Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 884: In front of Real Power all Tricks are Useless

"Hehehehhuaahahahahahah~! You think that a little bomb threat is enough to scare this Seat!? You are clearly underestimating me 'Young Master'!"

Just when the whole crowd was terrified of the news they had just heard and didn't know what to think and what to do, the Leader started a burst of manic laughter that mocked the Shadow.

Everyone was startled and shocked at the reaction of the Leader, but at the same time, they couldn't help but get a bit confident and headstrong.

After all, this was their country, their turf! It shouldn't be them who would have to be afraid and wary of that 'Young Master', but it should be him who was afraid.

In that moment of panic though none of them was able to remember that, and they only wanted to run away and escape with their lives.

In a moment of distress, and especially when their own lives were at risk, these guys cared only about their lives, and breath.

Still, witnessing the Leader talk like that, and show that attitude they all changed standing all of a sudden.

The Nuclear bomb threat was scary and dangerous, but their Leader's dissatisfaction, rage, and anger were much more frightening.

For that reason, they all stood in their place and joined their Leader in a burst of mocking laughter against the 'Young Master'.

The Shadow was slightly surprised seeing this scene happen right in front of him, but he didn't really care much about it.

In fact, he seemed to have already expected something like this, as he smiled charmingly at the crowd, and said in a slightly impressed voice,

"Heheheh~! Leader Hwang, rumors truly do you justice! You are exactly as they say, a tyrannical Leader who wouldn't care even if half of his country is gone, if you remain the Leader and winner.

A great Leader indeed! It seemed like I lost with the first threat! Then how about I proceed to the second!?"

"Oh, you have another one for me!? Do tell me, I am extremely curious!"

"Hehehe~! Of course, I have a second one, but some preparations are needed for me to reveal it, so I can only ask you for some time!"

"What makes you think that I am going to give you that time!?"

"Your self-confidence to destroy whatever trick I come up with!"

"Aren't you mocking my intelligence!? While your words seem nice, talking about my self-confidence, aren't you telling me I am an arrogant fool!?"

"Truly, as wise as they say! While I wouldn't necessarily add that last part since you have already shown otherwise!"

Even though the Shadow wasn't accepting it directly, he was doing so indirectly. While that put a gloomy and displeased expression on the Leader's face, he didn't seem to negate it.

For some reason, now that he had received this direct challenge he had a weird idea to see it through. After all, real power would break through whatever trick and illusion.

In his eyes, whatever extra breath the guy in front of him was taking, was a great blessing on his part, but the fact that he would die at the end didn't change.

Furthermore, he saw this as an interesting game. An interesting game that he knew how it would end! With these thoughts in his mind, he decided to play, as he said,

"Heheheh~! You are the first one to speak such words in my presence, and it truly makes me quite intrigued!

Either you have extreme confidence on your second card, or you are just that foolish as to incite me and my ego, knowing that your end won't be anything good."

"Heheheh~! Won't we be able to see it shortly!?"

Neither side was backing down in this war of words, as Tianlong Yun's Shadow seemed to dig his pit deeper and deeper.

Once he came to accept this challenge to his ego, the Leader sat down on his chair, with one leg over the other, as he started looking piercingly at Tianlong Yun's Shadow.

"Satisfy me a curiosity though, Your Master, is he powerful!?"

"Heheheh~! What, having cold feet!?"

"I thought you were a smart fool, but it seems like I was mistaken, you are just a blind fool who believes the words of his cult!"

"Maybe, maybe not! Who knows!? Only time will tell don't you think!?

Don't worry though, My Master said that he would personally pay a visit to this place a little bit later and you can satisfy that curiosity of yours when he is here!"

"I just hope he isn't a waste of time! after all, I need to teach those treacherous bastards a good lesson, while showing my strength in front of these guys.

If your Master isn't a good punching bag for me to reveal my strength, then I am afraid that these guys won't understand just how powerful I am, don't you think!?"

Even though the Leader was talking to the Shadow at this point, each and every one in the crowd could understand that this was a warning for each and every one of them.

The Leader was clearly warning and threatening them at the same time. Until now they had been facing the good side of him if one could even call that a good side.

But what was scarier and most important was that there was another, much more terrifying side to him that they had yet to witness.

Knowing this, they couldn't help but feel extremely weak in their knees, as some of them were even shaking or trembling slightly in fear!

"I don't know whether you will be worthy to fight with My Master, but I assure you that you will experience something that you have never thought of!"

As most of the people in the crowd were frightened and terrified by what they had just heard, the Shadow continued to push the wrong buttons, and anger the Leader.

It was clear on his face, that this guy didn't like it in the least when people talked him low, as it brought up some displeasing memories. So, for a moment there he had difficulties controlling himself from attacking.

Still, he managed to pull himself together, as he showed an extremely infuriating smile, and said,

"We will see about that! We will see about that!"

Ticking, second by second time flew away, and it had already been 10 minutes from the moment that the Shadow had actually requested time.

"Do we have to wait for longer, or should we go to the 'reception' room, Young Master!"

It wasn't only the people in the crowd who were impatient but the Leader as well, he felt some kind of rock placed in his throat.

It was a bad premonition of sorts, but he didn't want to accept it. After all, to a Leader and a great expert like himself, just what could give him a bad premonition.

Despite all that though, he was unable to control himself from bi*tching like that and asking the Shadow about the required time.

As for the Shadow, he didn't seem disturbed in the least. In fact, he just seemed to wake up from a deep and comfortable sleep, as he finally said,

"Oh, right now is about time! You are more patient than I thought Leader! I must apologize for my prejudice!"

While the Shadow was saying those words, the soldiers that were called the surround and seal the place once again appeared running, as a blue chamber was being created in the sky.

It was in fact a barrier formation, just like the ones that Tianlong Yun had used in Huaxia in the Tang, Yao, and the Government facilities to prevent anyone, and anything from escaping the place.

Not even birds and dogs were allowed to enter and get out when the barrier was activated. But that was something irrelevant at the moment, as the Leader finally looked at Shadow, and asked,

"So, what now!? What is this thing above our heads!"

"What we have been waiting for all this while Leader, it's a barrier formation, that will block everyone and everything from getting out.

After all, we can't have any rat escape and spoil our plans for the future can we!?"

The leader was startled and shocked at the words, but he still kept his calm, cool, and focus as he smiled and said,

"Heheheh~! So you are kamikaze rats! Blocking your own escape path like this, what foolish rats you are!

Just when I think you couldn't go any lower, you do something that surprises me and destroys that thought. I don't know whether to praise you or chide you for what you are doing.

"Hehehe~! In order to determine who the real rat is here, you need to have a look at your surroundings Leader!"

As the shadow spoke like that, the Leader started looking around him with curiosity only to see all the soldiers suddenly change the direction of their weapons and aim at him.

It was clear that those guys were traitors that he needed to clean. To think that the virus had touched not only politics but also the military.

Things were bound to become a bit difficult for the moment, but it didn't really matter! At least like this, he knew the faces and names of the people betraying him.

"This Seat doesn't think that this is your only trick, is it!? It's okay you don't have to feel pressured take your sweet time.

Just let me remind you of something before you continue any further. In front of real power, any tricks are useless, the rest is in your hands…"

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