Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 846: Putting up a Show!

The moment that the Heavenly Tribulation was over, and the sealed space was finally fully opened as the Tribulation Clouds had disappeared, the only thing left was a man covered in a liquid-like black gas.

At that moment the faces of the people in the surroundings were extremely solemn and ugly as the expert in front of them was a new one, and the pressure he spread was no lower than that of ShuiJing WeiXie.

All this time they had lived like the Gods of this planet, almighty and unchallenged, yet now they just discovered that they had been living a sort of lie.

It was impossible for them to believe that there were actually so many much more powerful beings and existences in this world, that no one had actually seen or noticed.

How could they not feel like Heaven was falling on their heads, as they just learned that there was a real owner on the house that they had been sharing and treating like their own all this time?

The worse part was that it wasn't even one only owner but there were more and more of them coming out of nowhere.

Furthermore, according to their information, people covered in this wretched and despicable energy belonged to their newest and strongest enemy, the Justice League.

Those lunatics and crazy bastards were growing more and more outrageous every day, as reports of their wretched plans were being spread throughout the world every day.

The worst part was that normal illiterate people saw them as gods and saviors, all because they could use a bit of magic, a little bit of pocket money, and cheap tricks.

Through these means, they were spreading like mushrooms after the rain in poor, poverty, and war-stricken countries.

Not only that, but they were even finding their way through the third-rate countries by bribing and lying to their stupid and greedy leaders.

What made this situation even more difficult for them to understand was that there had been no sign of this guy earlier inside the sealed space of the Heavenly Tribulation Lightning.

So how the fu*ck did he end up in there!? It was something unbelievable for them, as they didn't even know what to do with anyone.

ShuiJing WeiXie and Tianlong Yun had been stupid enough to endanger their own lives, and die due to their own foolishness, but this guy wasn't the same.

He would surely not do something stupid like the two of them did, in fact, he would immediately try to kill them the moment that he felt their presence.

Just as they were thinking like that, their target immediately disappeared from his position, and before they could even make a move, the blue skinned big head heard only a wretched laugh and three words,

"Hehehehe~! Hasta la Vista!"

The next moment, before he could even turn his head around, he lost all connection to his body, soul, and energy.

It was like something had entered inside his body and was corrupting and destroying everything inside his body, energy, and soul.

In a moment he was no more, as in his place stood only a puddle of black gas and liquid substance that seemed extremely disgusting and displeasing.

The other two of the group who had been keeping a check on each other all the time immediately were terrified and scared, as they didn't waste any second turned around and tried to escape.

They weren't curious about this expert any longer, and they didn't even care about finding out his abilities, the only thing they were thinking about was trying their best to save their lives.

Unfortunately, they weren't as fast as they needed to be, as before they could even hope of escaping, the despicable Justice League fella appeared behind them as well.

Not only that, but he even went as far as to mock them in the meantime, by saying words such as,

"It's time for you righteous rats to go and perish! Say hi to the King of Hell when you reach there, tell him I will send many more to accompany him soon!"

With that, even the two remaining powerhouses of the two of the greatest organizations on Planet Earth perished under the hands of the terrible enemy.

Surprisingly after killing the two enemies, the black gas around the terrifying expert started getting a bit chaotic and disturbing, as he even started screaming like a lunatic.

He looked just like some sort of volcano upon eruption, frightening and terrifying everyone in the surroundings. Especially the people from the big families.

The existences that came all of a sudden in front of their doors were already scary and made them unable to even breathe out loud, and now there was an existence beyond them in front of them.

How could they be calm, and the worst part was that this terrifying existence didn't even seem to be in the right state of mind, looking like he was going to fully lose it at any moment.

In fact, the feeling of fear was increasing exponentially inside their hearts with each passing moment, as they had no idea what to expect.

The more time passed, the more terrified they were because there was a great possibility of this lunatic exploding in front of them.

It was just like a time bomb, and they didn't even have the tools to actually defuse it, making the situation even more desperate.

The only way they would be able to stay alive was if the bomb decided to leave on its own, or if someone took the bomb away from them.

What's worse, the only people remaining right now were the people from the Tang and Yao Families, as even Old Blind was nowhere to be seen.

Every second that they were facing this monster it was just like one of those seconds in the old cowboy duels, where both sides could only count down the seconds before the shootout.

What made the situation even more difficult and terrible for them was that they didn't even have bullets and a gun in this fight. 

At most, they had a fork, but before they could even attack with that fork of theirs, the bullets of the lunatic monster's gun would have already decimated them.

Just as the two representatives of the two big families were about to move forward, and come for a talk with this lunatic monster, he disappeared from sight with a puff.

It all felt like a big joke, they didn't even dare to think about how this was possible, as the only thing on their minds right now was that they were happy to be alive.

Extremely happy to be alive and that nothing happened. It was a true blessing for them, and for the rest of the country that they started to think about once again.

"Juuuuuussssstttttttiiiiiiiccccccceeeeeee Leeeeeeeaaaaaaagggggggggguuuuuuuueeeeeee! I will fucking bury you bastards alive! I swear by the Holy Father!"

While the people from the Yao and Tang families were feeling blissful with their luck and fate, the white winged man was screaming at the top of his lungs inside his seclusion room.

His face was red and green with anger, and pain as the embodiment that he had created and grown painstakingly until now, was actually turned to nothing by that bastard.

He didn't even doubt that this matter was the work of that infamous Justice League, as that wretched and despicable black energy could only belong to them.

He had thought that he had outsmarted those bastards by cleaning up his backyard, but in fact, had ended up paying with something much more precious.

Right now, he wanted nothing more but to capture and torture that bastard's body, and soul for thousands of years. 

He would drink his body, and grind his bones, he would make that son of a bi*tch unable to even pee properly.

His loud and painful scream managed to alert, frighten, and scare the whole area around him, as people even felt the tremors of a little earthquake in his small country.

The big building he was found in even rang its biggest bells in hopes of deafening that voice of his as much as they could.

After all, how could they explain such a loud and terrible scream through normal means? The normal mortals weren't privy to the information of the existence of much more powerful beings.

If they learned about it there would be a great outrage, but most importantly there would be a much bigger fight for resources and special materials, making their easy life a truly tumultuous one.

The same situation seemed to be happening in another place, quite a bit far away from him, as someone resembling the young man covered in lightning, jumped from its spot in anger.

Just as he was in the air, he suddenly started growing bigger and turning into a big green snake, with two small wings, and a short crown.

It seemed like he was a Giant Snake, or to be more exact, he was a Giant Snake who had managed to shake his limits and shackles, to reach the boundary of turning into a Flood Dragon by himself.


Once he got out of his cave and reached a special height, he actually started hissing in anger towards the sky, while forcing the rest of his tribe out.

"Your Majesty please ease your anger!"

"Your Majesty please calm down!"

His people immediately started to try and calm him down, because if they didn't their whole location would get destroyed in a few seconds.

"Those bastards! I want those bastards to die! You will all spread and kill those bastards for this King! Those bastards killed my son, they will pay for that with their lives! I swear!"

Everyone else could only look at their King with looks of fear, and uneasiness…

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