Root Maker: Tree Cultivation

Chapter 69: …Nice.

Year 11, Day 90
Beneath a great Canopy, Endless Green

After hearing a lecture about how life and death could come together to create wonderful things, Root kept himself focused on his cultivation for a while- that was, until of course, he felt a little presence blip within his forest. A small mortal had managed to start their journey into the world of cultivators, and that little girl was part of his Heavenly Spirit Forest Sect- she was the kid he saved from a certain death fate (Chapter 13), her soul had Chaos Qi and that was the day that Chaos was born too. His Spiritual Sight focused, he could see that the little girl soul was gathering Qi from the world around it, and the type of Qi that she was gathering surprised him a lot.

Space Qi.

Name: Hyu Jin
Species: Human
Cultivation Root: Chaos, Light, Space [Trash Quality]
Age: 0 Years
Qi Realm: Qi Gathering Realm (1st Stage)
Techniques -
A Rank: [Space Qi Magnetic Attraction Technique]

That's it. That's her stats.

Root observed her the moment he felt her ascension from mortal to cultivator, poking her with a small root while she was asleep easily gave him the information he required to understand her and the Qi she had gathered upon herself. “Space Qi…” he had finally found the key as to how the cultivators that originated from this world left this world upon it being cursed by a powerful being of a higher realm- It was honestly hard to control, seeing as the moment he noticed it, he could feel Space Qi everywhere around him and in everything, but the moment he tried to control it or touch it, it was like it was phasing through his metaphysical hands. It was spread out in small quantities, and Chaos also interacted with it most of the time, as the Space Qi around them seemed to avoid their body, staying as far as it possibly could be. “This is harder than I thought it would be…” To give a good comparison, the Space Qi around was, honestly, in very small quantities.

They were like grains of sand, spread around absolutely everywhere but very small quantities.

“-annoying.” To help himself, he decided to watch as Hyu Jin cultivated the Space Qi around her, and he was surprised by how exactly she cultivated it- Like I had previous once previously said, cultivating is like filling a tub with liquid using a cup, Cultivation Techniques modify or upgrade this “cup” depending on which type of Cultivation Technique it is. The most basic ones are just the “cup” itself, but the most complicated and Qi intensive techniques are like tubes guiding the water to the tube and while Qi intensive needing a lot of Qi for it to properly function (after all, you can't fill a tub without water!) These types of Cultivation Techniques usually had very good results… But the complexity of these techniques that made them harder to cultivate couldn't really compare to the simplicity and yet effectiveness of the technique little Hyu Jin was using. While stronger Cultivation Techniques increased the size of the “cup” and thus the amount of Qi they could take at once, her Technique did not change the amount of Qi she could gather, but instead it changed how she gathered it.

Normally, cultivators would simply “grab” the Qi and pull it into themselves, but she? She made the Qi enter her by simply allowing her soul to act like a magnetic pull.

Slowly, crawling over time like small slugs with severe arthritis, these small particles of bright purple black Qi slowly approached her body. It was very efficient, seeing as even Qi from thousands upon thousands of meters were slowly making their way towards her and her baby body. No wonder this Technique was considered a A Rank Technique… “But where did she learn how to do that?” Root, as someone who had reincarnated (He thinks so? He still isn't sure, seeing as there is the possibility that his memories of the Earth are either fake or real but implanted… He is still figuring shit out, okay!?) in this world into the body of a tree, was well aware of the possibility of Hyu Jin being a reincarnated person. “...Strange.” He analyzed her soul deeply, from every nook and cranny of every single crack that she had in her soul… It truly didn't look like the soul of a newborn baby, it was not only very damaged but it also felt rather old. He remembers the day he took that bundle of Chaos Qi from within her soul and concealed it within one of his seeds, only for in a moment of clumsiness (That now Root recognizes as fate) Chaos be born.

“It's probably one of those cliches, Father.” Tahsm hummed, holding the spirit egg that Root had received from his system in his arms: “A powerful immortal cultivator from a high realm faces a heavenly tribulation too strong for them and it ends up killing them or maybe a powerful cultivator betrayed them and they ended up either dying a miserable death and reincarnated into a lower realm, or they were simply unlucky.” Shrugging, Tahsm lifted up the egg like it was a baby (Received on chapter 32) that was his and presented it to him: “Look, Father, the egg has been acting weird… It looks way too different from when you first gave me it, it looks more… scaly?” And indeed, the previously snow white and pure looking egg now had these icy blue scales covering it. “Also, I know this sounds weird, but I think the Spirit Dragon Scale you gave me has… lost its luster.” Showing him the scale he had received once from Root, Tahsm smirked: “I am proud to announce, Father, that I have brought back the once instinct Spirit Dragon!”

“...” Root was silent… Did he hear his son right?

Tahsm took his father's silence as skepticism, so he shyly explained further: “W-well, not alone… Chrysalis really helped me out, as did Lily and Bones, we wanted to give you a surprise about it, and after a few days of continuous testing, we managed to confirm that the egg has changed into a Spirit Dragon egg- Or something similar, mostly because you gave us the description of what it was and how it changes to reflect the nature of the first being it recognizes as a parent… So Chrysalis theorized that, maybe, if we introduced something that had the impression of a spirit beast, the spirit egg would change- which is why we introduced the Spirit Egg to the Spirit Dragon Scale…”

“That's amazing, Tahsm.” Root immediately praised his son- he easily understood his children were able to modify the Spirit Beast Egg, and sure enough, upon analyzing it, he could see that it had changed indeed:

[Spirit Dragon Egg

Rank: S

Description: An egg from a long dead and powerful species of heavenly creatures that lived in this world, when Spirit Qi was the most common type of Qi and when Spirits were not such a rarity. To hatch it, it needs to constantly be fed Spirit Qi.

Upon hatching, a Spirit Dragon will be born. Spirit Dragons are one of the most common types of Dragons in the endless menagerie of worlds upon this wide universe.]

“This egg will grow to become one of our own… A new grandchild, huh? This family is truly growing quickly.” With a small spiritual hug, Root mentally prepared himself before he spoke: “So, have you thought of a name for my future grandchild?”

“Blast Master!”


“...Sky Piercing Heavenly Destroyer Demonic Master of a Thousand Cuts!”

“How is that a child's name?”



Yeah, he knew Tahsm had weird ideas about what constitute as a good name.

Ice Peak, Endless Mountains of the Raohna Region. Icerose Family Yang Palace.

The Path of the Twilight Child is a path paved in the darkness of the night, under the silver light of the moon, and under the light of day, bathed by the endless golden warmth of the sun. Ice and Fire, Silver and Gold, Light and Darkness - these are a few of the two sided Qis that this Cultivation Technique can use and develop. A technique that cultivated both Yin Qi and Yang Qi in harmony, granting one the ability to bathe upon flames and not be burnt and be frozen from head to toe and not suffer from the cold. A cultivation technique that sought out the balance between two different Qis to near perfection before bringing them to perfect harmony by fusing them together into one type of Qi - Twilight Qi.

According to the information that his helpful Endless Library System has graciously shared with him, Twilight Qi is one of the many combinations of Qis that can be achieved, but one of the hardest to achieve due to the high control over you Qi you need to have and the harmony you need to cultivate with your Qi. Those that use this highly unusual but powerful Qi need to be in harmony with themselves as well, for even the slightest doubt can cause this Qi to riot and destroy the user from the inside- Twilight is the perfect balance between night and day, and as such, he needed to cultivate both during the day and during the night.

But here's the thing… he can't cultivate during the day because he has his “duties” to attend to. Cleaning, cooking, and doing other things servants need to do- to cultivate in his situation, one needed to either have a specific cultivation technique that allowed them to cultivate passively, or he needed to either get very injured to the point of being bedridden…

Or, a secret third option.

“Am I doing this right?” His rather annoying but surprisingly useful body roommate, Alfred Mathias Andromia. During the day, while Jileng Rong acted out as the servant boy and worked hard, Alfred was tasked with cultivating his part of the technique. You see, although Alfred had not an ounce or a drop of affinity towards Yin Qi or Yang Qi, Jileng Rong had, and because they shared the same body Alfred could pull Yin Qi from the world around them while Jileng Rong worked. It was like a part of his brain was cultivating while the other part was working, which should've been impossible, but so should've been having two souls in one single body. “I feel it now, huh, so that's how Yin Qi feels… It's warm? It shouldn't be, right?”

“Of course not, it should be cold… That's where you come in, with your affinities towards Fire Qi and Light Qi, you should be able to pull away the Fire Qi and Light Qi that comes alongside the Yin Qi, leaving only the Yin Qi behind- it's so simple that even someone as dull as you should be able to do it correctly-” Right while he was explaining his reasoning of letting Alfred cultivate while he was working, he felt the sharp pain of a minor Qi Deviation as the Fire Qi and Light Qi that were attached to the Yin Qi and acted as “pure” Sun Qi lashed out against his body, making him groan. It wasn't a major and deadly Qi Deviation, but it surely was painful! “-fuck, you incompetent little dusty bitch-” Almost coughing blood, Jileng Rong swallowed his blood and kept working while mentally cursing the other soul inside his body.

“Insult me again, and I'll do worse- I've already died once, I don't care about it, but what I do care about is respect.” Alfred- sweet and harmless Alfred -suddenly sounded way colder and way more dangerous than ever! “You're here in this shitty Yang Palace or whatever the fuck this shitty place is named because you were an arrogant bitch that thought your golden spoon could feed you for the rest of your life, your privileged ass has fallen from the heavens because you flew too close to the sun- no, scratch that, you're too lazy to fly…” Pausing for a moment, Alfred gathered the right words to say: “Like a fat fucking pidgeon, you fell from the sky because you refused to fly even though you had wings… And now you, fat fucking lazy fuck of a pidgeon, has the balls to insult me? Bitch, I didn't go through seven years of a masters degree to be called a dusty bitch!”

Like a cold dagger gripping his heart, Alfred's soul gripped his heart as he whispered inside his head: “So you better learn some fucking manners before I fucking start exploding this body you so love- I am not your fucking little punch bag, you arrogant pig… It's time to learn how to fucking fly, fat pidgeon.”

…why does he feel like he has just provoked a tiger in pig's skin?


Thank you: Dallas Meck, Kaleb, underdog121, DarksoulS, Maxwell Joseph, Ether's Blessed One, Jared Tate, Sin of Sloth, Harrison Brown, Golden Mold, Yerock, Robbie, Jeremy, ry10970, Me Me, Gabriel, Captain Dragnee, Tah Ma, Arcanum, and HILLARY Tchuente for your support.

It's chapter 69!
Please give me NICE names for the big bad spirit dragon~

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