Rise of an Alpha Male

Chapter 24: D’Tube Streaming

At that time, Silvio is at the university. Although the school term has ended, he still goes to the campus and walks by the lake every day. There are a small number of students who have stayed at the university over the vacation, and they would often stay by the lake, which makes him less lonely. His phone rings. The screen shows a landline number that he doesn't save. He is hesitating but finally answers the call. 

The caller says, "Hi, Mr Gesell. I am calling from D'Tube, the live streaming service with an official request to shoot a video clip. We are planning to hold a celebration of online celebrities from surrounding New York, and if possible, we would like to shoot the video at your mansion at the artificial island, Beverly Island. We are willing to pay you thirty thousand dollars, and if you agree to our request, you have our absolute guarantee that it will be at no detriment to yourself and your property. If there's any damage, you will receive full compensation."

As soon as he finishes speaking, the microphone seems to have been snatched by someone else. 

Silvio is someone who doesn't spend much money. Even when the two gold diggers who live in his mansion obey his spending habit. Thirty thousand dollars is an extremely large amount of money for most people, he doesn't really need that money but maybe he could use it for someone. He agrees, "Fine. Just make sure nothing is broken. I will meet you there in half an hour to pass you the key. The man replies gratefully on the phone, "Thank you so much, Mr Gesell!" 

He returns to Beverly Hills and the security guards tell him the streaming people have already started the filming outside the nearby bridge to the island. 

When Silvio reaches Beverly Island, he sees a camera van parked in front of the mansion. A few of the film crew are setting up the cameras, and several teenage girls  are sitting on the wall, holding up small mirrors, and touching up their make-up. 

He parks his luxurious sport car, the world's most expensive Bugatti just outside the bridge.

He is about to walk to the island when he sees an old man rowing a boat out on the lake. He is trying to fish some garbage from the surface with a net. The man is sweating, and his arms are shaking. Silvio knows the artificial lake is made specifically for his mansion and feels this old man is therefore doing the hard labour for him. He sees that the old man has already cleared most of the lake. 

He tells him to stop working and to go home. Silvio would clean the lake by himself. He instructs the old man that if anyone questions him, he could tell them the owner of the mansion and artificial island has asked him to leave. No one would dare to question that. The old man leaves feeling relieved. 

Silvio puts on the life jacket and climbs into the boat. As he rows out around the lake, he uses the net to pull the trash out of the water. 

Suddenly, from the artificial island, he hears, "Look at the garbage collector on the lake!" A teenage girl is gesturing excitedly at Silvio to her friends. 

"He is only in his twenties. Why is he collecting garbage?" One of her friends comments.

" Ah, he is clearly someone with no ambition. He probably can't be bothered to look for a better job. Even washing dishes is better than picking up garbage. I think he is either lazy or stupid."

"Doesn't he know no girl would date someone with such a menial job. He probably can't afford to buy food."

Several girls are discussing on a bench gossiping about what Silvio is doing. Silvio simply mends the straw hat on his head and continues with his chore.

Silvio's calm demeanor in the face of the girls' comments shows his unbothered and grounded nature. While most people in his position might feel insulted, Silvio seems to embrace the simple act of cleaning the lake, perhaps valuing the work for its own sake rather than for what others might think of him.

He is a character who clearly doesn't chase material wealth or social validation, despite having access to both. The contrast between his quiet actions and the judgment of the girls highlights the difference between those who chase superficial success and those who find peace in their own path, regardless of how it's perceived.

The person in charge of the shooting looks at his watch and complains, "The owner of the villa should be here by now. He says to meet up in half an hour."

Silvio, still wearing his strawhat, looking like a menial labourer, walks towards him. 

"Sorry, I am late." 

The person in charge is startled when he sees Silvio. He grins and looks embarrassed. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean anything just now. We don't mind waiting."

He observes Silvio who obviously doesn't look wealthy. With some doubt, "Are you really the owner?" 

Silvio doesn't answer. He nonchalantly takes out the key to his mansion from his pocket. 

"Oh, I am sorry, Mr Giselle. it's a pleasure to meet you." The man says.

Then, a voice from behind them says, "Dummy. You don't really believe what the guy said. He is just a loser pretending to be the owner." A teenage girl approaches, sipping a cola. Silvio glances at her, noticing she looks like a young model, the kind of face often found in advertisements.

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