Ryuu Kusari no Ori -Kokoro no Uchi no 'Kokoro'-

[LN] Volume 3: Chapter 5.1

[LN] Volume 3: Chapter 5.1

Volume 3 Chapter 5.1

Dissonant Quartet Part 1

Translator : PolterGlast

[The Six Bad Omens]?[Cracked-Crown] Giant Centipede suddenly appeared during a Special Comprehensive Exercise.

The exercise was canceled due to this demonic beast. Students of all classes returned to the city and disbanded as soon as their safety was confirmed through a roll call. They were to remain in their dormitories for the time being.

At the same time, a detailed investigation was commenced. Arcazam was placed on high alert and all gates were closed. All citizens who were outside the city, including the students who had been practicing, were immediately ordered to return to their homes.

"Nozomu, where are you? ......"

In the midst of all this, Irisdina did not return to her residence but was running around the residential area.

Drenched in sweat and looking agitated, she kept running while restlessly looking around.

Everyone was looking at her with bewilderment as she ran through the streets with her bandages still wrapped around her, but Irisdina paid no attention to the gazes of those around her and continued to search for Nozomu's missing figure.

From the residential area, she went through the main street to the central park and searched in the tree-lined area.

After that, she headed straight to the men's dormitory to confirm that he was okay, but as she expected, the person she was looking for had not returned.

"According to Jin-kun, he was there at the time of the roll call......" Irisdina had no choice but to head once more to the central park.

In the street leading to the academy, Tima, Shina and the others, as well as Anri, the homeroom teacher of the tenth class, had gathered.

"Haa, haa ....... No luck. I even asked Raz to search for him, but he couldn't find him."

[ Chichichi…… (Sorry. It seems that the spirits have sensed the unrest in the city. They are too frightened to talk properly.) ]

"He was not even at the west gate where I took the roll call~~. I asked the gatekeeper, but he said he didn't see anyone who went outside ......"

"The west gate was crowded with a lot of students and people returning to the city at that time. Nozomu could easily slip through without anyone noticing."

Irisdina bit her lip as she realized that he was most likely still outside the city.

"...... What about Mars-kun?"

"Probably he has returned to Ox-head Pavilion, but- ......"

Mars is not with them now. After being dismissed, he disappeared just as quickly as Nozomu.

"I~, will contact the upper echelon and go search outside the city~~. Irisdina and the others should search inside the city once more time~~. Just don't go outside the city, please~~!"

Leaving these words behind, Anri headed toward the west gate where the school's officials were gathered.

Meanwhile, just as Irisdina was about to go searching once more, she saw a figure running toward her from the Ecross school building.



The figure that came running was Somia. There was also Mena behind her.

Upon seeing her older sister, Somia ran toward her without looking anywhere else and embraced her sister as if clinging to her.

"What on earth are you doing here? ......"

Although she was perplexed by the way Somia hugged her tightly and forcefully, Irisdina gently hugged her beloved sister back.

"We were informed that Irisdina-ojōsama was attacked and injured by a very dangerous demonic beast during the exercise. So we have been anxiously waiting for you ......"

"Hic~, guu ......"

She must have been very worried about her sister.

Somia's eyes were full of tears and she was sniffling while Mena was giving a follow-up explanation.

"It's all right. I'm right here. I would never have left you behind......"

"Fue, fu~! Ggu…."

Somia desperately tried to hold back her tears so as not to cry any more, but seeing her sister's safe appearance must have broken the tension. Tears welled up from her moist eyes as if they had burst from a dam.

Irisdina patted Somia on the back to soothe her as she kept sobbing.

The sobbing subsided little by little. When Somia calmed down, Irisdina released her from the embrace, and Shina, who was standing by her side, slowly opened her mouth.

"Hey, Irisdina-san. I'd like to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"Mars-kun said that if he was serious, he could have defeated that centipede easily, do you guys know about his power as well?"

" 'As well', huh?"

In response to Irisdina's words, Shina and the others nodded their heads slightly.

"I was saved by him. It's thanks to him that I was able to see Raz again......"

[ Chichi. Chichichi…… (Yeah. If Nozomu hadn't helped us, Shina would have died and I would have disappeared too ......) ]

The elf girl calmly talked about her past and the frustration she had been carrying around. She also talked about her encounter with the Abyss Grief, a being of the same nature as the demonic beast that had robbed her homeland.

Her family was stolen from her. And the days when she desperately struggled to cope with reality while being pitied by her own kind.

And then, the encounter with Abyss Grief.

The trauma she had gone through caused her to lose her self, but thanks to Nozomu, she was able to regain what was important to her.

It was then that she caught a glimpse of the [special power] he possessed.

"But we don't know where his power comes from."

"Nozomu said it was the release of his ability suppression......"

"But the nature of his power is odd. Rather than releasing his ability suppression, it was more like something was being forced out of him......"

"It sure is......"

Irisdina agreed with Shina's words.

Overpowering a high-ranking vampire, who is several hundred years old, is clearly not within the realm of humans.

If it was just simply unleashing his suppressed power, it would be unnatural for Nozomu, who excelled in controlling his power, to be letting such an enormous amount of power flow out of him.

His fighting style originally does not rely on strength, but rather is a fighting method that uses a high level of Qi control and superior swordsmanship to achieve the greatest effect with the least amount of power. His appearance when he released his ability suppression was completely opposite to that.

"Irisdina-san, where did you witness his power? Do you mind ...... telling us about it?"

"...... Ane-sama."

Shina's straightforward eyes were directed at Irisdina. Somia's voice coming from next to her, although small, was also filled with strong will and emotion, just like the elf girl in front of her.

Irisdina who received their gazes looked up at the western sky. The red-tinted sun was setting over the cityscape.

I wonder what those two who are not here are doing now ......?

As twilight fell, the looming darkness fueled Irisdina's anxiety and frustration.

It is not easy to talk about the secret agreement with Waziart Family that led to the discovery of Nozomu's power.

(But Shina-kun has revealed a secret that normally would not be disclosed. Then I can't be the only one to keep my mouth shut.)

What is needed to change is not thoughts but actions.

The courage to take the first step, even if it means throwing oneself into the darkness.

(If I don't do this, nothing will change. Not only Nozomu, but also Mars-kun ...... and us ......)

"We found out about it when Somia celebrated her eleventh birthday ......"

Irisdina nodded her head as if she had made up her mind, then turned straight to Shina and the others and calmly opened her mouth.

In Spasim Forest, Jihad, together with the military police and researchers from the Gloaurum Institute, were diving into the large hole where the [Cracked-Crown] had appeared for investigation.

"It's so huge ......"

Jihad muttered to himself in front of the tunnel formed under the hole made by the giant centipede.

The depths of the underground passage were shrouded in darkness, and it was hard to see how far it went.

"This passage is approximately five mel high and ten mel wide."

"This was not here when Arcazam was being built. Considering the time of the attack and the freshness of the earthen walls, it must have been dug just recently ......"

Two figures dressed in white coats were conversing with Jihad.

One is Torgrein. He is a researcher at Gloaurum Institute and is present in this case as an assistant.

The other person is the leader of this investigation. He is an old man with piercing eyes.

His name is Fadrey Insidious. He is the chief executive of Gloaurum Institute.

Born in Cremazzone Empire. He was originally a high-ranking aristocrat, but fell in love with archaeology. He has a unique background, having switched to magical studies afterward.

He is also a distinguished figure who compiled various magic techniques from all over the continent and laid the foundation for the formation and chanting techniques taught at the current Solminati Academy.

"I can't see the end of the tunnel. How long does it go on? ......"

"Good grief, I can't wait to get back to my research. Recently, my stagnant research has finally begun to see a ray of light......"

Jihad peered upward from the underground tunnel as he listened to Fadrey's words.

A dim, dark night was coming through the huge hole in the ceiling.

"It is about to get dark. We will start a detailed investigation tomorrow morning. Let's return to Arcazam and leave the guards here."

"Fumu, I guess we have no other choice."

On hearing Fadrey's words, Torgrein began to prepare to leave the place.

The three returned to the surface again with a rope lowered from above the hole, leaving only the guards behind.

Just before returning, Jihad glanced at the huge hole once again.

The night had already begun to fall. A deep darkness peeked out from the mouth of the hole, making it impossible to see what lay ahead.

Arcazam commercial district when the sun has set in the west and the light of the stars has filled the sky.

This normally bustling place is quiet now.

The [Cracked Crown] attacked the city. Even though there has been no damage to the town, word travels fast, and for those who saw the great invasion 20 years ago with their own eyes, it is enough to stir up the fears of that time.

The Ox-head Pavilion, an inn as well as a tavern located in a corner of the commercial district, is also deserted today.

There are guests staying at the inn, but they are scared of the madness emanating from the counter, and have retreated to their own rooms. And in the empty store, Mars, the source of the problem, is drinking alcohol like a desperate person.

"*Glug, glug*…… haa……''

"Hey Onīchan, I have told you before, didn't I? No drinking in the store!"

"Shut u~up......."

Ignoring Ena's complaints, he gulped down the contents of his glass.

The sensation of sake burning in his throat. Each time, his head becomes hazy, but no matter how much he gulps down the sake, the image of Nozomu that flashes in his mind does not disappear.

He learned a glimpse of Nozomu's strength during combat training at the end of the second grade and a test of his skills in the outer edge of the school.

Since then, Mars has been hanging out with Nozomu both in class and during breaks. He, Irisdina, and Tima also worked together on requests at the Adventurers' Guild, and they had a good time at the Ox-head Pavilion.

It was a time filled with a sense of fulfillment that was different from the time when he simply wielded his sword in pursuit of strength or had cronies. It was the first time he experienced human relations as equals.

What burned in his mind most of all was the sight of the S-ranked, absolutely powerful opponent being overpowered.

Even now, he can vividly recall the scene where Nozomu defeated a vampire who had fought thousands of battles in the past by slaying his countless magic attacks.

It was a kind of admiration, and the moment when he himself, who had been lost, found the goal he should aim for.

All of it was dazzling, and therefore, his anger was uncontrollable.

(Why didn't he give it his all? With his ability, it should be easy!)

Anger, resentment, and disappointment welled up in him. To cover it up, he gulped down the sake and tried to refill it again. However, a hand reached out from the side and snatched the bottle and glass away.

Looking to the side, Ena's angry face was on display.

".......Give it back."

"No, you're being a bad big brother today."

"Mars, enough of this! Because of you, even the guests who are staying here won't show themselves! And on top of that, you'll end up consuming the entire store's products......"

Hannah, who came out of the kitchen, agreed with Ena. Mars clicked his tongue and glared at them resentfully.

"...... Mars."

"What do you want pops...... -eh, what the hell are you doing!?"

At that moment, Del, his adoptive parent, walked up to Mars and grabbed him by the collar.

Mars resisted, but Del's arm, which is bigger than Mars', didn't budge.

"I don't know what happened, but you can't do anything with such a heated head. Go cool down your head for a bit."

Del tossed the resisting Mars onto the street and quickly changed the "open" sign hanging at the entrance to "in preparation" and closed the door.

For a short while, the sound of banging on the door echoed inside the restaurant. But eventually, Mars gave up. A sigh escaped from Ena and Hannah's mouths.

"Haa, Onīchan has got us in trouble again ......."

"The customers have all gone. There is no point in opening the shop today."

"But what happened with him? It has been a while since we've seen him like that......"

"That's true. Ever since he met Nozomu-kun and the others, he has never been out of control or violent......."

"I wonder if something happened at the academy. As I recall, they said that a very dangerous demonic beast appeared......"

While cleaning up the table where Mars was, Ena couldn't help but stare at the locked doorway and think about her brother's transformation, which should have gotten better recently. Then Del's large hand was gently placed on her shoulder.

"Don't worry. He may be like that now, but when things settle down, he'll come back. When he does, you can ask him about it while you're giving him a good sermon."

"Dad ......"

"Of course. He made Ena sad, so he has to be punished severely."

Hannah also tried to reassure her daughter, smiling broadly and puffing out her chest.

Ena finally smiled at her parents' kindness and gave a small nod.

At that moment, a gentle tapping sound could be heard coming from the entrance door.

"Yes? Who is it?"

Clearly different from Mars, Ena opened the door to see if there was a customer.

"T-Tima-san ......?"

"Haa, haa...... sorry for coming so late at night! Is Mars-kun home!?"

There stood a girl with light-yellowish-green hair who was gasping for air.


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