
C100 – Restoration / Project

It was three days after Dirk was given the condensed bone marrow from the Emperor. 

At this moment, nobody was in the room with Dirk. He had yet to wake up. But suddenly, he started coughing. 

It was soft at first, but then, each cough let out streams of blood. Spyte watched as Dirk turned the bed red. 

After a while though, the red blood turned clear. He started coughing up a water like substance. It was potion. 

A large amount of potion was coughed up. In fact, it was all the potion that was inside Dirk's body, including the blood that was mixed with the potion. Spyte was getting it all out. 

But this set off a reaction. Dirk's body began destroying itself like before. But Spyte just let it be. Spyte even got rid of the potion drip that was sending more potion into his body. 

Dirk's skin went from healthy to pale white. His subsiding coughs came back as he let out more blood. It looked like he was dying. 

But Spyte waited. 

And sure enough, after 20 minutes of this, Dirk still wasn't dead. His body was destroying itself, but it was also keeping itself alive. 

Spyte viewed the energies in Dirk's body. The anima in his blood streamed into the organs and flesh that were breaking down. The decaying cells were rapidly replaced by his blood and natural regeneration. The earth mana inside of Dirk seemed to make his still alive body parts remain that way, making his flesh stronger and more resilient. The fire mana seemed to blaze with vitality.

Several of Dirk's biological systems rapidly failed and broke down. But as they did, the fruits of Spyte's labor kicked in, and they were rebuilt just as fast. 

The nanites in Dirk's body were especially active. They moved with Dirk's body, both following its commands and giving out its own. The two worked in harmony, and Dirk's physical body was constantly rebuilt. 

It was a cycle of death and reconstruction that occurred everywhere from the muscles to the organs to the bones. 

And then, once everything had run its course, Dirk's body settled. It then surged in vitality and strength. 


<Skill acquisition detected.>

<You have gained the Skill: Restoration (Grade 5)>

Dirk's complexion quickly recovered after this notification was seen by Spyte. The cat sat there, an odd sense of satisfaction gracing its mind.

Then, it tilted its head.

[He's a man. He likes women. Should I be a girl then? I don't have a humanoid body, but he'd like the voice better than a robotic one.]


Dirk grunted as Spyte began to trail off with its... her, thoughts. He wiped his face that had blood over it. 

[Welcome back.]

Spyte called out with a slightly more feminine voice. Dirk rapidly saw what happened with his body, including the skill acquisition. 

Instead of being happy though, he sat up with a frown. When he pushed himself into a standing position, he felt his muscles that were strengthening by the minute. He was still weak, but he was going to recover. 

He was also hungry. But this sensation was overshadowed by the surge of rage he felt. 

"That... That son of a bitch!"


He turned and swung his leg, kicking the bed. The metal of the bedframe was dented by his bones, also leaving behind small fractures and split skin on his shin. 

"That damned scum! Fucking no life! You think you can get me addicted to potions?! Do you have nothing better to do?! You... you almost had me! When I get my hands on you, I'll restore your sight just to gouge out your eyeballs! Agh!"


A wall was cracked under Dirk's powerful fist. He took deep breaths of frustration, reigning himself in. 

He turned his head, seeing his mother in the doorway. And seeing her sorrowful face made him feel bad. She was worried about these kinds of things, and he had tried to lessen her guilt. Now he slipped up. 

He looked at her straight though. He wasn't going to apologize. Instead, he felt something else. He suddenly remembered two and a half years ago when he was first taken. 

He remembered the hate in his mother's eyes when Asura stopped her. He remembered what she said. 

'I'm going to hunt you down! I'll kill every asura I find! I'll dismantle everything you've worked for! I may not be able to kill you, but I'll ruin everything you've built!'

Before, he had understood her words from the standpoint of bringing down an enemy. To destroy an enemy, it was natural to destroy everything they've built. Bring them down while their kingdom crumbles. 

But now, he understood it differently. Was it revenge? Vengeance? No, Dirk didn't want to get back at Asura, returning the pain he gave him. This wasn't an eye for an eye situation. 

No, it was just sheer rage and hate. Dirk couldn't stand the thought of Asura galavanting around the world doing as he wished. He couldn't stand Asura getting what he wanted. He was his nemesis, an enemy that he must bring down at all costs.

'By all things holy I will hunt you down and bring you to your knees. And I'll be damned if I don't have fun doing it, just like you had fun watching me shed rivers of blood.'

Dirk made his vow with a sharp smile. The smile quickly went away though as he turned toward Cecilia.


"Yes, my child?"

"You said that you'd bring him down."


Cecilia shivered a bit at his words. Was his resentment finally spilling out? She stood there as she prepared to accept any hate he had for her. 

Dirk couldn't help the corner of his mouth that twitched upward. 

"But... I'm kind of glad that you didn't. I suddenly had some ideas. I was thinking you and I could work together. We could go on a couple dates like before, destroy some hideouts, maybe kill a couple asuras... It'll be our mother and son project, except the project is hunting down Asura's damned organization and not some wood carving like in school."


"What do you think? I guess it might be a bit weird for me to say that so outright..."

"I like it."

Cecilia suddenly spoke. After being stunned for a bit, she raised her head with her hands on her cheeks. She seemed... oddly happy. 

"I love it. Me and my son, hunting down heathens like pathetic cattle. Plotting out their demise and watching them fall into despair as everything crumbles around them and their souls shatter into damnation. And... chaining Asura up like a dog, torturing him for hundreds of years as his lifespan slowly reaches its end... I'm sorry."

Cecilia suddenly stopped her wild imagination with a red face. Meanwhile, Dirk was a bit taken aback, though he quickly recovered. 

He walked over to his mother with a smile.

"So, that's a yes?"

"Yes! I'd love to work with you, my child. We'll take him down together. It... It makes me really happy. My boy is all grown up now."

Cecilia quickly hugged Dirk, squeezing him tight with a big smile. Dirk also smiled, though he clenched his teeth as his weakened body was crushed a bit. 

"Uh, mom."

"Oh! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

"I'm alright."

Dirk chuckled a bit as he sat back down on his bed. He still had blood on him as well, but it didn't seem like his mother saw it at all as she got some on her clothes after hugging. 

"I've overcome the dependency. I'm just recovering strength now. Ah, is there food I can eat? I'm really hungry."

"Of course! Stay here, I'll be right back with a meal."

Cecilia rushed out with those words. Dirk just sighed, relaxing his body that was still repairing itself. 

[Well that was new.]

"Right? A little sadistic... but that's alright. It's fine if it's mother. On the other hand, you've got some explaining to do. A week?! I'd like you to tell me before putting me in a coma!"

Dirk shot a glare at the cat beside him. The cat just responded with a weird smile.

[Excuse you, but I was keeping you alive. I even got you a skill.]

"...You know, you're quite sassy for an AI."

[I'm a cat. I do my best.]

Spyte raised her head as if smirking at Dirk. His mouth twitched as he picked her up by the scruff. 

"And that voice. What's with that?"

[I thought you'd like a bit more personality to the voice inside your head. My compliments sound better now since I'm a girl, right?]

"What? What compliments? All I've been getting is attitude. Does it naturally come with the female tone?"

[Oh, my bad. Should I praise you for a successful recovery? What a studmuffin. Oh wait, that was me.]

"Wha..? Shut up!"


After a bit of bickering with the cat, Cecilia came back with a large platter. Dirk dropped Spyte before digging in. The food that fell into his stomach was digested as if lit on fire. 

Cecilia made sure to bring many large servings, and it was the highest quality food in this city. Dirk felt tears come to his eyes as he ate the unfathomably delicious food. He swore never to eat slop again. 

Nutrients were infused into his body along with rich sources of mana. Dirk could feel his body recover as it happened. His muscles grew, his bones hardened, his organs were vitalized. Everything that had been breaking down was brought back to its peak shape. 

It wasn't long before Dirk got the strength to fight again. Even Cecilia was startled by his sudden changes. That was when he told her. 

"I got a skill. It's called Restoration, and it's grade 5."

"A... skill?"



She was shocked at his words. Dirk was only 16, and he had already gotten a skill. Since when were skills so easy to get?

Dirk shrugged. 

"I just got it while recovering. Spyte told me about the bone marrow the Emperor gave me, so I think that was it."


"The cat."

Spyte walked over at that moment. Cecilia nodded in understanding, but quickly became curious.

"So you two can talk?"

[We can.]

"Oh! Well hello."


Spyte nodded her head at Cecilia's surprise. She heard a feminine voice, becoming even more curious about the nature of the cat. 

Dirk spoke while eating.

"Anyway, I got that skill. I also have two others. Both are grade 5. There's a technique called Mana Lungs in my Mana Heart Technique. I got a skill after reaching Tier 3 and perfecting its usage. Now I breath in mana passively."

"I see that."

Cecilia nodded. She was powerful and naturally sensed Dirk's effects on the surrounding mana. 

"The second skill is called Mana Resonance. I got it while learning to enchant."

"Wait, resonance? Uhh..."

Cecilia suddenly became hasty, activating magic and creating an isolation barrier around them. Dirk perked up as noodles fell from his mouth. 

"Dirk, sweetie. Just a little advice, but never speak of that skill to anyone."


"While in enchanting class, they probably called the ability to enchant a 'gift', right?"


His brow raised, despite not being able to use his eyes.

Cecilia shot him a weird smile.

"Well, it's not. Truth is, the industry is heavily controlled and monopolized. They will come after you if you're found to know the truth about enchanting. While it isn't some revolutionary secret to know, the world's economy could shift if the knowledge were widespread. Although nothing will happen to you with me around, I'll still advise you to just keep that skill a secret."


Dirk was a bit confused. He had inferred that details about enchanting were being hidden, but he didn't realize it was such a big deal. Still, some people would do anything for money and control, so he understood to just keep a tight lip. Not that he would go speaking his skills to any random stranger anyway. 

"Nonetheless, I'm very happy that you've trusted me enough to tell me. And very proud that you got those skills. Such a talented child."

Cecilia rubbed his head with a happy smile. Dirk just smiled as he continued eating food. 

She watched Dirk eat a bit, also taking little bites herself here and there. Once he was full, he looked noticeably healthier. She nodded at that. 

"I guess if you're healthy, we can head back to the capital soon. Your father has already returned for some work. As for you, once we get back, you should work on your mana technique. I can also take you out for some excursions. I've already hit most of them, but there are still remnant asura groups that remain in the capital."


"...Only if you're okay with it."

Cecilia's voice quieted a bit. 

"Dirk, I know what you went through was horrible. It's a hell I wish you were never put through. But the things they taught you... they can be used. The lethal magic, the movement techniques, the knowledge, the protocol. Asura wanted to turn you into a Harbinger. You'll begin to learn what that means later, but what you were taught was truly specialized stuff. We're here now, and if you're ready, we can move to turn the abilities Asura gave you against him. If you're ready to spill blood and massacre the hundreds and thousands under Asura, then I'll support you. But only if you're ready. You're not going to be forced to do anything."

"It's okay, mom."

Dirk quickly replied to his mother's worry. He smiled with no amount of hesitation or conflict.

"Asura doesn't deserve the goodness of my conscience. I've already killed some of his men. I was more happy than anything else then. So I plan on enjoying our work. And it'll be fun to enjoy it with you, mom."

"...I'm the luckiest mother in the world."

Cecilia sniffled a bit as she fanned her face in happiness. Dirk chuckled a bit awkwardly. Was there another mother in this world that encouraged the coordinated massacre of assassins? Probably not. 

He thought he was lucky though. 

'I'm the luckiest child in the world.'



Dirk and his mother took another day to explore the city of Calaba, going on their own date. While doing so, Cecilia happily told him about the recent news she heard from her husband. 

The border friction, the Dark Kingdom, the potential outbreak of war, and the upcoming holiday that the Emperor suggested Dirk go to. Dirk was a bit surprised by all this information that was likely confidential. 

Other than that, she went on and on about the things that Dirk missed over the last couple of years. Ava was now a fourth year at the academy, and her power had grown greatly under Cecilia's tutelage. She constantly went on dungeon dives, sharpening her combat skill. Her skill in alchemy also increased, now being one of the top junior alchemists in the academy.

And from Cecilia's words, she had grown quite a bit just like Dirk, turning into a 'very fine' young woman. Cecilia couldn't help but snicker a bit as Dirk got a bit restless over her mention. 

Alec had also gotten famous. In his age group, he was one of the strongest and most valiant fighters. He had formed a powerful group for dungeon diving, one that included Ava. He was also known for taking on jobs that included hunting down bandits and guarding caravans, becoming a reputable defense force. It was said that he'd be joining the military soon. 

Other than that, there wasn't much that Dirk had missed. Cecilia also mentioned Tobasden who had become worried after Dirk disappeared as well as Garel who disappeared not long after Dirk did. Garel's whereabouts were unknown, a sentence that gave Dirk an odd feeling of fear. 

Dirk and his mother took in all the sights and pleasures the city had to offer. Food, drink, gambling, music, and shows. There seemed to be everything in this city. If it were a bit more modernized, Dirk would think he was walking through a city on Earth. In fact, this place was a bit more fantastical with floating lights of mana and magicians performing grand parlor tricks for the crowds. 

Of course, if Dirk could see more, he would likely enjoy it more. But he could get the gist of the things going on around him, so he just enjoyed himself and his happy mother. His dark mana vision was at least getting better bit by bit. 

And when the next morning came, Cecilia took Dirk to a large square near the center of the city. From this place, people and merchants appeared and disappeared with vast waves of dark mana. 

It was a teleportation platform, and with it, one could be teleported to several other cities in the Empire. There was one such platform in the capital city, though Dirk had never seen it. Apparently it wasn't well known since only the richest merchants and highest profile persons could use them. 

Either way, Dirk was stunned as the two were teleported to the capital in an instant. It wasn't long before they left a massive building, walking onto the busy streets of the capital city. 

Waiting for them was Ryker. 

"Hello dad."

"Dirk. It's good to see you kid."

Ryker smiled. Although Dirk had grown a lot, he was still taller. 

The next moment though, Ryker frowned. 

"I went to go find Ava before you came here."

"Really? Where is she?"

"...I'm not sure."

Ryker looked a bit concerned, causing Dirk's worry to rise.

"Their residence is completely empty."


So, I guess I'm doing this now since I thought it would be neat. 

I made a Discord server. 

It isn't strictly for my story. I just thought it would be a cool place to communicate with everyone better. Whether it's holding discussions or just chatting, I wanted a place better than the comment section of each post. 

Granted, I have no idea if I made this server properly, but I'll iron wrinkles out once people join. 

If you're interested, then stop on by. Here's the link:

I'll also post it in my author feed. 


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