Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 21 – Practice and New Discoveries

“New Extraction Ingredient Minty Shallow Bell Extract. Description – An extract made from Mint Moss and Shallow Bell.”


Liam, stunned and at a loss for words, stared at the notification in front of him. He was unsure if he had succeeded or if he had made something else.

Alicia and Galin noticed Liam’s expression.

“What’s up?” Alicia ventured.

“I just got a notification telling me I found a new Extraction ingredient,” Liam responded.

Baffled by Liam’s proclamation, Galin and Alicia gaped.

“What’s the name of the Extraction Ingredient?” Alicia questioned.

“It’s called Minty Shallow Bell.” Liam said before turning to her. “I think your theory might have worked. Congratulations.”

Alicia stared at him. “I’m not the one who made it though. That was all you,” Alicia protested.

“It was you who suggested it…,” Liam began to argue.

“Let’s just say,” Galin interrupted. “That it was both of your findings. Alicia came up with the theory and Liam proceeded with it. Therefore, you both made the ingredient. However,” Galin raised a finger. “We still don’t know if it will work out the way you wanted to.”

“He’s right,” Alicia said as she placed a hand to her chin. She then looked at Liam and said with a quick and firm voice, “Liam. You need to distill it and make the potion to see if it will work.”

Liam didn’t need any more prompting than that and quickly got to work.

After lighting the fire and watching the liquid begin its process, Alicia paced back and forth behind Liam. With a mix of hope and anxiety as she said, “If this works then do you know what this means?”

“It means no more disgusting after tastes when drinking a potion,” Liam commented.

“Not only that, but it’ll stop people being distracted from that god awful taste during a battle when your mind needs to be on the enemy instead of your stomach,” Alicia remarked. “If this works then you need to make batches of this and give me some.”

“Hold on now Alicia,” Galin interjected. “We don’t know if this will work or not. First let’s see how the results are when its finished.”

“Ugh. Is it done yet?” Alicia asked impatiently.

“Not yet,” Liam said as he kept his eyes on the liquid being distilled and transforming into a finished product through his goggles.

Alicia paced a couple more circles before asking again, “Now?”

Liam laughed inside. She reminded him of a child trying to make the drive to a theme park go quicker.

“You know how long the process takes,” Liam remarked.

Alicia let out a sigh as she leaned back against a table behind her with her arms holding her up. She brought a hand up to her forehead, ran it through her hair as she tilted her head back and said, “I know. I’m just…I just…When you first talked about wanting to change the taste of potions, I didn’t think it could be done.”

She brought her head back to eye level and looked at Liam as he turned his head enough to see her. She added, “But now that we’re this close. I really want this to work.”

“So, you’re saying you were teasing me earlier?” Liam asked with a brow raised.

Alicia looked at him and said nonchalantly, “I have no clue what you’re talking about. I helped supply some ingredients so why would I ever tease you?”

Liam shook his head as he looked back at the cucurbit and saw the last bit of liquid jump up and roll down into the open beaker. He then turned the flame down, blew it out and grabbed the beaker with his gloved hands. He walked over to the test tube rack and started to pour the liquid into three empty vials.

After setting the beaker down he corked each vial and waited for the hot liquid to cool down inside as he moved his goggles from over his eyes to his forehead. The liquid swirled and radiated a dark minty green color.

After waiting for a minute, a notification appeared with the sound of a fanfare.


“Congratulations! You have created a new item. Weak Mint Health Potion. Restores 25 HP.”


Liam’s eyes widened as he read the text. As he removed it from his sight, he looked at the two who were looking at the potions and then at him.

“Well…,” Alicia started. “Are you going to try it?”

Liam gave her a look before turning to the vial. He gulped before grabbing it and uncorking it. He brought the top to his nose and sniffed it. It had a slight peppermint smell to it. He then cracked his as he said, “Well, here goes nothing.” He braced for impact as he tipped the liquid into his mouth.

As the substance hit his tongue his eyes widened. The nasty haunting taste that usually accompanied the liquid was gone. Instead in its place was a strong taste of mint.

Liam let out a cough as he tried covering his mouth.

Alicia’s open mouth dropped to a frown as she started to look disappointed. “I take it that it…”

Liam quickly interrupted as he wiped away the escaped content, “Was a success!”

Alicia brightened as Galin jumped up with a fist in the air.

“Can I try?!” Alicia quickly asked.

Liam nodded as he passed one to her and Galin.

Galin and Alicia uncorked the vials and drank it.

“Holy crap!” Alicia exclaimed. “That mint is strong!”

“We can probably mix less Mint moss in the extraction process or add more water during the distillation, but I must say,” Galin started as he looked at the two. “I am so proud of you two for accomplishing this! Congratulations!”

Alicia gave a wide grin as Liam balled a fist and jerked his arm back in victory.

“We need to make as many as we can. I need some for my dungeon run tomorrow,” Alicia stated. “I promise to restock you with any ingredients I come across. Maybe some new ones too so we can try out different flavors.”

Liam gave her a frown and said teasingly, “I don’t know….”

“Please!” Alicia begged.

Liam gave her a smile as he stated, “I’m just kidding. Let’s try to make as many as we can.” He looked at Galin and said, “What do you think, do you think they will sell well?”

Galin gave him a wry smile, “Oh yes. I’ll even sell them a little higher than the normal ones so you can get your money’s worth from them.”

“Alright, let’s see how many we can make then,” Liam said.




Liam jogged through the open roads, changing his direction at a moment’s notice every couple of minutes. After each directional change he did a short sprint. It felt like he was in training to be a fullback for a football team as he was doing this.

As he approached his destination, he slowed to a walk to catch his breath. He pulled out a water bottle and began drinking from it as he walked into the smithy.

Fia set her hammer down as she saw him entering the building. “Yer takin this pretty serious if yer back again this morning,” She greeted.

“I’ve got to if I want to be able to make better equipment for my team,” Liam responded as he stretched his arms.

“That’s a good mindset to have as a crafter,” Fia started as she eyed him. “However, ya won’t be able ta do much if yer as exhausted as a pack mule after running uphill haulin cargo.”

Liam swallowed a bit of water from his bottle and replied with a smile, “I’m not exhausted. I can focus and work just fine. I promise.”

Fia looked him over once more before saying, “Fine, go change inta proper clothes and I’ll go over how the next step of yer training.” She then pointed a finger at him and warned, “But if ya waste any materials because ya can’t focus properly, I’m kicking ya out for the day. Got it?”

“Yes ma’am,” Liam said with a small smile as he ran over to a room and started changing.

“I’ll give ya ma’am. I’ll ram ma foot so far up yer…,” Fia started to grumble with a small smile of her own.

As Liam walked back out, he asked, “What are you going to teach me today?”

“What weapon do ya use when fightin?” Fia inquired.

“A dagger,” Liam responded.

“A bit of a little thin, but I guess it’s the best kind startin off.” Fia winked.

Liam shook his head.

“Go grab a small iron ingot for the wee little dagger,” Fia let out a chuckle.

“It’s not a wee little dagger,” Liam mocked good naturedly as he did as he was told.

“Don’t forget ta grab gloves, tongs, a hammer, and an apron. We don’t want to damage yer precious skin,” Fia instructed with a smile.

As Liam got back, he placed the items down on the anvil. He then placed the loop of the apron over his head and wrapped the strings tightly on his back. He then pulled his goggles down over his eyes and the gloves over his hands.

“Now, just like how I told ya the other day. The way things are done here is different. Many tools are taken out of the process especially at the beginner’s stage. Later on, ya’ll need specialized tools to make better weapons, but for now this is all ya’ll need,” Fia explained as she got ready herself. She looked at Liam and asked, “Did ya get the spells I told ya to get.”

Liam nodded.

“Good. Now light the furnace,” Fia instructed.

Liam placed his hand, palm up, in front of him and chanted, “Come forth heat of flames and burn the pyre I set before you. Become the tool that will help in my endeavor. Light and Burn.” A small flame appeared, hovering over Liam’s palm.

Fia let out a small laugh as she said, “A small flame for a small weapon.”

Liam gave her a frown.

“Now, now. Don’t get yer knickers in a twist. I’m just messing with ya,” Fia said. “After a while ya’ll get an ability to help control the output. The more ya use that spell the bigger the flame can be. Judging by how smoothly ya chanted it, ya have been practicin the spell. I’m guessin with yer Alchemy trainin with Ole Galin.”

Liam nodded.

“Good. He’s a good one that one. He’ll make sure ya get proper training,” Fia said. “Now place the flame in and cast another.”

Liam did as he was told and produced a slightly bigger flame and placed it into the furnace, making the flame inside bigger. He heard a chime sound echo as he did so.

“Good. Now use the Temp Check spell and see how hot the flame is,” Fia ordered.

Liam looked at the fire and mentally thought Temp Check.

“Furnace fire – 2,017 degrees Fahrenheit.”

“It looks like its two thousand and seventeen degrees,” Liam informed.

“Hm, not hot enough yet,” Fia muttered. “Throw in a couple of wood pieces and throw another Light and Burn spell then check again.”

Liam did as he was told.

After seeing the temperature, he replied, “It’s now at two thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight-degrees Fahrenheit.”

“Much better,” Fia said then instructed. “Use the tongs ta grab the ingot and then place it in. The fire’s temperature will get to where it needs in just a moment.”

Liam grabbed the tongs to grip the ingot and then placed the object over the flame.

“Now keep an eye on the ingot,” Fia started to say. “When the color starts to glow a bright yellow check the temperature. If the ingot gets to two thousand pull it out.”

Liam nodded as he kept his eyes on the object. He watched as the iron color started changing. From the bland iron color to a light red. After a few seconds to turned to a dark red. A few second more the dark red brightened to a yellow.

Not yet. Liam thought.

The color started to brighten a little more, but still wasn’t at the desired color.

Almost. Liam thought as a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead.

After a couple more seconds the yellow brightened up and reached the target temperature.

He then pulled the ingot out and placed it on the anvil.

“Now grab yer hammer and start flattening it. Form an image of a dagger in your mind and then start swinging. Start with the tip and work yer way down,” Fia stated as she watched him grab the hammer.

Liam stumbled about as he tried to form an image in his mind of a dagger. After going over all the images of different types of daggers he knew of, he finally settled on one. After the image took form in his mind, he swung down and hit the ingot.

“Harder!” Fia suddenly yelled.

Liam brought the hammer back up and swung down a bit harder.

“Harder boy! It’s not gonna shape with those weak swings,” Fia barked.

Liam grumbled as he brought the hammer over his head and swung down as hard as he could. The impact flattened the ingot a bit making the process truly begin.

“Better!” Fia smiled.

Liam brought the hammer back to the same distance and swung hard again. The entire edge had flattened out.

Liam was amazed. Even as he flattened the ingot, he knew it wasn’t thinning, but condensing. It felt like he was reinforcing the parts he was working on so it wouldn’t be too bulky.

Before he swung down on the edge again his eyes noticed something. It wasn’t just his eyes though. He had a gut feeling that if he swung at this part again it would ruin the progress he had made.

Trusting his feeling, he aimed his next swing for the untouched section. This area started to condense as well.

“Good!” Fia shouted. “Keep an eye out for certain spots. You don’t want to flatten the blade too much in certain areas!”

Liam nodded as he continued the process. After swinging so many times, he had fully flattened and condensed the object. It was now a sturdier and thinner version of its original shape. It was at this time Liam saw the color of the metal started cooling down.

When it started losing its red glow, Fia instructed, “Back into the furnace. Make sure ya get that bright yellow glow again before pulling it back out.”

“Yes ma’am,” Liam responded as he put the metal back into the furnace.

Liam felt his arms start to ache as sweat rolled down his face and arms.

“Ya don’t want to hit the ingot when ya lose any heat because if ya do then ya can damage the object yer tryin to make,” Fia explained. “Ya also don’t want it to get past the bright yellow color because then it’ll be too soft to form. Remember that.”

Liam grunted an acknowledgement as he started feeling his muscles tighten. He quickly glanced at his stamina bar and saw it was under half. He then looked back at the ingot and saw the color reached bright yellow again.

He pulled it back out and brought it to the anvil once more and started hammering away. He angled the ingot and made the top edge curve more than a regular dagger would. He worked his way towards the middle section of the ingot, continuing the curve.

Once when he reached the bottom of the dagger Fia instructed, “Now flip it over and strike it a few more times from top to bottom to make sure everything is evened out.”

Liam nodded as he flipped it over. He continued to make the image in his mind take form with each swing. He watched the uneven parts start to even out and take the form he was imagining, except without a hilt part.

“If the form is what you wanted then place it into the water to cool it down some.,” Fia instructed, uncertain about the design Liam had made for the dagger.

As Liam dipped it in steam started to sizzle off the water and bubble. Once when the bubbling stopped, he pulled it out and placed it on the anvil. Light smoke rose off the fully curved weapon.


“Curved Talon Dagger. Quality – Crude. Unfinished.”


As Liam assessed the item, a chime sound echoed in his mind a few times.


“Congratulations! Weapon Crafting has been unlocked under Blacksmithing! Weapon Crafting is at level 1!”

“Congratulations! Weapon Crafting has reached level 2! Progression to level 3: 1%!”

“Congratulations! Endurance Sub-stat Crafter’s Endurance has reached level 4! Progression to level 5: 52%!”

“Congratulations! Strength Sub-stat Power has reached level 6! Progression to level 7: 34%!”


“Not bad for yer first try. Doesn’t look like any dagger I’ve ever seen before though,” Fia said.

“I was thinking about a curved dagger, but it came out more talon shaped than anything,” Liam stated as he stared at it.

“Talon shaped or not, it won’t be able to do any damage till ya sand it down some to smooth the edges and then sharpen it,” Fia commented. “Normally there’s more steps you’d have to do in order to forge a proper weapon, but in this world…this is all ya will need to get started on forming proper weapons. Advanced techniques for Above average and beyond will need more steps to get that kind of quality.”

“Got to love new rules for making things,” Liam muttered. He then asked, “What kind of techniques are there for higher level smithing?”

“Normally I wouldn’t say because higher level smithing is still beyond ya, but,” Fia started. “I like yer attitude and yer commitment. I’ll tell ya of a couple techniques that’ll be very important later and that’s Tempering and Folding. I won’t say what they do, but when ya reach a certain level start practicing on as many weapons as ya can so you can create better weapons and armor.”

“Thanks for that,” Liam said with a nod.

“No problem,” Fia said with a smile. She then instructed, “Go grab a piece of sandpaper and a sharpening stone. Grab some leather so ya can fashion a hilt together for it. After yer done with that we’re starting all over again.”

“You got it ma’am,” Liam said as he started walking.

“I’ll show ya ma’am if ye don’t stop with that,” Fia playful threatened as she raised a hammer in the air causing Liam to jump up and run over to grab what he was told.

Fia watched as he searched for the items she told him to get and let out a sigh. She then looked at the crude weapon before muttering with a little pride in her voice, “It’s definitely not a bad weapon…for a wee dagger.”

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