saint of humanity

Chapter 61 You try to pay back the price

Chapter 61 You try to pay back the price
Auxiliary exercises with twice the efficiency!This is obviously nonsense.

If there is such a skill, it must be a secret book that will never be passed on to the outside world. Even those top sects regard it as a treasure, and it is of great value. Why do you need to find people to sell it around like this?

Lu Ye saw the appearance of this male cultivator, and knew that he didn't come here specifically to find him, but was squatting outside the business alliance, choosing targets randomly.

I just happened to be seen by him at the right time.

"Not interested." Lu Ye didn't plan to entangle him too much.

But I didn't want that person to still be chasing after him, constantly introducing the beauty of that exercise to Lu Ye, what is simple to practice, and has strong compatibility with various low-level exercises, anyone can easily learn it, and even looks Solemnly said: "If fellow Taoist doesn't believe it, I can swear by the heavenly secret that everything I say is true and I will never deceive fellow Taoist."

Lu Ye stopped and frowned at him.

Tianji swore that he had made it before, so he knew that this kind of oath asking Tianji to witness was no joke.

He couldn't help but wonder, is there really such a powerful technique in this world?What kind of concept is it to triple the efficiency of a person's practice?
Seeing Lu Ye's heart fluttering, the male cultivator stretched out his hand and said: "There are too many people here, so I don't want to say more, please come here, fellow Taoist."

Lu Ye thought for a while, then followed the man to a place with few people.

"You swear!" Lu Ye went straight to the point.

The man swallowed back the words, and said with a smile: "Okay, but fellow Taoist, if I swear, you have to buy it."

"If the price is right, I will buy it."

The male cultivator nodded, with a serious look on his face, and said in a concentrated voice: "Scattered cultivator Chen He respectfully asks Tianji to witness that everything he said just now is true. If there is even half a sentence that is false, I will be tortured to death in the world!"

In the dark, an invisible force descended and landed on the back of the male cultivator named Chen He's hand, where his battlefield imprint was obviously located.

Lu Ye's expression was grim. This guy had worked so hard to sell that skill, and he dared to make such a poisonous oath.

"Look at things," Lu Ye said.

Chen He shook his head: "Fellow Daoist was joking, the exercises are simple and clear. If you ask Fellow Daoist to read it, you will remember it in your heart immediately, so why buy it?"

"How to sell?"

"30 Yuan Lingshi!" Chen He quoted.

Lu Ye turned around and left.

Although he didn't know what was going on with that exercise, and Chen He was even willing to ask for a heavenly oath for it, but he was certain that this exercise must have some tricks, otherwise let alone 30 yuan of spirit stones, it would be 3000 yuan Also sold.

"Fellow daoists stay put. For business matters, set the price on the ground and pay back the money when you land. If you don't try to pay back the price, just turn around and leave. You have to be honest." Chen He quickly grabbed Lu Ye and persuaded him earnestly. .

"Three yuan!" Lu Ye tried to pay back the price as he was kind.

"Deal!" Chen He took out a jade slip and slapped it on Lu Ye's palm.

The corner of Lu Ye's eyes twitched.

"Fellow Daoist, I asked for an oath from Heaven's Secret. Just now you said that you can buy it if the price is right. You set the price of three yuan yourself. You can't go back on your word, fellow Daoist, right?"

Lu Ye was speechless, and finally took out three spirit stones and handed them to the other party. Chen Ho got the spirit stones and left happily.

Holding the jade slip, before Lu Ye had time to check the content, a person came over with a smile and teased, "Did you get tricked?"

Lu Ye raised his eyes to look at the other party, and the man shrugged: "I was also deceived by him, that technique is useless at all."

Lu Ye understood: "Did you just keep watching?"

The man smiled and said, "It's better for two people to be unlucky than me alone, don't you think? I feel much better now." He also winked at Lu Ye.

Lu Ye said lightly: "If I were you, I would go grab business with him. If he can sell the skills, you can't sell them? Instead of watching others get cheated, it's better to cheat some Lingshi yourself, maybe you can Make a fortune."

The man fell into deep thought after what Lu Ye said, and he slapped his thigh after a while: "That makes sense!"

When he looked up, there was no sign of Lu Ye in front of him.

Outside Fangshi, Lu Ye rode on the back of a big tiger and had already left in the dust, too lazy to pay attention to the intrigue of those profiteers.

Although he can be sure that he was really cheated, but fortunately he didn't spend much spirit stones, only three yuan. He only traded more than 100 spirit stones from the business alliance. .

However, Chen He even took the oath of secrets, which shows that this exercise is really as he said, and can improve the efficiency of practice, otherwise he would have been backlashed by the oath.

what happened?

Suspicious in Lu Ye's heart, he began to investigate the name of the exercise.

Gluttonous meal, this is the name of that exercise.

Moreover, it is a hard-to-assessment book of exercises, because there are only fifteen spiritual apertures included in the entire exercise route!

You must know that the Golden Cicada Xiaoyao Jue practiced by Lu Ye is already the lowest level of the yellow-level kung fu, and it can open 27.

This gluttonous meal has only fifteen orifices, which is not even as good as Huang-level kung fu.

But considering that this is not a practice method, but an auxiliary method, it is understandable.

As Chen Ho said before, the route of this exercise is clear at a glance and extremely simple. Because the number of spiritual orifices included is very small, and the spiritual orifices are all distributed near the lower abdomen, it is very compatible with all low-level exercises sex.

Whether the compatibility of the two exercises is high or low depends on how many repetitions there are in the spiritual orifices included in the routes of the two exercises. The more repetitions, the higher the compatibility.

For all the low-level exercises, the openings are scattered around the lower abdomen, because the source of the openings is here, and the openings of many low-level exercises are almost exactly the same, and it is only because of the different routes of practice that the characteristics of the exercises are different. difference.

The same nine spiritual apertures are connected in different order, and the speed of spiritual power flowing through them is different, which in turn will affect the strength of the monk.

Therefore, the sequence of connection between spirit apertures is a very strict matter.

The fifteen orifices of this gluttonous food exercise route basically overlap with the 27 orifices of the Golden Cicada Xiaoyao Jue, only two of which are not included in the Golden Cicada Xiaoyao Jue. With the other two apertures, he can get a glimpse of the secrets of gluttonous meal.

There is no rush, after he finishes practicing the Golden Cicada Xiaoyao Jue, he will see if this gluttonous meal is really so miraculous that it can double the efficiency of his practice.

After receiving the jade slips, Lu Ye took out the ten-point map, compared the distance between No. [-] and No. [-] of Qingyunfang City on the map, and calculated the time he had spent.

Look at the route he planned to go to Jade Blood Sect.

After a little calculation, Lu Ye couldn't help but sigh. At this speed, even if there is no delay on the road, it may take a long time to return to the Jade Blood Sect's residence.

If something happens to delay it, it will only take longer.

The road ahead is long, but fortunately Lu Ye is not alone, at least he has Yiyi and Duhu by his side.

(End of this chapter)

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