Returning to high school, I awakened the god-level sign-in system

Chapter 10 Transfer Students

"It's up to you whether you want to watch or not, remember, just don't make a fuss."

Jiang Huai took out two more cards, "This is for you, buy yourself a bottle of drink after delivery."

"Okay brother! I will definitely do it! Just leave it to me and you can rest assured!"

"Don't make a fuss, keep your voice down."

He Wenming immediately silenced, zipped his mouth, made an OK gesture, and patted Jiang Huai's chest to reassure Jiang Huai that everything was on him.

Li Ke looked at the two people next to him behind their backs and didn't know what they were talking about. He felt that it was related to Lin Xiang. He tilted his head inadvertently and was hit by He Wenming who turned back.

startled him!
"Li Ke, what are you doing! Xueba is still eavesdropping!"

"Eavesdropping, what's the point of learning to be a bully?" Li Ke retorted subconsciously, and realized that he had said something wrong after he said it, "Don't let this slander, who eavesdropped?"

"The dog eavesdropped."

"You are a dog! Your whole family is a dog!"

He Wenming sneered, who knows.

Li Ke didn't care about it at first, and didn't bother with this, but his eyes were on He Wenming's stuffing into his trouser pocket the whole time.

What is it stuffed with?Hold it so tightly that you don't show it at all, as if you're afraid others will see it!
Originally, I thought that if Lin Xiang paid the money secretly, it would stop after Lin Xiang received it. Knowing that Jiang Huai really didn't want to owe her anything, he could stop.

But I didn't expect that the money was collected, and the things were still delivered, nothing unusual.

According to He Wenming, Lin Xiang accepted the money very simply and did not refuse at all.

Jiang Huai doesn't care about her anymore, just give it away, and wait until he thinks of a better way, anyway, he has paid for these things, and no one owes anyone materially.

He Wenming was very happy, he not only took the tip, but the food delivered on the Jianghuai table every day, no matter who delivered it, the most went into his stomach.

I didn't dare to talk to this school bully before, but now I think the school bully is easy to get along with, so Jianghuai basically doesn't touch a bunch of things, and distributes all of them to the people around him. He Wenming is the biggest beneficiary.

Every time he finished the selection, he then distributed it to others.

Visible to the naked eye, the face circled.

Don't forget the well digger when you drink water. If there is no school bully, how could He Wenming be so happy?

He Wenming, who knows how to be grateful, put all his various notes in Jianghuai, regardless of whether he read it or not, give it first and then talk.

But the school bully is still the school bully, he is either sleeping or distracted in class, or tinkering with some weird things, except when he is not studying.

He Wenming is worried, the prestige of the school bully is about to be hit for the first time.

Because the mock exam is coming soon.

The exams in the third year of senior high school basically consisted of one exam every three days and one exam every five days. From time to time, I had a joint exam with this school, and then I competed with that school from time to time.

After the early self-study, before leaving the classroom to the examination room, He Wenming was still comforting Jiang Huai's normal heart, Jiang Huai was funny, and now he has an extremely rich knowledge system, and he is not afraid at all.

When I went back to Lao Zhang's house, I made a set of papers and did it myself. Full marks are not a problem, so don't worry at all.

This may be the self-confidence that is open and hanging!

Before He Wenming could finish his parting words, Li Ke knocked him away, "Remember our bet, after the exam, don't renege on your debt."

"This should be what I said to you."

Li Ke didn't know where Jiang Huai's self-confidence came from, so he sneered and went to the first floor with his head held high.

The examination room is arranged according to the grades. A good student like him has to take the test in the first class on the first floor. He just turned around and saw Lin Xiang. Li Ke waved happily, "Let's go, let's go together!"

Lin Xiang is also on the first floor, but he is not in the same class, but he is on the way.

Lin Xiang nodded, but stopped when passing by Jianghuai, "You take the exam hard, come on."

"It doesn't matter if you fail the exam, I don't need you to apologize to me."

Li Ke, that angry duck, came over and dragged Lin Xiang away.

Damn girl, who is he venting his anger on?Why don't you know what to order!
"Actually, the school belle is really good." He Wenming adjusted his glasses and said with emotion.

Jiang Huai glanced at her and walked up without saying a word.

He had to run to the classroom on the top floor, which was the last one.

In fact, he wanted to complain a long time ago, shouldn't he learn from the top?Those who study well should go to a higher place, and those who study poorly should go to a lower place.

Alas, the moral!
Because Jianghuai has been cheated by the system in the past few days and has been in the public eye for a long time, everyone is not as far away from this school bully as before.

When he entered the last examination room, several people greeted him as the school bully, but Jiang Huai didn't pay much attention to it. He waved to everyone as he passed the podium, just like a leader inspecting him.

Before he could put his hand down in the air, Jiang Huai stopped.

In the last row of the last examination room, there was a face that was unfamiliar but not unfamiliar.

For everyone, it must be unfamiliar, but for JAC, it is not.

A guy sitting in the front row closest to Jianghuai saw the school bully's gaze and kindly explained, "I heard that he seems to be a new transfer from our school. Today is the first day, just in time for the exam. It should be to let him Take the exam with us, let's talk after the exam."

The last test room is basically acquaintances. When such a stranger appears, everyone can basically get to know each other by asking each other.

After hearing this, Jiang Huai walked to the last row, his seat was the one in front of the transfer student, the last one.

Transfer students are unfamiliar to everyone, but Jianghuai knows them.

Because this transfer student will be transferred to their class soon.

It's just that Jiang Huai, who was in high school in his previous life, never cared about these things, and he didn't remember exactly when he came here.

I just remember that the biggest initial impression of him at that time seemed to be that the first test when he came to take the exam bloodbathed their entire ranking, and they were at the top, which really caused a big sensation for the whole grade.

But at that time, Jianghuai didn't care about grades or anything, so it didn't impress people so much at first, until later, they started to get involved...

The moment Jiang Huai walked back and looked at the past, his eyes met the moment when the other party looked up, and then the teacher's voice sounded from behind.

"Come on, sit down!"

The invigilator came in with the test paper and yelled at the chaotic classroom.

The last test room discipline is the most difficult to manage, but from another perspective, it is simpler than other test rooms.

Because basically everyone here has no desire for grades, no matter how much you cheat, you won’t be able to get out of this exam room. Luckily, you will lie flatter than other exam rooms. The teacher just needs to take care not to be too messy and finish the exam in an orderly manner.

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