Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 1008

Chapter 996 Same direction

The generation difference of software and hardware is leading, and the era of global emerging technology standards has begun. The two-day conference allowed the world to see some things more clearly. For Dafeng Group and for the global technology landscape, everyone has a firmer new vision. view.

At the same time, everyone began to look forward to the content of the third question of the conference. The answer is that Dafeng Group will focus this day on global cooperation projects.

On the morning of the third day, the conference showcased the numerous achievements of global technology companies through cooperation, and used the facts before their eyes to prove to the public that cooperation can indeed achieve a win-win situation.

Wait until the afternoon, the conference began to mention a brand new concept.

Many people now know that large-scale scientific and technological projects in cooperation between countries are called big science and technology. The common point of these big science and technology is that the technology is very difficult, and it needs the strength of all countries to complete it.

Now another concept has emerged, an international inter-enterprise cooperation project repeatedly promoted by Dafeng Group, called Big Business Technology.

Commercial big technology and big technology have in common that these technologies themselves are very difficult and require a lot of resources and capital to complete.

The biggest difference between big business technology and big technology is that these cooperative projects have a clear business purpose, which is a win-win cooperation between enterprises, and the ultimate goal is to help enterprises obtain higher benefits.

Regardless of whether it is the traditional international corporate cooperation projects in the morning or the large commercial technology in the afternoon, these cooperations are clearly revealing a detail on the basis of displaying the technology itself: “the alliance between the strong and the weak.”

For a long time, big technology has always been a powerful alliance, a game between a big country and a big country. The relatively backward countries have to pay a huge price if they want to participate in it, and in many cases, even if they are willing to pay no matter how high the price is. Will not take you to play, or even play you like a monkey.

However, big commercial technology is not this rule at all. As long as relatively weak enterprises can come up with the capital, talent pool, basic research and development results that meet the rules, and the project follow-up research and development cycle, they have the opportunity to enter the cooperation project.

The threshold of commercial big technology is these clear standards. Even if your money is borrowed, even if your talents are made up by pieces, as long as you have the ability to get it done and follow the rules of the project in the follow-up, you can play together. .

This is to provide an international platform for upgrading the level of science and technology for relatively backward companies that are determined, motivated, and capable of breaking the boat.

Of course, if you are so backward that you can’t settle the threshold by borrowing, then you can only be excluded. After all, big commercial technology is not charity.

But it has changed some traditions, because in the past, the more determined and motivated relatively backward companies and relatively backward countries, the more they will be targeted by the strong, because the last thing those powerful companies and countries want is When such enterprises and countries develop, I can’t wait for you to die quickly.

Following this philosophy, the next display at the conference site is the fairness of scarce cutting-edge equipment.

For example, Thailand has been supporting a local chip company with extremely high policies and capital in the past two years. Their current goal is to become one of the global companies that can handle 5nm processor foundry, so they purchased a 5nm lithography machine from Dafeng Group. .

5nm lithography machine is currently a scarce equipment, even the leading companies need to line up to buy, but even so, Dafeng Group did not impose any restrictions on Thai companies. According to the purchase time of Thai companies, it has decided to bring South African companies. The delivery time is fair and just, giving Thai companies the opportunity they deserve.

This is unimaginable in the past, because this kind of cutting-edge equipment has always been a business transaction between giant companies. New companies want to purchase this equipment? Don’t even think about it, it will give you face if you can provide you with equipment that is a generation behind.

Normally, only two generations of backward equipment are sold to emerging companies, especially those in developing countries. Through this restriction, the absolute advantage of giant companies in developed countries is guaranteed.

Dafeng Group once again broke the monopoly rules of developed countries and giant companies on the issue of the supply side of cutting-edge equipment, and brought a brand-new rule and a brand-new gameplay to the world.

On the evening of the third day of the conference, this year’s Gale Global Developers Conference was drawing to a close. Meng Qian appeared on the main stage again and said directly, “Wassenaar Agreement is the shame of contemporary human development!”

When Meng Qian said this, his face was solemn and his eyes were sharp, so that everyone didn’t know whether to applaud or not, and the scene fell into absolute silence.

Meng Qian continued on the stage, “Behind the artificial opposition, it often means independence, but the independence I am talking about is not the independence of the praise word, but the independence of loneliness.

A few days ago, I just took my son to a summer camp about protecting glaciers. In that summer camp, there were more than 1,000 children under the age of 16 from more than 80 countries around the world.

Everyone has different skin colors, different languages, and different cultures, but I see their harmony, happiness, and concerted efforts when discussing countermeasures for the same goal and protecting the glacier.

Everyone can simply imagine a picture. You hope that one day when you meet a few friends from overseas in the hotel, you can come forward naturally and say, hey buddy, do you want to have a drink together and share their lives happily?

I still hope to meet a few overseas friends in the hotel in the future. The first reaction in my mind is that these people are from a certain country and are our enemies. We must not be friends with them, or should we kill him?

Which scene do you prefer?

Why, I don’t understand why I have to engage in the Cold War mentality in 2019. Is it because I can’t live in the previous era, or is it incompetent enough to be afraid of accepting any challenges?

At least for me, I cannot accept the Cold War mentality of 2019, the unilateralism of 2019, and the existence of anti-human things like the Walsen Agreement in 2019.

Because when I saw my son and his new friends from all over the world in the summer camp I saw the beautiful world in the new era in the future.

I don’t hope that when my child grows up in a few years, he will have to give up the good things he once had because of the still prevailing Cold War mentality and unilateralism.

I don’t even want the future world to continue the stupid and absurd history of mankind, because I believe that the peaceful development of mankind is not an extravagant hope, because I believe that the Cold War mentality is a barbaric and backward thing, a thing that should have been long ago. Abandoned dross.

But as an entrepreneur, my abilities are limited. I can only call for new globalization over and over again, and I can only do my job well, just like the new globalization that I have been insisting on for more than ten years, at least from now on Judging from the results, we have received a lot of positive and positive feedback.

And in the process, I have seen more and more people join our camp. I believe that my persistence will definitely become our persistence and everyone’s persistence. ”

Meng Qian’s closing speech at the conference left an open end without any substantive summary.

However, after the conference, entrepreneurs from many countries began to express their opinions. Whether it is a developed country company such as Germany and France, or a developing country company in Southeast Asia and Africa, they have written their opinions on the new global platform on Fengxin, Twitter and other platforms. The recognition and expectation of socialization, as well as fierce protests against Cold War mentality and unilateralism.

The public opinion in the global technology business circle is moving in one direction and is beginning to influence more people.

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