
C108 – Pact

Pandora was smart. Back on Earth, she took control of the entire criminal underworld, becoming a global crime lord. And that was when she was driven crazy by the supersoldier program. 

Now? She had the same smarts, but without the insanity. If you added her powers gained from the reincarnation and her power as a mage, along with her influence as the daughter of the Vampire Queen and princess of the Dark Kingdom, she was a tiger with wings. She couldn't be put in a better situation. 

But then, Dirk suddenly remembered something. 

"...I have a question."

He asked Pandora who looked at him with expectation. 

"I'll answer it."

"The war. There was word that the huge shift in the Dark Kingdom involved a princess. Then I saw machines and modern technology with your name on it. Now, I know that you're the reason for this situation. You're bringing radical change. Why?"

Dirk asked with a serious face. Now that he knew exactly who she was, he automatically knew the reason for the recent hostility between their empires. She was the sole reason. 

The biggest question was why. What was her aim?

She smiled, liking the question. 

"This world is both modern and primitive compared to Earth. The science is primitive, but the magic brings similar capabilities that science brought on Earth. Like the spire we're on. It stands at 1000 meters tall. That's something only the most advanced engineering on Earth could build. But here, it only takes powerful enchantments. So what if you combined both science and magic? The possibilities are limitless. While I wasn't a scientist on Earth, I still knew advanced knowledge. I had to build my own tech that could help me evade capture for so long, after all."

"And now you want to bring modern technology to this planet?"

"Exactly. I've already done so across my 16 years of life. It was only in the last four years that I was able to get taken seriously. From there, I garnered support with benefits and grew my prestige. Now I'm a brand that all the nobles know and respect. But of course, I won't settle for just a little recognition and fame. Thus, I built one revolutionary technology."



She smiled in glee. 

"Trains revolutionized the western world when everyone still used wagons. Machines that used water and coal to barrel down rails at high speeds, bringing along with it massive amounts of cargo. Months of transportation turn to days. And while the wagons in this world are capable of driving as fast as cars, they can't do so in large volumes because such products are too expensive. Trains are cheap, especially in this world where materials without mana are cheap as dirt. So I took full advantage of it. I spent some time designing the trains, then used my little amount of influence to lay down a single railway from the capital city to another prosperous city. From there, my train exploded in popularity, and train networks are currently under construction across the entire Kingdom. All of them are owned by me, no less."

"So why is a war necessary?"

"The dwarves."

Pandora spoke simply. 

"The Dwarven Haven is the most economically and technologically prosperous empire in this world. I've already spoken with some noble dwarves, and we've agreed that a rail network between our nations will benefit us massively. Now, all we need is the territory that connects us to them."

"Why can't you just build the network and let the Horizon Empire keep their territory?"

"Because I have no need to bend like that. I get more out of fighting for that territory and owning it than I do paying taxes on transferring goods. Not only that, but the territory we would gain wouldn't actually become that of the Dark Kingdom's."

"...You mean-"

"It'll become mine. I'm a princess of the Dark Kingdom and a high Tier 4 mage who is capable of owning her own fief. But instead of cashing in on that fief, I've pulled the support of nobles who control soldiers, deciding to carve out my own territory from the Horizon Empire's. I'll then be the one who stands between the two Empires and their economic prosperity. That small sliver of territory will provide me the same economic growth as half an empire! I'd become the single richest person in this world! And that's only the start! What about the World Tree? What about Unity? What about the Horizon Empire? I could become a global conglomerate who controls the supply lines of the world's superpowers, and nobody could stop me, because nobody knows the modern science that I do! Even if they replicated it magically, they can't do it cheaply like I can!"

"...Your madness is leaking out."

Dirk mumbled as Pandora laid out her plan. Truly, it was a fantastic plan that would give her endless wealth. And she had a monopoly on the knowledge needed to do all this. Then there was her backing. What if someone tried to kill her? Well, Dirk had moved to, but he was stopped by an invisible assassin who could stand right behind him and remain unnoticed. She obviously had powerful people under her, as well as the support of her empire. 

At least right now, nobody could stop her. She had power over the military, and she was going to fight for that territory.

"But why do you need this endless wealth? You can't just be greedy for money."

Dirk refused to believe she was so shallow. There was something deeper there. 

When he asked that question, Pandora's smiled faded. She turned serious.

"...It's to prepare."

"For what?"

"I'm not sure. But something is coming. This world isn't as simple as you think. And... you remember the portal, right?"


Dirk's face darkened. The portal she stole, and the serums that allowed one to enter it. Her stealing that portal spelled the downfall of her global criminal syndicate. 

And it turns out, it truly was a cataclysmic piece of technology. That portal led to another world entirely. 

"Who's to say that they won't develop it again? Who's to say that tomorrow, an army of supersoldiers won't march right into this land and herald an invasion? I left behind a bomb that not only wiped out the tech, but released information that could spell civil war in every major country around the world. I left behind a seed of immeasurable chaos. But the chaos won't last forever. Someday, they will come back and build that portal once more. Even disregarding the secrets about this world, I'm preparing for that inevitable day. And Dirk, it's been 16 long years. How much more time do you think we have left?"


Dirk felt his heart pound. He hadn't thought of that. And if Earth truly did build that technology, what would happen to this world? It wasn't like he was suddenly an enemy of Earth's, but their arrival would herald a war between two worlds. How many people would die in such a war?

Pandora stepped closer to him. She was getting excited again. 

She raised her hand and cupped his cheek. 

"Dirk, we're the only ones in this world who know what we know. We have pure souls capable of limitless growth. I want to share the secrets I know with you. I want us to know each other's power. Then, we can go and become leaders of a revolution! We may have been enemies before, but neither of us are the same. We're better than we were. I can already see how far you've come from that ruthless killer who stared at me with apathy. Your soul... I feel warmth from it."

She leaned forward, bringing their faces closer. Dirk was drawn in, almost mesmerized. She was only a few inches shorter than him, so she only had to rise on her toes a bit.

But he maintained clarity of mind. Pandora smiled.

"What do you say? You and me. Let's take this world by storm, before it sweeps us off our feet first. I've only just begun, and now that you're here, nothing can stop us. Work with me Dirk. With me, you won't be a dog who follows orders. You won't be bound by any empire or military. We'll be a king and queen who wander the world as we please. Our purpose will be ours to decide. So... will you join me?"

She looked into his gaze with fanaticism. When she thought about the future and what it could be made into under their power, she shivered in excitement. 

Dirk looked back at her. Perhaps it was due to their connection, but he could feel her anticipation. And with her large chest pressed against him, he could feel her heart race. Dirk breathed a little rough. For some reason, he was finding it hard to resist her charm. 

And for a minute, he thought hard about it. The things she knew, the things he knew may happen in the future. It was too big to ignore. As she said, they needed to move now to keep from getting swept off their feet in the future. 

If it were before, he would have rejected anything she put forward. But she was convincing, and Dirk wasn't as inflexible as he used to be. While he was concerned about her desire for war, he could at least talk to her if they became close and cooperative. 

That wouldn't happen if he rejected her. So he made the decision he wanted to. And not just for the Horizon Empire. He wanted to work with her. He was also a bit excited over the future after hearing her words.


Letting out a heated breath, he gave his answer. Pandora smile. Really wide, as if in ecstasy. 

"Then, if you don't mind."

Suddenly, she pulled herself off of him. He was confused as she grabbed his arm, raising his forearm to her mouth. 

"What are you doing?"

"...Vampires are capable of creating Blood Pacts. I want to make one with you."

"What kind of pact?"

"A small one. One that represents our bond. It'll leave a mark on your body as well as mine. Others will see this mark, and if they're aware of Blood Pacts, they'll understand our connection. At least, within the Dark Kingdom, it'll tell everyone that you're my equal. Though, I guess I should warn you. Do this, and you'll get entangled in all the diplomacy between our empires. I'm the center of the war effort, and you'll have a direct bond with me. It wouldn't be odd if people become suspicious. Of course, I'll be capable of protecting you."


Dirk was silent for a moment. At that moment, when the people in the ballroom realized what Pandora was doing, things got a little loud. 


"Don't disturb me, mother."

Pandora responded rudely to the Vampire Queen who had stood from her table and walked over. Duke Kyre was behind her, looking at Dirk with concern. 

Cecilia also walked over as people began to converge. 

"Dirk? What's going on?"

She asked, but Dirk's gaze was focused on Pandora. Both only looked at each other, even under the gazes of several people who stood at the top of the world's power hierarchy.

"Pandora, do you understand what you're doing?"

"I asked you to not disturb me, mother. And you know the answer to that question anyway."

"...Who is this child?"

The Vampire Queen suddenly asked. Of course, she knew who Dirk Strider was. He was the son of Ryker and Cecilia Strider, a mere Tier 3 mage of the Horizon Empire. 

But that wasn't what she was asking. It was clear that there was a deeper relationship between Pandora and Dirk. It baffled everyone present. After all, neither had ever come into contact with each other in any way, shape, or form. And then, they started speaking in a weird language. Something was going on, and now, they were establishing a blood pact. 

It was a serious occurrence. Pandora really was the center of the war effort, and Dirk was about to get pulled right into the heat of it. He would become immeasurably important. 

If he accepted. 

Dirk sighed. He knew what he would get himself into even before Pandora told him. She was chaos incarnate, more so than Eldritch Primordial in Dirk's opinion. 

But still, he was willing. 

He turned his forearm, exposing the soft underside. He couldn't help a small smile from surfacing. 

'I'm really getting into trouble now, huh?'

Seeing his acceptance, Pandora opened her mouth. 

"I'll be gentle."


Her two sharp teeth came down on his arm, and the surrounding people froze. Then, their faces scrunched up. 

"Mmph... Mmmmm..."

Everyone became a bit awkward as Pandora moaned in bliss. Dirk could only smile blankly, feeling her body shiver in delight.

[So much for hiding your delicious blood.]

Dirk nodded inwardly in agreement. After he felt a bit of his blood be sucked out by her cute lips, Pandora pulled away. She licked a bit of red that streamed down her lips, looking Dirk in the eye.

He didn't feel anything take form though. He looked at her confusedly, only to be hugged by the neck. 

"A... Amazing... Your neck..."

She let out a hot breath as she planted her mouth on the side of his neck. Then, when she started sucking again, Dirk could feel a bit of magic activate. Her blood streamed into him, burning as the catalyst for her magic. Markings formed on his skin under her mouth. 

Her neck saw markings form as well as his blood streamed into her. With each other's blood, they formed a pact, and Dirk was able to feel the creation of this pact. 

It was an equal pact. There wasn't any power over the other person built into the pact. As she said, it was more symbolic, a way of showing their bond. 

But for a moment, Dirk felt something deeper form itself into the pact. Nothing malicious, but a way to transfer power through blood. It would allow her to siphon power from him by drinking his blood. 

But when he was about to reject it, the formation stopped, going back to a normal pact. When the markings fully formed, Pandora finally pulled away, albeit unwillingly.

She looked at him with a heated gaze, taking a few deep breaths. The small wounds she formed disappeared quickly, and Dirk was only left a bit weaker due to the blood loss. 

After a few seconds, Pandora corrected her posture, backing away and returning to her elegant self. She turned to the Vampire Queen with a bit of a flushed face. 

"We'll talk later, mother. First, I should attend to the guests that have been waiting on me. Come, everyone. Let's find ourselves a table. Standing for so long is bad on the knees."

Pandora walked past the Queen with a large smile, happy as can be. Everyone who heard her offer, though confused by what just happened, followed her happily. She was not just the center of the war effort, but the center of the recent explosive economic growth. Any opportunity to talk with her could result in immense profits. 

A group of men and women followed her toward a large table. Dirk was left behind, focused on her back. Then, he turned to the Vampire Queen who looked at him with an odd gaze. 

"Dirk? Are you okay?"

Cecilia walked right past the Queen, checking Dirk's arm and neck. He smiled wryly.

"I'm fine, mom."

"Do you care to explain what's going on?"

"It's... complicated. Maybe later?"


She looked at him worriedly before sighing. Then, she turned toward the Queen and Duke Kyre.

Duke Kyre looked at Dirk before turning to the Queen. 

"Vampire Queen, I think it would be more suitable for us to finish our discussion before handling new variables."


She lightly nodded. With one last glance at the mark on Dirk's neck, she turned and walked back to her table. Duke Kyre followed, and Dirk was left alone. 


"I want you to come with me."


"To have a bit of fun."

A few hours after thee scene caused by Dirk and Pandora, the ballroom had gone back to its festive atmosphere. 

She had also spoken with a couple dozen people over the course of those few hours. Now, the two moons were close to reaching the top of the sky. The Advent of the Dark Dragon was close to reaching its climax. 

And Pandora wanted to pull him away. After she linked arms with him, the two walked to the edge of the balcony. 

In the sky around the balcony, there were several people flying in the sky. They all had magic devices under their feet that left long streaks of light in the dark sky wherever they moved. 

Throughout the night, Dirk felt the power of the dark mana coming from the abyss below the city become stronger. It made everyone weightless. Even from up high in the spire, they could feel it almost eliminate gravity altogether. 

Pandora pulled Dirk to an unguarded edge. Then, she looked at him. 

"Do you trust me?"

"Not necessarily."

"Ouch. Well, follow my lead anyway."

Saying that, Pandora moved forward. Dirk was hesitant, but also lifted his leg and stepped off the edge. 

And they fell down. 


Pandora laughed as she freefell toward the ground, the wind making her dress flap. Dirk was a bit nervous as he saw the ground get closer, but at some point, his speed didn't increase. He was falling slowly. 

The wind wasn't harsh as the two moved downward side by side. Dirk could see the spire that pierced the sky and the ground below that was glowing with millions of lights. 

Then, Pandora put out her hands. She grabbed Dirk's hands, and a wind was suddenly kicked up. Dirk was surprised when he felt the air element. 

And they no longer fell. From 400 meters in the air, they floated weightlessly. Pandora smiled widely. 

"Spatial repulsion! Every year, the hole below the city releases built up spatial power and makes the city weightless by counteracting gravity. The field of limbo usually rises to about 600 meters above ground level. Anybody can fly around within this field, and it gradually diminishes as the sun rises. They call it the Night of Dragon Flight."

"...It's amazing."

Dirk spoke in a daze. He had never felt weightless like this, and he had never personally flown. He had heard of air mages and those with extreme power who could fly as they pleased. Even Ryker could fly with his fire magic. But Dirk wasn't that powerful. 

It was an unbelievable experience, filling him with wonder. Pandora chuckled before pulling his arm. 

"Come on. There's something cooler!"

With a gust of wind, the two descended. They passed all the cheering citizens who flew and danced in the sky with magic devices, coming upon the ground entrance to the spire. 

She led him to a certain wall within an empty hallway inside the building. There, a secret door opened, and they drifted in. 

Around them was black nothingness. Looking down, Dirk saw the abyssal hole under the city, and above, he could see the night sky and two moons. The place Pandora brought him to led directly under the city through a hole that went all the way up the spire.

"Don't worry, we won't fall in. Even during a normal day, falling into the hole is impossible. Let me show you."

She pulled him along when she felt his nervousness. The two descended below the city's ground level. When Dirk looked around, he was surprised to see hundreds of structures built from the ground under the city. 

"At all times during the year, there's a constant spatial repulsion coming from the hole. This repulsive force and gravity usually meet directly under the city. It forms a zero gravity layer under the city about 20 meters wide. There have been many structures set up for industry and study here, taking advantage of the eternally weightless environment. It's been great for magical and even scientific development, as little as there is. Come on. There's more."

With excitement, she pulled him again. The two descended even further before reaching a platform. After stepping onto this platform, their orientation was inverted, and gravity returned. 

Now, Dirk's feet walked on the bottom of the city, pointing to the sky. When he looked back down into the hole and saw the two moons below him, he was a bit disoriented. 

"Crazy, isn't it? That's reality here. Imagine if this were on Earth?"

"...I can't."

Dirk couldn't imagine something like this in his lifetime. It was so amazingly fantastical that his worldview was flipped upside down. 


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