River Of Anew: Farming In Another World

Vol 2 Chapter 13: Cutting-Brew

As soon as Foin got next to the dragon, she eagerly opened her mouth. Foin poured the liquid into her mouth and then walked back next to his house; in the meantime, Énilo was hovering not far from him the whole time. He was already planning what to do next. He was still unsure of what had happened the day before, but he saw that he had not planted anything at all, so the first thing he needed to do was replant potatoes and peppers.

For a few seconds, the dragon stayed stationary, almost as if she was petrified. However, when Foin changed his focus, the dragon moaned audibly and loudly swallowed the liquid. Her tail started waking even faster, but then it stopped, and she looked at Foin once again.

"Erm... What can I do to aid you..."

This question was sent by the dragon, who slapped Foin in the face. He just gave her a reward without asking for anything in return. This was the time he realised that his system wasn't that weak after all. Food is mightier than the sword. He would have been unable to beat the dragon using a weapon, but with his food and brewed goods, he was able to subdue it.

He looked at the beast with a slight smirk. Since he was slowly running out of wood, it was obvious what he wanted her to do. After all, the dragon had already pulled down many trees as it came to the perimeter so he could use the wood and clear a bit more land at the same time.

"Yeah... I was thinking about expanding a bit; could you bring some trees here in one large row? I am planning to do a bit more cooking, maybe brew something new as well."

The dragon was listening eagerly; however, the moment Foin mentioned brewing, she started wagging her tail and slightly flapping her wings slightly. The dragon quickly walked away, much to Foin's relief. He was happy with how easily he could dominate that ferocious beast.

He leaned down to the pile of peppers and potatoes and sighed. He was still farming using only his bare hands; however, now that he had more free time, maybe he could focus on tools more. As he was lost in thoughts, he grabbed the pot and started putting the pepper seeds into it.

"Master... Is there anything I can do for you?"

Énilo asked with a broad smile as she sneakily sat down on his lap and rubbed her head against his stomach. She was truly quite clingy and attention-seeking, but that side of her made Foin laugh.

"Hm... Could you plant the seeds for me, please; make sure to put more than one pepper seed into one hole, just to be on the safe side... As for the potato, one is enough per hole... I will work on tools."

Foin responded as he put down the roughly half-full pot. The girl, without problem, grabbed the pot, flew off, and started planting. Her method was different. Foin usually made a hole, dropped the seeds and then put the dirt back on, but the plant girl worked differently. She grabbed some seeds and punched a hole into the ground.

Her speed was astonishing; Foin wanted to watch her work more, but he himself had things to do. Also, he felt that it wasn't right for him to give out work to everyone while he was not working. His first and main goal was making tools, and the only material he had at hand was the peteach, so he got to work quickly.

The very first tool he started making was an axe. He made it so that it was comfortable to hold and wield. Despite the fact that it was purely made of peteach liquid, it was not overly heavy. It was just comfortably heavy, which surprised Foin since he had used multiple fruits for the axe.

"Hm... I was thinking about using these fruits to make more alcohol, but... I think it will be a while before we use up that one..."

He mumbled as he swung his solidified axe to test it. It felt great. Finally, he had something to cut wood with properly. However, he still needed to work on it as it was still quite blunt; still, he could use its bladed side to chop trees, while the other could hit something if needed.

Then came the sharpening. Foin grabbed a piece of stone and started using it to sharpen the edge of his axe slightly. He knew it would not be the best work, but still, it was better than using a piece of stone to cut and chop trees. It was a very long and tedious process as he noticed that the durability of the peteach's liquid was monstrous. The stone he used for sharpening soon turned into dust, while the edge of the axe barely even changed.

All in all, Foin used multiple stones, as most of them were destroyed in the process; however, the end result was great. The axe was quite sharp, and with a content sigh, he stood up. He dusted his pants as they had turned grey from the dust and then swung the axe to feel it. Although they felt that it was just an ordinary axe, Énilon and the dragon felt something entirely different.

The moment he swung the axe, they felt a massive wave of energy from the weapon. A wave of energy which they could perceive, and although Foin didn't see it, the energy even cut a thin line into the ground. For a brief moment, both girls were terrified at the sudden display of power, as they thought they would be the next one to face that axe. However, Foin put the axe down and leant it against the house, which was quite reassuring for the girls.

Foin stretched his legs and arms after the long work and looked at Énilo, who was already finished with the peppers and was almost done with the potatoes as well. Then he shifted his gaze at the dragon, who, by that time, had already brought a massive amount of trees over. There were dozens of large trees in one line; Foin was sure that if winter existed here as well, he would have no problem surviving it with that many trees.

"I caught an intruder!"

The dragon said, so Foi looked at her, who was walking towards him but was walking on three of her legs and seemed to hold something in her right claw. As she got closer, she could take a look at what she was bringing. The entity seemed like a smaller creature, seemed to be about half the size of Foin.

The creature had green skin, was wearing rags, and seemed like some sort of humanoid. Upon closer expectation, Foin confirmed that it was most likely a female specimen as the rags were around her waist and over her chest. Also, the entity had well-honed muscles but still seemed malnourished and very skinny.

"A... Goblin?!"

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