Seducing the Student Council President

Chapter 93

“…What an utterly ridiculous junior.”

After the meeting in the Student Council Room concluded, Serika let out a small sigh while gazing at the empty surroundings.

“Lacking in culture, devoid of manners, and utterly lacking in dignity, I thought he at least had the decency to observe some etiquette towards others… But it seems that was merely my delusion. When I told him to resolve the issue, he went and made the situation worse instead.”

“Serika… even so, aren’t your words a bit harsh—”

“No, they are not. If anything, I want to say even worse things, but I am merely holding back. Honestly, finding a solution isn’t everything, is it? He has instead created a new problem, so how can I possibly remain silent?”

Serika seemed deeply perturbed, frowning as she openly criticized Jin.

In truth, Kaya, though expressing herself differently, shared similar thoughts about the current situation as Serika.

This was because Kaya was undeniably a Master, having crossed into a realm beyond mere mortals, and thanks to her superior hearing compared to ordinary humans, she could vividly recall everything that transpired between Jin and those people just moments ago.

That was precisely why it felt absurd. He claimed he could resolve the issue with confidence, and yet the method he employed was nothing more than threatening them using taboos associated with their families!

However, neither Kaya nor Serika intended to nitpick about Jin’s ‘method’ of resolving problems.

Digging into the weaknesses of others and wielding them as weapons to manipulate them in one’s favor was par for the course among nobles.

Yet, that was only the narrative of those at the pinnacle of the Empire’s nobility, like them.

“While it somehow went well this time… this method is still too dangerous. No matter how capable he may be, he lacks any substantial background to support him as a junior, doesn’t he?”

When Serika spoke in a tone that almost seemed to belittle him, Kaya unintentionally frowned at the absurdity of it.

Jin, lacking a decent background? So, was she suggesting he should just keep quiet and endure it, doing nothing against those lowlives?

That was nonsense. Although Serika and the others were unaware, Jin was connected through blood to Kaya, who bore the proud lineage of the Pendragon family.

Furthermore, although it wasn’t official yet, he would soon become family with Kaya through some means, making it entirely reasonable to consider him as part of the Pendragon family from this moment onward.

Therefore, Jin’s issues were Kaya’s issues, Jin’s pains were Kaya’s pains, and Jin’s worries were also Kaya’s worries.

Because they were… family. They had been family thus far, and they were destined to have a solid familial relationship that would not raise any eyebrows in society moving forward.

And more than anything, Jin was the one man whom Kaya had been closely watching and holding dear in her heart.

Thus, regardless of what words Jin had exchanged or what threats he had directed at those rascals, or what trouble he might have caused, Kaya was confident that she could handle all of it.

Kaya was, after all, the Chairperson of the Student Council, representing and caring for the collective will of all the students in Nineveh.

Broadly speaking, those rascals were merely targets of her care and compassion, so even if they had caught her off guard, it was simply their downfall for underestimating her.

Yet, if those imbeciles dared to show their teeth towards Jin or unleashed disrespectful words?

If that were to happen, Kaya would not hesitate to wipe the Crutier and Tuan families off the face of this world.

No matter how powerful the Crutier and Tuan families were within the Empire, they were nothing compared to the Pendragon Duchy, and Kaya, as the little noblewoman there, possessed the means to erase several of those lesser houses without a trace.

Yes, that’s right. So, Jin was hers, and he, in turn, was undoubtedly hers as well.
“No one in this world has the right to touch him or interfere with him, not even if that person is the Emperor, the ruler of the Empire.”

While making this determination in her heart, Kaya suddenly turned her gaze towards Serika, who was frowning for reasons unclear.

“…Serika, may I ask you something?”

“Yes, Chairperson.”

As Serika nodded obediently, Kaya posed her question in a seemingly puzzled tone.

“Why do you dislike Jin so much?”

“…Dislike? Are you talking about me?”

“Isn’t that the case? Just earlier, your attitude towards Jin was quite reprimanding, and even now, it seems you do not harbor any goodwill towards him.”

Well, it wasn’t surprising that Serika had been overly cautious and somewhat uncomfortable with Jin since the moment he joined the Student Council.

However, Kaya had been sensing a curious closeness between Serika and Jin lately, which made Serika’s current attitude feel somewhat suspicious.

Furthermore, it was also Serika’s nudge that had allowed Kaya and Jin to go on a date to the amusement park recently—though officially it had been a reconnaissance for the academy festival.

“I actually thought the relationship between you and Jin had improved a bit.”

“That’s a misunderstanding.”

But Serika let out a scoff, clearly thinking Kaya’s speculation was completely unfounded.

“Surely you know well, Chairperson, why I cannot trust that junior and why I sometimes find him distasteful.”


Kaya was well aware of that. It was simply because Serika envisioned a future where countless women, including Kaya, would be surrounding Jin.

Despite her appearance, it was clear that Serika, as a noblewoman from a ducal family, held quite conservative views regarding matters involving men.

Especially since the Valentine family restrained themselves from external activities under the pretext of maintaining the balance of the ducal world, her tendencies were likely even stronger.

“I detest men who cannot exercise self-restraint, flitting from one woman to another. Likewise, I am not fond of men who do not distinguish between the women coming and going in their lives.”

Serika spoke with an icy demeanor that suggested she truly found Jin repugnant.

Well, Serika’s reaction was entirely normal. Most women would desire for the man they love to focus solely on them.


‘Actually, I don’t mind at all.’

Kaya genuinely did not concern herself with Serika’s prophecy.

In fact, from a certain perspective, she felt delighted by Serika’s prediction.

This was because the future Serika envisioned included a prophecy that Kaya and Jin would someday become one.

This indicated that no matter how many other women, like Altina von Rudel Selias or Claire Delphine Mascarena, hovered around him now, the final victor would ultimately be Kaya herself, wouldn’t it?

Therefore, as the ‘winner,’ Kaya was willing to extend her grace to the remaining ‘losers.’

For instance, if those women were to kneel before Kaya and plead for mercy, she would entertain the thought of taking them on as concubines.

Of course, the best scenario would be for them to realize their own limitations and not even glance at a tree they could never climb, but knowing the personalities of those women, it was unlikely they would concede so easily…

“I admit your abilities, Junior, but that is merely limited to your talents. No matter how positively one tries to view it, the messiness of your relationships with women is simply unbearable.”

A truly cutting remark, one infused with clear disdain for Jin’s entanglements.

Observing Serika’s attitude, Kaya found herself inexplicably agreeing with her.
‘It seems it was just a simple misunderstanding after all.’

Recently, Kaya had been unconsciously imagining strange scenarios while observing the seemingly closer interaction between Jin and Serika, as well as Serika subtly facilitating moments for Jin and Kaya to spend time together alone.

For example, although it was utterly ridiculous, she pondered whether Jin and Serika had secretly struck some sort of deal or were building a relationship to help Jin grow closer to Kaya…

‘That can’t be the case.’

Ultimately, it was all just a mere delusion on Kaya’s part.

Serika respected Jin as the Secretary of the Student Council, but as a man, she hardly found him favorable.

Thus, the notion that Serika was interfering in the relationship between Jin and Kaya and further trying to connect the two was nothing but an illusion—

In the end, it seems Serika von Valentine would neither be an ally nor an obstacle to Kaya.

Having come to this understanding, Kaya discreetly nodded as she continued to gaze at Serika’s face, which still bore a somewhat pitiable expression.

“I’m sorry, Master. Please punish the Heavenly Maiden!”


Behind a seldom-visited building, I stood there, staring blankly at Serika, who was prostrated before me, smashing her forehead against the ground.

“…No, Senpai. I understand, so please calm down a bit—”

“How can I possibly calm down? I sold out my Master in a moment of crisis with this filthy mouth!”

With that remark, Serika once again slammed her head onto the ground.

“It’s humiliating. And it breaks my heart. I know well that I must keep my relationship with my Master a secret from others in Nineveh, yet I have committed an unforgivable sin by insulting my Master with my own words. Indeed, I have essentially cast aside my own faith!”

As I watched Serika wail with the expression of an independence fighter who had lost her country, I could feel a headache creeping in.

Observing such a sight made me wonder if being a cult leader might not be such a desirable profession after all. Just having one person like her would drive me mad—what if dozens or hundreds behaved like this?

“Um… Senpai. Let’s try to think positively. We’ve scored a significant win by not letting Kaya discover our relationship, right? Furthermore, I take comfort in the fact that in Nineveh, only you know my identity…”

“…Only you know, you say?”

At my offhand comment, Serika suddenly widened her eyes and looked up at me.

“Yes. I don’t often say it, but you have no idea how reassured I feel with you by my side. If someone other than you had discovered that I am a time traveler, I wouldn’t be able to enjoy my school life in peace like this. It’s precisely because you are that person, Senpai, that I can rely on you like this.”

As I tried to comfort her with random words, Serika suddenly trembled all over and once again slammed her head down onto the ground.

“Ah, what a truly humble statement! To think that such an insignificant and useless person like me could be of help to my Master! I must surely have been born for this moment!”

Seeing Serika almost on the verge of tears in genuine emotional turmoil at my flattery, I inwardly let out a deep sigh.

This was precisely why I wanted to avoid revealing to her that I was a time traveler. Such a fanatic, truly.

“I will devote my loyalty, my loyalty! As a mark of that, may I kiss the back of your hand, Master—”

“…Let’s skip that part, please.”

Unfortunately, I wasn’t one to engage in such eccentric activities outdoors.

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