Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 100: Wow, and mother, maid!

  The plan for a day is in the morning!

   Li Changsheng didn't have the habit of relying on the bed. After he settled his personal and demon pet's needs, he slowly left courtyard 1.

   Today, he will go to the class and take the first public basic course.

   is just like the literal meaning, each instructor will take turns in class, mainly to explain the basic knowledge, aiming to strengthen the foundation of the students.

  Battle Academy first grade class 1!

  Only the top 100 students can become members of this class.

  Before entering the class, Li Changsheng heard the uproar and saw the students in twos and threes whispering and talking.

   Just when Li Changsheng was about to find a vacancy at random, suddenly Zhang Yi took the initiative to stop Li Changsheng: "Changsheng, I have a vacancy here!"

   As a member of the second-order freshmen, coupled with the status of the eldest son of the Zhang family in Pengcheng, Zhang Yi is naturally one of the focus of the class.

In the    class, there are many freshmen who have climbed the flames, and some of them are outstanding. The best way for them to make good friends with Zhang Yi is naturally to become Zhang Yi’s tablemate.

   At the same table, it is easy to deepen the relationship between each other!

   It's a pity that Zhang Yi looks kind on the surface, but he is proud of his heart. He dismisses classmates who are inferior to him, and naturally doesn't care for them.

   In order to avoid offending Zhang Yi, they did not dare to forcibly occupy a seat, so the place next to Zhang Yi was always empty.

   Until this moment, they finally understood Zhang Yi's intentions. While this made them curious, they also glared at Li Changsheng.

Who is he?

   How can he get Zhang Yi's attention?

   "Morning, Zhang Yi!"

   Li Changsheng ignored the eyes of his classmates and went straight to Zhang Yi. After saying hello, he sat down on the seat next to him.

   In this class, he is most familiar with Zhang Yi, followed by Yuan Yongyan, who is the same tutor with him.

   As for

  Because of the other three of the'Li's Four Masters', due to the relationship between grades and the college, they are not in the same class as him.

   Of course, there is another reason.

   With Zhang Yi's foil, Li Changsheng's inherently high charm has been greatly enhanced, which is like the main reason why many beautiful women always be girlfriends with ugly girls.

   According to Li Changsheng’s observation, he is the most attractive being among the boys in the class. Zhang Yi is on the contrary, the most attractive, especially he has an unusually conspicuous Lei Gong’s mouth...

   After fixing the seat problem, Li Changsheng started to go straight to the subject: "Zhang Yi, do you know who lives in Courtyard No. 6?"

   Know yourself and the enemy, never end in battle!

   If the freshman in the sixth courtyard successfully breaks through, it is very likely to become his main opponent. He must collect information about the opponent as much as possible so that his eyes will not be blackened. Zhang Yi is undoubtedly the best candidate.

   "You said Roger, his family is also a county chief, but it is mainly engaged in business. Among them, Luo's firm is one of the largest firms in Langya country, with great wealth. By the way, why are you looking for him?"

   Zhang Yi was surprised and could not understand Li Changsheng's purpose.

   "He may have completed a breakthrough, by the way, are you familiar with him?"

   Li Changsheng did not hide it. If Roger succeeded in breaking through, the news would not last long.

   Zhang Yi has a keen mind. He just turned his mind and guessed Li Changsheng's thoughts, but he didn't hide it, telling him all the information about Roger.

  Because of his lack of familiarity, Zhang Yi's understanding of Luo Jie is relatively one-sided, and he also knows some basic information, and he cannot give Li Changsheng more help.

   "After class is over, I will help you find out!"

   Zhang Yi seems to be warmhearted, but in fact he also has his own purpose, one is to make friends with Li Changsheng, and second, if Roger really becomes a Tier 2 Demon Master, it will also pose a strong threat to his status.

At this moment, a freshman almost stepped into the classroom. This was a handsome boy with a fair face, tall and straight like a gun, with frivolous eyes, wearing a silver moiré brocade and holding a folding fan, giving people a kind of grace. The feeling of turbid Shijia son.

   "Here, he is Roger!" Zhang Yi narrowed his mouth toward the other party. He didn't like Roger. The reason was simple. Roger's family was also the county leader and was in a competitive relationship with Zhang's family.

   "It is indeed a breakthrough!" Li Changsheng felt it for a while. Because of the breakthrough he had just completed, Roger's mental power was not restrained.

   "Hey, this is...the second order!"

   "Strange, isn't there only three?"

   "I know him, he is Roger, one of the heirs of the Roche firm. From the feeling, he seems to have just broken through!"


   Many sensitive freshmen noticed Roger's abnormality, and they couldn't help but talk a lot. For a time, Roger became the focus.

   Amidst the crowd's discussion, Roger squinted his eyes and raised his head slightly. He is a high-profile man and likes to be the focus of everyone.

   Roger did not immediately enter the class. After taking a look, he went straight to Yuan Yongyan and asked softly: "This classmate, can you give me the position?"

   Yuan Yongyan’s tablemate is Zhao Shuyi!

   While talking, Roger appeared to open the folding fan coolly, and he saw the eight characters "Fair Lady, Good Gentleman" written on the surface of the fan.

   After seeing Zhao Shuyi, Roger was shocked. Zhao Shuyi was originally very good and was born in a famous family. This made Luo Jie care about it and had the idea of ​​pursuing Zhao Shuyi.

  His first plan is to become Zhao Shuyi's deskmate, so that a place near the water can get the best price.

   Yuan Yongyan raised her head and glanced at Roger. She did not speak, nor thought of getting up, she still sat there quietly.

   She is also the pride of heaven, and she is among the top ten in the freshmen assessment.

   Looking at Zhao Shuyi on the side, she has a very straight personality, she likes to go straight, she doesn't like to turn around, she always said something, she saw her eyes filled with scorn, and she whispered: "Go!"

  While Zhao Shuyi was speaking, the white fox in his arms raised his head. It glanced at Roger with a humane contempt in his eyes, and did not put Roger in his eyes at all.

   This is the case for the master and the same for the demon pet!

   The most important thing is that it does not smell threatening.

   Because of Roger's actions, this place has naturally become the focus of the class, so after hearing what Zhao Shuyi said, everyone stopped talking and showed a good show.

   Roger was visibly startled, the smile on his face suddenly stiffened, Zhao Shuyi's reaction was obviously beyond his expectation, and when he saw the contemptuous eyes of the white fox, her heart became even more furious.

   Under the eyes of everyone, he can't leave in a dingy manner, he must get back a round, otherwise he will lose face.

   "Too much bullying!" This is the inner portrayal of Roger, who has never suffered such a big loss when he grows up.

   jingle bell~

   At this moment, the class bell rang, and a tutor stepped on the dot and came to the classroom.

   This is a female tutor, about 30 or so. The actual age may be older. She wears a lady's dress, has a nice face and a gentle is the fifth-tier female tutor-He Yan!

   The first class will be taught by He Yan.

   He Yan is very popular among freshmen due to her good looks and temperament, coupled with her great strength.

   Yesterday, when I chose the tutoring session, many male freshmen wanted to be He Yan's students. Unfortunately, He Yan was very demanding. In addition, they only accepted girls. They were disappointed.

   Due to the angle, Roger did not see He Yan, but when he heard the bell in class, he felt a little more urgency. He must immediately make a decision and get back the game.

Without hesitation, Roger closed the folding fan again, and then reopened it again. For some unknown reason, the characters on the fan changed, from'a beautiful lady, a gentleman's good' to a'wow, and the mother, the maid and also! ’

  You maidservant!

  Although she was born into a well-known family, Zhao Shuyi's status in the family is not very high. This is mainly related to her mother. Her mother was originally a close servant of the patriarch, and she did not become a concubine until after the birth of Zhao Shuyi.

   Even if Zhao Shuyi's talent is higher than that of her peers, due to the lack of status in the family, Zhao Shuyi has to choose Yuanling Academy instead of the Royal Academy, which is the head of the four universities.

   After silently speaking the cruel words, Roger glanced triumphantly at Zhao Shuyi, who was sullen, and began to look around, wanting to find a seat to sit down.

It was not until this moment that Roger saw the instructor He Yan in hindsight. He suddenly panicked, and subconsciously gathered his thousands of fans, trying to destroy the'evidence', but he hadn't waited for Roger to act. It's like being in the fixation technique. The body can't move at all, and the raised right foot can't be put down. It seems to be a wooden person. He stays motionless in the position of a golden rooster, only his eyes can move. Full of panic!

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