Retribution- rise of the ugly bastard

Chapter 2- bonds

    A man's tastes can be attributed to the flavors he grew accustomed to in life. A baby weans off mothers milk or they will only crave mothers milk. The flavors your tongue recognizes become who you are the moment you begin to gain sentience, our so called self awareness. We can recall all those flavors that really stood out to us; the sweet, bitter, sour, salty, and savory/umami. 


[What did you eat the most growing up?]

What flavors created the you that stands before the mirror every morning?

      One young boy grew up loving flavors, all flavors I might add. He was as happy as could be. His family wasn't that prosperous but the the flavors they enjoyed together were always sprinkled with bliss, love, and happiness. What more could you ask for besides a great home and a happy belly? This boy was truly blessed and his family was as perfect as could be.

     His family was his favorite meal of all. Just the right amount of seriousness and joking, scolding and playing, and even the right amount of PDA from mom and dad. Never over the top, but just the right amount to let the boy know a little about romance and not stepping over boundaries. Yup, this was his favorite meal and he could eat it everyday…..

…. And that's where our story would end, if some ingredients from that family disappear? Like anyone who is hungry and craving something, you will eat, and never feel satisfied. You will eat and eat and eat just to satisfy a craving that won't ever be pleased, and no matter how full you are you just keep eating.


    Putting on a custom fitted blue suit and looking in a mirror. 187cm of height and 170kg of weight, squeezed in an Italian made suit was quite the sight to see. Less than two meters tall but still a meter wide, the man had his hair combed back leaving none of it on his face allowing everyone to see the intersecting scar he owned. One scar going up from chin to forehead, another going across his face between his eyebrows connecting his forehead and opposite cheek. Both scars join at the top left corner of his face, and the shape of both scars form…… a wishbone.

"Any important business tonight honey~" a seductive voiced cooed at the man from the bed behind him. The circular bed itself was an amazing piece of technology; memory foam designed for weights above 300kg, heating and cooling mattress, and the custom size and shape made this large bed a sight to behold. The man carefully sat down on the 3 meter  bed as he put his socks on.

The bed may be a piece of state of the art technology, but the acts these two just committed in it has left it in disarray. Blotches of liquid stains are seen everywhere, discoloration in the sheets and mattress, dried drool and semen everywhere.

"No mom," the man said as he put both his socks on and stood up and turned to the woman as he began to put on a crimson red tie. Her figure is on full display in front of him. Her hairless body, voluptuous hips, implanted G-sized breasts, and her alluring eyes that peaked behind her short bangs shined like mirrors. She has come a long way from where she used to be physically and mentally and that only adds to the love and desire she has for Wishbone, her son. "Today should be a very easy going day."

"Yeah…?" She said as she put on a sparky grin and she paused dramatically, "were you easy going when you met up with that girl after so long? What was her name," her grin grew into an evil smile, "Kanata, maybe?"

"It was Kaori, mom. She used to come to our home when we were young."

"When you were young?" She put on a pouty face, "My baby is 18 and thinks he's old? That must mean that I'm a fossil, maybe you'll leave me for one of these girls like Kawashi or whatever her name is." A depressed look fell on her face.

Wishbone understood his mother was jealous, but he doesn't know how easy going she is about this situation. She could be playing or she could be serious, this caused a little anxiety to creep in the young man. So as any man in a relationship that gets questioned about another woman…… he panicked.

"NO! MOM SHE IS NOTHING COMPARED TO YOU!" Wishbone blurted out. Making his mother happy is one of his daily missions and he takes it very seriously. She already knows about his dangerous lifestyle, but accepts it as he had flourished because of it. However, she is always worried something might happen to him or that one of the women around him will take her place. Her self confidence has been destroyed before and  aging for her can be an uphill battle.

Looking at his mother's sullen face Wishbone moves his hand to his forehead as anguish washed over his conscious.

"No.. wa-wa-wait. I know it's hard, I didn't try-"

"Fucking piece of shit! Just leave! Your mother is telling you to leave!"

"You've made sure I had nothing! I'm nothing because of you!"

"I raised him and I know I didn't do a good job! I'm sorry!"


Voices and images echo out in Wishbone's head as he winces in pain causing his mothers expression to change to one of worry. She hurriedly got off the bed and rushed to her son's side. She turns him towards herself and reaches up to her son's temples and begins to massage them.

"I'm so sorry," her worried face became an apologetic one, "I just…." Her words are stopped by Wishbone grabbing her arms gently. 

Wishbone looked down on the buxom beauty. His eyes laced with tenderness causing his mother to blush. Just by staring at her he sent an electric shock to her spine, tingling her from her head to her maidenhood. Her skin began to react causing goosebumps on her arms leading to her chest and finally resulted in her nipples hardening on her fake giant tits. Not able to withstand his gaze she tried to look away, but was stopped by a giant hand that cupped her chin and drew her focus back. Wishbone stared deeply at her face. He had already memorized the two small wrinkles by her eyes, the 5 freckles on her nose, the beauty mark by her lips, and the shape her lips take when she wants a kiss but doesn't feel able to initiate it. He leans in closer and takes her lips.

*moans* *moans*

"Haaaaah…" She takes a breath as they break the kiss, "oh my?!" She said as she feels the bulge in his crotch. "Again son? You seem to never get tired of sex." She teased as she rubbed his hardened member.

"I'm never tired of sex with my beautiful mother."

"With so many girls at your disposal, why even keep me?" She said slowly but not unabashed. Less worried about his answer as she was searching for one.

"This will be the last time I hear that question mom." Wishbone spoke in a very serious tone, causing his mother to worry.

"S-s-son, I'm sorry." Panic appeared on her face. Did she overstep? Did she play around too much? Has he finally grown tired of her? Will she finally be tossed away?

They have had a hard life. They were pretty much torn apart. She had even given up and contemplated killing herself or running away and abandoning him. She is only around because her son tried and fought so hard for her, for them. Will she now pay for those sins she once committed? Will everything abruptly end right now?

These were the thoughts going through her head as her son reached behind himself. 

"Will he kill me?" His mother selfishly thought. She knows her son has done awful things so killing won't be hard for him, but she honestly rather die than be separated from him. All her life she was nothing until her son decided to prove her wrong, he went through so much to make herself believe she was more than she was and she would rather lose her life than lose the person that gave her that.

Whatever her son chose, she had to accept it. So she resolved herself and stood there, turning her expression ice cold and waiting for whatever her son had in store.



Or so she thought, but her son reached behind himself and hadn't moved a muscle. It was as if time stood still. Nothing was happening until something could be heard.

*heavy breathing*



Her icy face started to break down as her son still didn't move, but she could hear him hyperventilating. 

After another moment of silence all her resolve slowly died and her face became one of concern. She wasn't a lover at this moment, just a mother concerned for her son.

"Ehh…. Honey…?" She slowly reached out for him and patted his shoulder.


*Heavy breathing*

"HAAA…. HAAA…. HAAA…. HAAAA….HAAA…. HAA…. HAAAAAAAA….. OK!" His words caused his mother to step back and as she did he whipped his large body back into her direction. "OKAY! HAAA…. HAAAA…. HAAA…. HAAAA…. HHHAAAAAAAAA…. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH."   He seemed to be throwing a fit and his mother was growing scared. His face was red, so red it was almost purple. Him yelling was cause for concern as well. " LETS GO! ONE…. TWOO…… THREEEEE!" He pulled his arm from behind his back causing his mother to close her eyes and try to re-steel herself for what might happen.



Coming around the small home was the large tanned man Rikishi. The home is on the same land as the apartment but just detached. Surrounded by trimmed grass, both buildings are connected by a rock step path.


"Oh?" Rikishi paused in his steps as he approached the home. "HAHAHAHHA!" he began to cackle laughing after hearing the noise. "That kid is still awkward isn't he?" His laughing slowed to a chuckle, "even with everything he's done, he still has an innocent side to him huh?" Rikishi continued his walk with a huge toothy smile, he began to hear screaming from the inside of the home so he decided to knock and wait outside the door for a minute.


In the bedroom there was now a large break in the wooden floor. The massive hole was caused by a knee that drove itself into the floor with the same velocity of a stampeding rhinoceros. 

Slowly the woman opened her eyes to see her son kneeling in front of her. His face was now red with veins popping out, his expression looked like one of a warrior about to go into battle, his pants has been ripped at the area his knee hit the wooden floor and he was now bleeding.

"Oh n-" her words were cut off as she glimpsed in his hand. A small closed box being squeezed by giant fingers. "Yuzu..?" Everything in the last minute has left her confused, her eyes are wide open in shock. It can't be what she's thinking…. Can it?

"HARANO KAGANE!" Wishbone yelled so loudly it caused Kagane to step back, causing her delicious body to jiggle. "MARRY BE MINE WILL HAPPY MAKE ALL LIFE WITH ME TILL HAPPY!!" He yelled out in one breath. His face is stone like and he is unmoving, making this one of the most ridiculous looking proposals, however, it seemed effective.

*drip* *drip*

With her hand to her mouth Wishbone's mother, Kagane, has started to cry. She doesn't move for a while and neither does Wishbone. Two people in a room, silent if not for the gentle whimpers of Kagane, standing still. One naked and the other kneeling with torn up pants.

*knock* *knock*

The front door broke the silence and immediately time began moving again. The first thing to happen was Wishbone turned his head to the noise and then his mother dropped her hand.

"We can't…" she said with a huge smile shaking her head. "I'm your mother."

"I love you." Wishbone said in a stern serious voice.

"We can't register." She said shyly, turning her face.

"We are already registered as a family!" He said faster but in the same stern voice.

"You deserve better…" she said as she looked at him, more tears coming from her eyes

"But I want you! If I deserve better than I deserve what I want!" His stone face fumbled those words out without a shred of affection.

"I'm old."

"I LOVE M.I.L.F's!"

"I would like one more child."


"I still want grandchildren."


"I……sniffle.." she approached him, while kneeling his head came to her chest, and she caressed his face stopping her hand by his eyes and she gently stroked the joining point of his scar. "I don't... deserve you."

"THEN LOVE ME EVERYDAY AND EARN ME!" His cold words reached inside of her heart. She smiled so wide that her eyes pressed together and dropped even more tears as she lunged into him wrapping her arms around him.

"YES! I WILL! YESSSS!" She buried her head into his neck. Wishbone slowly wrapped his arms around her body, his face still red and strained.

"Sorry, I knocked and was calling out but there was no answer." Rikishi said as he looked in the open doorway of the bedroom.

"Ahh!" Kagane grabbed the box from Wishbone's hand and jumped on the bed and wrapped herself in a comforter, "Rikishi-san! You should have a little more tact than entering a bedroom like that."

"Oh? I'm sorry Kagane?" Rikishi said with a very confused look on his face. The exhibitionist is being shy and Rikishi had to answer the reason. Kagane opened the box and pulled out a 2 carat round solitaire diamond ring. Ideal cut, E in color, and a VVS1 in clarity (translation= fucking expensive). The sheer size of the diamond as it was placed onto her finger almost looked disproportionate, but the shine of the stone was outmatched by the shine of Kagane's eyes.

"No more."  Kagane said as she stood up on the bed while wrapped in the blanket still staring at the ring in disbelief. "No more men will get to touch or see this naked body." She flipped her hand around and flashed the ring to Rikishi, "I'm a taken woman now!" The middle aged woman jumped up and down on the bed in excitement for a little bit before calming down, "Ahhh…. I'm sorry that also means you as well Rikishi-san." She bowed a little.

"Hahahahah!" Rikishi cackled, "its nothing! Don't worry about it. Showing the bosses mother a good time is an honor, but I would never touch his women." Rikishi looked at the still frozen-kneeling Wishbone, "Hahahahah, still as awkward as ever! Come on big guy." Rikishi goes to help Wishbone up, pulling him to his feet, "I'm sorry for taking your fiancée away, but work calls." He turns and begins to walk the stone faced Wishbone out of the room.

"Wait!" Kagane leaps off the bed and disappears into her walk-in closet for a moment before emerging with a new pair of pants for Wishbone. "Make sure he changes, tonight is special and I know he will want to look his best." She said as she handed Rikishi the blanket size pair of pants.

"Of course," Rikishi turned and quickly turned back, "Does this mean the plans for tonight's auction will change?"

"Well yes of course!" Kagane put on a fake pout, "why would I need those dirty men's attention when the best man I know wants me to mother his children!?" She said with more bragging energy than angry energy.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! YES! YES OF COURSE!" Rikishi throws his head back and walks his boss out.



Every night there is an event at the apartment-club, however once a week there is an Auction for the unattainable women that work for the club, to be used for pleasure. Wishbone's mother, Kagane, would always be the last person auctioned off on those nights. She loved the feel of being wanted and needed so this was one of her biggest turn on. Wishbone would make sure the auction gets into high numbers, and someone his mother fancied would always win. Lately Wishbone has gained a desire to monopolize his mother, he fought with his feelings and decided to propose.


<2-hours later>

"Hahahahaha! Boss!" Rikishi came up to Wishbone and patted his back, "you finally seem to snap out of it, now we can do a proper congratulations." Rikishi hanging his arm over Wishbone's shoulder as he walked him to the bar, "Anne! Two banana bombs!" He yelled at the tiny girl behind the busy bar. As the night gets later more and more of life's unsavory types walk into the club. However, not a single extra car is parked outside and almost no excess noise is made.

"Coming!" In just under a minute the high paced girl has the drinks in front of them.

"Thanks Anne, by the way, our boy just got engaged!" Rikishi's words caused the fast moving girl to stop, her bright face darkened a little.

"To… who." She said with a hint of anger.

"His mother!" Rikishi blurted out and that immediately made the smile reappear on Anne's face, she was now practically beaming. 

"Congratulations! I'm so happy for you both!" Anne said cheerfully.

"Why did you look so upset just a moment ago?" Wishbone said.

"I….well I….." Anne turned red in embarrassment.

"Who were you afraid it was?" Wishbone asked genuinely, causing Anne to droop her head.

"Laura or….. Miho." Anne squeeked.

Honestly Wishbone wasn't surprised by her answers. He knows he gives Miho special privileges and the other girls don't like it, especially with the current situation. Laura on the other hand is the opposite of Miho. Where Miho is a little depraved and very naughty, fitting in with Wishbone's lifestyle, Laura is a prude compared to the other girls and though she understands Wishbone, she wants him to live a straight and narrow life.

"I don't think either would marry me." Wishbone said with a sullen look on his face.

"Aa...aa… oh! Oh! It's the mistress!" Anne tried to distract Wishbone and pointed to the stage.

Everyone's attention was taken to the stage and that was how the evening began.

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