Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc II Chapter 3



Arc II Chapter 3 



4th Glacia Solar I AAC 747


“Don't be shy, you just need to ask!”


“But ... But ... But I did ask.” Aurora's tearful eyes were about to cry. “I wandered around asking everyone, but they all said no. Normally, I would play with mother, but she doesn't feel well today.”  


“I have heard so. Felicia's condition seems to have deteriorated lately.” A sensitive topic.


Aurora continued her tale, “So I asked my brother, but Tiberius said he has no time. He has to study for the upcoming academy exams. He needs to study hard and improve his magic.


Then I asked my maids, but they said no. They all have chores to do. Apparently, although I doubt the veracity of their words.


Then I wandered around and met your father along the way. He declined politely. Count Geralt claimed that ‘playing dolls is an unmanly affair, unsuited to men of his age’. Because grown men don't play with dolls.” Aurora pouted. Her cheeks inflated. Grumpy old man not playing with me.”


“...” Friedrich merely offered an uneasy smile.


“Then I stumbled across Margrave Wilhelm. He spared some of his time and listened to my request. Unfortunately, he was also forced to decline. He claimed that he had ‘many things to do, all of them of utmost importance to the continuing existence of Schwarzwalt’ and that ‘the council was already awaiting his arrival’... I still think he was lying, but he offered to buy me another cute doll for my collection, even on behalf of his private purse. I politely declined. After all, father taught me that you should be wary of strangers, even of those bearing gifts, although I wouldn't exactly consider Margrave Wilhelm a stranger. I think of him rather as an acquaintance, but that is probably a matter of definition. 


So I continued my journey. I asked Lady Clarissa, our tutor, but she was too busy with preparations. My brother asked her to assist him in his training sessions. 


Then I asked Sir Marius, but he was reorganising the old library and getting rid of all the chaos. Then I asked the guards, but they received strict orders not to leave their posts. Then I visited the barracks and asked the new knight recruits. Unfortunately, their training was about to start.


Then I asked Baron Stahl. He was under the impression that I had discovered the true beauty of swordsmanship and was interested in taking another of his sword classes. He would love to introduce me to the path of the blade and its secrets, but he didn't have time today. He was drilling the latest batch of useless recruits. They were even more useless than usual. Their quality continued to decline. The nobles these days were pampered too much these days. The high born sons and daughters had grown complacent, negligent.


Baron Stahl didn't stop complaining, so I didn't want to interrupt him. I think he kind of talked past each other. He missed that I just wanted to play dolls, but I guess that's fine. All the venting helped him.


Then I also asked some commoner children outside the castle walls, but they were all mean. They told me my dolls look creepy. That I look creepy.” Annoyed and angry, Aurora pouted. “They aren't. My dolls are cute and lovely.”






Friedrich blinked, unsure how to respond. This development was ... unexpected.  “I see, you experienced quite a ... journey, Lady Aurora. You even left the castle ...”


How did that happen!? How did the girl slip past the guards? Heads would roll if something happened to their little mistress!


“I am wandering around since morning, but nobody has time for me.” Aurora lowered her head, feeling down, depressed. Her entire day offered nothing but disappointment. Gloom surrounded her, and a little imaginary rain cloud floated over her head.



Her state hurt Friedrich, who decided to follow his heart. “You know, I think I might be able to spare some time. Work can wait. There are more important things in life.” Like playing dolls with sad little girls. Life was strange.


“Reaaaallllllly?” Aurora's eyes sparkled, beaming like a little radiant sunshine. Her sadness disappeared and hope returned.  


“Yes ...” Friedrich hesitated, yet his resolve remained firm.  


“Yay!” Aurora bounced out of joy.


Aurora handed Friedrich her Aurora doll. “You can play Aurora. Usually, I pick her, but today is a special day.”


“It's an honour.” Friedrich accepted the doll with some reservation. The doll bore an uncanny resemblance to Aurora. No wonder that the kids called her dolls creepy. They were ... unsettling.


He volunteered to brighten Aurora's day, a decision he would quickly come to regret. This wouldn't be the last time that Aurora dragged him off to play dolls.


The duties of a faithful knight and loyal retainer weighted heavily on Friedrich, but how could he say no? He was unable to resist Aurora's puppy eyes.



12th Anima Lunar VIII AAC 753


North, or south? Aurora tilted her head. Where to go was one of the important questions of life, yet she was unsure which direction to take.


As long as she followed the road, she would make contact with civilisation. Sooner or later, the forest would end, and stumble across a human settlement, a hamlet, a village, a town, a city. Roads didn't tend to end in the middle of nowhere.


She was well advised to leave the place regardless. Getting caught plundering the dead was ... unwise. The longer she stayed here, the higher the risk. Her actions would arouse suspicion. People would ask uncomfortable questions. Questions she wasn't keen on answering.


Aurora set off together with her new belongings, a pair of sturdy leather satchels, a cuddly dagger, a series of supplies, some money, a cute and lovely doll for companion, and most importantly, a fresh set of clothes far less conspicuous than her previous garbs. A frilly dress stained in blood and dirt was for sure bound to elicit unwanted attention. As such, she was well advised to exchange her frills and silk for a white linen blouse, a pair of functional trousers worn out by visible signs of physical activity, and a pair of reliable leather boots. Plain and simple, yet her fresh clothes served their purpose. They were just what she needed. 


Her way led her north, the direction the carriage was heading. The soldiers never reached their destination. Hopefully, she was blessed with more luck than her predecessors.


Aurora hugged her doll. “Let's go.”


Lord Friedrich von Styria



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