Settle at Hogwarts

Chapter 104 Exchange student, one academic year later

"Tub, you're finally done."

Newt brought a glass of hot milk over, then picked up the floating model and placed it casually in front of Ms. Beauxbatons' portrait.

Tabor looked at the completely dark sky around him and asked in confusion, "Has it been a long time?"

"Yes, it's already early in the morning." Nick Flamel said as he slowly walked downstairs.

When Tabor looked at the blurry figure in pajamas with a glowing crystal ball floating above his head, he always felt a bit like a ghost.

"Let's eat something first. Perenal's craftsmanship is very good." Newt placed a tray in front of Tubo.

"OK, thanks."

Tabor was discussing French cuisine with Newt, while the portraits of Nick and Beauxbatons were staring at the greatly changed metal block, and even took out a magnifying glass to carefully observe every texture.

"Tabor, can you tell me what you modeled?"

Tabor had already emptied the food on the tray and sipped the warm milk in small sips.

"Roughly speaking, this is what the ship of the future will look like." Tabor spoke with some lack of confidence. He really didn't know how to explain the deeper meaning of an aircraft carrier to the wizard. Anyway, anything that can sail on water can be considered a ship.

Beauxbatons and Nick looked at each other, but they didn't delve into it. Anyway, they two old antiques often couldn't understand the thoughts of these young people.

Nick picked up another piece of metal of similar size on the coffee table: "The second test is to use this piece of metal to make something similar to your ship. Note that magic will not work on this piece of metal."

Tabor took the metal and squeezed it with his hands. Obvious fingerprints immediately appeared on the metal.

"Does this have to be the same?" Taber looked at the model he had carefully restored to the same proportions and suddenly felt a little confused.

Ms. Beauxbatons glared at Nick next to her: "It doesn't have to be exactly the same, just try to be as similar as possible. I remember back then Nick, you made a crooked long sword, and you said it was King Arthur's Sword in the Stone because it was inserted into the stone. That’s why it’s twisted.”

Nick shrugged helplessly: "Well, who knew it would take this little guy so long to create such a delicate thing in his first project! It makes me feel that such a ship really exists in the world. "

Tabor finally understood. This first item was probably a test of imagination, creativity, and control of details.The second item is to fabricate the items that were previously thought of, which is likely to test the hands-on ability.Looking at it this way, if you have built such a small aircraft carrier, doesn’t it make the second item infinitely more difficult?

Seeing Tabor staring at the metal block in his hand but not taking action, Ms. Beauxbatons couldn't help but comforted her: "Don't think too much. In fact, as long as you can make a shape of a ship, it will be fine." .”

After being comforted by Beauxbatons, Tabor suddenly thought that he had never thought about learning alchemy before coming to France. If his talent was not good after the test, he would probably go back to playing with fire and cooking... potions. .

Thinking of this, Tabor no longer had any scruples in his heart, and seriously restored the ship he had just sketched in his mind.

Compared to the first one, which was almost 100% restored to the same scale, this second hand-made model was much rougher, but his steady hands, which had been brewing potions for a long time, gave him a lot of help.Even so, Tabor didn't finish it until daylight.

"Bah bang bang! It's pretty good, even better than I imagined." Nick said, clapping his hands.

"Indeed, unexpected." Ms. Beauxbatons nodded in agreement.

However, this time neither of them looked at the two pieces of metal that had changed drastically on the table.Instead, they looked at each other and then stared at Tabor.

"Tub, would you like to study at Beauxbatons for a year? Of course, if you want to transfer to another school, I will support you." Although Nick felt that he was poaching Dumbledore, he still asked after thinking of Tab's talent. out.

Newt's expression suddenly became a little unnatural. He felt as if his little brother was about to be kidnapped!If Dumbledore knew that he was deceived into another school in front of his eyes, then...

Thinking of the saints who were wreaking havoc everywhere, Tubo shook his head firmly: "Forget it, I still prefer Hogwarts."

Ms. Beauxbatons seemed to have long expected that Tabor would refuse, and continued to explain: "Beauxbatons has a very complete basic alchemy room, and has an extremely large number of basic alchemy resources. In addition, Beauxbatons' library There are also more alchemy notes than Hogwarts. Your talents will definitely be fruitful if you study there for a period of time."

"Yes. In addition, if you want to go to Beauxbatons to study, I can also use my laboratory there for you." Nick agreed.

Tabor suddenly felt a little moved when he thought about the unread books in Beauxbatons Library.

"We are only a few days away from school. How about you stay at Beauxbatons as an exchange student next semester? If you are willing, you can also pick something from Beauxbatons' heritage treasure trove. In addition, While you're at Beauxbatons, you can take classes from any professor."

The treasure and the extremely high freedom suddenly made Tabor even more excited.With the phoenix tail feathers given by Dumbledore, there should be no need to worry too much about safety.I will be a professor at Hogwarts in the future, and I can explore everything there later, so it seems good to stay in Beauxbatons for a year as a student.

The two elderly people (portraits) immediately became more convincing when they saw the obvious changes on Tabor's face.

Tabor, who was bombarded by various temptations, finally chose to give in and brought his pink suitcase to Beauxbatons before the school started.

. . . . . .

In early June 1938, Tubo slowly walked to the agreed place with Dumbledore, dragging his suitcase in the warm sunshine.

In less than a year, Tabor's body has entered a stage of rapid development. For him at this time, although Ms. Beauxbatons' box is still eye-catching in color, the size is not too big, but it can already He was a minor, so it was easier to drag him.

As an exchange student at Hogwarts, Tabor did not need to take exams, so he quietly left Beauxbatons while the French girls were busy taking exams.

"Mia will probably be very disappointed if she knows that I didn't even give her a chance to say goodbye. Damn it, Dumbledore, he promised to take me back here, why hasn't he come yet?"

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