Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 865: EITS Attacks

Third Master Yao wasn't that stupid as not to understand that he and his family were being used. 

After all, at the start his Yao Family was thinking of using EITS as well, it was no wonder that EITS had the same thoughts.

Of course, the reason why he didn't dare to make a stand and ask for explanations was that he didn't dare to go against EITS, as they were a force his Yao Family couldn't cope with.

Certainly, with their Yao Family's trump cards, they could make a stand against the EITS, but under no circumstance were their opponents.

For that reason, no matter how unwilling or unhappy he was, Third Master Yao could only accept those words as the truth at the moment and hope for a miracle.

Outside the situation didn't seem favorable in the least for the Yao Family, as they were being crushed like bugs.

If Tianlong Yun so willed it, he could easily squash them to the ground without problem, but he didn't do it, for two reasons.

The first was because he wanted to make them suffer! He didn't understand why but he had a natural despise towards the Yao Family, which was most probably related to his own trauma.

As for the second reason, it was because he had just learned that their backers were EITS, and these guys had yet to make an appearance.

As a matter of fact, Tianlong Yun could easily pinpoint their positions, and their strengths, as even though there were more than 4 experts with power equal to peak level Great Boundary Ascension Realm, they weren't a threat to him.

The fifth seemed to be hiding inside the Yao Family Mansion and had the strength of a Fake God Realm. In fact, even that wasn't accurate, because it looked like he had boosted his strength someway.

Tianlong Yun had no idea for how long that boosting of his would last, and when he would make his move, but he wasn't much of a threat either.

What surprised him, and got his curiosity was the fact that they were in fact preparing to launch some kind of formation.

All 4 of them were hiding amidst the crowd of security guards and were holding some sort of weird triangle in their hands, alongside some strange triangle looking pistols.

Tianlong Yun was a person that had visited a myriad of planets and seen a myriad of civilizations, and technology, yet this was a surprise even for him.

Upon witnessing that, he couldn't help but think of giving them time to prepare and experience this attack, and its form.

For these two reasons, he sent a mental transmission message to the White Snake to pull her punches and wait. Of course, this didn't mean that she had to stop the torturous pressure on those guys below.

It could be said to be their great luck that the White Snake and the two puppets hadn't used their full strength from the start, being able to hide their true skills and fearsomeness.

Once he decided on this line of work, Tianlong Yun showed an evil grin on his face and started descending down, amidst the Yao Family people under pressure.

These guys couldn't even move their heads under that terrifying pressure when suddenly the pressure eased a bit.

Under the new pressure, as long as they worked hard, they would be able to at least stand on their knees.

But why would they even try to do something like that? That would be much more humiliating than the current situation, so they would better prefer resting on the ground with the easy pressure.

In the meantime, they could even try their best to work up their Qi and start working out a counterattack against their opponents.

Their plan was certainly good, unfortunately, their plan seemed to have neglected the presence of someone that wanted to torture them like Tianlong Yun.

"Aarrrgghhhh~! You damn bastard!"

They were reminded of that the next instant though, as Tianlong Yun had just stepped into Patriarch Yao's right foot.

"Heheheheh~! Patriarch Yao, you were just screaming about bastards and dogs a while back, I didn't know you were talking about yourself!

You certainly have a great voice for barking, I advise you to become a full dog!"

"Young Tianlong, I have grown old due to age and couldn't hear the bark properly, how about you let Patriarch Yao demonstrate it once again for us!"

As Tianlong Yun seemed to be enjoying the pain he was causing on Patriarch Yao, Patriarch Tang took the opportunity to fan the flames.

As expected of an old fox, he was immediately able to understand Tianlong Yun's plan of action, and he immediately provided backup.

"But of course, it should be this dog's honor! Hahahahahah~!"

"Arrggghhhhh… Tianlong Yun, I swear to make you wish regret you were born! I will slaughter you like a fu*cking pig, I swear!"

"Hehehehe~! Such a good dog, it seems like barking is a true talent you have! Go on, don't stop!"

As he continued with his pleasure seeking act, Tianlong Yun was going higher and higher on Patriarch Yao's leg. Each time it was one foot higher and was soon going to reach Patriarch Yao's precious spot.

"Aarrggghhhh~! You fu*cking bastard! Your mother should have swallowed you!"

"Hehehehe~! Your voice just keeps getting better! I can't wait to hear what is going to happen the moment I reach that spot!"

As he said that, Tianlong Yun's foot pressed a bit higher, and it was now only one foot away from reaching that place.

"Aaarrrgghhhh… You fu*cking little shit, don't you dare!"

"Hehehhe~! Why wouldn't I dare!?"

With that said, Tianlong Yun raised his foot once again and only needed to lower it so that it landed on the target.

"Tianlonggggggg Yuuunnnnnnnnn~! I order you to stoopppppp~!"

Just as he was putting down his foot, he heard another scream coming from inside the Mansion, and it was none other than his 'good' biological father.

The moment that he heard his scream though, instead of stopping, and taking this slower, he pushed forward even more ferociously and completely crushed Patriarch Yao's treasured eggs, and sausage.


Patriarch Yao was under so much pain that he couldn't even curse or scream at Tianlong Yun any longer, he could just scream like a pig who was getting butchered.

'Zzzztttt…, zzztttt…, zzzztttt…, zzzzttttttt…'

Just as everyone had their attention on the atrocity that Tianlong Yun had enacted against Patriarch Yao, four buzzing sounds appeared out of nowhere creating some sort of electrical connection.

In no time, Tianlong Yun, Patriarch Tang, the White Snake, and the two Ancestor puppets were encircled in a weird electrical fence.

That wasn't all there was to it though, as the next moment all 4 experts who had peak level Great Boundary Ascension Realm power, lined their weird pistols towards Tianlong Yun and the others.

'Bzztt…, bzzttt…, bzztt…, bzztt…'

Immediately after four low buzzing sounds broke the silence, and terrifying electrical currents separated from the fence and attacked Tianlong Yun and the others.

'Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzztttttttttttt~!' x4

Since it was 'sudden and unexpected' the four electrical shots landed perfectly on the target's bodies and electrified their being.

It was painful!

At least it was supposed to be, as the smell of burned hair, and burned human meat started spreading in the area.

This was the greatest invention of the EITS, the electromagnetic gun, its idea was similar to the Heavenly Tribulation lightning, but under Earth conditions.

It was powered by the combined energy of 4 peak experts, while it also absorbed the humidity and electricity in the surroundings, to attack the target.

Those triangular pistols acted as an electromagnetic channel, to target the electric shot at the desired target.

It was quite a revolutionary weapon that whoever had seen it had to die! It was one of the deepest secrets of EITS.

This tactic and strategy was capable of restraining and killing even a Fake God Realm powerhouse.

As a matter of fact, the moment that the four peak level experts had fired those four pistols, Tianlong Yun could even feel a slight tremble of the barrier he had enacted around the Yao Family territory.

It wasn't due to the fearsomeness of the attack, but due to the energy consumption from the surroundings.

Even though the tremble was minute and only a monster like Tianlong Yun could feel it happen, it didn't make Tianlong Yun happy in the least.

That was because those guys who had enacted this whole attack weren't doing their best either. In fact, their current attack seemed to be distributed considering the levels of their targets.

Meaning that Tianlong Yun was receiving the weakest attack since these guys knew him to be only at the 3rd level of Boundary Ascension Real.

He had to say this thing was extremely useful and extraordinary as he wanted to make it his. Like this, his people would have another fearsome weapon they could use.

Of course, that wasn't the only use of this weapon, as Tianlong Yun was thinking of using it even to temper his body, and Nirvana Flames.

After the Heavenly Tribulation, they had turned in Nirvana Thunder-Flames, but he felt that they would benefit even more from more tempering.

With these thoughts in his mind, the value of this technology grew even higher, as hearts seemed to appear in his eyes and a devilish grin on the corner of his mouth.

"Little bastard you are finished! I will personally deal with the mistake I did when I was young, and stuff you down your dead mother's throat as I should have!"

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