Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 86: Can this be called a dormitory?

  Each key is engraved with a different number, and the color varies according to the dormitory area.

   The key to Li Changsheng’s dormitory is gilded in gold and slightly heavy at the beginning. In terms of weight, it seems that the whole body is made of gold.

   is different from Li Changsheng. Li Runfeng was given a silver key, while Li Tianyu and Li Jingyi were blue keys. In addition, Li Changsheng also saw black keys, and the black keys seemed to occupy the most proportion.

   Judging by the number, it seems that gold>silver>blue>black.

   Li Sheng was shocked not only because of the golden key, but mainly because of the number on it, because the key was clearly engraved with 1-1.

   is a simple number, but its meaning is extraordinary. The 1 in the front represents the dormitory area for freshmen No. 1, and the 1 in the back represents the dormitory No. 1.

   To put it simply, Li Changsheng’s dormitory ranks the highest among all freshman dormitories, and the significance of the representative can be imagined.

   Li Changsheng is not an idiot, and immediately put away the keys quietly, without any publicity.

   expresses his principle of dealing with things in one sentence, that is, development of wretchedness, don't let go!

In a sense, this key is a hot potato for Li Changsheng. Since the dormitory area No. 1 is a single dormitory, this key naturally means that he is the NO1 among the freshmen of this year. If those second-tier freshmen are Knowing it, it must be very upset, and it is likely to trouble him.

   No way, being suppressed by the first-tier Li Changsheng, which is simply a shame for some sensitive second-tier freshmen!

   Of course, Li Changsheng is not a person who is afraid of things, not to mention that he is very confident of his own strength, thinking that even a second-tier freshman may not necessarily defeat him.

   "Let's go!" Li Sheng glanced at Li Changsheng, but he also made no sound, and hurried away with Li Changsheng and others.

  On the way to the student’s residential area, Li Runfeng flipped through the silver key in his hand and asked curiously: "Changsheng, what dormitory number are you?"

   Before Li Changsheng could answer, Li Sheng on the side replied: "He is in dormitory No. 1, don't make any noise about this!"

   Li Runfeng and others looked at Li Sheng curiously.

   "As you may have guessed, dormitory allocation is closely related to assessment results! The better the assessment results, the better the dormitory you get!"

   After finishing speaking, Li Sheng began to introduce some situations in the student's residential area.

   The student residence area is located in the southeast of the university. It is not only the dormitory area for freshmen, but also dormitories for other grades.

  According to the grade, the student residence area is divided into four areas, each area has a similar plan, and all have more than 400 dormitories.

   In order to improve the competition of the students and inspire their enterprising spirit, there is a big difference in the dormitory.

Among them, No. 1-10 are single-family courtyards, No. 11-100 are single rooms, No. 101-300 are double rooms, and No. 301-500 are quadruple rooms. Each dormitory area can accommodate more than 1,000 people. .

   Due to the slight fluctuation in the number of students enrolled each year, each dormitory area is not full, and a small number of rooms are vacant.

   "It seems that both Jingyi and I are double rooms!" After listening to the division of the dormitory, Li Tianyu spread his hands, and he was not frustrated. After all, the double room was not bad, at least much better than the quadruple room.

Just as he was about to arrive in the residential area, Li Sheng continued: "However, you have to be careful. Our university has regulations. Each student has the right to challenge the dormitory once a month. As long as you defeat the other party, you can get the other party's dormitory. Right of residence!"

   "Troublesome!" Hearing such rules, Li Changsheng would inevitably feel a headache. He is the first dormitory, but he is not a second-order demon master, so he will definitely be missed by the powerful new students. If you want to protect the dormitory, you must improve your strength as soon as possible, and it is best to become a second-order demon master.

   Soon, under the guidance of Li Sheng, Li Changsheng and others came to the freshman dormitory area. Along the way, Li Changsheng met many freshmen, most of whom were full of vigor and longing for the future.

   When he saw the freshman dormitory, Li Changsheng's expression was full of surprise.

In front of him was a beautiful complex of buildings, completely different from what he had imagined. These dormitories looked the same. They were all two-story wooden small buildings, with tall railings, and a few octagonal lanterns hung on the corners of the emerald green eaves. The embroidered gold veil hangs bamboo windows.

   Every small building is surrounded by green plants. There are tall sycamores and banyan trees, as well as low shrubs. The green trees are shaded and the flowers are clustered, exuding a fresh breath.

Behind these wooden buildings is a flat hill with some buildings on it. Unlike the small wooden buildings, these are antique courtyards. This is the so-called first dormitory area for freshmen and the place where Li Chang lived after his birthday. .

   Is this still a dormitory?

   is incredible!

Seeing their surprised expressions, Li Sheng shrugged and said with a smile: "There is no need to be surprised! This is the Yuanling Academy. As one of the four universities, its strength and foundation are far beyond ordinary universities! Not to mention these. Small buildings and courtyards don’t cost much resources! Okay, I can only send you here. If you need help in the future, remember to come to dormitory 243 in the fourth-grade dormitory area to find me!"

  As a member of Yuanling Sheng naturally feels and proud of the strength of the Academy!

   However, judging from his dormitory number, he can only be ranked above the middle among the fourth-grade students, but as long as he can become a Tier 3 Demon Master, his ranking must be improved by a large margin.

   Even so, Li Changsheng has enough reason to believe that as long as he is given a few months, he has the hope of catching up with Li Sheng, and even the possibility of overtaking.

   After bidding farewell to Li Sheng, the four of Li Changsheng did a bird and beast dispersal, looking for their respective dormitories.

   Soon, Li Changsheng came to the hill by himself and was getting closer. Li Changsheng realized that the area of ​​the courtyard was much larger than expected.

   Even the smallest courtyard is at least several hundred square meters, and the largest is the No. 1 dormitory, which is more than a thousand square meters.

   In addition, the smaller the number of the courtyard, the better the location and the more gorgeous the decoration. In order to improve the enterprising spirit of the students, the senior officials of the academy also took great pains to treat the courtyard differently.

   Some of these courtyards are brightly lit, and it is obvious that people have already moved in, and some are completely dark, but it does not mean that there is no one and may have fallen asleep.

   Li Changsheng has no idea of ​​visiting. If there is no accident, the owners of these courtyards are likely to become his competitors.

   Soon, Li Changsheng stood in front of Courtyard 1.

  Courtyard No.1 faces south, and a pair of stone carvings of "with mouth and no anus" are placed at the door. A dozen night pearls are inlaid around the door, emitting a bright halo, dispelling the surrounding darkness.

This is an iron door with a groove on it, which fits perfectly with the academy token. After Li Changsheng fits the student token to the groove, with a click sound, the iron door slowly opens towards the sides. Reveal the scene inside.

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