River Of Anew: Farming In Another World

Chapter 1: The Rain

Another beautiful Spring morning; just perfect, not too hot, not too cold, still a bit too windy. On such a beautiful day, Foin was about to go home from purchasing some vegetables, fruits, and some seeds to plant and eat at home. He lived in such a small town that only a few shops were open, and only a single one sold flower seeds.

He was slowly walking home with a backpack on his back. Inside it, the freshly percussed items were carefully placed, along with a pullover. It was once again the type of time when, although only a few clouds covered the sky, any moment, it could rain. And just as he was thinking about it, it started raining.

"Great... just my luck..."

He was still a long way from him, at least another twenty minutes of walking, so he decided not to put on his pullover as at least it was protecting the fruits and vegetables a bit.

Soon, he reached a road which was slightly protected by trees as on the other side, there was a fast-flowing river. For a brief moment, he stopped under one of the trees and looked around. The seemingly weak rain seemed to have changed. It grew darker and darker as more and more darker clouds covered the sky at an incredible rate.

"What the hell is going on today?! The weather forecast didn't say anything about this level of rain!"

Foin shook his head and was about to walk forward; however, suddenly, a speeding car lost control due to the wet road and drove straight into the tree next to him. From the sudden impact, Foin quickly jumped back as fast as he could to avoid the impact. Fortunately, he was not hurt and only got dirty from the fall.

It took him a few minutes to regain his composure and be able to think straight, as this was the very first time he had experienced anything like that. With shaking legs, he stood up. He was in such a state that he didn't even notice how dirty and wet he was. Collecting every bit of strength and focus, he walked over to the car.

Inside, he could see a younger lady leaning on the wheel of the car. He could see that she was not moving, so as fast as he could, he opened the door. Although he had learned how and when one should pull someone out of a car if they are unconscious, under such pressure, he forgave everything.

Foin grabbed the girl, pulled out, and laid her down on the cold, wet grass, dirtying the woman's dress. He quickly checked her breathing. Much to his relief, she was breathing.

"Fuck fuck fuck... what the hell is going on today?"

He thought to himself. He quickly looked around to see that multiple expensive black cars had stopped by the scene, and well-dressed men jumped out of the cars. Some held guns, while others had a phone in their hands and seemed to be talking to someone. They all wore identical suits and shirts.

"Thank god... Please help this young girl..."

Fion uttered; however, one of the men quickly kicked his head, sending him a rolling gown on the hill. He almost rolled into the river. Foin slowly pushed himself up. He quickly touched his bleeding nose and teeth and then shook his head.

"Fuck... This hurt..."

Foin was about to stand up, but three of the men walked beside him; two grabbed him, and then the third kicked him in the head once again. Then, the three of them started kicking him simultaneously.

"Stay the fuck down!"

A man declared coldly, but suddenly, Foin growled and jumped up. He headbutted the man standing closest to him in the jaw, almost knocking him out. And knocked the man into the river with one powerful push. His nose and mouth were bleeding greatly. His usually kind blue eyes were now filled with anger. His short süparkling and well-tended brown hair was now a mess. It was dirty, wet, and blooded.

The two men instantly reacted and smashed him in the face, sending him rolling back once again, almost falling into the river. He hist left arm just barely fell into the water, but he quickly pulled his hand back and stood up. Just in time to block an incoming punch from one of the men, and with a well-coordinated punch, he forced him to tumble back. Each of his punches was sharp, but he had no chance of winning. From the cars, a few men aimed at him with pistols.

With his lingering willpower, Foin punched the closest man and then pulled him ahead of him to act as a meatshield. The man had already fired at him by the time he managed to pull the man, but the bullets only grazed his arms and side.

The man he held was mercilessly shot dead, and as a result, he needed to pull his weight up. Soon, they managed to shoot his right leg twice. At that time, he collapsed. The man quickly surrounded him once again, and with many different kinds of blunt weapons, they started hitting him.

Foin knew that they wanted him to suffer for some unknown reason as if they simply wanted to kill him, they could have just shot him in the head. However, now he could feel and hear as his bones were being broken. He was barely conscious when they were finally done with him. He couldn't move his body; he was in such a dire situation, and then he was simply kicked into the river.

Under normal circumstances, one would easily survive and would be able to swim out of the river, but in his current state, it was impossible. He felt as he slowly submerged in the cold water and was sinking. The fast-moving water slammed him against the wall a few times before he finally turned everything back.

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