Seducing the Student Council President

Chapter 104


It was a scene that felt like something out of a myth.


In the vast cavern, two distinct beings were engaged in a fierce battle, exuding murderous intent towards each other.

One of them was a creature so enormous it was hard to believe such a being actually existed—its mere presence instilling fear all around. This creature was none other than a ‘Dragon.’

If Altina had seen it just a moment ago, she would have scoffed at such a legendary being, dismissing it as nothing more than a tale from a dull childhood storybook.

However, the dragon currently before her was not just existing; it was showcasing its overwhelming superiority as a transcendent being.

The sheer amount of mana surrounding the dragon was greater than anything Altina had ever witnessed in her lifetime. The magic it exhaled with natural ease possessed such immense power that it could evaporate entire lakes.

‘Is this the Dragon of End?’

Along the way, she had received an explanation from Jin. What they were about to confront was not just a creature from a bygone story, but the very element of annihilation. If they failed to stop it, Nineveh might face complete destruction.

In truth, Altina had not felt the reality of Jin’s words at all.

It was not that she thought Jin was lying. Altina, possessing senses far superior and more sensitive than those of ordinary humans, had also tasted the sensation of the world shifting and transforming.

Moreover, the incomprehensible images projected before her eyes at that very moment added credibility to Jin’s words.

However, now that she was staring directly at that existence and confronting the terrible danger it represented, she was beginning to truly grasp the weight of Jin’s warning.

Was it truly possible for Nineveh to be obliterated entirely? Surely, it couldn’t be limited to that extent of destruction.

If that creature were to break free from its seal and escape this place, in that instant, not just Nineveh but the entire Empire might vanish.

To say that it would gain freedom and be unleashed meant precisely that.

Thus, Jin’s judgment was indeed correct. That was a being that should not exist in this world and one of the factors contributing to the annihilation that threatened the very fabric of reality.

And Jin was currently risking his own life to hold it back.

Before engaging in the fight, he had made one ‘request’ to Altina.

“Let me state this first. It is impossible for me to defeat that thing in combat. In fact… no one in this world can win against it.”

“Why? Is the being before us some sort of immortal?”

“It is indeed immortal, but one could say it’s a temporary kind of immortality with conditions and limitations. While its power is absolute due to these constraints, it would be more accurate to say that there are specific weaknesses to pierce.”


“To put it simply, there’s no way we can win fighting it under these circumstances. Any attack that lands on us could mean instant death, whereas it has no such factor of mortality as long as the conditions are met; it’s an unfair existence that can’t be countered.”

“Then what do you plan to do? You said you absolutely don’t intend to die here.”

“Exactly for that reason, your role is crucial. While I hold back that thing and buy time, there’s something you must do.”

“Remember, this may seem trivial, but it is more important than anything in terms of confronting that creature.”

In truth, it was not something she was enthusiastic about. No, to be precise, it was something she really did not want to do.

However, her likes and dislikes were not of paramount importance here. What truly mattered was that he believed and trusted her.

So Altina could not afford to fail. Even though what he entrusted to her was none other than—


In an utterly foolish turn of events, drawn in by the whispers of doom, Claire had not only loosened the chains binding the dragon but had also turned into a being that currently restrained the dragon in this world.

“You pathetic fool.”

Whether it was because she couldn’t control the swirling mana around her as a proclaimed magician or because she was fully dominated by the ‘Dragon of End’ was unclear, but nonetheless, staring at Claire, who was gasping and unable to manage her own body, Altina’s first utterance was just that.

“You call yourself a magician but have lost yourself and have become someone’s puppet, and now you’re causing trouble like this. You truly are worthless.”
Altina’s tone, starkly different from her usual, soft manner when addressing Jin, was cold, chilling, and devoid of any emotion.

Though she had never used this tone in front of Jin since their early days together, it felt completely natural for her to adopt it now.

And no wonder, for Altina von Rudel Serias had always used such language towards those whom she deemed to be outside the ‘line’ she had drawn.

However, the only reason she had held back from speaking in this manner until now was that she feared he might think of her as a rigid and arrogant woman.

At present, he was devoted entirely to the battle, leaving no opportunity to listen to their conversation.

In truth, even if he were to overhear, it wouldn’t matter much. Altina was extremely angry at this moment.

She had never liked Claire in the first place. Not only had she caused Jin a great deal of trouble, but she also shamelessly clung to him like a parasite, going as far as to bring him food as if he were livestock, trying to fatten him up without an ounce of shame.

Perhaps it was because she had some talent for magic, or because she knew how to roll with the punches, but her cooking was indeed tasty, and since Jin seemed very satisfied with the meals Claire prepared, Altina had tacitly accepted her presence around him.

Yet, despite all this, Altina, as the daughter of a noble family, possessed a mindset that allowed her to view a man having multiple women or a woman engaging with multiple men as something quite normal.

As such, she had already half resigned herself to the sight of many women surrounding Jin.

Ah, this man is one I cannot monopolize completely. For all eternity, I will have to watch him spend time with other women, smiling at them, causing me heartache.

But despite that, it didn’t mean her feelings for him had diminished.

She simply realized through her life experiences that she couldn’t have him all to herself and had made some mental room to accept it.

Thus, Altina did acknowledge, in her own way, Claire’s dedication to Jin, bringing him packed lunches so tirelessly.

She might be a woman with not a single trait she found appealing, but she had even contemplated giving her the role of a cook in the family she and Jin might build together.

But now, looking at the current situation, Jin was risking his life, holding back the ‘Dragon of End,’ trying to protect Nineveh and, further still, prevent the world’s destruction.

Yet, instead of being a help to him, Claire was nothing but an obstacle, blocking his path. Witnessing this made something rise up inside Altina.

At this moment, she declared Claire as a clear ‘enemy.’

“…A nuisance? Me?”

Even in her state, halfway lost to madness, Claire seemed to register Altina’s words, tilting her eyes upwards.

“Yes, a nuisance. Do you know? Jin came here to save you. He still believes he can save you and asked me to help. And at this very moment, he is fighting against that dragon to buy time to rescue you.”

“Shall I be honest? Listening to the situation, it seems that you are the one granting power to that dragon and securing it in this world, right? So, the simplest way to resolve this situation would be to kill you, wouldn’t it? If you’re going to be such a wretched nuisance, wouldn’t it be better for the world if you just died?”

Without any consideration for Claire, Altina spoke her unfiltered thoughts, prompting a bittersweet smile from Claire.

Had it been Claire from two hours ago, she surely wouldn’t have remained silent upon hearing those words. No matter what, she could not bear someone calling her a nuisance to him.

…But now, Claire thought that Altina’s words might be entirely accurate.

Indeed, Claire herself believed she was a nuisance. Her emotions, not born from her own will, had become the main cause behind unleashing the Dragon of End.

No, perhaps her life had been worthless from the very beginning. Given that she was born into this world merely to monitor one man and fulfill a purpose to bring about destruction, it was only natural for her heart to shatter.
Claire let out a bitter laugh, thinking her life had no value. Or perhaps it never had any worth to begin with.

“Then just kill me.”


“I said, just kill me. As you said, I am just a pathetic woman causing trouble in this world. If I can atone for my sins through death, then it wouldn’t be such a bad ending, would it?”

Although Claire had a limited form of undying implanted within her, it did not mean she couldn’t face death.

For someone like Altina, who had reached mastery beyond human limits, there must surely be a way to grant Claire death, transcending all that.

In truth, Claire never wished for this outcome.

She too wanted to love someone genuinely. And as much as she loved someone, she wished for that love to be returned.

And she desired happiness. She wanted to build a family with him, to have children and live a joyful life.

However, upon realizing that her wishes had been mere bubbles from the very start, she had given up on everything.

As Claire spoke the words, expressing her wish to die in such trivial terms, Altina’s expression changed ever so slightly for an instant.

But it was only for a moment. Regaining her composure, Altina smirked and began to speak derisively.

“In the end, you lack even the courage to die by your own hands and seek to borrow the strength of others. Well, I suppose it’s only natural. After all, you are nothing but a fake who has never possessed any true feelings from the start, right?”

Crossing the line, yet simultaneously staring stark reality in the face, Claire bit her lip tightly.

Altina’s words rang true. She was a fake. A stupid and ugly imitation who had foolishly mistaken feelings implanted by someone else as her own.

“Then, in the end, my feelings for Jin were all fake too? Watching him like a lustful beast, approaching him like a starving stray dog, wagging my tail and laughing while talking to him—was all of that fake too? Isn’t that right?”

Yet for some reason, despite the logic and reason in Altina’s words, Claire felt a strong dissonance. Logically, it seemed every word was correct, containing no flaws, yet…

“So admit it. Your feelings have been worthless from the very beginning, and everything you’ve said has only been the ramblings of a foolish girl.”



“…It’s not true.”

Even in her current decrepit state, something seemed to remain in Claire’s heart.

Because the moment she heard those words from Claire that her feelings for him were fake, something erupted from the depths of her heart.

“No! That alone is absolutely not true!”

Unknowingly, a desperate voice rose as if pleading from the deepest part of her chest.

“Everything you say is right. I am a sinner who deserves to die, and I truly am a doll devoid of my own feelings and emotions.”

“But the feelings I have for him are mine! That alone belongs to me. Even if you insult this feeling, I will never forgive anyone…!”

Even after losing everything else, Claire exuded an aura as if she would never yield the one last feeling she held on to, a fierce determination visible in her eyes. Altina let out a scoff and chuckled softly.

“Now you’re finally wearing a decent face. Do you have any idea how torturous it was to see you with eyes as lifeless as a corpse just moments ago? Swinging my sword at a woman who’s already half dead is utterly meaningless—”


The sound of a weapon being loaded echoed as Altina readied her gun.

It was a sort of ritual—her own declaration of a fierce bout, signaling that she would now genuinely confront her opponent and would assuredly seek to kill her.

“I can now swing my sword without hesitation. And in the end, as you wish, I will kill you. Claire.”

“…Go ahead, if you can. I have no intention of dying quietly by your hands, even if I feel wronged.”

In that fleeting moment, they silently regarded each other.

Then, in the next moment, the two women clashed, driven by the convictions they each held.

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