
C106 – Ballroom / Queen

The next morning, the city was immediately lively. It only got more festive as the afternoon came. 

Alec grabbed Dirk to wander the streets when the sun was high in the sky. When they did, they were surprised to see all kinds of little magic devices flying around above and between the buildings. They occasionally flashed with lights of various colors, looking like drones.

There was another thing Dirk noticed when he stepped out of the spire. He seemed... lighter.

It was the dark mana being emitted from the abyss below the city. Dirk could feel it suspend his body just a little bit. And it seemed to get stronger throughout the day. Even little kids began jumping higher than their own height. It was a bit disorienting. 

But it was cool, nonetheless. It was a supernatural phenomenon happening across the city. The city itself was beyond comprehension, able to float above a bottomless hole in the ground. Dirk found it exhilarating. 

It was only a few hours after noon that the two headed back. They had to get ready for the ball. 

The ball actually started an hour before the sun set. But there were many things to do beforehand. Women had to beautify, men had to hold discussions, butlers and maids had to make sure that everything was in order. Anybody that couldn't be found several hours before the event would throw off routine. So in actuality, getting ready for the ball was an all-day process. 

For most of the nobles, anyway. Dirk and Alec didn't have much of a part to play except to look pretty, so they only had to be at their rooms at a certain time. From there, maids would take care of them. 

And they were taken care of, though perhaps a bit more than Dirk would have liked. He had thought that they would just come in to dress him, maybe clean up his hair before sending him on his way. 

But apparently bathing was a meticulous process that required the skills of practiced maids. After Dirk got into the bath by himself, he was intruded upon by two ladies with special soaps. After Dirk stopped one of them from scrubbing his every nook and cranny, and after they emphasized the importance of making sure he was perfectly clean, they compromised and Dirk let them clean everything from his waist up. 

And he had to admit, getting his hair and back scrubbed at the same time by two women was heavenly. Because his eyes were already sealed shut, he felt every little brush of their fingers and the pleasing massage as they lathered his arms and shoulders. He was grateful for his heightened sense of touch that amplified the feeling. 

But he was also a bit ashamed to have enjoyed it as much as he did. Spyte, who was sitting in her cat form nearby, snickered at him with her eyes. Still, he let them do their thing for over an hour, disregarding the faint suspicion that the maids were enjoying it just as much. 

It was when a couple other maids came into the room that Dirk was able to get out of the bath. After drying off, he was hounded as they got him ready to dress. 

This took another hour. They combed and sharpened up his hair, put on the pre-determined outfit, and straightened him out. They were also going to apply a cologne, but after smelling the aroma Dirk naturally released, they decided not to. They knew that powerful people, especially body refiners, wouldn't sweat or get dirty like ordinary people. There was no need to solve a problem that wasn't there. 

With a touch of lotion and a tug of the collar, Dirk was finally ready. By this time, the sun was beginning to make its descent. From so far above the city within the Spire, Dirk could see lights begin to flick on in buildings and among magical devices. Not only that, but the dark mana that came out of the abyss below the city got a bit stronger. Dirk naturally felt light, each of his casual steps able to make him float in the air for a second. 

Dirk was eventually guided by a maid up the spire where he was put into a particular room. Inside this room was Alec waiting by himself. Spyte jumped on Dirk's shoulder as he walked in. Alec glanced at the cat smiling at Dirk. 

"Dirk! You look good!"

"You too."

The two smiled at each other as they observed the clothes they were provided with. Dirk's clothes were black and dark red, and Alec's were white and a brighter red. His clothes accentuated his blond hair and valiant character. He was bright, and Dirk was dark. It matched their types well.

After they smacked their hands together in greeting, Dirk asked a question. 

"So did you get washed by the maids here too?"

"Washed by the maids? Like, during your bath?"


"The hell? No, I didn't get washed by maids. Are you saying you did?"

"Yea? Two of them came in after I hopped in the bath and cleaned my upper body. They said they had to make sure I properly cleaned up and everything. They even had special soaps."

"Wha..? No! I didn't get anything like that!"

After Alec raised his voice with narrowed eyes, Dirk's face darkened slightly.

"...So getting washed by maids isn't normal?"

"Hell no! You just got taken advantage of! Those scheming foxes tricked you!"

"...Hehehe. That was a nice scheme. Sign me up for another!"

"Shut up, you lucky bastard."

Alec spat as Dirk chuckled shamelessly. Compared to all the other schemes he was a victim of, Dirk welcomed this one with open arms!

After Alec bickered with Dirk some more, other people began to arrive. First was Alec's father, then Dirk's parents followed by the other delegates. They all appeared dressed in primary black and white colors with red accents. 

Dirk was a bit enraptured when his parents walked in. Ryker entered while linked arms with his wife. He was dressed in a maroon red tailcoat suit with black designs across it. The designs fluctuated with the fire element, making them glow with dark heat in Dirk's mana vision. It looked truly noble from his perspective. 

It was the same with Cecilia. She came in with a similarly colored maroon red dress that accentuated her curves while maintaining some modesty. One of her long legs was exposed as she walked alongside her husband. The two looked like the perfect couple.

Cecilia's eyes lit up when she saw Dirk. He stood tall as his black and blood red clothes did nothing to hide his lean but chiseled build. Along with his combed back hair, sharp jaw, and blindfolded eyes, he looked dark and mysterious. 

"Such a handsome child! They truly did do you justice. I've never seen you look so sharp!"

"Thanks, mom."

Dirk smiled as Cecilia tiptoed and kissed his forehead. Afterward, she placed her hands on the sides of his face, her thumbs brushing over his blindfold. She adjusted it a bit with a neutral face. 

"How is it?"

"Fine. It doesn't hurt."

"That's good... Can you see me?"


Dirk nodded after a second. His black and white vision was getting better, and he had told his mother about it. Unfortunately, there wasn't much she could do to help him. Seeing purely through mana wasn't easy or a widely known concept. Dirk was pioneering his own path through this. 

But there was one thing she started doing. Since Dirk could see mana, Cecilia started to cover her body with a light film of dark mana, allowing Dirk to clearly see her. That way, unlike all the other obscure figures he saw through fire mana and body heat or skin through earth mana, she stood out and could more easily interact with him. It was comforting. 

"Duke Kyre."

Alec's father suddenly spoke as another man came walking in. It was Duke Kyre, and he was dressed in a black suit, on which were deep orange designs seemingly made of fire. These designs connected with a symbol on his chest, that of the Horizon Empire. 

After he walked in, Ryker and Alec's father went over to talk, forming a small group. Like that, everyone lingered around as they waited. Dirk guessed this was like some kind of staging before the event. 

And sure enough, a maid came to get them when the sun began to touch dip below the horizon. 

"Envoys of the Horizon Empire. Please follow me."

The maid was respectful as she bowed and led them. Duke Kyre took the lead, and everyone left the room. 

After walking down a few ornate hallways, they came upon a large set of doors. They were already open, and there were people inside the ballroom seated around various tables. Most of the tables were empty. 

"Duke Kyre and the Envoys of the Horizon Empire have arrived."

At the announcement, everyone in the ballroom turned to the doors. Duke Kyre walked in imposingly as if he owned the place. The two Marquesses behind him also stood tall. Ryker especially as he escorted his wife. 

When Dirk entered, he sensed the surroundings. And he was shocked as he sensed four people with fathomless auras surrounding them. Dirk's mana vision was blurred when he focused on them. 

'Dukes of the Dark Kingdom.'

The only ones who had the same aura as them were Duke Kyre and Alec's father. Being outnumbered like this, they were treading right into a lion's den. 

But they wouldn't fight here. Dirk looked around after focusing beyond the four dukes. He saw a few dozen people, mostly adults, but many teens both girls and boys alike. 

These people scrutinized the envoys from the empire. They watched the grace of the nobles, judged the looks of the envoys, and wondered why Dirk was wearing a blindfold over his eyes. Eyes lingered on him for a while as they were all guided to a table near the core of the ballroom. 

And after they sat down, a maid continued to announce various names. Merchants who owned nationwide conglomerates, famous warriors and mages of the Kingdom, famous craftsmen who found it in themselves to step out of seclusion. There were many high profile names, and most brought their children. 

The ballroom was quickly filled as the sun continued to descend. There were soon over 200 people in the grand ballroom. Waiters had begun serving drinks and appetizers long ago. 

At some point, Cecilia sat next to Dirk and spoke to him quietly, doing some lessons on manners. It was only basic points like don't make messes and don't act like a barbarian, which Dirk understood. As for learning the more specific stuff, Cecilia didn't worry that much. Customs were different across empires, and she knew he wasn't dumb. It was why she taught him dancing first. Everything else he could handle. 

At some point, Dirk looked toward the center of the ballroom where a small stage and a dance floor were. There were a dozen women who stepped out dressed in clothing that resembled belly dancers.

"Ladies and gentlemen, before the Queen graces us with her arrival, we present to you the Dance of the Dark Dragon."

When the place quieted down, an announcement was made that triggered the musicians on stage to play music. The dozen women lined up in specific positions before they moved. 

The women glided across the floor with nimble feet. And from the first movement, Dirk leaned forward. He sensed interesting movement in the dark mana around their bodies. 

The women swung their arms and crossed paths as they jumped and spun. They weaved between each other, and from their fingers and feet came streaks of darkness that painted the air like a brush. This dark mana seemed to be placed chaotically at first, but over time, the women formed a figure with their wild movements. 

Dirk was surprised as he saw the formation. While leaning forward, he brought up his hands and began tracing the same formation in the air. Lines turned into vague runes as he did so, and he copied the women on the stage as if his fingers were dancers. He got a bit excited as he saw where it was going.

Then, the dance reached its end. The women made their last moves, their last flicks of the hands, and completed the formation. Dirk completed it at the same time, and he suddenly felt a spatial power burst from the formation. 

"It's void walking, but a bit different..."

He mumbled as the formation on stage kicked up waves of power. For a moment, a figure began to manifest, but it rapidly disappeared. 

Instead, Cecilia turned her head with a shocked gaze as Dirk admired the ingenious formation that controlled space. He had only seen some of this in void walking. It was clearly more advanced. 

Then, he froze as he felt a hand on his shoulder. Another hand reached in front of him, one with short but pointed blood red nails. It opened and pointed its palm at the formation that was active in front of Dirk. 

"Y-your Highness the Queen has arrived!"

A nearby maid announced. At the same time, that hand took control of the formation Dirk made. The woman behind him, the Queen of the Dark Kingdom, observed it as if admiring it. 

"...You have a unique understanding of space. The formation is the same, but the mana applied to it acts differently than the same mana on the stage. You're a curious one."

Dirk felt a bit odd at the compliment. And unlike his vigilant mother, he was calm at the surprise presence behind him. He quickly understood the power of the woman, the Queen, the moment he observed her with his mana vision. 

No, the moment she touched his shoulder, he felt something within him quiver. It was like all his vitality was going to be stolen at any moment. If she wished, she could pluck his soul from his body on a whim. His blood was already stagnant, as if awaiting her orders. 

She was the Vampire Queen. Clad in a black dress that released a faint black fog, she exuded both elegance and sex appeal. Her cherry red lips, pale skin, small pointed nose, large red eyes, and deep purple hair enchanted all who looked at her. 

In front of such a person, Dirk would usually be guarded and wary. But right now, he was amazingly calm. Thinking for a second, he stood from his seat. Spyte, who had been relaxing on his lap, jumped and climbed onto his shoulder.

He turned and faced the Queen before giving a simple bow. 

"Dirk Strider greets Her Majesty the Queen."

It was a greeting that his mother just taught him only a couple of minutes ago, though he didn't expect the first person to use this with would be the Queen of the Dark Kingdom. 

She smiled at him, then Spyte who observed her with her large golden eyes, before looking back at the formation in her hand. 

"I was supposed to appear from the other Void Shift formation created by the dancers. But seeing yours, I changed my mind. Good job."

"Thank you."

"Mm. Study it."

She put the formation into his hand before walking over to the stage. Dirk bowed a bit again before looking at the formation, noticing something different about it. There were more runes and lines, making it more complete. The one Dirk made was only a reception spell. The other half was the transmission spell. 

As he began inconspicuously tracing the runes with Spyte, the entire ballroom stood from their seats, greeting the Queen. She smiled at everyone. 

"I welcome everyone to our annual celebration of the Advent of the Black Dragon. The sun is setting, and when the moons climb to their summit at the top of the sky, the Advent will begin. Until then, do enjoy yourselves. The balconies, the surrounding skies, the food and drink, and the dance floor. The place is yours to roam. And so, I declare the start of this gala."

The Queen raised her hand with those words and pointed toward one of the walls of the ballroom. And with a burst of magic, the entire metal and glass wall shattered outward, reassembling into a large glass platform. From it, you could gaze at the vast city below, or appreciate the twinkling night sky above. 

Then, the Queen took her place to the side on a grand table. With that, the groups that had been divided by table dispersed, finding others to mingle with. A few couples even walked to the dance floor as music started playing. The celebration had begun.

Dirk sat back down in his seat as waiters brought out platters of food. 

"Your father and I are going to greet some nobles. Have some fun while you're here, honey. Maybe find some others with Alec to talk to."

Cecilia spoke as she linked arms with her husband. The two then walked off. Alec's father went another direction, and Duke Kyre went toward the table where the Queen sat. The delegates also naturally dispersed, leaving Alec and Dirk alone. 

"...You didn't get washed by maids."

"I totally did."

Dirk started laughing as Alec scowled. Shaking his head in refusal to believe Dirk's story, he stood.

"Come on."

"Are we going to talk to people?"

"No. But we can't stay seated. Let's grab a drink and hang around."

"Okay. But why?"

Dirk questioned as they stood. Alec grabbed two drinks from a passing waiter, handing one of the glasses to Dirk. Dirk smelled liquor from it as well as mana. It was magic alcohol, a drink capable of getting even powerful mages drunk.

The two took sips before finding a nearby pillar and leaning on it, getting a view of the ballroom.

Alec quietly explained his actions.

"It's not rude, but being seated at a table with someone means that you aren't open to being disturbed. If you stand and wait around, it means you're open to being interacted with."

"So who exactly are we trying to talk to?"

"Anybody. It's a social convention. You're supposed to be social."

"Not my forte."

"I can tell."

Alec chuckled a bit. Then, he leaned over.

"So have any girls caught your eye? There's a few cute ones here."

"Uh, no."

"No? Oh, well I guess you and Ava were a thing a couple years ago. But I'm pretty sure she left, didn't she? She was gone the day before you came back."

"...Yea, she's gone."

Dirk spoke quieter than normal, obviously not happy at the mention. Alec pat his shoulder. 

"Sorry. Well, maybe we can find you a nice girl who will cheer you up. Start looking. Or, sensing. How do you even see anyway?"

"With my third eye."

Dirk chuckled. While Alec glanced around, the two started talking about whatever came to mind. Occasionally they would grab food from a waiter who walked by, impressed by the taste of the small snacks and desserts. They also engaged in some stupid little games, like pitting little figures made of their elements against each other in small but fierce battles. 

Then, it was about half an hour later when Alec spotted a couple of girls step away from their group. He stopped engaging in the strength contest he was having with Dirk whereby they tried to squeeze the other's hand as hard as possible. Dirk also noticed the figures that walked toward them and let go of Alec's hand. Spyte disappeared from Dirk's shoulder.

Alec shook out his sore hand before smiling at the ladies. They curtsied.

Dirk also gave a small bow, observing the two. There was a tall and short girl, though neither of them were taller than Dirk or Alec. The tall one, dressed in a slimming grey dress, was being led by the hand by the short one who wore a black dress, looking a bit more reserved and embarrassed than her friend. 

"Hello ladies. Might I know your names?"

"I'm Navie. This is my friend, Helen."

The short one, Navie, introduced herself and her shy friend, Helen. Alec smiled while Dirk leaned back. 

"Nice to meet you, Navie and Helen. I'm Alec, and this is my friend, Dirk. Would you like to sit with us?"

"Actually, I think my friend here wants to dance, but you see, she's a bit too reserved for her own good."

Navie whispered while glancing at Dirk. Helen shrunk back and glared at her friend. 

"Navie, please..!"

"Anyway, I was hoping it wasn't too much to ask of you if you could humor my friend, Alec."

Suddenly, Navie pulled Helen forward, basically handing her to Alec. Alec was a bit surprised by the forwardness, but just laughed.

"I don't mind at all. That is, if Miss Helen doesn't mind me having her first dance of the night."

He stepped forward, putting his arm out like an escort. Helen reddened a bit before nodding. 

"I... I don't mind."

She linked her arm in his. Alec smiled widely, smirking at Dirk before walking to the dance floor. 

Dirk watched Alec leave with a snicker. Alec was smoother than he thought. 


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