
Chapter 8: Imminent Threat

The next day, Ken is on his way towards the Casiem while it drizzles. It seems Efielge is constantly the subject of wet weather. The sky is cloudy, and the roads are damp and slippery. Once Ken entered, the receptionist welcomes him just like any other day. Sitting on one of the couches on one side of the room is Eleanor.

“Ken!” She jumps up with excitement.

“You’re here early.”

“Of course, I wouldn’t want to throw your offer to waste.”

“I trust Marc went through all the paperwork yesterday. Follow me.”

Ken and Eleanor go through the building towards a storage area with walls of shelves. He walks through the shelves full of boxes that serve as Ardai’s archives that hold records of assets, transactions, and business deals. Ken reaches one particular box in the middle shelf labeled ‘women uniforms’ in sloppy handwriting. He opens the box and takes out a set of clothes, and hands them to Eleanor.

“What are these?” she asks.

“If you’re going to work for Ardai, especially as my secretary, you’ll have to look presentable and professional.”

Eleanor takes the folded clothes and studies the quality of the clothes as well as the design. The clothes look somewhat familiar to her but are still unknown to her memory. As far as she can tell, they are unique and likely ordered from a well-known tailor. The material is reasonably high quality.

Ken reaches down to the lower shelf to open another box and takes out a pair of shoes that he thinks would fit Eleanor. They are black leather shoes that are crafted to perfection. They are expensive, as are the set of clothes, but the price doesn’t matter to Ken. It only functions to hold a high level of professionalism and prestige.

“Here, these are your shoes. See that door over there?” Ken points towards a door at the end of the row of shelves. “It’s a changing room. You can go in there and change into your new uniform. Because what you’re wearing now won’t do.”

“Oh. Okay…”

“Don’t worry. It’s clean.”

Eleanor goes to the restroom with slightly red cheeks and proceeds to change into her uniform while Ken stands outside. Half an hour later, Eleanor steps out, unsure about her new set of clothes. Her new uniform consists of tight navy blue dress pants, an embroidered underbust corset over a white blouse, and an unbuttoned navy blue tailcoat slightly embroidered with silver. It is, in fact, very similar to the receptionist’s uniform and other female employees, the only difference being that the receptionist’s tailcoat is a brighter shade of blue.

“Um… Ken. These clothes must surely be very expensive. The material is all better quality than anything I can ever afford. And this coat is beautiful, but women don’t generally wear these. And I’m not sure about this corset. Is it really all right for me to wear this?”

“Are corsets not in fashion?”

“Of course they are. Corsets are extremely popular but also expensive. They are usually only reserved for noblewomen.”

“Then it should be fine.”

“But… I am of no nobility. I’m from Egwater.”

Ken sighs. “Everything you’re wearing is specially designed and made specifically for use by Ardai employees. It is hard enough to find willing tailors to make these. As you said, they are costly, but I’ve already paid for them. You might as well wear them. Otherwise, they are a waste.”

Eleanor looks down in defeat and studies her new clothes more closely. It doesn’t feel right for her to wear these clothes, but she is thankful nonetheless.

“By the way, did you tighten that corset all the way?” Ken asks, and Eleanor nods in response. “You don’t need to. Current fashion might tell you to have that thing as tight as possible but only tighten it to levels you’re comfortable with. I don’t want you fainting from having your organs crushed.”

Ken then reaches into his coat’s pocket, takes out a small object, and hands it to Eleanor.

“What is this?” she asks.

“A pin. You put it on the left lapel of your tailcoat.”

Eleanor takes the pin and holds it in her hand as she studies it. It is a flower. More precisely, it is a three-dimensional rose head with its petals spread outwards. It is crafted in some sort of metal. Perhaps it is made of copper or bronze. It is also painted azure blue, a strange color choice in her mind as she has never seen blue roses before. Then she realizes it’s the same rose head painted on the outside of the building next to the company name.

“A blue rose?” She raised her eyebrow at Ken.

“That’s right. The blue rose head is Ardai’s logo, symbol, emblem, icon, whatever you want to call it. The pin is to identify Ardai employees.”

Eleanor carefully pins the blue rose onto the left lapel of her tailcoat as Ken instructed. Upon putting it on, she feels a strange sense of accomplishment and lets out a smile. But she still has a question in her mind.

“If I may, why a blue rose? I have not seen one before in my life. Does it have any significance?”

“Of course, it has significance. Let me ask you a question. Does a blue rose exist?”

Stumped by such a strange question, Eleanor’s mind tries to figure out what Ken is trying to do or indicate. Indeed, she has never seen a blue rose. This is the first time she has pondered on the concept.

“I… don’t know. I’ve never seen one.”

“Mmm, interesting, isn’t it? Maybe I’ll tell you one day. Come, I’ll show you to your office.”



For the next several hours, Ken teaches Eleanor what her job entails and trains her for specific tasks she would need to do. He wants her to become familiar with her workflow. Overall, Ken finds it interesting how quickly Eleanor learns and adapts. Almost as if she has done this sort of work before.

Now, Ken is in one of the many drafting rooms on the second floor of the Casiem. There are four designated drafting rooms within the Casiem, but only two have people working within them; the other two are empty. One of the drafting rooms is mainly used to brainstorm or design anything for any purpose. It had no actual requirements or category of products that need to be met. This would be where Ardai’s industrial machines or manufacturing tools would be designed. The drafting room Ken is currently in is dedicated to man-portable weapons. This is where blunt weapons, edged weapons, and ranged weapons are designed.

There are rows of tilted drafting tables within the room, but only about half of them have people working on them. Currently, most engineers are essentially still in training. Few of them are capable of individually designing weapons by themselves. So far, only members of Ringleader are producing feasible designs for Ardai.

At the front of the room are blueprints pinned on the wall that are soon to be considered for production. One of them is an iconic weapon that Ken can’t resist not making because it’s so iconic. It is a Katana. The thin, long, curved blade is very noticeable and distinct among the longswords and shortswords commonly designed by other engineers. There are also a few designs based on machetes, sabers, and cutlass’. Some of the more exciting swords are the flammard and hook swords, but ultimately the Katana had the spotlight and priority for mass production.

Among the knives and daggers are many variants of the rondel and quillon daggers. But knife designs that Ringleader decided to include are combat knives, bowie knives, throwing knives, boot knives, karambit, push daggers, kunai, switchblades, haladie, the sai, and many more. Some of them are questionable in effectiveness or practicality. Still, they are presented as legitimate weapons to inspire creativity in the new engineers and push them to think outside the status quo.

For ranged weapons, there aren’t as many designs made by Ringleader. Most bows in Scorcia are variants of the longbow and a few crossbows. Recurve bows are also seen around the country but are not too common. Two of the most unique designs on the wall are the composite bow and a more modern crossbow that uses pulleys.

Matt is guiding and teaching one of the newly hired engineers various mechanical concepts and principles at one table. Mathematics exists up to trigonometry, but few people know it reliably enough, and so members of Ringleader constantly need to teach and remind them how to use it. The more experienced and knowledgeable people are introduced to calculus, which seems not to exist in any solid form. For this, Matt is heavily relied upon for advanced mathematics, but calculus wasn’t given much of a priority since Ardai’s designs come from the blueprints Ken brought from Entesia. At another table, Ken and Cayde are drafting another bow design. It is a compound bow.

The main issue that Ardai faces that prevent them from mass producing some of the weapon designs are materials. Some weapons, such as the compound bow, would rely on aluminum which faces the same issue with steel a month ago. The science and knowledge to reliably produce it wasn’t there. Scorcia produces very little aluminum and is only readily available from the Venesian empire. So once again, Ken would have to import the necessary metals from the Venesians for an inflated price.



“Have we heard anything from Entesia?” Ken asks, continuing to draw the compound bow.

“I don’t think so. Reed hasn’t said anything about the Navy visiting nearby.”

“Damn, they are really behind on those satellites. They should be operational by now.”

“Yeah, I’m starting to miss the sound of nagging in my ear.”

“Haha. No, you don’t.”

“Hahaha, but still. I wonder how the war is doing.”

Ken sighs as he drops the pencil and cracks his aching fingers. “I’d wager JSOC is kicking ass, the Entesian one, I mean.”

“Haha, it’s confusing when both countries are identical in structure.”

“Right? Anyways, I almost wish I was fighting on the frontlines. Must be interesting to steamroll over pre-industrial and industrial era armies with modern tech.”

“Would be a sight to see, but since we’re Special Forces, we’re more likely to be chillin with the elves and teaching them how to fight instead.”


Ken continues to draw the compound bow on his drafting table as others are also drawing their own weapon designs.

“What about business? It’s going well, isn’t it?” Cayde asks.

“I don’t know, haven’t paid much attention to what we sell or what attention we’re getting.”

“Head’s too deep in getting things made, huh? I hear the A1 and C1 sell very well.”

“How so? I saw some C1’s at the docks hauling goods but haven’t seen anything else.”

“Yeah, that too. Actually, there are quite a few orders for the A1 from the capital.”

“Really?” Ken says, surprised.

“Yeah, some rich merchant bought one of the first coaches we made here and rolled straight into Scorrest, attracting everyone’s attention. Now a whole lot of nobles want one and have been sending people to come buy it.”

“That great news for us. The more people buy it, the more exposure we get.”

“Also, your guy in Stonegate gets a lot of attraction and offers too. What’s his name? Knox? The guys that run the smelteries. Other industry people approached him about the coke furnaces and Bessemer converters. Per our contract, he referred them to us, and more are being built and leased.”

“The more, the better. We rely too much on imports. We’re also going to need to look into producing aluminum.”

“Yeah, I figured. I’ll look into it later. Also, we’ve been spending a lot of money. And by we, I mean you. Leasing industrial equipment doesn’t make us enough to cover the cost of their construction. And the coaches and wagons are selling but not in any significant number. We’re barely making any profit. How much money do we have left?”

“Enough to last us for a while more. We can always ask the EIA for more funds, right?”

“You’re terrible at handling finances. How the hell did you get the position of CEO.” Cayde laughs.

“Relax, Cayde. It’s money well spent. We’ll start seeing more cash flow as Ardai’s reputation increases.”

“I hope so. I’d rather not go home bankrupt.”

“I'm starting to forget where the measurements of these cams. Do you have the blueprints with you?” Ken asks.

“No, I left them in the storage room. But I remember them. Here, give me the pencil.”

Ken hands over his pencil and lets Cayde take over the drafting table to draw the missing cams on the compound bow.

As he draws the cams for the compound bow, someone approaches Ken. It is Eleanor, who looks a little bit nervous and unsure of herself.

“Did something happen?” Ken asks.

“Uh… someone has called for your presence at reception.”


“Um, well… some people from the STC. They uh, demanded your presence.”

It takes a minute for Ken to fully take in who their visitors are. The STC? As in the Venesian corporation? What for?

“Okay,” Ken says calmly. “Cayde, you got it from here, right?”

“You got it, boss. Go strip ‘em down as needed, chief,” Cayde says sarcastically.

“God, you’re an asshole.” Ken chuckles.

“That’s why you love me, baby.” Cayde smiles as Ken turns to leave the drafting room with Eleanor following behind him.

“Why do you allow him to disrespect you like that?” Eleanor asks. “Is he not afraid of losing his job?”

Ken laughs a little and glances at Eleanor. “Don’t worry about him. He’s a friend of mine. He’s always been like that.”

“But, you’re his superior, aren’t you? Shouldn’t he be more, well…”

“Submissive? Docile?”

“I would not exactly use those words, but yes.”

“No, not at all. I’d rather no one working under me is like that. I prefer someone tell me what they really think. It’s more efficient that way.”


Ken makes his way down to reception, and upon opening the door, he is met with an upsetting scene.

“About time! How long do you intend to keep me waiting?!”

Ken looks at the man wearing a flashy yellow frock coat, breeches, and a tricorn hat. Ah shit, not this asshole. Eleanor follows behind Ken with a clipboard, paper, and quill ready to help in any way.

“I apologize to keep you waiting.” Ken forces himself to be polite. “Whom do I owe the pleasure of meeting?”

“Hmpf! Hyman Derek. I represent the STC here in Efielge. You best remember my face.”

This is one of the arrogant representatives Ken bumped into in the City Hall, as well as the one who attended the Duke’s banquet. It looks like he already forgot Ken’s face.

“It’s a pleasure, Lord Derek. My name is Ken Kai, Chief Executive Officer of Ardai Industries.” Ken extends his hand for a handshake. “How may I help you?”

“Intriguing title Mister Kai… On the contrary, I’m here to help you,” he says, ignoring Ken’s handshake by keeping his hands behind his back.

“How so?” Ken lowers his hand.

Hyman Derek takes a glimpse at the blue rose painted on the wall behind the receptionist. “Ardai Industries… Your company has makes quite a stir recently.” He then looks around to take in the interior design of the reception area before looking back at Ken.

“I assume these wenches are yours?” he says, referring to Eleanor and the receptionist. “A naive choice for management, an excellent choice for services. Are they slaves, perhaps? They must be of the premium kind for you to spend so much on their attire.”

Feeling the intense and seductive stare at her and her outfit, Eleanor feels a shiver down her back as she tries to remain calm in the face of Derek's remarks. The receptionist also hears Derek as she is within earshot but tries her best to appear ignorant and busy with work.

“They are paid employees,” Ken says firmly.

“A pity. I would have liked to have bought them.” Derek breathes in. “Recently, it has come to our attention that your company, Ardai Industries, has been creating or ‘innovating’ questionable things. Your furnace designs and smelting techniques have made iron more abundant and make steel production more feasible. Your ‘ball bearings’ invention and leaf spring suspension has also piqued our interest. And, of course, your A1 Coaches and C1 Wagons have made a great impression upon merchants and nobles alike. Needless to say, you nor your company are anything ordinary.”

Ken listens and continues to make eye contact with Derek as his tone became increasingly severe and threatening.

“I won’t deceive you, Mister Kai. Though some of your inventions are new, others share striking similarities in function and design to those within the Empire’s industry. I’m sure you know of Venesian laws prohibiting the exportation of such core technologies to countries not approved by the imperial family… Mister Kai, We suspect you to be a spy who has stolen and smuggled Venesian technology.”

Derek’s accusation is like a bombshell that hits everyone with uneasiness. This baffles Ken, confuses the receptionist, and shocks Eleanor. For Ken, he is blindsided. It is such an outlandish claim from the outside, but internally, Ken feels exposed.

“A spy? Me? Don’t you think that’s too outlandish?” Ken calmly tries to deny the accusation.

“Not in the face of the Venesian Empire. It is a very real threat. I’m sure you understand. As much as I would rather a dog like you be arrested and executed for treason, the STC has kindly decided to offer you an ultimatum. Unless you want your little company to be crushed and destroyed, you will agree to sell Ardai Industries to the STC, which will therefore gain total control and ownership of any and all assets. We offer you one thousand pounds. We’ll even allow you to continue running your little company under our supervision and management.”

The receptionist, as well as Eleanor, have their mouths open in astonishment. Both know the extent of their power and how far the empire would go to remain dominant. It would be questionable to refuse that amount of money. Ken can only look with a confused face as he takes in what he hears.

“No,” Ken blurts out. “Ardai Industries, me, or its creations and innovations have nothing to do with the STC or Venesia. Your claims are blatantly false.”

“You dare refuse our offer?!”

“Your offer and accusation are absurd!” Ken replies. He realizes his sudden confrontational attitude might be a mistake, but he absolutely hates these sort of snobbish people. He is having none of it.

“Who are you to talk back to me!” Derek explodes.

The conversation explodes into a confrontation, and the receptionist and Eleanor are visibly taken back.

“I am not a spy. We developed our own technologies ourselves. They are NOT stolen,” Ken explains. “I will also NOT be selling Ardai Industries to anyone. That’s my final decision.”

By now, Derek is furious. In no way did he expect Ken to refuse. No one ever refused the STC before. His breathing becomes heavy, and his blood begins to boil.

“You worm! Watch your damned tongue! I will give you one final chance to accept our offer! Do not take my leniency for granted!” he yells with near bloodshot eyes.

Ken takes a step back and mentally prepared himself for a fight. The receptionist, now scared, ducks down to avoid being involved. Eleanor also takes a few steps back with fear on her face.

“I said I refuse,” Ken firmly replies.

Derek is absolutely livid but tries to calm himself down. He repeatedly deeply breathes while holding his head with his hand. Suddenly, he begins laughing out loud. Now everyone's fear is replaced with confusion, and Ken remains silent, waiting to see what Derek would do next. He is already annoyed and irritated and wants to kick Derek out immediately.

“I never realized how humorous you lowly scum can be. You will regret your decision soon enough. You’ve had your chance.” Derek spits at the ground before turning around and heading for the door.

Before exiting the building, he turns his head to Ken. “I will enjoy seeing your downfall,” he says with an evil smile.

The door closes, and everyone in the reception area is left stunned. This is not how Ken envisioned his day going.

“Mister Kai…” the receptionist says. “Is this really all right?”

“Yeah, it’ll be fine, Deana. Don’t worry.”

“Ken,” Eleanor interrupts, “I don’t think that is a good decision. The STC is notorious. They will surely come back.”

“Let them, doesn’t matter what they do, I’m not kneeling.”

“Ken, the STC is not something to ignore so lightly. Their offer is far more generous than what they have offered to other people. They will be mad with you, really mad. Perhaps you should go to the STC and apologize.”

“No. I’m not going to apologize to those assholes. And I won’t be selling Ardai Industries, not that I have a choice.”

Ken walks past Eleanor to return to the drafting room.

“What do you mean you don’t have a choice?” Eleanor questions, trailing behind Ken.

“Don’t worry about it. Let’s just ignore it for now. I’ll deal with it as it comes.”

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