Remnants anomaly

Special class

Leon couldn't blame jaune for his initial fear considering his size and looks but that didn't mean he couldn't mess with the nervous dude. it was fun watching jaune turn to look behind him when leon tapped his shoulder with his tail. the best part was that since jaune could see both of leon and ruby's hands when he got tapped he didn't think they were they ones doing it. it was only when they got to the locker room that jaune realized that leon had a long tail that he could control.

Ruby and leon got a good laugh out of it and even jaune thought it was funny once he really thought about it. after leaving their weapons in the registered lockers the three of them headed to the auditorium like the rest of the first years. it was pretty crowed in the auditorium and yang called ruby over but was stunned to see leon who just grinned at her. jaune got left behind to find himself a good place to sleep while ruby and leon walked through the crowd to yang. "what are you doing here?" yang asked curiously. "i'm a student here similar to yourself , surprise." he said with a wide grin.

"Oh good i was worried about not having my favorite body pillow." yang said with a less than innocent look. "woah there , you need to see who's on your team after tomorrow first." leon said while giving himself a little more distance from the thirsty girl. "before that though i think i'll go make myself comfortable up in the rafters." he said before unfurling his wings and floating up under the whole rooms eyes to the rafters where he took a seat. it took everyone in the room a moment to forget about him up there save a few people who threw him looks every now and again.

The rafters were quite wide thanks to the size of the auditorium giving leon just enough space to lay down comfortably. to make sure he didn't fall off in his sleep leon wrapped his tail around the rafter and his torso using it to anchor himself. the night passed without incident and the new students were given breakfast before needing to grab their weapons and follow ozpin. leon saw the engraved launch pads and had an idea as to what ozpin had in mind. 

"Leon if you would be so kind as to join glenda and i over here." ozpin said causing all the rest of the students to look at leon oddly. "i figured I'd be singled out since i can fly and all that." leon said loud enough for the others to hear. "there is that yes but your role here at beacon will be different then them due to your special circumstances." ozpin said but started giving his introduction to the other students ignoring leons confusion. the basics were that the teams would be decided by the first person the students found after landing.

It was funny for leon that jaune seemed to not understand the basis of what a landing strategy was for a hunter. the poor guy was still trying to figure it out when he got launched off the side of the cliff towards the forest , hard. "care to explain?" leon asked ozpin while the blonde haired female huntress seemed to size leon up. "it's quite clear that you have no real need to be involved in the normal students classes. you are likely already far more knowledgeable in those subjects then even the teachers themselves." ozpin said before sipping his tea.

"You are instead going to be teaching a special class in your time here since frankly speaking you are better suited hunting the grim around beacon than stuck in a class room." ozpin said honestly. leon rubbed his chin in thought " fine , but i will only teach on saturdays and i get to choose the lessons." he said switching to negotiator mode. ozpin thought about it for a moment and nodded " alright but do try to make the lessons useful for the students." ozpin said calmly. "not an issue at all , the things i'll show them are always useful." leon said with a mischievous gleam in his eye.

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