River Of Anew: Farming In Another World

Vol 2 Chapter 1: The Dark-Green

Darkness. As far as the eye could see, everything was dark, and on the ground, a few dozen men were lying unconscious, along with a young girl. Each man seemed quite similar as they all wore the exact same formal black and white outfit, with a dark blue tie and sunglasses.

Next to the unconscious men were a great number of weapons and a few bags. Most of the weapons were blunt ones, such as metal rods, batons, baseball bats, or even golf clubs. But there were a few smaller bladed weapons as well, such as axes and knives.

There was one exception. A man had a gun in his belt. That man was just slowly coming back to his senses. They were all on the ground as if they had just been knocked out by some unknown powerful force, without them being able to react at all.

"What the hell just happened?"

The man asked as he slowly pushed himself up. He hurriedly looked around; since he could see nothing, he quickly grabbed his phone from his pocket and turned on its flashlight. As soon as the man noticed the knocked-out man and the girl, he grew angry.

He didn't know where he was and how he and his team got to this strange predicament. He quickly rushed over to the closest man to see whether he was dead or just unconscious. As soon as he confirmed that they were still alive, he took a deep breath.

"What the hell is going on?"

He shouted and grabbed his gun. Using his phone to light up the surrounding area, he looked around as far as his phone could reach, which was a few dozen meters in complete darkness.

As if responding to his shout, the ground started shaking, and he felt as if the whole world he was standing on started moving in one direction.

"It seems you are finally awake, worm. Do you have the slightest idea how much you have hindered my work and plans, worms?"

A strange, loud, womanly voice shook the entire area. As the voice was speaking, the man could feel that the area was shaking.

"Who are you?! Show yourself!"

"You have nearly jeopardised my plans, and you don't even know who I am? It seems I gave you far too much credit; you truly know nothing at all."

The ground started shaking violently; the man could barely keep standing as it was hard to keep his balance. The man hurriedly looked around with the help of his phone but found nothing.

Just as the shaking finally decreased, high above the man, a massive pair of exes appeared. It was almost as if the eyes were opened. They were glowing light green and were so massive that the man at first thought that it was some sort of enormous lamp.

After staring at the massive pile of eyes, the man couldn't believe what he was looking at. The eye was gazing at him, and he felt greatly threatened by it but was unable to move at all. He just stood still and glared back at it.

"Who the hell are you?!"

The man uttered; he was sweating greatly and, at the same time, shaking. The ground started shaking once again, and then suddenly, as if the pair of eyes belonged to a living being, the eyes were rolled.

"You have no right to question my name, human. You nearly killed my avatar, forcing me to act quickly to save my plans. Now you will face my wraith!"

With that, the glowing green eye glared down at the man, and suddenly, the man fell to his knees. He felt such a great pressure being emitted by the pair of eyes that his legs gave out beneath him.

The pressure kept increasing to the extent that the man collapsed completely, and he was forced to close his eyes. He felt as if even the ground underneath him slightly sunk in from the incredible pressure he was experiencing.

The pain was unimaginable; he felt as if his whole body was being pressured from every possible corner, which seemed to be getting stronger and stronger. At one point, he thought his body had given up as the pain ceased completely, along with the pressure.

He slowly opened his eyes and was in awe at what he saw. He found himself in an unfamiliar territory once again, though it was not dark. Inside a light forestry area, as far as he could see, there were smaller and a few larger trees.

"What the hell happened? Was this all a dream and an enemy organisation obducted us?! I must find the young lady!"

He mumbled as he quickly stood up. Holding his gun tightly, he looked around. Much to his release, the other men and the girl were all safe and sounded right beside him. After observing his allies, he couldn't help but sigh.

He couldn't believe what had happened, and the only reasonable explanation he found was that he had been drugged and was obducted by enemy agents, and they had thrown him, the girl, and his men out into a forest to die. However, then again, the fact that the weapons were not taken away was quite a strange sight to behold.

He quickly checked the mag of his gun; it was full, so he lowered it. He knew that he was superior in terms of rank, so he had to come up with a plan for the current predicament. However, nothing came up to him. He was an expert leader, but this current situation was so strange that he was paralysed by doubt and fear.

As he was thinking about what to do next, he heard a strange cracking sound. After quickly reading his weapon and aiming in the direction where the sound had come from, he carefully walked closer.

Since he was the only one alive, he needed to make sure that everyone survived; even in this unfamiliar land, he needed to stay focused and vigilant.

A loud roar broke out from the distance, which sent shivers running down the man's spine; however, he stood his ground, though he was sweating.

Four shots were fired, and a massive cracking sound could be heard; a tree had been pulled down.

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