Rise of the Weakest Summoner

Chapter 403 – Temporary Accommodations

Five minutes later, Miria was finally capable of calming down as Asterios worked with Oria to drag the overjoyed panthergirl back to her seat. It might have been a challenge for someone else, but for him, it was just another day. A few accurate scratches and ruffles here and there and the bubbly feline melted in his arms, nuzzling her face into his neck while purring lovingly. A wide smile still decorated her rosy face, connected to the recent announcement.

Afterward, they briefly talked about their plans going forward just as Miria’s mom had suggested. The Roundback family was eager to move, but they wanted a moment to collect their things and properly thank their hosts for the immense kindness shown to someone this far from their kin. Since Ast’s party was curious about how the moles lived, everyone agreed to stay together and then proceed with the move whenever their new friends were done with their preparations.

Asterios lent Narmaya one of his spare storage rings so that countless bags, sacks, and suitcases didn’t bog down the trio. The explanation and presentation of how it worked shocked the family greatly, making them praise the magical invention for how convenient it was. He and the girls considered leaving the ring in their hands as a token of goodwill. In the end, if things didn’t change too much, the Roundbacks would be closely working with them in this realm’s branch.

So, with the discussion wrapped up, everyone split into three groups. Asterios, Miria, and Zoe went with Ulgier, following the Bearkin as he showed them around on the way to his quarters. Oria and Selene went with Narmaya, while Tina, Silvia, and Bryn decided to accompany Grigorji so he didn’t feel left out and so that they could all be in touch to coordinate.

Slowly but surely, they all experienced the unique lifestyle of the Molekin. Their tunnels and chambers were rather simple, but no one could call them crude. Everything was thoroughly planned ahead. The passages, their connections, and the placement of specific facilities made it extremely easy to navigate through and even predict those still unvisited due to the visible patterns in everything.

The people were kind and helpful after it had become clear that Ast’s party had only good intentions. Even though they lived quite frugally, the females still offered them plenty of treats or even trinkets as gifts to remember the visit. Males showed a great deal of support too, sharing various stories amidst laughs and trying to tempt the guests to have a drink with them. 

And from what Grigorji had said, there would be no end if one let their guard down around the seemingly small creatures that should technically not be able to drink much.

About two hours later, everyone gathered near the passages leading out of the colony, the ones hiding multiple concealed exits in their ceiling. The leader of the moles stood before the Roundback family with a happy yet somewhat regretful smile. It looked like he and his people had grown close to the much bigger bears and one graceful deer lady.

“Oh, don’t you show such an expression, old friend.” Grigorji chuckled deeply and patted the smaller man on the shoulder. “We’ll still visit from time to time. If I’m not mistaken, our new occupation might lead us all over the realm depending on the day.”

“You are right.” His generous host sighed softly. “Honestly, I never thought I would ever find your company so enjoyable. I believe our entire community shares this feeling. We’ve always kept to ourselves as they say, but perhaps it’s not that bad to connect with others sometimes. Maybe it will be us who pay you three a visit. Who knows?”

Narmaya nodded gently. “We’ll do everything we can to ensure that your temporary stay is as generous and satisfactory as what you have shown us over those long years. Save maybe for the general atmosphere of the region.”

“That wouldn’t surprise me.” The short man laughed openly at her poking fun at the gassy environment, then glanced at Asterios. “If you ever need help with underground excavation and construction, you know where to find us. I assure you that we can go much fancier than this, which simply doesn’t happen due to our slightly lazy nature. But, working for someone else is completely different from working for yourself. We would be glad to help.”

Miria positively vibrated in place as the girls and ladies exchanged soft smiles.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Asterios inclined his head respectfully. “I’m sure the village where we are moving to could use the assistance of experts if our plans for its expansion come to see the light. And perhaps, even my own realm might be interested in your services. We are building quite an inclusive city and even in my world some races and creatures prefer the company of cold earth from all sides.”

A visible spark was brought into the leader’s eyes and he bowed deeply at the mention of interrealm travel. “We shall await further contact then.”

The Roundback family exchanged some more words of gratitude with the man and everyone was helped through the holes in the gravel. It was such an interesting experience for Ast’s party. He made a mental note to discuss such solutions with the Committee members, especially his military aides. It wasn’t that rare for humans to imitate the smart craft of animals, so taking a page from the beastfolk book might be one step further.

As the Molekin leader gazed upon Asterios with visible eagerness, the latter smirked to himself and slowly turned into a majestic True Dragon. The rumors must have reached the man and he wished to witness the event with his own eyes. Ast’s party had been planning to move through Umbra’s shadows, but it wasn’t a problem to give the friendly moles a bit of a show before leaving.

With everyone gathered together on his back, the ladies and the guys waved goodbye to the guards and the leader. A few strong flaps of Ast’s sizable wings later, they soared into the air and headed in the direction of Miria’s village. Oria chatted casually with her old friends during their impromptu trip, clearly happy about reconnecting with them after so long. Which, in turn, made her daughter feel unbelievably warm and fuzzy about it. She couldn’t stop thanking Asterios for making this possible.

Soon enough, they arrived above the charming log cabins and buildings. Finding a spacious spot close to the house belonging to the feline ladies, Asterios landed as carefully as he could, trying not to spook anyone strolling around or scrape against their homes. His passengers slid down onto the ground and he joined them in his humanoid form. The Roundback family was looking around the pleasant village with quite an approving glint in their eyes.

“Now, the only issue left is accommodations,” Oria said and captured everyone’s attention. “If you wish to own your own cozy home, I’m sure it won’t be a problem to convince the people to construct another one in a nice spot. My mate will surely be happy to lead the project and others shall come under him in a flash. In the meantime, though, we might need to house you ourselves if you don’t mind. There should be enough space to fit all of us.”

“You can use my bed too!” Miria offered as she clung onto Ast’s arm. “I sleep with Master most of the time anyway!”

The older Pantherkin directed an amused glance her way which made the younger feline’s cheeks bloom scarlet after she realized how she’d made it sound.

Asterios chuckled lightly and caressed her rounded ears. “I also think that would be fine. And if it turns out you still won’t have enough rooms to provide a comfortable resting place, our castle has more chambers than we can count. We’ll gladly lend you a few.”

While Narmaya’s family exchanged slightly consternated gazes, Oria smirked at him warmly. “We’ll make do, but thank you for the offer. It will be just a few days anyway. As long as you keep Miria in your bed, there won’t be any problems.”

The person in question flushed even harder and hid her face in Ast’s chest while her sister-mates snickered amongst themselves.

She’d brought that onto herself on her own.

“I see you are back already. Everything went well?” Rook’s voice interrupted their little fun and everyone turned to the blond man standing at the entrance to his house.

His fierce wife reached his side with a few big strides and wrapped her arms around him, pulling the surprised Tigerkin into a passionate kiss. He remained stunned only for a moment before embracing her back and allowing the show of affection to continue properly with both sides participating. Oria snuck a peek over her shoulder at the other female and her lips curled into a proud smile as Narmaya smirked delicately with an approving nod.

After what felt like an eternity, Miria’s mother finally stepped back and gestured at the new arrivals standing in front of their porch. “Dear, this is Narmaya and Grigorji, my old companions that I have mentioned once or twice. And this handsome youth is their son, Ulgier. They are going to stay with us until we find them a new home. Are you okay with that?”

Rook met each of their gazes with a respectful expression before returning it to his grinning mate. “How could I not be okay with anything you wish for? And I assume by we, you mean me, right?”

“As smart as always.” She placed a peck on his slightly rosy cheek. “Unless you are too busy?”

He shook his head. “I’ll get the guys after we welcome our new friends and neighbors with proper hospitality. They should be ready to start tomorrow. We’ll need all hands on deck if we want to build a house worthy of such impressive individuals.”

“I’ll help,” Zoe offered. “And I’m sure some of my hunter friends will be willing to make good use of their breaks too. As long as we introduce the two or three new skilled fighters to the lounge, of course.”

Everyone could tell what their canine friend was playing at. Certainly, their hunting lounge would benefit greatly from the two Bearkin joining its ranks. And how to better achieve that if not by making them feel indebted to the community? She continued to prove both her smarts and skills every day.

Asterios didn’t mind it even as she shyly sought his gaze to evaluate his reaction. He didn’t think them being part of the hunters and the guild he intended to start here would create a conflict, which had to be what the wolfgirl worried about. He nodded at her reassuringly, receiving a joyful smile in response.

When Oria led Rook down to exchange greetings with everyone, Grigorji was the first one to approach him and take his hand into his rather sizable palm.

“So, you are the male who impressed our unattainable warrior princess with his craft, huh?” The bear man shook his arm so much that Rook’s entire figure jumped up and down. “You really must be something else, friend, because her old self would have never even looked in the direction of someone this scrawny, hahaha!”

“He might not be the strongest male I know, but Rook’s techniques are second to none.” Oria giggled quietly alongside Narmaya, making Miria’s poor father even redder as the insinuation flew right over the other guy’s head, turning Grigorji even more excited and amazed.

“You’ll need to show me some of those, then.” The Werebear slapped his other hand on Rook’s shoulder with a toothy smile.

Narmaya barely stopped herself from bursting out laughing with her dainty hand over her lips and met Oria’s eyes. “Yeah, you could definitely benefit from some coaching in that regard.”

As the two mothers snickered together, Asterios and the girls did their best to appear like they had no idea about the true topic of the conversation, effectively avoiding each other’s gazes with slightly reddish cheeks too. Standing next to one’s parents flirting and joking about their bedroom experiences was never easy.

“Alright, let’s stop acting like kids right at the doorstep and get inside.” Oria wrapped their fun up and gestured at her husband to guide the guests inside.

Rook gladly invited their new friends in while she trotted up to Asterios and pulled him into a motherly hug, which he welcomed wholeheartedly. “Thank you for everything. We are immensely grateful for your help. I’m really glad Miria was able to find such a dependable mate. It makes me happy to see my precious daughter in your capable hands. Our family will be forever indebted to you and your women. If there’s any way we can be of use to you, let us know whenever. I’ll ask you to come fetch me tomorrow so that I can talk with your guildmaster friend about what I need to do going forward. Once more, thank you so much.”

She retreated a bit and put his cheeks in her soft palms. Smiling at him warmly, she tilted his head down and placed a chaste peck on his forehead. One more quick hug later, she stepped back, directed a loving glance at her beloved daughter, and headed into their home too, her black tail dancing in pure joy way too similar to how Miria’s tail behaved when her emotions were getting the better of her.

Miria’s fingers slipped between his and she too left a tiny peck on the cheek. “It’s been years since I’ve seen Mom so happy. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart too, Master. I’m so grateful to be one of your mates.”

Wrapping his arm around her waist and bringing her close, Asterios offered her a cordial kiss in response. “Paraphrasing your father, anything for you. For saving my life and introducing me to the big world, I’ll give that world to you in return.”

The girls cooed at them and joined their little gathering, forming a group hug.

“And, as Professor Grea would say, I’m sure we’ll be able to figure out the best way to properly show our gratitude to you, isn’t that right Miria?” Tina smirked mischievously.

“I think she’s starting to rub off on you,” Silvia commented with her own tiny smile.

“Well, someone has to fill the hole her absence leaves behind.” The petite Summoner girl shrugged casually, making everyone chuckle. “Gosh, I feel so dirty talking like this. How can she do it all the time?”

“Geniuses and their quirks.” Asterios placed his hand on top of her azure hair and patted it affectionately. “You all should know something about it.”

She blushed timidly but nodded appreciatively nonetheless.

“It’s time for us too,” he stated. “Suanori could use an update on things.”

Their gazes moved onto Zoe and Miria quickly escaped Ast’s arms to trot up to her best friend. “Thank you for sticking with us, Zoe. I can always count on you, no matter what. I couldn’t wish for a better best friend, really.”

“It’s nothing.” The Wolfkin chuckled awkwardly. “Go do your thing. I can’t wait to join your guild and become an adventurer. Just watch out. I’ll climb the ranks and overcome you in a flash.”

“Technically, you would already achieve that just by joining. She counts as Master’s familiar, just like myself and Selene,” Bryn said while tapping her cheek.

Miria gasped in shock. “That’s not fair!”

Everyone snickered, including her. 

Asterios placed a hand on Miria’s shoulder. “If we establish a connection with beastfolk, you might be able to comfortably switch into being a real adventurer in the future. One of the best, no doubt.”

“No, I would still choose to remain under you, Master.” She twirled her tail shyly. “Anyway, we gotta go. We’ll keep in touch, Zoe. Never stop dreaming big. As you can see, dreams do come true. You just need to give them some time.”

The wolfgirl blushed too, sneaking a peek at Asterios. “Alright. I’ll see you later. Let me know if there’s anything else I can help with.”

Bowing politely, she hurried away. Since they didn’t need to transfer anyone with them this time, they all returned through the gates, arriving back in their castle. It was late afternoon after all the rather chaotic events of the day so they chose to meet with the guildmaster before it got too late. Grea was still lost in her research while Althea’s lesson with Rusi continued due to the powerful thirst for knowledge the young Lesser Dragon had displayed. Not wanting to interrupt either of them, they departed in the same group.

As always, walking through the streets and admiring the fine work of all the craftsmen was a sight to behold. Things were coming to reality at an astonishing rate, but that shouldn’t be so surprising with so many experts hanging around Glimmervale. Everyone wanted to add their grain of sand to the construction of this magnificent proverbial castle. Asterios was somewhat anxious about how it all would look in the upcoming months or even weeks.

Reaching the guild without a problem, they met up with Suanori and gave their detailed report regarding the task they had been given. The guildmaster listened intently to their story, positively commenting on some of their clever decisions and strategies. As promised, the quests would be properly graded and awarded, though it would take a day or two. No one was in any kind of rush anyway.

Then, they brought up Oria’s inquiry and the prospects that the panther lady’s cooperation was going to bring to the table. Now that she was part of Ast’s connection, Suanori promised to further discuss things with Miria’s mother and explain everything properly. She still was willing to meet with Oria the next day to handle some formalities and chat in person. There was a lot to do if they wished to make their wish a reality.

But, if they succeeded on both the Kraedorion and Eabiarhia fronts, the desired rank-up to EX-rank for Asterios and S-rank for some of his companions would be so much easier, even without a stable and lasting form of dimensional travel for the adventurers. Which, having in mind Grea’s genius and Abyss’ knowledge was only a matter of time.

Perhaps their trip to the mountain dwarves would yield some interesting results in that regard. Or, the joint cooperation between all the races, including demons, the masters of magic itself. Something had to come out of a mix between the best artificers and the best magicians, right?

With the guild’s matters handled, Ast’s group retreated onto the walls overseeing the city, gazing upon its growing beauty side by side.

“What now, Master?” Miria asked while rubbing her cheek against his.

“Now? Now, I think it would be best to get in touch with Rhufija.” Asterios hummed. “With how eventful our days recently are, we better take care of this matter before anything else pops up. I’m sure the Nest Mother had enough time to learn about things from Rusilthea. Let’s invite her to hang out for the evening, shall we?”


Time to check on our friends.


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Lynderyn, Muff_Diver_Dave, Jeffrey B., and Shadow Silvermane! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Julian, Wiliam H., Sura, James M., and D3monEmper0r! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - FSoen Kigi, Fandley, Darth Mole, Dennis W., William J., Michael S., Tonatsi, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, Alvzorin, Rando C., TheGovnor, Drew P., Solomon P., Eddie F., Chocotaku, RandomRandomly, Nicholas G., Cody B., Saint J., Atomic0chicken, Patrick F., Zadwolf, Seamus M., Jonas, and Timmy! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honored by your presence!

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