River Of Anew: Farming In Another World

Chapter 18: The Secret Of The Vegetables

In a massive devastated area, Aier was sitting on a destroyed tree which was on the ground. That forest area was burned quite well, and in its centre was a deep and massive crater.

"What to do with you..."

She mumbled as she suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Lady Aier!"

The girl looked up to see the tiny fairy-like girl flying towards her at great speed, but right at the last moment, she stopped.

"Welcome back, Felfey. I take it you have scouted the entire forest in the last few days, yes?"

The tiny girl landed on the tree next to Aier and nodded.

"Yes, that is correct; also, I have collected the usual tribute of the loyal subjects."

The girl said with a broad smile and performed a slight bow, but she quickly stood back up. Aier looked into the tiny girl's eyes and sighed.

"Now that you mention it, I grew quite hungry; I will listen to your report while I am eating; take out the food!"

Felfey nodded, and with a wave of her hand on the ground, a large pile of food appeared. They had one aspect in common, and that was that they were all meat. With a watering mouth, Aier quickly stood up and, without thinking, started eating.

"So... Erm... just as you have requested, I have scouted your domain and found one particular area... it seemed that only a single entity lived in that location, one which I have never seen before..."

The girl started her report by looking at the ground, while the other just kept eating without any reaction.

"The entity seemed to be quite primitive as it slept in a pile of grass and didn't have any sort of structure..."

Seeing how unreachable Air was, Felfex took a deep breath, lightly slapped her cheeks and continued.

"And that individual not only was most likely an illegal person whom you have not given permission to stay in your territory, but instead of hunting, they were planting and using that as an offering. When I got there, I only saw a pile of vegetables, so I had no choice but to take them."

Hearing the girl's report, especially the last part, Aier stopped eating and shifted her gaze to the girl. In that short span of time, she ate most of the meat, and a tiny amount was left behind, yet she was just as hungry as she was before. Holding a large chunk of meat in her hand, she slowly turned around and towered over the tiny, fairy-like girl.

"Vegetalbes? Show me!"

Aier demanded in a cold tone, which sent shivers down Felfey's spine. She didn't hesitate and instantly complied. After another wave of her hand, the requested items appeared on the tree next to her. The woman glared down at the vegetables with great disgust. There were a few peppers and some baked potatoes.

"You said that individual lived alone?"


The girl replied as fat as she could. She knew that Aier was a meat lover and she hated vegetables due to her nature, so she was afraid that she would vent her disgust and anger on her, but fortunately for her, Aier stepped away.

The girl walked over to the side of the massive crater and looked down. Its wall had many bloodstains, and the way she glared down indicated that she was ready to kill.

In the crater, there was one massive creature; however, it was in a sorry state. The massive creature had scales all over its body, a pair of wings and four legs, along with one massive tail. Its mouth was so large that it could have swallowed the girl hole easily.

The creature was breathing heavily, as it was not only beaten, it had many thin but durable metal tubes piercing its body, and on top of that, there was a sword in its back. The weapon was of human size, so it only did minor damage to the beast's skin and flash and didn't reach any vital organs.

However, something was off with the blade. Its handle and cross seemed ordinary, but the blade itself was purple and was emitting a thin, purplish mist around it. And even the beast's orange scales were turned slightly purple around the blade.

"Puny dragon! You have entered my domain uninvited and challenged me. Under normal circumstances, you would be tortured to death, but now I have a new use for you."

The woman declared coldly; her voice darted at the dragon as if they were blades, and the beast shook upon hearing her voice.

"Felfey, escort this dragon to that individual. Let's see which of them will survive. However, I want you to return as soon as the dragon gets there... if they get along well, then that area will be considered the outcast's zone!"

"Lady Aier, are you certain that it is a great decision? Letting these two live after offending you?"

"If they continue to defy me, then I can just eradicate them easily. I have no time or energy to waste on these meaningless disputes. Now go!"

The girl declared and walked back to her food. Meanwhile, the dragon growled as it slowly pushed itself up and slowly climbed out of the crater. Felfey and the dragon slowly left the area. Despite the great injuries, the dragon managed to keep walking; although it was unable to fly, it kept walking.

"Why can't everything go smoother..."

Aier mumbled as she quickly finished the rest of the meat, and then she looked back at the vegetables. Her stomach growled, indicating that although she had eaten a tremendous amount of meat already, she was still hungry. Driven by hunger, she took a step closer and picked up a single baked potato.

She slowly pulled the potato closer to her face and smelled it. For a brief moment, she closed her eyes as she felt something familiar in that single piece of baked potato. Once she realised what it was, her eyes jolted open, and all she could do was rapidly blink for a few moments.

"The scent of the Green Moon?!"

She suddenly took a bite, and her eyes instantly widened.

"This can't be the energy of the Gren Moon... It is so rich and pure...."

Without thinking, she quickly devoured every single potato. Other than that strange Green Moon energy, it filled her up more than the meat she had eaten previously. She carefully tried the pepper next, and once she felt that it was just as great as the potato, she ate those as well.

Once she was finished, with a content smile, she rubbed her belly as she was full thanks to these newfound items, which she had never tasted before, and then brought her hand to her ear. At the tip of her middle finger, a purple orb made of energy appeared.

"Felfey, I have a new task for you, so listen well!"

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