Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Vol 5 Chapter 28: A Lonely Woman


Hmm... let's see here... There's definitely a bent in the space-time continuum around here... (speaking all fancily...) If I just do this and this and a little bit of this...


There we go!

It didn't take long until I realized the method in which Myrilla disappeared into the thin air. With just a quick glance with my Magic Sight, I could tell that there was warped space nearby, intersecting with the corridor I was standing in. And then, utilizing my raw mana, I "edited" the spell, making it so it would allow me to enter its enclosed space.

Stepping in, the environment around me changed immediately, shifting into an autumnal forest.

This feeling… it’s the same as at Sherry’s village… This is an Archfey’s domain…

Damn… Myrilla is going up against her… That’s not good…

I walked around the forest slowly, sharpening my senses so I could react immediately if the fey decided on an ambush. The place was eerily quiet, with the only sound being the crunchy noise my boots produced every step I took.

No signs of a fight… What happened to you, Myrilla? You can’t go down that easily, can you?

A tiny spot of dread slowly blossomed inside my chest. If anything happens to her, I won’t be able to face Alan and Renee in the afterlife!

And then, it came into my view.

A naked figure, held in mid-air, wrapped with thorny vines attached to the nearby trees.

It was Myrilla.

Oh nonononono!

I didn’t rush in immediately. Only after I confirmed that there weren't any traps waiting there that I ran in and cut the thorns off her body, catching her before she fell.

This is terrible!

Her body was filled with wounds and gashes, no doubt the result of all those thorny vines tightly wrapping themselves around her. And since I couldn't call Kiri, I was forced to use one of the potions I carried in my Dimensional Storage.

I put the tip of the flask inside her mouth, slowly pouring out its content so she wouldn’t choke.

Her eyes fluttered open, her gaze resting at my face.

"Alan… You’re-you’re here.." She grabbed the hem of my robe.

Alan? What is she talking about? Is she delirious or something? Uh oh, do I have a fever medicine on me?

"Yep! I'm here now! So you don't have to worry, alright? I'll beat that archfey for you. Just you wait." I placed my hands on her shoulders, putting up my best grin for her.

"Alan… Alan…”

“I love you, Alan!”

She pressed her lips into mine.


She pushed me down, her tongue now exploring the insides of my mouth. I could then feel my trousers being pulled off my legs, followed by my boxers. And since her arms were wrapped around my body, the only explanation was that she used her telekinesis to do it.

She’s … she’s going to—!

“Alan… ohh, Alan…”

She withdrew her lips from mine, leaving a thin string of saliva. Her expression was now one of lust, a far cry from her usual calm and composed stature.


My eyes wandered, first to her bare chest and the small yet tender hills she had there. Then I looked further down towards her womanhood. It was dripping wet with not a single hair to be found.

W-wait, what am I doing? This is not the time to perv around! If this continues, I’ll be the worst human being on the entire planet!

I knew very well that this wasn’t the usual Myrilla. That fey must have done something to her. And if I were to take advantage of her while she was like this, I would become like those bastards that would r*pe a woman while she was drunk. Not to mention that I would betray Sherry and Felicia’s trust as well.

Unfortunately, the little guy down there did not agree.

C-crap, I’m getting a boner!

My son stood up, proudly displaying its length to Myrilla, who now had her gaze locked towards it.

“Alan…” She pouted, turning her gaze back to me. “You stupid pervert… you should’ve said earlier if you wanted my body… I would’ve given it to you far earlier than that Renee girl…”

Her antennas lit up, a telling sign that she was reading my mind.

“I see… you want me… you want to thrust your throbbing thing into my wet, damp hole…”

That’s … that’s not entirely right! Don’t just look at my perverted thoughts!

“I’m glad.” She smiled.

All of a sudden, tears began to fall from her eyes.

“I am not alone after all.”

Her crotch moved downwards.

Forcing my length to slide inside her.

Crap. Crapcrapcrapcrap!

This is cheating! I’m definitely cheating on Sherry and Felicia right now!

“A-aahnn!” She let out a moan, cocking her head backwards. “So this is… this is how it feels to have a man’s p*nis inside you!”

Her cave squeezed my member tight, still a virgin even after living for more than a hundred years. It didn’t take long until my tip touched her hymen.

“Alan… please… thrust deeper… I want to lose my virginity to you…”

“Or am I not worthy enough for your sword?”

Her face was now inches away from mine, her eyes getting glossy with tears yet again.

Her emotion switched again… from horny to sad… she really must be under the fey’s influence!

She pressed her hips downwards. And with only a minor resistance, I popped her cherry.

“Ahnnnn! There it is! I am no longer a 135 year old virgin now!”

So that’s her exact age…

Still, to think that she was this insecure about being a virgin… Hehe, how cute. She’s like those OL leads in adult women’s manga.

She’s a lot older than those loveless 30 years olds  though.

…Wait, this isn’t the time to think about that! I have to figure out a way to get out of this situation!

Rub. Rub. She was now actively moving her hips up and down as she rode me like a horse.

A-at this rate, I’m going to come in her! I-I can’t ! What if I got her pregnant?

Damn it! Should I just push her away?

And then, all of a sudden, she began rubbing her face all over my chest, all the while moaning Alan’s name over and over.

“Alan! Alan! My dear cute Alan! How I love your wide shoulders and large muscles!”

She continued to move her butt up and down in a rhythmic fashion, sending dangerously pleasurable shivers all over my body.

Y-you know, I’m supposed to be able to handle this kind of thing better… I’m not a virgin anymore after all… And yet… this sensation… it’s … it’s even more intense than the usual sessions with Felicia and Sherry! Is it because it’s Myrilla who’s doing it? Am I really that horny for her?

Looking back at her face, I immediately knew the answer.

Nooo, she’s hot! She’s absolutely hot!

I thought she was as flat as a board but under that baggy clothes there are actually a decently-sized pair of breasts! They must be around B-cup or so! And then, her dark skin and aloof personality only adds to her attractiveness! And those antennas only added to her cuteness! Not to mention that she secretly wore skimpy black panties under that heavy robe of hers! The only reason I haven’t noticed is because I see her more like an aunt than a woman! But now, after seeing her like this, I can’t help but think of her as a beautiful woman that I’d like to sleep with!

“Alan… please… make me your second wife… don’t leave me all alone…”

Her mood swung again. She was now sobbing onto my chest.

…Oh no… a woman’s tears… my weakness…

I can’t just push her away…

Reluctantly, I wrapped my arms around her, patting her head in the process.

The sobbing stopped.

And then, silence.

She had fallen asleep with a smile on her face.

Good. She’s calmed down. I can now separate myself from her.

Slowly, I grabbed the sides of her hips, lifting her body away from mine. To my surprise, she was lighter than she looked. Still heavier than Sherry but definitely lighter than Felicia. Heh, those boobs really weigh a lot, huh?

I could feel my p*nis sliding out of her cave. Once it did, I gave it a quick clean with a water spell before putting on my boxers and trousers again.

Damn it, I’m still hard. Hurts to be blue-balled like this.

I gave a quick look-around. Where was the archfey, I wondered?

And then, I sensed it.


I lifted Myrilla and jumped, just in time to dodge the vines bursting out of the ground.

Behind! And to my left!

No, from all directions!

I conjured tendrils of wind to hold Myrilla in the air with me before unsheathing my sword with my left hand, as my right hand was holding my staff. With my sword skills, I cut down all the vines before they could reach my body.

Only for more vines to pop out.

Tch, this is never going to end, isn’t it?Fine! Let’s see how you deal with this!

I flew upwards, going all the way to the ceiling. The place might look like a forest but it was still inside the fortress. It was only natural that the sky up above was fake. And then, after sheathing my sword, I aimed my now free left hand to the trees above.  I could afford to do another spell since I didn't need to use Wind Step to just stand in the air.


With that single Master-level spell, I took out a good chunk of the forest in an instant, leaving only a crater behind. And of course, since it was fire magic, the trees that were still around caught fire, spreading the destruction even further.

Hmm, I could worsen the fire by fanning it with my wind spell. And concentrating the oxygen in the air. Yeah, let’s do it, shall we? If the archfey isn’t coming out, I’ll just burn this whole place to the ground.

Before I could do so, however…

What in the world...

The trees... they're... they're dying...

One by one, the trees that I set ablaze withered. As the leaves fell from their branches, they decayed, turning into nothingness before they touched the ground. The same branches then decayed as well, becoming black and rotten before breaking off and disintegrating themselves. The trunks were next, transforming instantly into a pile of decomposing dust.

The flames never got anywhere. They lacked the materials needed to make the jump to the rest of the forest.

And then, I saw it—a black smoke coming out from the decayed trees, rising right towards where we flew. I activated my Sight and sure enough, the smoke was filled with magic. You didn't need to be a genius to know what would happen when it reached us.

Heh, a decaying smoke… What a terrifying ability. Too bad my wind magic perfectly counters it.

Using my left hand once more, I conjured a massive gust of wind, blowing it around me in an outward direction, preventing any of the smoke from reaching us. Only once it was gone did I stop the spell.

"You really are something, aren't you?"

A storm of golden autumn leaves gathered in front of me. Finally, the big boss comes out.

An adult woman—whom I had to admit was quite attractive—with a pair of large butterfly wings appeared. She put her hands on her hips, leaning forward in a manner that emphasized her breasts, all the while glaring at me as if I did something naughty.

"You even repelled my Wind of Autumn. Whatever shall I do with you?" She shook her head.

"What did you do to Myrilla?" I narrowed my eyes. "You did something, didn't you?"

A smirk formed on her lips as she straightened herself. "I simply gave her a good dose of my hallucination poison—ease her on telling the truth deeply buried inside her heart."

I looked down at her unconscious body. Immediately a rush of guilt entered my heart, sinking my heart.

So all the things she said were true…

… I should've comforted her…  With Father's death, she only got me as her friend…

She might be more than a hundred years old but loneliness is loneliness. It eats at you like a cancerous tumor, slowly breaking you down until you're the worst version of yourself. No one should have to suffer through it.

I'm sorry, Father. I should've taken care of her better. You and Mother would've scolded me for this if you were still alive, I'd imagine…

I returned my gaze to the archfey, this time a lot harsher than before. "So, are you going to let us go? And where's Victoria? You yourself admitted that you're outclassed by me. Better to surrender and just admit that this whole thing was a mistake."

The woman burst into a laugh.

"Come to the depths of the castle, mortal. Balthazar is waiting for you there. With your precious Victoria."

And before I could say anything, she disappeared in a tornado of leaves. The forest then shifted away and we returned back into a normal bedroom-looking room.

Well, I guess that's it then. The fairy decided to retreat.

A wise choice. And a good choice for me too. I'd rather not fight carrying Myrilla around after all.

Noticing the nearby bed, I lifted Myrilla and rested her there.

Tch, I have no choice. I have to tear down a hole in the fortress' anti fey ward so I can summon Kiri to heal her.

Sitting beside her on the bed, I closed my eyes and concentrated.

Search for weakness in the ward… penetrate it with my raw mana… create a stable hole where Kiri can manifest through…


The moisture in the air in front of me gathered into water before receding into Kiri.

"Master! Oooh, how I'm glad I can sense your presence again!" She jumped on top of me to give me a hug.

Smiling, patting her on the back, I said to her, "We don't have much time, Kiri. You have to heal Myrilla right away, okay?"

"Okay! Leave it to me, Master!" She released me and giggled, before turning her attention to the demoness.

Now, I just have to maintain the hole until she's finished.

I watched as Kiri formed a handful of water in her palm before feeding it to the demoness. Afterwards, she bathed her entire body with her hot spring water, taking care not to wet the bed itself.

Immediately her efforts took effect, with Myrilla coughing before opening her eyes.

"You're awake." I smiled at her. "Now now, take it easy. We can speak about what happened later once you've recovered."

She paused, looking at me with a puzzled expression on her face.

… Her eyes widened.

She remembered.

Her face turned beet red. Immediately she turned away, averting her eyes from mine.

She wanted to die.

She wanted to just vanish into the air and never be seen again.

"I'm finished, Master!" Kiri declared with a happy smile as she hovered in the air.

"Good work!" I reached out and patted her on the head. "Now, I'm sorry for this but I'll have to dismiss you now. You might have not noticed but there's a thick anti-fey ward around here. If you stay, you'll probably feel awful from it."

She nodded. "Understood! I'll wait back in the forest until you need me again, Master!"

She then dissolved back into water before evaporating in an instant.

I turned my attention back to Myrilla, who was now snuggled up under the bedsheet that granted her modesty, with her back turned towards me.

"... It was true."

"What's true?"

"All of it. Everything I said. There's no point in denying it now, is it?"

"...Then, you should already know what I thought about it." I gave her a reassuring smile.

Silence. She said nothing as her antennas lit up.




"...You really are your father's son."

Her voice cracked and shook, almost as if she was going to cry all over again.

"Still, for you to lust over me like that—you don't share his faithfulness in the slightest."

"Heh, you can blame my old self for that." I grinned.

"And now you say you'll apologize. Even though it was my fault. I was the one who wasn't able to resist her influence. I was the one who pinned you down."

"Yep!" I cheerfully replied. After all, it's not r*pe if you enjoy the act~ Not to mention that I would never call her that in a million years! If anything, that fey was the real r*pist!

"Nonsense. I'll do the apologizing. You just stay behind me and be quiet."

"Then, we'll beg for forgiveness from Sherry and Felicia together. After all, you should already know that I've promised to myself never to let you be lonely again."

"...Fool. You can't say that to a woman who's not your wife."

I chuckled. I could just imagine her being red-faced from that little comment.

"It doesn't have to be that, you know."

"So who am I to you then? A pathetic, pitiable woman who has nobody in her entire life?"

Sighing, I put my hand on her shoulders.

"I can't bring Father back. But at the very least, I can act as his substitute."

"...You can't be serious."

"I am. But of course, I'd have to ask permission from them two first. But I'm sure they'd understand. After all, they too suffered the same loneliness as you suffer today."

Once again, the Nerthusian fell silent. She still refused to show her face to me so all I could do was to gauge her reaction by her tone.

"...No. That wouldn't work. I would never feel right putting that burden onto you."

Slowly, she sat up, still with her back facing me. I could now see her naked torso and behind as the bedsheet only covered her front.

"I screamed Alan's name when we had our intercourse. It wasn't you that I wanted inside me. It was him. And it wouldn't be fair for you or your wives if I used you only to become his replacement."

She then stood up, letting the sheet fall down to the floor, exposing her nakedness in all its glory.

Damn. She really has a beautiful body…

To my surprise, she then turned to face me.

"Thank you, Hugo Greenwood, for your concern. But for now, I am content on being by your side merely as an acquaintance."

"However," She placed one hand on her chest. "If one day, I learn to love you as your own person, and not as Alan's replacement, then on that day, I would accept your offer—even if it meant being merely a mistress, and not a wife."

And then, she smiled.

It was the most beautiful smile I had ever saw.

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