Rise of the Weakest Summoner

Chapter 422 – Sacred Collection

With everyone in their seats, Asterios took off. They circled the area a few times to look at the changes brought forth by the collapse of the underground facility. Seeing an almost perfect rectangular indent with straight edges, the middle part slightly more uneven, felt quite eerie. That weird place had been so much bigger than they had thought.

Hopefully, they hadn’t missed too much down there. But, there wasn’t much they could have done. As Abyss explained, the structural integrity must have been upheld by the power from the cluster, and that was one of the functions behind the golden paths adorning every surface. They couldn’t stop the feeling that it was designed so that any intruders would be buried alive if they managed to mess with the power source.

Finishing one last lap over the rubble, Asterios turned towards the direction of the Darkling village. It was time to report to their friends. Even if not all the news was positive. At least the area was safe once more, and it should remain safe for much longer now that there was no enticing aura spreading through the air and ground.

Flying in silence, Miria was the first one to break it. “So, how did you stop that orb of bad energy from burning you to a crisp, Master? Tia helped you, right?”

A soft giggle echoed in their heads as the person in question listened in on the conversation.

Asterios chuckled deeply. “It’s a little complicated, but to keep it short, Tia offered to use her Tree and herself as a funnel for the natural energy making up that artificial sun. We had to unite our minds and bodies, even if only spiritually, to support the process. It might have all happened in my Ancestral Plane, but it was no less real than anything around us.”

“I knew something was different since you returned,” Althea said with a gentle smile. “You seemed much more… radiant.”

The girls laughed at her little joke, Ast’s onyx scales still emitting hints of a golden glow as it slowly faded away.

“Congratulations,” she added, grazing those scales delicately. “I’m happy for both of you.”

After a few seconds of pause, a gasp sounded through the air, coming from a certain giddy panthergirl as she caught on at last. “You two mated?! Yay! I thought Tia would need to wait until we got her a new body! That’s so nice!”

“You must have been in a hurry.” Tina smirked cheekily. “You usually aren’t so quick.”

Another round of laughter passed between the ladies at her little tease.

~If you are that curious, we took our sweet time and Asterios made tender love to almost every single part of me,~ Tia came into his defense. ~And we might have taken some more time without you even noticing due to the difference in perception, but I didn’t want to burden our kindhearted Master with too much guilt.~

“Guilt?” Selene’s elegant forehead creased with a frown. “Ah. Were you worried about us, my Lord? But we were protected and safe thanks to you.”

Silvia rested a hand on her shoulder. “We were, but he was aware that we weren’t exactly comfortable in the situation we found ourselves in. I’m sure you would have found it hard to focus on your own pleasure while your loved ones were in an uncertain scenario. I’m impressed with his adaptability.”

“I might have had some trouble getting in the mood under such circumstances,” Miria admitted shyly.

“Thankfully, Dryads can be very enticing, and Tia is more than just a fine specimen,” the Dragon lady teased with a reminiscing smirk. “You are now fully connected, right? I can’t wait to witness the results of this union.”

~I’m a little sad you couldn’t have been there with us, but I’ll wait patiently for the day we share a night with our charming mate.~ Tia giggled sweetly. ~As for the effects of our deepened bond and my completed Oath, you should be able to start experiencing them soon. It should come with many boons and physical enhancements. Though, after our recent meeting, I don’t think our skilled lover requires any more of those.~

Asterios could feel himself blush even in that fierce and ominous form of his.

“I need details!” Miria hopped up and down atop his back. “How does it feel to do it inside Master’s soul? How does your body feel? Is it coarse like bark? Where did you even do it?”

As the inquisitive feline bombarded their new sister-mate with questions, he decided to turn his attention to the road ahead. It would be much less embarrassing to leave all the answers to Tia. It still sometimes baffled him how interested the ladies were in hearing about the intimate bits every time, save for Grea’s involvement, of course, but he could admit that making love inside one’s soul had something romantic to it now that he thought about it calmly.

Nevertheless, as his passengers chatted about spicy details, sharing a few giggles and intrigued chuckles along the way, Asterios brought them all back to the settlement, keeping his senses primed for any potential ambushes and surprises. Naturally, Umbra was watching over them from hiding too, and while not visible, it was clear Abyss didn’t lag too far behind.

The peculiar village hadn’t changed during their absence. Everything was just as square as before. He headed straight for the main tower and descended next to the entrance. With everyone off his back, he shifted again, the faint radiance almost completely gone from his skin. The girls smiled at him, taking a glance at the last bits of the glow, seemingly already disappointed that it would soon come to an end.

Before they got to enter the building, Darek jogged out of the entrance and spread his little arms. “Welcome back! Seeing that everyone is unharmed, I assume you have succeeded? Or do you require more preparation after scouting out the Sacred Grounds?”

“The Horror is no more,” Selene answered. “But our expedition wasn’t completely without issues. There’s much to cover. Did you prepare the artifacts?”

The chief nodded vigorously. “But of course! We gathered everything we could find! Please, follow me, and I shall guide you to the showroom, Your Eminence!”

“Very well.” She stepped after the leader and the rest of the group stuck close.

Ascending a few floors, they soon entered an almost empty level. It was clear from the marks in the dust that everything currently visible there had been hastily assembled during the time it took Asterios and the crew to deal with the Horror. Pedestals, stands, bases, pulpits, and small stages littered the ground. A plethora of different trinkets rested atop them.

“Feast your eyes on our magnificent collection!” Darek swung his arm in the direction of the displays. “Ask about any single item and it will be my honor to explain its origins!”

In just a moment, the ladies were all around the room, admiring those exhibits. Miria led the charge, of course, practically bouncing from place to place and letting out multiple gasps of amazement and awe. Asterios, Selene, and Abyss stayed behind to talk with their short friend.

“First, let me share our experiences from your holy land of prayer,” the fox lady began. “As I said, the Horror is defeated, and your people should be safe to visit the area once more. Especially since we eliminated a hidden source of power that lured strong predators into that spot.”

“Praise be! We are eternally grateful for this blessing!” The man dropped to his knees and bowed to the floor.

“Don’t thank me yet,” Selene cut him off. “In the process of investigating the details, we found underground ruins. They collapsed shortly after that so the region is much different now. I would advise against trying to excavate it, but you should be fine digging out pieces of crushed foundation, the same that poked out of the surface in the crater you guys pilgrimage to.”

“We dare not mess with the divine!” He shook his head with a lot of force. “If our Goddess says these are not for us to taint with our presence, then we shall respect that wisdom! We are overjoyed to have our Sacred Grounds back and will make the best use of them! It was almost impossible to mine the divine block, but if Your Prominence believes in our capabilities, we’ll use all of it to construct glorious depictions worthy of the immortal!”

The immortal sighed and rubbed her forehead. “Do whatever you want. We won’t be staying long. One night to rest at best. Our journey takes us further into the realm as we chase after the light. If you know anything about it, or any other sites your Goddess might have visited, or places of heavy conflict between mighty creatures, speak now.”

“I’m afraid we are a very small and local community and there is not much we can share.” The Darkling elder whimpered in disappointment at himself. “Ah! But maybe the remnants of the Titans will help! They must have come from such harsh environments with how strong they were!”

Jumping to his feet, the man rushed to one of the low platforms and the trio went after him. Darek hoisted up what looked like a scary helmet at first glance. But, a closer look revealed it to actually be a hollowed-out hellish skull with long curled horns extending to the sides.

“This has come from a Titan?” Abyss questioned him, voicing out everyone’s thoughts.

“Oh, yes! It might look like this now, but this is a legitimate Beast Titan’s skull, which shrunk after its demise! You can even see the crushed hole in the form of a fist in its backside!” He rotated the fossilized bone eagerly, showing them the tiny mark the size of a finger. “We also have three of its left ribs, an elbow joint, right pinky, and its withered genitals, barely torn out of the claws of the scavengers! Maybe those would guide you to your next destination?”

“I certainly hope not,” Asterios whispered with a stifled chuckle. “Can we even do anything with the mentioned bits?”

“It would be close to impossible to get a spiritual reading on something so ancient.” Selene gestured at Darek to lay the skull down. “I don’t know what kind of divine abilities you expect from me, but I can’t divine from fossils. Maybe if I had some kind of a connection with them, but no.”

“My deepest apologies.” The male bowed deeply. “Ah, but maybe this will work!”

Already forgetting about the artifact, he was fully focused on another piece. This time, they stopped next to an exhibit that had caught Althea’s eye. The wise mentor stood next to what seemed like a piece of dark bedrock someone had carefully dug out in a circle, a splash of something faded but still a tad reddish adorning its surface.

“Is there something special about this one?” Asterios raised a curious brow at her.

“It’s extremely faint after who knows how many years, but I can still smell a True Dragon’s influence from the stain.” She tilted her head thoughtfully. “It’s too weak to belong to one, though, so my assumption is that it’s—”

“Her Holy Majesty’s blood!” their guide announced with lots of fanfare. “The legends say it has rained crimson during those prolonged skirmishes, and the only rain we get in this region is Black Death!”

His eyes widening slightly in surprise, Asterios moved a little closer and hesitantly reached out. The man noticed and eyed him in trepidation, but the fox lady glared at him strongly, daring him to say or do anything that would interrupt her mate’s moment. Ast’s palm rested on the rough surface of the old stone and he brushed his fingers over the smear possibly created with his mother’s own blood.

Did it make him sad? Angry? Anxious? Worried?

He wasn’t sure. There was some kind of a connection just like Althea had said, even his still fairly developing senses could tell, but that was pretty much all. Yet, deep in his heart, he knew that if someone said this was Kindra’s blood, a little downpour of scarlet would be an understatement. An ocean of crimson would cover the continent. 

And not in flames.

~Master?~ Tia’s concerned voice echoed in his mind.

Asterios shook this dangerous mood off. ~Just got a bit lost in my emotions. And yeah, I can sense it too. It’s worth a try, at least.~

They focused solely on each other, tuning out the surroundings and any unnecessary stimuli. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. From inside him, Tia reached out with her energy. After their recent moment together, she could manipulate both her and his spiritual energy with more influence, and so could he in return. As their thoughts and intentions synchronized, a new mix formed.

Abyss noticed the change first, her gaze darting to the stone and Ast’s hand resting against it. Althea was next, followed by the girls who stood around the exhibit. They stared at Asterios with curious and intrigued eyes. They gazed at the light green aura seeping out of his chest, slowly coiling around his extended arm.

The spiritual mist seeped through his attire, to their slight disappointment, but it hadn’t disappeared completely. A second later, they spotted it between the tiny ridges separating his black scales, creating a fierce web that overtook the faint golden traces still giving its final smolders. That energy with the color of vivid nature reached the stone, spreading all over its surface.

Selene started to realize what was happening, inhaling sharply. The dark blemish on the excavated bedrock began brightening up in front of their eyes. In just a moment, it attained a deep crimson shade, soon turning into a very familiar scarlet hue. 

Alongside the color change, came also the alteration of its state.

No one said a word as the ancient bloodstain turned unbelievably fresh, surprisingly not dripping down the exhibit’s surface. Instead, it started coiling around Ast’s fingers as if enchanted, and he pulled back his hand. The small amount of rejuvenated red liquid gathered into a floating orb above his palm and he finally opened his eyes to gaze upon it.

Althea, just as stunned as everyone else, didn’t stand idle, though. She was by his side right away, offering an uncorked vial for him to store the blood. Asterios thanked her with an appreciative nod and guided the crimson liquid into the container. When it was fully gone from his grasp, he exhaled heavily.

“I can’t believe you can do things like that.” He shook his head, staring at his fingers in awe, which still tingled with the mighty power of nature.

~Alone, I might not have been able to, but with a True Dragon by my side, there are few things you could call impossible,~ Tia boasted with a cheeky tone. ~But, the fact that you share a connection with this blood helped a lot. I wasn’t sure it would work with something this old.~

“Just to be clear, I can’t suddenly bring the dead back to life, right?” Asterios chuckled wryly.

~Don’t even try thinking about it, unless you are talking about Necromancy. Life energy can’t be used to go against the natural order. Plus, you still aren’t as compatible with this kind of affinities as you would need to be. Leave more serious matters of healing and  recovery to your talented mates,~ she advised him

“Don’t worry. I’ll rely on the more experienced and knowledgeable individuals.” He smiled softly.

“What was that, my Lord?” Seeing that their conversation was coming to an end, Selene stepped closer.

“A little test.” Asterios winked at her. “It looks like Tia’s life and nature energies have grown stronger after mixing with draconic ones. It might have looked like we rewound time, but I used my own blood, spiritual energy, and essence to revitalize this ancient smear. It might come helpful in the future. We have the blood of the real Kaguya at hand now.”

A loud thud reached their ears as the Darkling leader smacked his forehead into the ground. “The divine blood of the holiest Goddess! A true miracle that shall bless her devout followers with abundance! Praise be!”

Already somewhat used to his antics, the others just ignored them for the most part.

“What’s all this commotion?” Miria asked, returning with Tina and Silvia in tow.

“Just the usual.” The fox lady smirked and gestured with her gaze onto the prostrating Darek. “Did you find anything interesting amongst the artifacts?”

“Yep!” The panthergirl beamed at her and Asterios. “Umbra spotted this one! Look!”

She brought forth half of a palm-sized disc of white marble, adorned with golden trails on one side. Right away, they all could tell that it was the same mineral as in the hidden facility. It was damaged, and its function was unclear with the left side shattered, but it emitted faintly visible particles of light.

Asterios accepted the artifact, and the moment it touched his skin, all the remaining golden glow decorating his onyx scales rushed to his hand, seeping into the broken disc. The gold ridges present on its surface shone brighter before fading again, the motes of light increasing in amount.

“Woah! That was pretty!” Miria clapped her hands joyfully. “Do you know what it did, Master?”

“No idea…” He shook his head.

“Seems like whatever it is, it absorbed the remnants of the fake sun’s spiritual energy, isn’t that right?” Umbra asked, looming over them.

“That appears to be correct,” Abyss confirmed. “This might prove to be a valuable find.”

“As long as we can take it,” Tina chimed in. “Would that be okay?”

“Every item in this chamber exists to serve the Great Goddess!” Darek answered from the floor.

“That sounds like a yes.” Selene smiled awkwardly. “Should we look a little more?”

“I believe we have examined all the worthwhile showcases,” Umbra replied. “That is, as long as you don’t wish to learn about their history.”

“I think we are satisfied with these.” Asterios raised his hands to stop him, bringing a few relieved expressions onto the faces of his mates. “It would be wise to find a place to take a break after everything that happened. It’s hard to judge how long has passed since we arrived in this realm.”

“We have already prepared your quarters ages ago!” Their host jumped to his feet. “After me, please! I’ll show you the way!”

With how fast the short man escaped from the impromptu museum, they had no choice but to follow, snickering between themselves and poking some jabs at Selene. They were given an entire floor of the tower a few levels above. The room was fully supplied with black stone furniture and contained a massive bed with sheets made of what looked like dark mist, rolling off the mattress. The view from the square windows spanned over the entire village and certainly could be considered magnificent.

Darek tried to ask about their meals and other needs, but the ladies politely declined and freed the dedicated guy from further service. They had everything they needed in their spatial storages. Their supplies ran so deep they could construct a fully-equipped house if only they wanted, complete with a sizable bathtub and working kitchen appliances. The room had some of those, but they all appeared to be quite… ominous.

Miria hopped onto the bed, testing the fluffiness of the menacing fog making up the bedding. “What’s our next step, Master? Are these artifacts going to lead us somewhere?”

“We would need more time to analyze them first,” he replied, sitting next to her and scratching under her chin. “Unless others have better ideas, that might be it.”

Umbra hovered slowly to the empty window, facing the outside. “It’s been ages since I’ve last been there, but it might finally be time to return to my own territory.”

“Really?” The panthergirl’s head snapped towards him. “Awesome! I can’t wait to see your home and whatever creatures we might find there!”

The Lord of Shadows shivered, actually shivered, as she giggled to herself happily.

Asterios had a feeling that their next trip was going to be an interesting one.


Interesting finds.


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Lynderyn, Muff_Diver_Dave, Jeffrey B., and Shadow Silvermane! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Julian, Wiliam H., Sura, James M., and D3monEmper0r! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - FSoen Kigi, Fandley, Darth Mole, Dennis W., William J., Michael S., Tonatsi, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, Alvzorin, Rando C., TheGovnor, Drew P., Solomon P., Eddie F., Chocotaku, RandomRandomly, Nicholas G., Cody B., Saint J., Atomic0chicken, Patrick F., Zadwolf, Seamus M., Jonas, and Timmy! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honored by your presence!

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