Second Life Paradise

Fierce Battle.




Name: Rin Starcrest

Race: Human

Age : 17

Bloodline: Blade Master 

Realm: Elite Realm

Potential: Supreme

Strength: 3300

Agility: 3050

Mana: 3210

Stamina: 3010

Dexterity: 3360




Name: Eira Starcrest

Race: Human

Age : 17

Bloodline: Dagger Master

Realm: Elite Realm

Potential: Supreme

Strength: 3050

Agility: 3450

Mana: 3110

Stamina: 3790

Dexterity: 3040


Asher smiled inwardly when he saw their stats, they were higher realm than him. However Asher was not worried though having a higher realm Is an advantage In its own way It does not decide how truly strong someone Is.

The arena was tense, the air thick with the energy of an impending clash. Rin stood firm, his sword held steady before him, the edge gleaming in the low light. Beside him, Eira crouched low, twin daggers gleaming in her hands, her body coiled like a viper ready to strike. Across from them, Asher stood unarmed, fists clenched, his eyes burning with intensity.

Without warning, the fight erupted. Rin surged forward, sword arcing toward Asher in a powerful downward slash. Asher's muscles tensed, and in a heartbeat, he shifted. His bare fist shot up, meeting the flat of the blade with an impact that sent a shockwave through both of them. Rin's eyes widened he wasn't expecting such strength.

Before Rin could react, Asher spun, ducking beneath the sword and launching a punch toward Eira. She was quicker. Twisting on her heel, she sidestepped the strike, her daggers flashing out in a counter-attack. Asher barely managed to deflect one with his forearm, the blade grazing his skin, but Eira's second dagger came for his ribs.

Asher leapt back, the edge of the blade missing him by a hair. He didn't have time to breathe, as Rin was already back in the fray, swinging his sword with a flurry of precise strikes. Asher blocked and dodged, fists a blur, but he could feel the force behind each of Rin's attacks. For every slash, Asher countered with a punch or kick, each strike pushing Rin back slightly, but not enough to gain an advantage.

Eira circled behind, her daggers dancing in her hands as she looked for an opening. Asher sensed her coming and whirled just as she lunged, aiming for his neck. His hand shot up, catching her wrist mid-strike, but her second dagger came in low, aiming for his side. He twisted, releasing her wrist and dropping into a crouch, narrowly evading the blade as it slashed just above his skin.

Rin pressed the advantage, swinging his sword in a powerful overhead strike while Asher was low. But Asher was faster, rolling out of the way just in time. He sprang to his feet and retaliated with a vicious punch aimed at Rin's chest. The swordsman managed to block it with the flat of his blade, but the force sent him skidding back, his feet digging into the earth.

Eira was already on him again, daggers flashing in a rapid flurry of slashes. Asher bobbed and weaved between her strikes, but one of her blades nicked his shoulder, drawing blood. he used the momentum of his dodge to drive a hard elbow into Eira's midsection, knocking her off balance.

But Rin wasn't far behind. In perfect synchronization, the swordsman came in from the side, his blade slicing horizontally. Asher barely had time to bring up his arms, crossing them in front of his chest to block the strike. The impact forced him to one knee. 

Asher was now smiling his handsome face distorting. His aura got stronger and his bloodlust he was holding back coming out a bit. During his training, while he was younger he and his master went out and killed a lot of people who they thought were trash to the world so his bloodlust was heavy, and It seemed like his added bloodlust from his last life stacked on top of that.

Though this just a spar he lost his cool for a second. His bloodlust and aura growing stronger surrounding the arena. The two humans knew they were stronger but they felt like there was a giant hand wrapping around their necks. Cold sweat dripped down both their backs. Though they were stronger than most youth, they had never killed before. Zion was a kind person so he wanted to avoid them doing that at all cost If they need not to. So what they were feeling scarred them for a second, before the aura grew anymore.

'Stop Asher'

Asher heard a voice In his head, he looked over to his master. He then looked over back at his opponents who had a strange expression on their faces. Asher couldn't believe he got so worked up for a second. He usually was calm like his master and even if he enjoyed fighting a lot he does not like hurting people for stupid reasons. What Asher did not know was that It was the Influence of the power that was sealed years ago Influencing him just a little.

"I apologize for that unsightly action. It seems I lost my cool over a spar, you two are truly strong I will now use a weapon to show my respect for you."

He bowed this time a full bow to show how disappointed he was with his actions.

Rin an Eira look at each other and then at him.

"It Is fine, It happens to the best of us."

Eira said and smiled looking at Asher. Though they were scared for a second they could see that the boy truly meant no harm and even acknowledged them.

After that was said Asher pulled out a beautiful black sword with golden runes all over It. Most the masters In the arena looked at the weapon In jealousy, they all knew rune magic was lost years ago and they had all asked Veylnn to enhance their respected weapons but she always declined.

Asher took his stance this time with a calm expression getting reading to fight again. He ignored the small wounds he had gained In the last bout. Rin and Eira also took there stance getting ready for the next clash.

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