Root Maker: Tree Cultivation

Chapter 11: Oh, the threads of Fate

Year 11, Day 1

The very first thing he felt as he woke up was the large, extremely large amount of Nature Qi. "...huh?" He opened his eyes to see that everywhere he looked, there was life and Nature Qi. 

[Daily Prize Given!]

[+1 Copper Ticket]

[1 Copper Ticket has fused with 6 Copper tickets]

[+1 Silver Ticket]

[1 Copper Ticket has fused with 3 Silver Tickets]

[+1 Gold Ticket]

[1 Gold Ticket has fused with 11 Gold tickets]

[+1 Diamond Ticket]

[Would you like to use it?]

"Sure." Root felt his body waking up, his roots stretching as he curled them, his leaves moving as he woke up from his long nap.

[Congratulations, you've received an SSS Rank Skill!]

[Seedling Make

Rank: SSS

Description: You can create seeds that can grow into humanoid beings with sentience. They can grow to become enormous trees if they root themselves into a place. This race has three skills that you also receive- 

Generational Instinctual Knowledge: They can access a database of knowledge deep in their subconscious mind shared between their races, being able to learn things their parents have learned once before. You can manipulate this database, making them instinctively learn anything you wish.

Cultivation Root Influence: When they are going to be born, their Cultivation Root can be influenced to attune to a single type of specific Qi. You can now influence the Cultivation Root of newborns, so their cultivation root is attuned to a type of qi you want.

Symbiosis: Seedlings can also have a symbiotic relationship with other beings, granting them the ability to convert Qi like a spirit, turn their plant bodies into anything they want, and share nutrients with their symbiotic buddy. You also receive the ability to freely manipulate your body, for you already have the ability to convert Qi and share nutrients.]

"Holy-" That's why he can curl his roots? He tried to move one of his branches, and said branch moved like a crooked finger, cracking and breaking, but it moved! Next, he decided to consider- Seedlings? They sound like a good addition to his sect, even more now that he has received the power to influence Cultivation Roots and make cultivators of whatever type of Qi he desires! He thought of the little girl with Nature Cultivation Root, maybe if he gave her a seedling, something would change? He can already envision her growing flowers on her hair or something similar. "Not thinking of that yet…" He peered down, his body had grown a lot! "Wow." His vision was spiritual based, but as he manifested his spirit out of the bark of his body, he could see that his real tree body was now maybe hundred meters high? His canopy stretched wide, like his roots, giving shade to everything beneath him in his green leaves and pink flowers.


Name: Root

Species: Spirit Tree

Cultivation Root: Nature [Heavenly Pure Quality]

Age: 111 years

Qi Realm: Core Exaltation (1st Stage)

Special Achievements: 


[Death Conqueror]

[Contract? Deal!]

Daos - 

[Spirit] - 5%

[Transformation] - 5%

[Nature] - 2%

Skills - 

F RANK: [Flower Make]

F RANK: [Silk Make]

E RANK: [Hibernation]

D RANK: [Wood Make]

A RANK: [Seed Make]

S RANK: [Purification]

S RANK: [Pain Resistance]

SSS RANK: [Seedling Make] ([Generational Instinctual Knowledge (S)], [Cultivation Root Influence (S)], [Symbiosis (S)]) 

Techniques - 

F RANK: [Tree Breathing Technique]

C RANK: [Natural Healing]

B RANK: [Mycorrhizal Network]

B RANK: [Root of Knowledge]

A RANK: [Soul Pressure]

A RANK: [Cosmic Connection]

S RANK: [Heavenly Qi Conversion Conversion]

Sect - Heavenly Spirit Forest Sect

Great Ancestor: Root [Core Exaltation (1st Stage)]

Sect Master (Nature Branch Master): Leaf [Foundation Formation (3rd Stage)]

Unnamed Lesser Nature Spirit (×10,576,670)

Hui Yang [Qi Gathering (7th Stage)]

Mei-Mei [Qi Gathering (2nd Stage)]

Death Branch Master: Lily [Foundation Formation (1st Stage)]

Unnamed Lesser Death Spirits (×652)

Earth Branch Master: Ahteus [Qi Gathering (9th Stage)]

Unnamed Lesser Earth Spirits (×670)

Wind Branch Master: Zylph [Qi Gathering (9th Stage)]

Unnamed Lesser Wind Spirits (×634)

Fire Branch Master: Fiero [Qi Gathering (8th Stage)]

Unnamed Lesser Fire Spirits (×398)

Sister [Qi Gathering (6th Stage)]

Yan Zhun [Qi Gathering (5th Stage)]

Water Branch Master: Namis [Qi Gathering (5th Stage)]

Unnamed Lesser Water Spirits (×244)

Zhu Tei [Qi Gathering (4th Stage)]

Inventory - 

SSS Rank: Tea of Heaven (Recipe)

A Rank: Return Pill

B Rank: Alchemy for Dummies

Trash: Worthless Stone Blade

'Huh.' Root had increased his cultivation by a lot! He could feel his body pulling the qi from the world around him like a black hole, burning and purifying it, while at the same time releasing the impure qi, which had the effect of spreading a lot of Qi around him, creating a vicious cycle of renewing Qi, for every time he breathed, some of his Qi was released in the atmosphere. 'Core Exaltation?' 

[Core Exaltation - Stages 1 to 9

This is the process in which the core expands quickly, creating an explosion within, and being exalted to a higher level. This is also known as "internal supernova", where the core becomes a star!] 

Maybe it was because of the higher quantity of Nature Qi around, but his cultivation stage has reached a higher level very quickly. Like, really quickly… unnaturally quickly? 'Ah, maybe that's why?' He felt it then, threads of endless Spirits all connected to him. His lesser children gave him the Qi they produced from photosynthesis, which was ridiculously small, but from 10 million small beings, the Qi he was receiving was an amount that would kill a human cultivator. As far as his eyes could see, the entire plains around him had turned into a beautiful and lush forest, he could feel his children spread around him, they were all in different directions. "Children." Using his technique [Cosmic Connection], he dived deeply into his very soul, seeing the endless stars that represented his children- He found the brightest green, pale silver, red, brown, black, and blue and tugged them all, a single word echoing; "Come to me." 

He felt them quickly come to him- even Namis, who was asleep, woke up quickly and came to him -and in less than four minutes they were all with him. "Father." Leaf was the first one to greet him, and Root immediately saw the difference- He was taller, and looked more like a human teenager than the small goblin child he was. "Father." Beside him, the one who also changed was Lily! She also looked like a human teenager now, her hair was also longer too. "Dad!" Atheus and the others didn't change at all, meaning for them to grow, they needed to increase their cultivation huh? "Children." His spiritual form floated before them, he looked like an adult version of Leaf, but his hair was black like Lily's. "It's good to see you all once again…" For them it was a whole year, for him it was a simple nap, but he wouldn't treat it like such. "I want to know everything that happened in my absence, little ones." 

They all reported everything that had happened- After he went to sleep, his children worked together to keep everything safe. Leaf patrolled the forest, killing any Demonic Beasts that got too close to the mortals or his dad, Lily also helped alongside Zylph, Ahteus worked beneath his roots to improve his crafting and rarely got out, Fiero did work on his cultivation and helped Yan Zhun, while Namis slept the majority of the time. Nothing really major happened, except a few new mortals joined their place and were placed under watch by Leaf until his father woke up to decide what to do with them. "How many mortals came to our home?" Root spread out his Qi, searching for the mortals- The amount of Qi he had was greatly increased, so much so that he could easily spread out his awareness through everything with a thought alone! Well, Nature was everywhere anyway, so it's only natural that he can see everywhere nature touches! 

"Uhm… two hundred and fifty?" The moment those words left Leaf's mouth, Root froze- He scanned everywhere, finding not only the two hundred and fifty (250) mortals that were said to be there, but also an extra 33 other mortals that seemingly came out of nowhere- That was when he realized. The abundance of Nature Qi increased the fertility of the mortal women, making them give birth to more children than they normally would've, and these children were also stronger than other normal mortals, healthier, and overall better. "They multiply quickly…" Is that no matter how many people die in cultivation novels, there's always more? No wonder! "-tell me, Leaf, how did they arrive at this place?" 

"Father, they came from the south after the Tide of Beasts had passed, they came in and wanted to settle, many going against the rules- But we were easily able to deal with those mortals." Leaf was still stoic, but Root smiled softly at his son: "Is that so? You did Good." The rules were pretty simple actually- Don't harm nature, don't harm the spirits, and don't harm one another. The first and second rule were obvious, but the third was because Leaf didn't want to deal with the mortal squabble and petty disagreements. He killed many who disobeyed and cobbled up trouble, killing chickens to scare the monkeys- Is that how you use the phrase? Root doesn't remember. "Now… Call all the children and young mortals, I will perform some… experiments." 

"Yes father." All his children spoke at the same time, bowing to him before moving- Ahteus made a small rock platform where Root decided to place a table and two chairs made out of wood with [Wood Make]. His spirit form was semi-translucent, but even so he could still pretend to sit down! "Let's see…" Soo, his children had all the newly born mortals and the newly arrived all gathered before him- He could sense their nervousness, it came from their very soul. His voice came but a whisper in the wind, like the very wind was talking: "So, you're the new mortals… Come forth, bring me your children, and I'll judge them." The hesitancy was irritating to him- But again, they were only mortals, ignorant of the ways of the world. 

Seeing how they didn't move, Zylph actively used her Wind Qi to push the mortals forward while Ahteus guided them in a line, Fiero glaring fiercely: "Ungrateful scums- Our father has generously been granting you protection and yet you dare disobey his words!?" 

Ah, right. 

After the… encounter with the Fire Cultivators, Fiero had thrown himself into cultivation, seeking improvement. This, in turn, increased his… fiery temperament, making him more easily angered. "Fiero." Root spoke, his voice warning, making the fire child calm down almost instantly- However, his words did have an effect on the mortals, who all looked fearful and some ashamed. "Come forth, mortals, or be dragged." Ahteus rolled his gem eyes, he wanted to go back to the forge already! 

The first child that rested upon the table was a small boy with bright grey eyes. Roots touched the baby with his semi-translucent hand, and immediately he could see the baby's soul. It was… Pure. Pure and beautiful, like a newborn white star. 

He pushed his Qi inside, watching as the Spirit Qi used on the skill [Cultivation Root Influence] twisted around until it found a metaphysical "root", so it latched onto that- Root knew exactly what to do, or what he could do. Using a very tiny bit of any type of Qi, he could make the child's not developed Cultivation Root take form into any affinity he could desire! 'Let's just make him a…' A flash of light passed through his hand into the child's soul, taking root on his root. 'Light Affinity.' 

[Special Achievement unlocked: Fate Twister]

[Fate Twister: You can now see and influence the threads of fate!]

[You've achieved the Fate and Destiny Dao]

[Dao of Fate and Destiny: 1%]

Immediately, bright golden threads popped from the top of the heads of all mortals- Of everything around him, even his children. Their souls were intertwined and interwoven alongside this thread, taking over their very essence. 

This was… Fate.


Name: Ying Bo

Species: Human

Cultivation Root: Light [Trash Quality]

Age: 0 Years

Qi Realm: N/A

Techniques -

Looking at the status of the boy, Root knew- His journey to the immortal realms of cultivation was only getting started.

A tree that can see the fates of others is a tree that can change them. Well, of course there will be shenanigans because the Dao of Fate and Destiny is a very weird dao... But which isn't, really.

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