Sealing Knife

Chapter 86 - Promise

Shen Wuyuan felt that he was dreaming.

It wasn’t until he tried to suppress Chu Qiwei’s violent “Qilu Jing” that he was able to recover. He looked at his old friend who hadn’t seen him for many years, and still had a sense of dreams.

Chu Xiwei’s question said that lightness is lightness, and seriousness is really serious.

He has learned the practice of the Qilu Jing and Jinghong Jue together, but Shen Wuduan has known for a long time, but this dead child has been stubborn since he was a child, and he did n’t say much about breaking his teeth. So I kept suppressing it, and felt that there was always a time when he couldn’t hold on to serve.

It’s a pity that Shen Wuyuan glanced away. He knew that Chu Xi was stubborn. He didn’t expect to hit the coffin board with his head, and he didn’t cry. He even smashed the coffin board.

Chu Xiwei refused to abandon the Jinghong Jue, and clenched his teeth to practice the “Qilu Jing”, which was originally a very deadly way, but probably God cares for such a bold and fool, not only did not kill his life, but In this torture of life and death entanglement, he found a rugged path into one.

Jinghong Jue focuses on machine change, while “Qilu Jing” is intended to be used in practice. “Change” and “change” seem to be irrelevant, but in fact they have something in common. Chu Xiwei went the other way, instead of using “Qilu Jing” to turn other martial arts into his own use, but using “Jinghong Jue” as the base, changing with the change of the state of “Qilu Jing”, and raising wars For a long time, it is more handy than others.

It stands to reason that this is a good thing, but the bad thing is that Chu Xiwei is too young after all.

He lacked understanding of his foundation, and his understanding of martial arts was lacking due to lack of experience, not to mention his state of mind.

The moves without internal skills are the fist embroidering legs, and the martial arts with insufficient state of mind are dangerous buildings in the air. Chu Xiwei’s internal strength and moves are far superior to his peers, even if the long-time famous masters are not among his opponents, but there are too many things hidden in his heart, he is not happy to feel the world, why talk about the state of mind Bring it up?

The state of mind will limit his vision and also affect his control of internal force. It is for this reason that Shen Wuduan transferred the ice beads that Duan Qing gave him meditation and nourishment to Chu Xiwei in the past, which is a way to cure the symptoms. But I didn’t expect this stinky boy to be an insincere man, and he didn’t even let out a fart, so he went to his heart first.

Right now, the two real qi have been entangled in a ball, and Rao Shi Shen is not good enough to force it apart, only to wait for Chu Xi to wake up and save.

Either the state of mind is raised to make the “Qi Lu Jing” take it to the next level, and it really reaches the state of “seeking common ground while reserving differences”; He and Sun Minfeng are both living and worrying about lifelessness, but they will lose nearly half of their internal strength, and they will gradually come back to practice later, which can also be regarded as “to stay in the mountains, without worrying about firewood.”

Shen Wuduan didn’t shy away from these words. He seemed to tell Sun Minfeng that he was actually watching Ye Fusheng and Duan Qing’s reaction.

Duan Qing is like a human-shaped iceberg with no reaction, but Ye Fusheng’s expression changes suddenly. Although he received it quickly, Shen Wuduan, as a senior old fox, observed his reaction clearly. After he finished speaking, Ye The left hand hung down in a buoyant clenched into a fist, the knuckles began to whitish, and the breath missed a beat.

Shen Wuduan was inexplicably a little relieved, feeling that his righteous son wasn’t shaved, and Ye Fusheng was also quite pleasing to the eye. He waved and let Sun Minfeng take them out.

He drove out the miscellaneous people and so on, and then he closed the courtyard door. When he turned back, he saw that Duan Qing was still sitting under the willow tree, even without wrinkling his clothes.

Shen Wuduan held back for a long time, and finally did not hold back a good word. The reunion was too unexpected. The words he once thought could not be spoken until now, so he had to go back to the house and took two bottles of wine on the table. Duan Qingdao said: “Drink!”

Duan Qing raised a pair of indifferent eyes and looked at him, but did not refuse, opened the red seal and took a sip.

This sip of wine kept flowing, and when he put it down, the jar was at least half empty.

Shen Wuzhen stared at her pale still face suddenly, and suddenly said: “Do you know what kind of wine is this?”

Duan Qing glanced at the red and black words on the wine jar: “It’s ‘Heaven’s Drunk’.”

“The gods in the sky have poured a glass, and the red-dust vulgars have been centuries-old … Half of the jars are ‘drunken’, and I can get drunk for ten days and a half months, but you don’t even have blush.” ​​Shen Wuduan’s eyes fell on the wine jar , “I clearly remember that you used to be drunk with a drink.”

Duan Qing looked at him: “The amount of wine will always grow, so why not make a fuss.”

“Same thing …” Shen Wuyuan smiled, “I just didn’t expect … By the way, I exchanged ten years of plum brew in it. I wanted to send it to you at the beginning, but unfortunately I didn’t find anyone, and now I taste it. how is it?”

Duan Qingxi first said: “Very good.”

Shen Wuduan suddenly stopped talking. He stared at Duanqing’s eyes and that white hair. All the laughter on his face disappeared, leaving only his face as heavy as water.

“It’s wrong.” Shen Wuduan said, “I didn’t even mix plum blossoms, just to retaliate for years you haven’t seen, and deliberately added some moxa oil. You never like this taste … but now, I haven’t tasted it at all. . “

Duan Qing lowered his eyes and said flatly, “Oh.”

“When I saw you for the first time, I thought I was dreaming.” Shen Wuduan said in a deep voice, “I played with you at twelve years old, and now I have gray hair and old hair, but you still talk to three Ten years ago, I was young and old … How could this not be like a dream? “

Duan Qingdao said: “Old people never stop at skin.”

“Yeah, I see what you are like now, I know you except for a pair of skin sacs … I’m afraid they are old, dead, and not alive at all.” Shen Wuyuan looked at him coldly, “Let me guess, you Now I have no sense of smell or taste, no effect of alcohol poison, no crying, no laughter, no emotions … Just like a living dead person who has been frozen for many years, he wakes up once and looks like the past, in fact it is Walking dead, right? “

He said these words very mercilessly, and even unpleasantly annoying. If it was placed thirty years ago, Duan raised his hands early in the morning to beat his crying father, but now he is still sitting like a mountain, It’s as if the person he said is not himself.

The only survivors in Shen Wuduan’s heart were wiped out in the endless expression of Duan Qing.

My heart seemed to be pierced by an ice cone, the wound was not too big or deep, but the blood in my body was instantly cold, and my heart beat almost stopped.

He sat back desolately and murmured: “You are in a forgotten situation … how much?”

“Second floor.”

“Renqing wantonly, ruthless love, forgetful love …” Shen Wuduan murmured these twelve words, suddenly got up and grabbed Duanqing’s collar, and lifted him up to face his eyes, almost Dripping bleeding.

“Mu Qingshang!” He looked at Duan Qing almost fiercely and desperately, and even called out the name that he didn’t mention for a long time. “How dare you … how dare you change yourself like this ?!”

Duan Qing was caught in awkwardness by him, his expression remained unchanged, and a cool hand covered Shen Wuduan’s back, saying lightly: “I’m fine.”

“You don’t live like human beings anymore, where is better?” Shen Wuduan pushed him away, and his eyes were all split. “You said ‘I would rather die for mayfly than a hundred days, don’t miss the longevity and empty hatred’, how do you regret it now?” Alright? You promised Gu Gufang to live up to her life, promised that I want to live alive, these words … are you **** eaten by yourself? “

Duan Qingdao said: “For no reason, calm down.”

“I’m calm?” Shen Wuduan slapped on the table. “Thirty years ago, Fu Xue said goodbye. Now it has become Yongjue … Liu Rong is gone, Gu Lifang is dead, you are like this again, you Tell me to calm down? Duanqing, how do you tell me to calm down? “

Duan Qing looked at his red eyes, and slowly moved his gaze to the gray hair and wrinkled face, and finally landed on Shen Wuduan’s slightly trembling hands.

This pair of Zengwu fans play with the sword’s unparalleled hands, as long as they gently hook their fingers, they can lead the red house boudoir to do their best. Even now, if they are well maintained, they have loosened the flesh and consumed the cocoons. Too.

Shen Wuduan is really old.

This man who talked and laughed between life and death when he was young, and the mountain did not change in front of him, until now, the strategy is still there, but he is no longer young, without frenzy, and becomes sentimental.

Duan Qing has never realized so clearly that the era that belonged to them has gone old with age, and now the face is dark and the hero is in the end.

He glanced at his hand, long and clean, but pale and bloodless, as Shen Wuduan said, like an empty walking dead.

He has been used to this for many years, and he doesn’t feel bad about himself, but he knows that Shen Wuduan is sad about it.

Duan Qing wanted to comfort him with a few words, but knew that what he said would not help anymore.

The most terrifying thing about the so-called vicissitudes of the sea is not earth-shaking, but things are wrong.

In the end, Duanqing just said: “Cry, I’m looking at you.”

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