Sending the Groom to Jail on My Ex-Girlfriend’s Wedding

Chapter 106 - 106: Su Xuan, I'm Relying on You...

Chapter 106: Su Xuan, I’m Relying on You…

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

As Su Xuan’s points dwindled down to a mere five digits, he couldn’t help but grimace and reluctantly exited the system’s marketplace.

Oh well.

Su Xuan thought to himself.

He had gotten used to it; he wasn’t the kind of person who hoarded points!

With his points running low, it meant he was back to being “broke.” Su Xuan felt the thrill of a challenge and was eager to get back to work.

The next morning, he was all set to clock in at the Anti-Pickpocketing Team. This time, his partner was another experienced officer, Zhang Chenglong.

Zhang Chenglong had been part of the team for a solid five to six years. When he first heard about Su Xuan’s extraordinary abilities, he was genuinely curious about this new addition to the team.

Now, with the news that they’d be partners, he was quite pleased.

“Su Xuan, since we’re going to be partners from now on, let’s exchange contact information,” Zhang Chenglong suggested. “After all, the airport is quite large, and we won’t always be together. Using walkie-talkies would be too obvious. Let’s keep in touch through our phones!”

Upon seeing Su Xuan, Zhang Chenglong didn’t waste any time, and Su Xuan readily agreed. They swapped phone numbers.

“With time being of the essence, shall we head out now?” Zhang Chenglong asked. “Over the next few days, we’ll meet directly at the airport. It’s easier to go to the airport from your place.”

Su Xuan didn’t object and felt a surge of excitement deep inside.

His temporary dorm was still about ten minutes away from the Anti-Pickpocketing Team.

If he were to clock in at the unit every day and then head to the airport, it would mean waking up half an hour earlier. But by going directly to the airport, he could savor an extra half-hour of sleep.

Given the recent fatigue from their anti-pickpocket missions, Su Xuan was genuinely appreciative of Zhang Chenglong’s choice.

“Great, thanks, Zhang Ge!” he replied.

Zhang Chenglong waved his hand dismissively. “Getting older, I’ve developed a love for sleeping in.”

“We can head straight to the airport and catch a few more winks.”

“But speaking of which,” he continued, “you’ve been quite the hero these past few days, capturing so many criminals!”

“In the Anti-Pickpocketing Team, you’re the reigning champ in everyone’s hearts.”

“You might not know it, but you’ve become a celebrity in our city’s police officers’ community. Everyone’s clamoring to partner with you!”

“I’m happy you chose the airport for today,” he said with a grin.

“I hope you can help me catch a few criminals so I can bask in your glory.”

Upon hearing this, Su Xuan felt a bit embarrassed.

“It was just a coincidence,” he modestly replied.

“Aw, come on, don’t be so humble,” Zhang Chenglong waved it off casually. “I mean it. If I get to catch a few criminals with you, I’ll be over the moon.”

“Think about Zheng Wenjie, following you around and grinning from ear to ear these past days.”

“When you’re the man of the hour, who wouldn’t envy that?”

“Who doesn’t want to earn some laurels, see their records go up? It’s a matter of pride and, of course, money!”

“Opportunities to make money? Who wouldn’t be thrilled?”

Hearing this, Su Xuan gave a smile. Since Zhang Chenglong put it that way, continuing to be overly modest would seem pretentious.

They got into the car together and sped towards the airport.

Midway, Su Xuan activated his Sin Radar. Seeing the radar instantly cover an entire street, even penetrating into the inner sections of surrounding shops, his confidence surged.

Upon arriving at the airport and passing through the crowded waiting area, Su Xuan suddenly spoke up.

“Zhang Ge, just drop me off here.”

“Let’s split up today.”

Under normal circumstances, as a newcomer partnered with Zhang Chenglong, Su Xuan should have stayed close to him. However, Su Xuan had his own skills, and sticking by Zhang Chenglong’s side would hinder his effectiveness.

Furthermore, Zhang Chenglong had previously mentioned that the airport was vast. To patrol effectively and catch more criminals, they needed to split up.

The two had driven to the airport in Zhang Chenglong’s car. Upon hearing Su Xuan’s words, Zhang Chenglong braked and looked over at him.

Unlike pickpockets at subway stations, those who stole in airports were likely more cunning, with more refined methods. Catching them, especially red-handed, was extremely challenging.

Additionally, undercover police officers in an airport were at risk of being detected because they wandered around the airport just like everyone else, which could easily arouse suspicion.

Zhang Chenglong turned to Su Xuan, unlocking the passenger door. Though he found Su Xuan’s request to get out here peculiar, he agreed.

The airport was vast; where Su Xuan went was not his concern.

“Sure, you can look around here for now.”

“If you need anything, just call me!”

“Speaking of which, my recent performance hasn’t been great.”

“If you can help me make some achievements, that would be amazing!”

“Su Xuan…”

“I’m counting on you!”

Su Xuan felt a bit embarrassed by these words but nodded nonetheless.

However, he still nodded in agreement.

He then got out of the car and entered the airport terminal directly. This was the bustling hub of the airport, with a high volume of passengers passing through. It was also the easiest place for pickpockets to strike within the airport.

If pickpockets wandering in the airport wanted to steal something, this was the place where it was most likely to happen. They could grab an item and disappear into the crowd. Others wouldn’t even realize they’d been robbed until much later. This area provided a quick and convenient escape route.

However, very few criminals would dare to commit theft openly in front of so many people. Most would choose to strike when their victims were distracted, like in elevators or during the payment process.

With these thoughts in mind, Su Xuan entered the bustling terminal.

As soon as he entered, his Sin Radar prompted him.

[Ding! One criminal detected, please apprehend immediately!]

[Name: Sun Li, Age: 36, Sin Value: 89, Crime: Theft!]

[Ding! One criminal detected, please apprehend immediately!]


In a matter of seconds, the Sin Radar sounded alarm after alarm, each accompanied by the criminal’s name, age, sin value, and the specific crime they had committed. Meanwhile, Su Xuan noticed several bright red dots within a sea of green on the Sin Radar.

Su Xuan looked around, surveyed the area, and then proceeded towards the service desk.

He didn’t pay any attention to the green markers on the criminals. Instead, he casually approached one of the airport service personnel, acting like a first-time traveler who was unfamiliar with the airport.

Meanwhile, Su Xuan was somewhat amazed.

Why, you ask?

It was because those green-circled criminals were experts at disguising themselves!

Compared to these individuals, the pickpockets in the subway were like amateurs.

If it weren’t for the Sin Radar displaying their sin values and the red dots, Su Xuan would never have guessed they were criminals!


These thieves who could thrive even at the airport were truly remarkable. So, the question was, how was he going to catch this group of criminals?

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