Settle at Hogwarts

Chapter 111

"Oh, that's right." Tabor looked a little dazed. He didn't know if this result meant that Tom was born to be Slytherin.

However, when Tubo looked up and saw Dumbledore's smiling face on the teacher's bench, he suddenly felt that this could not be Dumbledore's secret operation.

"Well, these are not important. Now that you have entered Slytherin, you need to know more. I think you have also discovered that in this academy, almost all pure-bloods know each other. Most pure-blood families Every child will write down the surnames of each wizarding family before entering school. And there are many social dances among the nobles."

Tom nodded silently, his observation skills were enough for him to roughly recognize his position in a short period of time.

"Slytherin worships the strong, so if you have excellent academic performance or make some special contributions, you can greatly improve your status in Slytherin."

Tom obviously agreed with Tabor's words, even his eyes flashed with uncontrollable desire and greed for power.

After noticing Tom's change in mood, Tabor scratched his head in distress.A strong desire for power is not bad, but for a genius like Tom who lives in Slytherin, he will soon be exposed to black magic. If he cannot learn black magic in a controlled manner, he will easily be let down. character is affected.

After giving Tom a brief introduction to the professors on the faculty and some common knowledge about Hogwarts, the opening dinner was over.

After returning to the dormitory, Tabor routinely picked up the cherry that had achieved some weight loss, threw it into the roller, and then placed two bowls of food next to the roller as usual.

"Tabor, no one wants to live in the same dormitory as Mr. Riddle that you just paid attention to."

Tabor frowned: "That's not true. I remember that there was a mixed-race person who lived alone in a room before, right?"

Zane was also a little helpless: "You didn't come last year, and that guy has already lived with someone else. And even if he is a mixed-blood, he knows where his wizarding blood comes from. Mr. Riddle has no parents, and he has been living in the Muggle world. . If you hadn't been sitting next to him just now, everyone might have kicked him out as a mudblood."

The current British wizarding world is relatively peaceful. Unless it is an internal fight within the family or seeking suicide, it is almost impossible for an adult wizard to die suddenly.

Generally speaking, children with wizard blood rarely become orphans without any relatives.Not to mention a child like Riddle who has been living among Muggles and has no news of his birth in the wizarding world.

"Tubber, tell me the truth, you take such good care of Mr. Riddle. He can't be the illegitimate son of your Prince family. Perhaps, it is with a Muggle named Riddle."

Tabor glared at his roommate: "What are you thinking about?"

"However, he does have black hair and black eyes, and he is somewhat similar to you. In fact, many people in our college have this guess."

Tabor said seriously: "I'm pretty sure that Tom is not a child of the Prince family. However, his family is older than the Prince family."

“So, you know his life experience?” Zane immediately sat up from the bed, his eyes filled with the blazing fire of gossip.

Tabor nodded: "I know, and I'm pretty sure he is a mixed race."

Seeing that Tabor obviously didn't want to say anything, Zane could only lie back weakly: "Well, Abraxas may have arranged a single room for him because of you."

Tubber was actually not worried about whether Tom could gain a foothold in Slytherin, which worshiped the strong.What he worries about is what kind of impact the people around him will have on his psychology.

The next morning, as soon as Tubo finished breakfast, he was called to his office by Slughorn.

"Tabor, I need to confirm your course selection with you again."

Tabor nodded: "Professor, I'm sure."

Slughorn also knew Tubo's study progress and took out a full schedule and a time turner from the drawer.

"You should be able to use this gadget. Remember, you can only use it for studying, and you should pay attention to rest, you know?" Slughorn warned still a little worried.

Tabor nodded seriously. Although the time turner can return to the previous time, the extra time does not appear out of thin air.

Tabor walked into the classroom with the time turner.

At the end of the day, Tabor went back to the lectures for nearly four hours, and during this period, the output of divine power in his mind did not stop for a moment.

This gave Tabor a very bold idea. If he kept turning back time and cooperated with the continuous output of divine power, wouldn't he be able to reach a very high level in a short period of time?It's like the acceleration formation in cultivation novels. After practicing in the formation for 100 years, only one day will pass in the outside world.

Tabor shook his head and threw away this somewhat dangerous idea. It was not a matter of life and death yet, so there was no need to be so anxious.Playing with time is still very dangerous after all. There is no need to take risks just because of a little time.

As for the courses that Tabor has only been exposed to this year, most of them are indeed good in his opinion.

Arithmetic divination is really not difficult for Tabor, who has received nine years of compulsory education. As long as he memorizes some number tables, he can easily get the answer.According to Tabor, the accuracy of the divination answers is pretty good.

Protecting magical animals is even easier. If there is anything he cannot do, Tabor can even directly ask those being protected.And Professor Kettleburn will not embarrass any students who love magical animals.

Ancient runes are also used in alchemy, and Tarbor dabbled in this a bit while at Beauxbatons.As for the dueling class, the level achieved by the future dueling champion is considered extremely amazing among students.

What made Tabor dumbfounded was the Muggle Studies class. Most of the students here wanted to enter the Ministry of Magic, or they had a certain understanding of the Muggle world and wanted to get ahead.The teacher was only half-full, and many times his explanations of Muggle items left Tabor a bit stunned.

For this reason, Tabor also talked to the Muggle Studies professor several times, but he stubbornly believed that what was in the textbook was correct.

The helpless Tabor hesitated whether to give up the course directly or treat it purely as an endorsement course.As long as you memorize everything in the book, there will definitely be an extra o on your transcript at the end of the semester.

"I hope I won't be led astray by wizards' misconceptions about Muggles."

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