Return of the Tower Conqueror

Chapter 67: When the Blades Fall (IV)

  When the Blades Fall (IV)

The group of five was running haphazardly, flaying their arms around, repeatedly dodging left and right while an occasional, panicked cry bloomed out into the world. All around them, the aging room was falling apart; the ceiling was caving in, large chunks falling like rain, destabilizing an already shaky floor, while the pillars continued to explode under the weight they were no longer able to bear, shooting rock-sized chunks of stones all over.

Cain repeatedly used Creation and Earth to stabilize the floor under them, occasionally using Wind to get the other four out of harm's way, all while the cold sweat trickled down his forehead as all this was his fault. He'd miscalculated the sturdiness of one of the pillars holding up the ceiling, and by merely leaning on it for a moment, had caused a chain reaction that resulted in the entire room they entered breaking down.

Luckily, it wasn't too big -- and even amidst the rain of the falling debris, it only took them a minute or so to cross to the other side and dip into one of the passageways, barely escaping the carnage.

Everyone's knees finally gave out, their shaky legs unable to support their even shakier bodies. Aghast, they glanced back at the room where only a gaping hole could be seen, filled up with the debris of both the upper floor as well as the room's.

Cain remained standing, though quickly dipping into his inventory and taking out a cigarette to calm his nerves. Boy-o-boy... I really don't deserve 200 intellect. I'm clearly not that smart...

"Jesus, that was terrifying..." Jamal commented.

"Y-yeah... scary." Diya nodded.

"Only 'cause one dumbass just had to strike a cool pose after making a lame joke." Senna growled, looking at Cain and prompting everyone else to look his way as well. He smiled sheepishly in response.

"Sorry -- really, my bad," he apologized genuinely. "I'm just glad everyone's safe."

"... wait--that's a genuine apology," Emma chimed in with a slightly surprised look on her face. "Like... what?! You aren't capable of those! There's always a caveat! There has to be!"

"Nope," Cain shook his head, sitting down as well. "I just fucked up, and I'm sorry."



"Well, shit," Jamal said. "We can't even rail on him now..."

"Yeah. Kinda lame." Emma nodded.

"It's okay," Diya said. "You didn't mean it!"

"... humph," Senna scoffed, looking away. "Fine... I guess..."

"..." Cain smiled, taking a puff and leaning deeper against the bricked, somewhat chilly wall. Though others may find it strange as to why the room collapsed while the passages stayed entirely unharmed, he knew that they were safeguarded by some really strong formations -- so much so that even a full-brunt attack of the boss of the entire place wasn't enough to even put a dent into it.

"We can rest here, then," Emma said, stretching. "By the way, why is there literally nothing here? No ante-Humans, no monsters, just brick and plants."

"The place... is very old," Diya said. "That's why. I think. It reminds me of my uncle's..."

"Oh? Your uncle was rich?" Jamal asked.

"Y-yeah..." Diya replied, lowering her head and biting her lip. "He... he was."

"Damn, good on you! What's his name? Is he like some Indian rich-boy or something? How about--"

"Hey, pipe down," Cain slapped him again, causing Jamal to pull back finally notice that both Emma and Senna were looking at him moodily. Looking in-between them, he saw that Diya was shaking, her face hidden entirely behind her hair. "Sweet God, you're like a kid on a sugar-rush. You just do whatever you want to."

"U-uh... sorry. Didn't... notice." Jamal said, feeling awkward.

"..." heavy silence fell over the group, causing Cain to sigh and stand up, walking over to Diya and sitting by her side, gently placing his hand on her head. "Hey," he called out softly. "Don't go back. You're here, now. With us."

"..." the young woman peered through the strands of hair, a pair of green eyes moist with held-back tears. Cain couldn't read the exact expression with them, only the traces of pain and shame. "I... I never thanked you," she mumbled. "Or Rick. For getting me here. You... saved me."

"Hey, doesn't the end of the passage look kinda interesting?" Emma suddenly said, standing up. "Let's go check it out!" Senna immediately stood up and walked over while Jamal remained seated, staring curiously at Diya. "Hey, you can blend into the background here well, so we need you!" Emma added, dragging Jamal by the ear and startling him.

"Hey, that's really fucking racist!" he said.

"What are you talking about? I meant your clothes. You're the only one who wears full-black like some nihilism-fueled teen."

"... oh." Cain looked at the three oddly for a moment, especially Emma who shot him a 'warning glare' as she dragged Jamal away, leaving Diya and him alone. Taking another puff, he shuffled his attention back to the young woman.

"You'd have been just fine, Diya," Cain replied.

"No," she quickly shook her head. "I... I was scared. Lonely. Defeated."

"... we all are, sometimes," he said. "But... when I look at you, I don't see a scared, lonely, and defeated girl. I see a stubborn, free-spirited, determined, albeit quite clumsy and awkward one."

"Heh... I... I wish I was the same one... you see," she said, her voice cracking. "I'm not. I'm weak. I gave in."

"What happened?" Cain asked.

"That uncle," Diya said. "Wasn't... wasn't really my uncle. He... he was a boy, just a few years older than me. He introduced me to science. To everything."


"My dad had him arrested when he found the two of us... were dating," her voice grew chillier yet more agonizing, Cain noted, sighing inwardly. "The day Mr. Rick's man found me... I ran away from home. I was being chased, everywhere. And then... I was not. Instead, I was on a plane -- a plane to America. A country so distant... it may as well not existed my whole life..."


"They... I don't know what they would do to me. That's why... you... saved me..."

"... when I was little," Cain spoke out after a brief silence. "My dad used to beat the shit out of me at least once a week. He'd get reamed at work, would go to a bar and get plastered, and then come home where he'd look for any excuse to brick me."

"Oh my--"

"Hey, don't interrupt! How rude!"

"Pfft... f-fine..:"

"Anyway, I felt just like you," Cain continued. "Weak, scared, pathetic. Then, one day, Em' was in my room when he came back. I freaked. I didn't want her to see me like that -- all lame and weird. But... I couldn't sneak her out. So, my dad decided to beat me for 'bringing in one more whore into the house without his permission'. When Em' tried to stop him, he took a swing at her as well. So, I threw a bottle of beer at him and knocked him out. Em' told everything to her parents, who then called cops and child services, and the whole thing was wha-bam rather quickly."


"Just like you, I believed Em' saved me and that without her... I'd never have escaped that place. And, while she certainly helped... I first had to have wanted to be helped, Diya. Just like you. The greatest strength when battling our demons... aren't our fists or our tongues -- but the ability to take the hand that extends toward us. And you... you did just that. We just helped -- and there's zero shame in that. Everyone... needs a little help sometimes. Just like in here. Even if just one of us wasn't present, this wouldn't be possible. I know... you lot think you're holding me back or something, but..." he added, smiling gently at her. "Trust me when I say that if you weren't here, I wouldn't be either. Just like you're relying on me, I'm relying on you. And, just like we helped you out once, you've been helping us out since."

"... t-thank you... thank you..." she mumbled softly as she tossed her arms around him and hugged him tightly. He sighed and barely managed to squeeze one arm out of her hug, cradling her gently.

"Hey, what if Em' gets jealous?"

"H-uh? N-no, she won't! I don't mean it like that, I swear!" Diya, flustered, quickly scrambled back, but just as quickly noticed the playful smile on Cain's face, causing her to realize she'd been played.

"Ha ha ha, come on," Cain laughed as he stood up and stretched. "Looks like that lot started eating without us. Let's go."

"..." she said nothing as she stood up, her eyes glued to the ever-broadening back walking in front of her. Her lips curled up into a smile as she wiped her cheeks and eyes, jogging to catch up to him. She'd found her place, she realized. A place where she could do what she loved.

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