Sacrifice's Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple

Chapter 632 605-The Last Chance for the Mystery Protector

Chapter 632 605-The Last Chance for the Mystery Protector

Beneath the towering spires of the magus tower, one arcane golem after another tirelessly reinforces the defenses of the magus tower.

At the pinnacle of the magus tower, the Mystery Protector leverages his mastery of astrology to continuously predict the challenges he will soon face.

Just as the results of his astrological predictions are about to reveal themselves, the arrival of the Darklord interrupts the Mystery Protector's ongoing divination.

"Do adventurers never learn a bit of courtesy? Wouldn't it be polite to inform me before your visit?"

The tone of the Mystery Protector carried no hint of anger.

It seemed he had already anticipated the arrival of the Darklord to some extent.

"If I had informed you in advance, perhaps you would have chosen not to see me. I don't understand why you have decided not to continue our collaboration? Haven't our previous collaborations been somewhat successful?"

The Darklord was quite familiar with the Mystery Protector.

The two had engaged in numerous collaborations, yet recently, the Mystery Protector had been actively avoiding the Darklord.

Upon hearing these words, the Mystery Protector couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"You have the nerve to say that our previous collaborations were a great success? Our collaborations have never achieved the slightest bit of success. Our goal was to target John. But have we ever succeeded? Far from being eliminated by us, John's strength has only grown stronger!"

Mystery Protector's tone escalated to a roar as he spoke.

He genuinely felt that his collaboration with Darklord had not aided him in defeating John.

Darklord offered no rebuttal, aware that their previous alliance had indeed posed little threat to John.

"Indeed, our actions haven't yielded significant results, but if you decide to cease our collaboration, John will pose an even greater threat to you. He has already found a legendary warrior from the ancient times," Darklord revealed, shocking Mystery Protector.

As a Legend Magus, Mystery Protector was well aware of the immense strength of ancient legendary warriors.

John's discovery of such a warrior suggested he had become a candidate for divinity.

"You must be deceiving me! How could an adventurer possibly become a candidate for divinity?! And there's no way John could have found a legendary warrior from ancient times!"

Mystery Protector instinctively denied. After all, if he truly believed that John had become a candidate for divinity, how could he possibly defeat John?

Not only would he be unable to defeat John, but he would also struggle to ensure his own safety.

As Mystery Protector's words crescendoed into a roar, it was evident that he genuinely felt his collaboration with Darklord hadn't aided him in defeating John.

Darklord offered no rebuttal, for he too acknowledged that their prior teamwork hadn't significantly threatened John.

"Indeed, our actions haven't been very effective, but if you're contemplating discontinuing our partnership, John's menace towards you will only escalate. He's unearthed a legendary warrior from ancient times," Darklord disclosed, shocking Mystery Protector with the revelation.

As a Legend Magus, Mystery Protector was well aware of the formidable prowess of ancient legendary warriors.

John's discovery implied he was now among the contenders for divine candidacy.

"You must be deceiving me! How could an adventurer possibly become a contender for divinity?! Moreover, John couldn't have possibly found an ancient legendary warrior!"

Mystery Protector instinctively denied the claim.

After all, acknowledging John as a divine contender would not only dash his hopes of defeating John but also jeopardize his own safety.

Darklord didn't waste words with Mystery Protector; he simply showed a video clip.

Recorded by members of the Darklord guild at the entrance of Duke Arsena's palace, the footage not only featured Duke Arsena and John but also another individual, the legendary warrior Aike.

The sight of Aike confirmed to Mystery Protector that Darklord's words were no falsehood.

"How could this be?! Despite being a highly gifted Legend Magus and tirelessly seeking ancient legendary warriors, the very legend I failed to find was discovered by John!"

Mystery Protector's emotions were a tumultuous mix. On one hand, he was envious of John's success in finding the ancient legendary warrior, a quest he himself had long pursued to secure the Order Faction's supremacy against rival factions.

As a Legend Magus, he naturally aspired to be the hero in everyone's eyes.

On the other hand, he harbored a certain fear towards John, knowing that John's discovery would undoubtedly bring him substantial rewards.

Such rewards would significantly enhance an adventurer's strength, and perhaps Aike, the legendary warrior, might even offer John support in forthcoming battles.

Mystery Protector's mind was a whirlwind of chaos, besieged by a plethora of considerations that demanded his attention.

The conflicted expression etched on Mystery Protector's face didn't escape Darklord's notice.

Seizing the moment, Darklord aimed to press the advantage, urging Mystery Protector to make a swift decision.

"Time is not on your side! John, Duke Arsena, and the legendary warrior Aike are on the verge of venturing into the Dark Realm. Their intent is clear - to vanquish the Mystery Saint residing within. Should we fail to act before they succeed in their quest, our chances of safeguarding our own safety will be nullified. With the Mystery Saint vanquished, John's power will surge to unfathomable heights. You must realize, I speak no falsehood," Darklord stated, his tone even yet laden with urgency that sent ripples through Mystery Protector's core.

The realization dawned on Mystery Protector that hesitation was no longer a luxury he could afford.

After a moment of contemplation, Mystery Protector's resolve solidified.

Turning to face Darklord, he inquired, "Do you have a plan in place? I refuse to concede so easily! I will ensure that everyone recognizes me as the more fitting candidate for divinity, surpassing John!"

Mystery Protector decided to cast aside his previous indecisions.

Eliminating John would unequivocally position him as the next divine contender, wouldn't it?

Mystery Protector's determined response was a source of immense satisfaction for Darklord.

"I've devised a plan, and it's quite straightforward. Since they plan to venture into the Dark Realm, let's seize this opportunity to launch an assault on Storm City!"

Darklord shared a plan that had been previously coordinated with the Mystery Saint.

The Mystery Saint had instructed Darklord to attack Storm City while directing the MysteryVanguard to assault the Naga tribes.

Through these diversionary tactics, the Mystery Saint aimed to entangle John in a dilemma, thereby buying more time in the Dark Realm to address the pressing threat posed by Devils.

Upon hearing Darklord's strategy, Mystery Protector's expression turned somewhat hesitant, doubting the plan's potential success.

"I see significant flaws in your plan. Storm City isn't of paramount importance to John. Even if we attack Storm City, it's not guaranteed that John will come to its aid. We need to target a location that John values immensely. I believe the South Harbor holds much greater significance, especially since John has become the lord of the Harbor."

Mystery Protector's caution illuminated the oversight in Darklord's plan.

If John decided to disregard the safety of Storm City, he wouldn't suffer significant losses himself, considering Storm City was merely part of Duke Arsena's domain.

And Duke Arsena would willingly sacrifice Storm City if it meant the downfall of Mystery Protector.

The scenario with South Harbor was starkly different.

As John's direct territory, any assault on South Harbor would inflict substantial experience loss on John.

There's a direct link between adventurers and their territories; devastation of an adventurer's land by opposing forces incurs a heavy toll on the adventurer.

Upon grasping the situation, Darklord couldn't help but smile.

"I knew discussing this with you would yield additional insights! In that case, we should target South Harbor without delay!"

"No, we mustn't rush into action! We should bide our time a bit longer. Didn't you mention John and his companions are about to head into the Dark Realm? Let's wait for them to make their move there before we strike South Harbor!"

Mystery Protector advised, suggesting a strategic delay to maximize the impact of their assault.

Mystery Protector offered his suggestion once more, which Darklord readily accepted.

Darklord was now fully in tune with Mystery Protector's line of thought.

If John and his companions were to venture into the Dark Realm, they would not be able to quickly return to the Order Faction's domain.

This delay would provide Darklord and Mystery Protector with ample opportunity to thoroughly devastate South Harbor.

Even if the Naga Queen could offer assistance to South Harbor, she would not be a match for the combined might of the two.

"Even if we don't launch an immediate attack on South Harbor, we must start preparing now! I'll bring all the Sacred Relics in my possession! I also hope you can bring all your divine scrolls!"

Darklord expressed his hope that Mystery Protector, like himself, would commit fully to this operation.

Mystery Protector naturally did not refuse, aware of the operation's critical importance.

For him, it represented a precious, perhaps final, opportunity to turn the tides.

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