Run went to North America to start a band, with her teammate Avril Swift

Chapter 214

"The assassination was successful!"

At this moment, as the trigger in his hand was pulled, he was overjoyed after having performed countless missions in the past. He knew clearly that

Ye Chen would definitely be shot in the head by this shot.

The thought of killing this man who is the most famous Chinese man in the world It was his own time.

Incomparable joy flashed through the assassin's heart.

He felt that at this moment, his life had reached its peak!

He would definitely leave his name in history.

Now, everything didn't matter.

However, what happened in the next moment made He was completely stunned.

However, at the same moment as he pulled the button, a woman who was reloading actually dropped the pistol in her hand.

Then she jumped down and covered Ye Chen with her body.

After an explosion, gray smoke flashed!

The whole small space was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

And he just watched helplessly.

That girl in a white dress, unafraid of death, actually protected Ye like this. Dust.

The hot bullet passed through her chest, splattering a large amount of blood.

The hot bullet drilled out of her bones and blood... and then deflected.

It hit the wall beside it, leaving a risk. A small black hole filled with black smoke.

It was only one centimeter away from Ye Chen's head!

At this moment, the assassin was extremely shocked.

"Actually...someone is willing to give up his life for this man and protect him!"

"This woman... what exactly……"

"No, he must die, I must kill this man!"

After a moment of confusion, the anxious assassin hurriedly raised his right hand and wanted to make up for the second shot. But suddenly there was an extremely violent gunshot from outside. The next moment, his body was in severe pain. He lowered his head. He saw There actually appeared in front of his chest, just like the girl who had just been hit. Several huge cavities. The raised right hand fell down weakly. He knelt on the ground with one knee, a look of extreme unwillingness in his eyes.


"Obviously, 937 is just one step away from becoming orange."

Before he lost consciousness, he was still crawling on the ground with difficulty. He wanted to drop the gun aside and give the final blow to the assassination target.

However, with a loud noise, it was already on the center of his eyebrows.

A small black hole appeared.

His squirming stopped completely.

At this moment, with the sound of fierce gunfire, dozens of bodyguards armed to the teeth finally rushed in and killed all the assassins.

"Ye Chen is gone! How about Ye Chen!"

And at this moment.

As they turned their heads to the side, they were delighted to find that Ye Chen was unharmed.

Instead, it was a girl in his arms who suffered a severe gunshot wound, and blood flowed all over the ground.

"Brother Ye careful!"

At this moment.

Lying in Ye Chen's arms.

Swift's pale lips opened and closed gently.

Finally, she said the words that she had not had time to say.

And at this moment, Ye Chen looked at the scene.

He used a trembling expression Their hands tried in vain to cover the wound on Swift's chest.

But the blood was still flowing down. The sticky blood stained the girl's white dress.

At this moment, after checking around, they were also surprised. Found on the ground.

Only Swift was seriously injured.

Everyone else was unscathed.

It seemed that this girl who looked extremely soft protected everything.

"Sister Swift!"

At this moment,

Xiao Bili cried loudly and rushed towards her with tears in her eyes.

At this moment, the extremely weak Swifty gently touched Xiao Bili's chest and said softly:

"Xiaobi Li, I'm sorry, it seems... I won't be able to teach you the drums in the future!"

"me……" this moment.

Hear even the last lesson of life.

Swift still cares about others. this moment.

All the bodyguards who understood were silent.

They all took off their sunglasses to hide their red eyes.

And in Ye Chen's heart.

Extremely sour

"Why... why... it has to be like this."

At this moment. (bfda) Ye Chen hugged Swift's body tightly and asked softly

"There are so many... why."

Her pale little face smiled faintly.

"It's just that I fell in love with you the first time I saw you."

She stretched out her white palms and gently wiped away Ye Chen's tears.

"Brother Ye Chen, I remember you always said that knights should protect princesses, so you always protected us very well."

"But I think, Shi always protects others... very tiring"

"The princess...should protect the knight from time to time!"

The girl gasped and said bit by bit.

Her voice became smaller and smaller.

When she finished saying this, she coughed.

Dark red blood slowly seeped out along her pale lips...

The palm that was stroking Ye Chen's face fell down feebly.

Swifty gently pressed it against Ye Chen's ear.

"Brother Ye Chen, can you tell me for the last time that I am a genius who works hard?"

"What a pity, I don’t seem to be able to surpass Sister Avril to this day.……"

"You... don't even look at me……"

Hear this sentence.

Ye Chen felt as if his heart was about to burst.

He touched Swift's face and said over and over again

"No, no, you will always be the best and hardest working girl in my heart"

"You don’t need to compare yourself to anyone!"

At this moment.

Even because of emotional problems, even Avril, who has always been strong, couldn't help but close her eyes. She couldn't bear to watch this scene anymore.

The blood was still flowing out of the girl's chest, and she became a A small pool of blood.

Just like mold, the life that keeps passing away.

The life that is as bright as a flower.

It is about to wither.

"Brother Ye Chen, I seem to be dying……"

Swift raised her head with difficulty.

He looked at Ye Chen's face with great tenderness. pity.

Her eyes were already a little distracted

"Brother Ye Chen, why can’t I see you clearly?"

"Where is everyone...where is everyone, are you all gone? Swift

's panicked hands groped upward bit by bit. Ye Chen also held her palm tightly. This was the first time for Ye Chen that her palms were so cold. And Ye Chen. For the first time, I really felt the panic in the girl’s heart. He had never paid attention to it before. In other words. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) He pretended to be stable for Avril Lavigne’s relationship. I don’t know. Or, I deliberately ignored this girl. Just let the girl go. Struggling in the sea of ​​pain, reincarnation! [] If only I could pay attention to her earlier. Take a good look at her! At this moment, endless regret arose in Ye Chen's heart. His nose felt sore. Tears flowed down his cheeks. Big drops fell down. They fell on the girl's white dress. Mixed with the blood. Again. I can’t even see my true appearance

…… five minutes later

"Boss, the ambulance is here"

"Take Miss Taylor back to the hospital quickly, maybe she can be saved!!"

Many bodyguards on the side walked up quickly.

They looked at Ye Chen's figure and said cautiously.


At this moment,

Ye Chen, who had no time to be sentimental, hurriedly picked up Swift.

At this moment, Swift had completely passed out.

Her small face was extremely pale.

Several people followed Ye Chen and rushed outside, jumping in An ambulance that kept honking its siren

"quick! This sixteen-year-old patient is currently in critical condition!"

"Send her to the best hospital nearby."

Several medical staff hurriedly put an intravenous drip on Swift.

And after measuring her blood pressure, they all gasped!

"42/96, life-threatening hypotension, the patient needs emergency blood transfusion, otherwise he will die immediately!"

"What the hell is going on with her? Why is her blood pressure so low!"

"Gunshot wound, bleeding now."


A medical staff heard Ye Chen's answer.

He quickly brought a small blood type analyzer.

After pricking Swift's finger and measuring Swift's blood type, cold sweat broke out on his forehead!

"RH negative blood type!!."

At this moment, all the medical staff jumped out of the ambulance in a hurry and shouted loudly to everyone in Times Square :

"Do you have RH blood type? There is a patient here who is in critical condition!"

"RH negative blood type!"

Everyone in Times Square was shocked.

"This is panda blood!"

"There is only one rare blood type in thousands of people, so we can't help even if we wanted to."

At this moment, countless people on the scene all shook their heads helplessly.

It's not that they don't want to help this girl.

But if the blood type is different, it will kill someone if it is forcibly transfused!

Everyone present looked at the people who shook their heads.

Their expressions Extremely pale.

There was even more despair in my heart.

"In the end, the patient lost too much blood, and there was also a lot of internal bleeding. If he didn't get a blood transfusion, he might collapse on the way to the hospital!"

"This girl is only sixteen years old!"

"Is there...there really is no way!"

Just when everyone was at a loss what to do,

Ye Chen jumped out of the ambulance.

"I have RH recessive blood, draw mine"


"Very good!"


Although they were very happy

, they still shouted to Times Square again.

When they were sure that it was not the case, they turned their heads with some worry.

They looked at Ye Chen

"This girl lost a lot of blood and needs a lot of blood"

"At that time, it is very likely that more than 800cc of blood will be drawn. Can you bear it?"


Ye Chen didn't talk nonsense at all.

He had already anxiously picked up the thick needle on the side and roughly inserted it into the vein.

"Quick, give her my blood!"

Ye Chen's words were decisive.

At this moment, all the doctors looked at each other.

There was a trace of shock in their eyes.

"Although I don’t know what the relationship between them is"

"But it seemed like he was determined to save this girl even if he had to risk his life!"


They didn't dare to delay any longer.

They drove alone and hurried to the hospital.

The staff in the car were also unceremonious. They removed the flow-restricting valve that limited the blood drawing speed and started directly with the maximum power.

Extract the blood from Ye Chen's veins.

At this moment, along with a red lifeline.

Along with Ye Chen and Swifty.

With the blood from Ye Chen's veins, slowly enter the girl's body.

Ye Chen's face starts to change a little. Little by little, she became pale.

Lying on the white sheets,

Swift recovered her ruddy color bit by bit.

Looking at Swift, who had recovered a little bit,

Ye Chen showed a happy smile.

He was extremely gentle. He caressed the girl's temples.

The girl's past flashed through his mind.

He kept reviewing it.


"I just... don't like Ye Chen~"

"Oh, stop lying to your parents!"

"Look at you, look at your blushing face!"


"Brother Ye Chen, am I stupid?"

"Swift, you are not stupid at all, you are a genius who works hard!"

"Well, I won't let brother Ye Chen down."


"Brother Ye Chen, I want to voice the voice of the Avengers. I want to sing for the dead."


"Brother Ye Chen, I did it!"

"This LOVE/STORY is the story of my father and mother, and I finally presented it to the audience perfectly!"

"But...but why don't you look at me, but at Sister Avril?……"

…… until the last scene

"I think it’s very tiring for the knight to always protect the princess!"

"Occasionally... the princess should also protect the knight!"

Ye Chen's eyes showed endless nostalgia.

In his mind, the memories about the girl were intertwined.

At this moment, Ye Chen knew how tough this girl was. And in the secret. This The girl had put in so much effort and shed so many tears in order to be recognized by herself. At this moment, Ye Chen leaned down and looked at Swift with extremely affectionate eyes. Then, on the girl's white forehead, like a dragonfly touching water, a light touch He kissed her lightly. His eyes looked at Swift with incomparable tenderness.

"Swifty, no matter what, I will save you, even if I sacrifice my life."

"So...please, don't die, okay?".

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