Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 856: Tianlong Yun using Qi

While he had been focused on killing the lunatic with a death wish that attacked him in fury, he had unwillingly ignored the rest of the crowd opposite him.

What made the situation worst, was that while the dead body didn't belong to any Tom, Dick, and Harry from the crowd of the Tang Family, he wasn't the true threat either.

To Tianlong Yun, he and the other Elder beside him, despite being experts of the Tang Family they were nothing more than mosquitos. Far from being able to threaten him.

His real threat were the two peak Great Boundary Ascension Realm Ancestors, and especially the one who seemed to control the formation of all the experts of the Tang Family.

Just as he was thinking like that, the other mid-level Ancestor of the Tang Family created another ice-shard with all his remaining Qi, while the free peak Ancestor continued his attack on White Snake.

Last but not least, Patriarch Tang started throwing all sorts of weapons toward him, trying to make at least one of them would land and disrupt him.

He understood that he wasn't an opponent for Tianlong Yun, so he could only try diversion tactics.

It seemed like the Tang Family people had actually decided to not give Tianlong Yun even the slightest moment of rest to regain his breath and finish this matter as soon as possible.

Tianlong Yun was just too dangerous for them to take him lightly. He had managed to kill one of their mid-level Ancestors under the watch of two peak Ancestors, and another mid-level one.

Willingly or unwillingly fear had started to appear in their hearts, at least in the hearts of the mid-level Ancestors and below.

The only ones who seemed to still have the courage to face him directly were the peak level Ancestors of the Tang Family.

Still, this didn't make the situation any better for Tianlong Yun who was still at the center of everything, covering the White Snake with his body.

Once again, Tianlong Yun swung his weapon, to block the two attacks in front of him, as he even followed with his right fist to punch at the peak level Ancestor.

This time he had ordered the White Snake to not take action and leave it to him. She would act only upon the release of the energy that the other peak level Ancestor was gathering with the formation.

"Master I don't understand! Why do you have to fight and suffer like this, when I can easily take them down for you!?"

"Heehehee~! That's easy, it's because this is a rare opportunity!"

"A rare opportunity!?"

"Yes, this is a rare opportunity for me to evaluate my own prowess and have a true fight to the death with experts of this level.

After all, even if I fight with you, neither of us will release his full power with the intention to kill each other due to our restrictions.

You because can't kill your Master, and me because I am unwilling to kill a useful subject!

That's why these guys are the best prospects! I can fight with them to my heart's content and kill them while turning them into puppets later!

This is killing multiple birds with one piece of rock, your Master is much more awesome than you think!"

The White Snake couldn't help but think deeply about Tianlong Yun's words and take them as true. Even the part of his outstanding awesomeness.

'Baaaaannnnnnnngggggg…, Crraaaccckkkk…, Claaannnkkkkk…'

As for Tianlong Yun, he was once again fully concentrated on the battle in front of him, as he clashed with the attack of the peak level Ancestor, before shattering the ice shard.

Unfortunately, the strength of the peak level Ancestor was beyond what his physical body could withstand, and he once again suffered a few broken bones.

According to his estimations, if he didn't use any Qi to protect his body, he wouldn't be able to withstand the attack without suffering injuries even if he fully transformed into a Dragon.

While this result wasn't the best he could hope for, it was still good enough. With that out of the way, he could finally start experimenting with his Qi.

He didn't care about the looks of surprise, startle, and shock on the faces of the Tang Family people, as he started adding Qi to his arms and defenses.

Of course, since he wanted to make the experiments in prime conditions, he had to fix and heal his broken leg, and broken arm on the way.

With his strength, and vitality his bones were being healed extremely fast, but before he could fully heal them, the peak level Ancestor had returned with another attack.

It was another kick, this time directed right at his abdomen, it seemed like this vicious old thing wanted to destroy his cultivation and cripple him.

Considering the situation up to now, he wasn't wrong in what he was doing and thinking that the win was his to claim.

Unfortunately, that was only considering the situation with the strength and prowess that Tianlong Yun had revealed.

Without wasting time, Tianlong Yun immediately swung his sword with his left hand once again and used the right to punch forward.


The peak level Ancestor of the Tang Family couldn't count any longer the number of times he had been surprised and startled by Tianlong Yun, as not only was he still standing but even his broken hand seemed healed.

Just what kind of regeneration ability and vitality would make possible the recovery of a broken bone, and even more when the process happened so fast.

Not to mention, that for some odd reason he even felt that Tianlong Yun's counterattack was quite a bit stronger and scarier this time.

The more he thought like this though, the happier he felt inside because this meant that whatever opportunity Tianlong Yun had received in the Secret Pond was worth it.

If even Tianlong Yun could show this strength, prowess, and ability as he made use of that opportunity, then what about him?

His Tang Family was certainly blessed by Heaven tonight!


With those thoughts in mind, he continued with his kick attack, only to be completely blocked and even pushed back one step!


He couldn't believe that despite everything, Tianlong Yun was still capable of defending himself perfectly, and even gaining a small advantage.

Even though he wasn't using his full strength this was still a greatly surprising outcome. What surprised him, even more, was that Tianlong Yun's broken bones were clearly healing perfectly.

Soon they would return to their primary condition, and he wouldn't have even the slightest disadvantage with regard to his own body any longer.

This brat was dangerous!

Extremely dangerous!

Who knew what other trump cards was he hiding in his sleeves, they had to kill him as soon as possible, only like that could they finally relax and enjoy the blessings.

With these thoughts in mind, he immediately took out a pair of fury gloves from his clothes, as he said in a low but clear and solemn voice,

"Brat, you should be proud of yourself for making this seat use his weapon against you! You should feel honored dying by my gloves!"

With that said, the old man donned the gloves to his hands and immediately jumped toward Tianlong Yun once again.

Seeing that happen, even Tianlong Yun couldn't help but get a bit serious, as he started to quickly circulate his Qi and send it towards his limbs.

He wanted to have a full head-on face-off with the peak level Ancestor of the Tang Family, only like that would he be satisfied.

With that thought in his mind, he immediately took a defensive position, as slowly the image of a proud and arrogant Dragon was slowly taking form behind him.

A Dragon that was ready to roar!

Opposite him, the peak level Ancestor of the Tang Family seemed to be doing the same as well, as a blue wolf was becoming more and more visible behind him.

Just looking at the image of the wolf beside him, once could easily make the difference between the mid-level and peak level Ancestors of the Tang Family.

The one right now seemed just like a real starving blue wolf, whose whole being screaming for food and blood, not like the semi-real image of the previous guy.

The moment that he was satisfied with his energy gathering the peak level Tang Family Ancestor, released a loud howl and then launched towards Tianlong Yun.

'Awwwooooo…, aaawwooo…, aawwoo…'

The blue wolf's howling was echoing through the area as it charged toward Tianlong Yun with the intention to either cripple him or kill him.

As for the Dragon behind Tianlong Yun, this guy could be called at best illusory. It wasn't because Tianlong Yun hadn't mastered his skill Charging Dragon, but because he was afraid of using it.

The true strength and prowess of this move were more than capable of not only killing his opponent but also proceeding forward to disturb and destroy the formation in front of him.

That would make the whole game he was playing meaningless, as his targets would die before he reached his goal.

For that reason, he could only try his best to minimize the input of Qi into the skill and use the bare minimum of it.

This should be more than enough to face the starving wolf! After all, a Dragon would always crush a puppy to dust with just a sneeze!


The explosion that followed with the clash of two skills was just mind-blowing, clearly startling and stupefying the people around if that was possible any longer.

It looked like a tie, but what they didn't know was that right before the clash of the two skills…

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