Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 880: Too Smooth

In immediate effect to Kim Family's counterattack, the government, or to be more accurate the Leader decided to put his army to work.

The purpose stated throughout the news and notifications was to ratify the country and secure peace and calmness for the people to continue their normal lives, as much as they could.

The real purpose though was clearly to threaten the Kim Family to keep them at bay, while doing their best to take the upper hand.

It was still too early to enter a full frontal battle with each other, as for the moment, the government couldn't do without the big families, especially the Kim Family.

While the big families couldn't do without the government and the Leader's power and strength.

As a matter of fact, it wasn't that they were unable to do one without the other, it was just that if they fought fully frontal both sides would suffer tremendous losses.

That was also the reason why the government had yet to take a radical decision, despite their clear advantage until now.

But the situation was slowly changing with the current happenings all over the place, as the Kim Family was getting more and more audacious.

The call of the army from the government wasn't expected well from the big Families, especially the Kim Family who started attacking the government directly in public.

They were all declaring that the government was trying to use force to pressure and control the country. They went as far as to publicly claim that the government was trying to set the place for dictatorship.

These voices certainly seemed empty at the moment, especially with the control over media that the government had, but the good news was that either side didn't try to take this outside.

Just like a fighting couple in one house, both sides would scream at each other all their worst thoughts, but never let their problems get out of the door.

Of course, this was something that went really well with Tianlong Yun's wishes and expectations, as he wanted this to be an inner fight as well.

If other people got involved in the mess, he would have to fight against them too, and that would just add trouble to the already complex situation.

In fact, he had already seen a few tries of entry from foreign agents, but they were all captured and put under custody.

All the arrivals and all the departures were strictly checked and limited. Not only was their extra security everywhere, but also all the people leaving were forced to return in a short time.

Before they left the country, they were all told that if they revealed information that might threaten national security then they would be held more than responsible, and all their families would suffer.

Not only that but the internet and all social media apps were currently being controlled and checked by professional hacker teams. It seemed like they weren't joking about security.

In such a strict situation it was close to impossible for any news to leave the country through normal ways, but it wasn't impossible.

  Still, the surprising part was that the big Families or the government wasn't saying a thing about this situation.

Everything seemed to be going great, especially with the involvement of the military in this mess, it looked like the conflicts between the big families and the government were close to exploding.

From his presidential suite room, Tianlong Yun was enjoying his life while checking the information and giving slight instructions.

The one who was dealing with the whole situation was one of his 16 Shadows. He was extremely satisfied with the kid's work, but there was something unsettling about this matter.

Everything was going too smoothly!

Whether it was the Kim Family's involvement, whether it was the government's reaction, they all seemed like normal and logical things to do, but for some reason, it felt unsettling.

It was a feeling that was developed from experience and time, and Tianlong Yun believed in that feeling fully.

Still, despite feeling something like this, and knowing that there was something wrong with the whole situation, he had no intention of relaying this to his Shadow.

That was because even if something bad did happen, then he had full confidence to take over this place by using brute force.

It would be impossible for this place to pose a threat to him, and the only reason he wasn't doing something like that already was to use this as a test for his shadow.

And at the same time his desire to not waste human lives and resources. He wanted to take control of this place losing as few people as possible while taking as deep control as he could.

Even if he killed the Leader, the Kim Family Head, and all the other big families by himself, he couldn't kill everyone related to them, at the moment.

While he would try to incorporate these people back into their places, they might start to act too cocky, or sabotage his work.

So, in order to take deep control of the country, a thorough cleaning was necessary, and that was also the reason why he was letting that happen to those two sides.

It was just like fighting poison with poison, before finally getting cured. He was going to use both of them to clear the loyal and important pieces, while he saved whoever he deemed a bit worthy.

It was impossible for these guys to enter Tianlong Yun's eyes, but he was certainly looking out for any talent.

After all, the one thing that would be never enough for him would be kids with extreme talent, and able to reach far.

But despite his careful and cautious look, there didn't seem to be many worthy candidates, as many of them had destroyed their lives and their selves with their choices.

As Tianlong Yun was enjoying the vacation, the Shadow responsible for this country, seemed to have the same premonition as Tianlong Yun.

He kept asking himself where had he gone wrong, or where was the mistake he had made, but nothing ringed a bell for him.

And that wasn't all, he was double or triple checking everything with his scouts that were coming from the surroundings, and their targets.

Each side seemed to be peaceful and calm on the outside, but it was actually boiling on the inside, with brainstorming ideas about how to destroy the opponent.

The better ideas they had, the better it would be for them, and the situation. Still, in order to actually make it happen the situation still needed a slight push, that he was giving it.

With those thoughts in mind, he got inside the car and he told his driver the next destination. It was going to one of the government's safe houses, that was drowned and stacked in money.

This time the situation was extremely complicated, as the government had already sent its people to protect the place. At least until the arrival of the full army!

Without wasting time, the Shadow said in an authoritative voice to his people,

"Approach and start firing but don't get out of the car!"

"What!? Why?"

"Those bastards are trying to trap us, and we won't let that happen. once we are 10 to 15 meters to the destination, just turn around and run away!

We don't need to do anything to them, just a scare will be enough!"

With those orders, all the people in his car, but even the cars behind him, all started doing the same, firing without getting out of the car, and turning around the moment that the inside people couldn't wait any longer.

It was a hit and run tactic that seemed to work perfectly, as almost all of the cars belonging to the base got outside and fell on the Shadow's tail.

"Hehehehehe~! Just like that! Follow me for as much as you can, we will see whether you laugh or cry at the end!"

Of course, it was impossible for the people following him to hear and understand what he was doing and saying. But they were in for a bumpy ride.

In the meantime, a short and stealthy guy, looking like a little shadow, climbed upon the surrounding wall and entered inside the place, while it started rummaging through everything it could find.

It was most certainly an unexpected result, but she couldn't find anything of value, whether it was physical, mental, or even rubbish there was nothing of surprise and startle at this place.

The true surprise came a moment later, as she heard a noise above her head, and she couldn't help but scream,

"Who are you!? What are you doing here!?"

"Hmph, do you think that you can enter and leave this place as you wish!? You should stop dreaming that you can run away from now on!"

"Hehehehe~! You think you can keep me if I wish to leave!?"

"Ughh~! Yes! Yes, I do!"

While it looked like a small talk between two experts the truth was that neither of them was backing down.

Each of them for their own reasons were about to jump into the fight together. At least, the Shadow Clan's member was just a simple peripheral character, not an important one.

While the opponent was a strong fighter of the enemy, and one of the main characters under the General. Still, even in this situation, the Shadow Clan Member wasn't afraid.

She stood in front of danger with a strange grin on her face, while she said,

"Are you going to attack or not! I have many other things to take care of, like setting fires, and damaging properties…

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