what, 10 years old? That’s waaay too early to be an adventurer.”

The boy paused, looking down, seemingly counting his options.

“Okay!” He looked back up, grinning. “I’ll help my old man! Just because you say so, Sir!”

“That’s a good boy.” I patted his shoulder.

“But I’ll keep training my sword skill! So one day, once I’m older, I’ll be able to follow after you!”

With those words, the boy left, his tail swinging back and forth as he ran with his shield.

“Thank you, good sir, for putting some sense into him.” The centaur waiter commented. “His father ran a small shop in the east part of the city. He’s here to do his usual deliveries. Then he noticed you sitting there. I didn’t know how but he sneaked into the colosseum and watched your matches for free.”

“Oh, I didn’t do it for him. I did it for me.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Excuse me, sir?”

“I wasn’t lying when I said I watched kids his age die when they went adventuring.” I replied with a dry laugh.

Sensing concerned looks from the rest of the table, I quickly changed the subject.

Yeah. I’ll be damned if I let a repeat of that incident happen again.

After breakfast, it was time for Sherry to depart.

We didn't have any grand departure speeches. We all knew what we had to do.

Still, I gave her a hug anyway, telling her to be safe. Even if she protested, since we were in a public place and all.

And I gave her butt a couple squeezes and rubs as well.


"Heh, sorry. Your butt looks exceptionally scrumptious this morning."

And that was how I sent off the new champion of the colosseum—with her adorable scarlet cheeks visible to the entire world.

By the way, I have a new artwork of Fiora on Patreon. And the Master-tier now has 14 advance chapters. #ad

Need money for more artwork commissions. :D

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