Rise of the Weakest Summoner

Chapter 412 – Might Makes Right

In the pure darkness of the Nethernight realm, only the purple stars illuminated the landscape of the cursed world. The stars, and the fierce crimson breach hovering over the black grass, bathing the creepy smoking stalks in a reddish radiance. In such an ominous place, the tear looked more like an entrance to some hellish dimension. Its scarlet glow could be spotted from far away, that was for certain.

Fortunately, or not, the breach began emitting cracking noise and Asterios watched alongside his companions as the passage he had created was quickly slipping out of his grasp. No matter how hard he focused on keeping the connection up, some immense force aimed to get rid of it, to squeeze the wound he had carved in the flesh of this realm shut. They could only stare at the opening becoming narrower by the second and finally snapping out of existence.

The source of the crimson light was no more.

“Looks like we will have to be quick whenever we decide to finish our expedition and return,” Asterios commented thoughtfully.

“Are you sure we are not locked in here, Master?” Miria asked with a bit of worry as she glanced around.

He carefully retraced the earlier steps of the realm-tearing process and pierced the invisible sheet with his enhanced claw. Confirming that it had pushed through, he hastily withdrew it instead of dragging it down, not wanting to emit too much spiritual energy near a spot they knew nothing about. Someone or something could take notice and that wasn’t the best start to their adventure.

“It’s much harder to do from the inside, but it’s not impossible,” Asterios replied, caressing her ears lovingly.

“And it will only get easier as we take down the barrier cutting this world off from the grand universe,” Selene pointed out. “Nevertheless, it’s good to hear that we do have an emergency way out in case things turn out to be a tad too difficult to see through completely. No offense, Abyss, but I’m going to prioritize my Lord’s safety over all else. Others most likely will too.”

The ladies nodded in agreement without a moment of hesitation.

Their mysterious companion, who seemed to be perfectly visible even in front of all that darkness and black shades, turned to them slowly.

“I would not demand of you to sacrifice your own lives in assistance to my personal matters. If this journey proves to be too much for your current selves, do not waver, take the first chance to avoid unnecessary risks and lethal dangers,” Abyss announced calmly. “We can always try another time, which won’t happen if the most crucial person for this operation does not exist anymore. Asterios is the key to this realm. We can’t lose that key.”

“Well said.” Silvia showed a faint smile. “The door won’t go anywhere. As long as we have a way to unlock it, our chances are unlimited.”

“Experience is an important element of growth,” Althea pointed out in a truly mentorly manner. “Even if we are forced to take a step back, we should not view it as a failure but an opportunity to review our actions, consider newly gained knowledge, and make preparations for the future.”

“Besides, we have this world’s creator with us, don't we?” Tina rested her fists against her hips. “Now that Abyss is inside, this should be a piece of cake, no?”

“Is that right?” Asterios raised a curious brow at the emotionless lady. “Can you handle the issue from here or point us towards the source of it?”

Spending a few long seconds staring seemingly into nothing, Abyss let out a delicate sigh. “I’m afraid not.”

“Why?” Miria tilted her head.

“Whatever magic or technique my nemesis employed, it didn’t only envelop this realm with an impenetrable shell. He used the core of this dimension as the energy source for this curse, that much I can tell,” Abyss explained. “There are things I can sense and influence, but I lost control over this realm almost completely. That doesn’t include its inhabitants, however. May you find yourselves in a pinch, I might be able to assist you. Just keep in mind that I would rather not poison this fruit of my labor if I don’t necessarily have to.”

“Observe, not interfere, we remember.” The panthergirl sniffed. “Doesn’t sound that helpful.”

“Don’t blame her too much,” Asterios requested softly. “We are burdened by this seal quite a lot too. Don’t know if you noticed, but we are cut off from the others back in our realms.”

“Oh.” Miria froze briefly. “Oh no.”

“It did feel like it was way too quiet,” Tina commented. “Professor would have definitely come up with some dirty joke about us penetrating the veil or something.”

Selene chuckled daintily. “You are starting to think like her.”

“Oh gods…” The Summoner girl shivered as her cheeks flushed a bit.

“It’s alright. To some extent.” Asterios reassured his distressed feline mate with an affectionate hug. “We can still sense everyone through our bonds and connections. It simply looks like we won’t be able to chat casually. They surely can still feel our presence too. Just think of this like a short vacation trip to take a break from Grea’s constant teasing.”

“I pity Bryn. She’ll have to suffer through the unimaginable while being the sole recipient of Grea’s uncouth jokes.” Selene smirked impishly.

“Maybe it won’t be so bad,” Silvia disagreed. “They seemed to have grown a little closer since the beginning. I’m sure our crimson-skinned friend won’t go too far. She knows how much Ast tries to make Bryn comfortable around everyone. Undermining that would get her a heavy scolding from him. As crude as she sometimes is, that’s not something she would wish for.”

“You forget the possibility that she might actually enjoy it.” Tina giggled, causing the fiery princess to roll her eyes amusingly.

“I didn’t mean it that way,” she added, meeting the blue-haired girl’s gaze.

“No matter what, we won’t find out until we go back.” Asterios ran his fingers through his hair. “Let’s focus on what we can influence. This core, do we have to find a way to reach the heart of this world somewhere underneath us to dispel this seal?”

“I don’t think so.” Abyss shook her head. “Fiddling with the energy source of a star, which is what I used to mold this small realm into what it currently is, would be close to a death wish. It’s already been processed by me so any alterations could destabilize it, resulting in an unimaginable implosion.”

“Then how did he use it to power his spell?” Selene hummed while stroking her chin.

“During the time he spent here alongside me, he must have prepared some kind of a ritual site that connected with the core,” the mocha-skinned lady continued. “I’m not sure if it’s limited to one central location or if it’s a scattered array with numerous spiritual spots that will need to be deactivated from the first to the last one. But, given enough time, I should be able to gather more information by comparing my memories of this place from before the sealing with its current state.”

“That’s okay. In the end, we do have a guide with us who might know a thing or two about the current affairs of this world,” Asterios said, turning around to face Umbra. “I have to say, though, I didn’t think you would take the form of a massive raven even in here.”

A deep rumble traveled through the air as the Lord of Shadows chuckled mirthfully. “I take many shapes, out of which most are not so pleasant to the eye, with the goal behind that being intimidation, obviously, but I felt like something you are already used to would be a good choice. Besides, I took a liking to those avian creatures from your realm, Master. But, if you think that doesn’t match your expectations, then…”

The swirly shadows making up Umbra’s current form stirred frantically. His body compressed and began molding itself into something much smaller. The texture remained more or less the same, a deep black smoke-like substance with misty tendrils of the same color wafting off its surface. Now, though, it wasn’t shaped to look like a bird.

After a short moment of transformation, in front of everyone stood a roughly humanoid creature, judging by the general build, a male. The dark, featureless form had only two sharp purplish spots for eyes, grimly releasing fumes of the same color. Its height reached about a head higher than Asterios, forcing his group to look up at the towering figure.

But, those elements were not the most unique ones.

Umbra’s new body wore what looked like a butler outfit with a tailcoat. Save for the bottom half. Anything under his belt was gone, but everything above was meticulously detailed, juggling gray and violet shades for the core and auxiliary parts respectively. The outfit was complete even with a top hat, and after the wearer snapped his fingers, also a silvery monocle on a fancy chainlet and a stylish cane of the same spiritual material.

The only thing lacking to complete the image was a slightly curled-up mustache, but that might look more comical than serious on an almost completely empty and featureless face.

“Is this form better, Master?” Umbra asked, resting both hands atop the head of his cane.

Asterios whistled in awe. “If you showed up like this back at home, you would capture as much attention as Abyss’ appearance. I don’t think anyone would dare to doubt your capabilities when faced with such a menacing visage. Not that your bird avatar isn’t great or anything.”

“I would rather remain less conspicuous in your and other realms,” the Duke of Umbra said. “The more people underestimate me or think of me as just some small and insignificant familiar, the worse for them. Here, however, we are inside my domain. While I might or might not be the most powerful entity in this cursed space, my name and spiritual signature do carry some meaning, respect, and fear. It’s in our best interest to display myself as much as we can in hopes of avoiding unnecessary conflicts that can simply be resolved with my rank or power.”

“That’s a valuable approach,” Silvia agreed. “People who can do both are fairly rare. It often boils down to them focusing either on showing off or hiding away. It’s a matter of ego most of the time. With great power comes a strong desire to remind everyone of it.”

“What you speak of is true.” He tipped his hat at her politely. “And it’s fairly common in this cutthroat world. Yet, many of us have been humbled by a certain entity who invaded our space some time ago.”

“Kaguya,” Asterios whispered.

“Precisely.” Umbra nodded. “Many confident beings fell under her might. Or her and her mate’s might since she wasn’t left alone in our home. At least a few beings should have learned their lesson, including myself. Did that change how the entire realm functions? Definitely not. But power levels and ranks became much more pronounced.”

“Huh. So there were some benefits from her sudden appearance,” Miria mused.

“At least for us,” Selene added. “We can use this to our advantage. If I understood it correctly, we are going to flaunt our power to discourage weaker creatures from messing with us, right?”

“I think so.” Asterios nodded. “I just hope it won’t lure in stronger ones.”

“Those would find a reason for a challenge no matter if we were weak or strong,” Umbra shared. “For the petty reason of existing near them, our lives would be deemed forfeit. With a clear difference in strength, we would be deemed an appropriate opponent to battle. There’s nothing much we can do if we stumble on one of those types. We can only minimize the number of encounters by getting rid of the other group right from the get-go.”

“Therefore, we should get ready.” Selene grinned, capturing everyone’s attention.

She twirled around as a bluish aura surrounded her. Tail after tail appeared behind her back until she brought out all eleven. The spiritual energy she manifested slowly settled over her clothes and fur, forming the familiar cascading cyan plates that were partially see-through. Until she donned the translucent helmet, she kept spinning, finishing her showy display with a delicate bow, showcasing the protection surrounding even her tails.

Right away, all the other ladies took a page out of her book, sharing a quick glance and smile.

Miria changed next, drawing on her bloodline. Her transformation was getting quicker and quicker the more she used it, and in the span of one long growl, she was covered in soft but extremely durable fur, gaining some feline features here and there. She couldn’t emanate a powerful spiritual presence like her beastfolk sister-mate, but the bloodlust that wafted from the feral panthergirl could frighten an S-rank adventurer within a glimpse.

Tina didn’t rely on much more protection than what Hydran offered her by enveloping her body with a water membrane, but there was one more option she could use now. Closing her eyes and deepening her connection with Asterios, she drew on his lineage to strengthen herself, using the small kernels of draconic energy he had infused her with over time as they grew closer together. As a result, her legs, arms, shoulders, neck, and partially also cheeks were adorned with beautiful azure scales. Additionally, she gained a rather fierce tail and mesmerizing vertical pupils. A slight coil of deadly water circled her figure like a floating shawl.

Silvia couldn’t be left behind, of course. But, instead of setting herself ablaze straight from the start, the fiery princess mirrored Selene’s approach. Similar plates of condensed spiritual energy decorated her coat and armor. However, while hers were see-through too, they were also on fire. Gentle but threatening flames sizzled from underneath them and from between her skin and equipment, not to mention her hair, which was made of literal fire now. The amber tiara adorned it neatly by hovering right above her head. Asterios could also appreciate the coiling Lesser Dragons wrapped around her forearms, reminiscent of their many bouts and duels.

Watching all that happen, Althea gladly joined in. Everyone watched as the Dragon lady covered her body in emerald scales with much more detail and control than what Tina had displayed. Asterios had already witnessed some of it during their rather intimate moment, but it still inspired him each time. The pretty plates formed enchanting lines and sections cupping his mentor’s jaw, cheeks, and up to her forehead, where they protected it down to the bridge of her nose. Naturally, she didn’t lack the tail, a much longer appendage compared to Tina’s recreation. Even a less experienced person could easily spot the difference between a real Dragon in a humanoid form and a human imitating one through their mate.

Then, all the faces turned to one person.


He chuckled and shook his head. There would most likely not be a bigger flex than him strutting around as a True Dragon, but hopefully, just a half would be enough for now. He recalled all the lessons from Althea and drew on both of his Hearts. As his skin was covered in red and black scales in the same fashion as Althea's, he also sprouted vicious vertical horns and a thick tail. The amount of raw power he released into the surroundings caused the magnificent plates to shimmer as he was surrounded by a layer of spiritually charged air. Not to mention the faint tongues of crimson and onyx mist floating up from his clothes.

There was no way the natives of this realm wouldn’t know his might.

“This will be good training for all of you,” Althea said with a smile, roaming her green eyes over the entire group. “You haven’t had the chance to stay in your transformations for longer periods of time. Here, we will need to remain alert without a moment lost.”

“I’m already in great control of mine!” Miria proudly puffed out her chest. “I’ve had lots of time to practice at home! There are barely any situations where I lose control of my shift! Well, maybe save for sleeping. I seem to relax too much and pop out of it by accident, ehehe~”

Asterios chuckled and brushed his fingers over her furry cheek, enjoying how she purred lovingly back at him. “We’ll take turns to keep watch overnight so it won’t be that much of a problem. I don’t think we’ll find many cities with friendly inns here so get ready to camp out the entire time we are on this quest. Right, Umbra?”

“While that might be correct, there still exist communities gathered around one spot. With just a little bit of a show, it should be possible to tame them, showing them who’s the boss, which should result in us securing a relatively safe place to rest,” Umbra replied with a noticeable smirk in his tone. “The most commonly accepted and respected currency here is might, in the end. Your opponents will feel blessed just by not being consumed after experiencing a total defeat.”

“Talking with one’s fists? I already like this place.” Selene cracked her knuckles, her tails shivering with anticipation.

Snickering, Asterios reached within himself to check up on one more person. ~How are you feeling, Tia? Does this realm or its barrier affect you in any way? I don’t think there’s any flora here and you are a Dryad, even if one merged with someone’s source.~

~I have to admit that this world creeps me out a tiny bit, but I do not experience any specific difficulties,~ Tia replied with a quiet giggle. ~That’s definitely thanks to you, though. If I had arrived here on my own, I can tell I would feel rather sick from being unable to sense any plant life. But, my powers don’t seem to be affected much. Just don’t expect me to create healthy trees and vines out of nothing. This world clearly functions within its own set of rules.~

~As long as we have your healing, everything is fine,~ he reassured her. ~And since this world doesn’t follow the usual rules, we should be on the lookout for a solution to your situation. In the end, it takes either a miracle or something bypassing the common logic to bring a spiritual entity back to the world of material beings.~

~Oh, you don’t need to!~ she cooed charmingly. ~But, I guess I’ve seen enough to know that you will anyway so thank you. Thank you for thinking about me even though I’m happy to stay with you like this.~

~You are welcome.~ Asterios smiled cordially. ~Now, let’s think of our next step. We shouldn’t linger in one spot for too long.~


Ah shit, here we go again, Volume XI.


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Lynderyn, Muff_Diver_Dave, Jeffrey B., and Shadow Silvermane! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Julian, Wiliam H., Sura, James M., and D3monEmper0r! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - FSoen Kigi, Fandley, Darth Mole, Dennis W., William J., Michael S., Tonatsi, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, Alvzorin, Rando C., TheGovnor, Drew P., Solomon P., Eddie F., Chocotaku, RandomRandomly, Nicholas G., Cody B., Saint J., Atomic0chicken, Patrick F., Zadwolf, Seamus M., Jonas, and Timmy! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honored by your presence!

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