Settle at Hogwarts

Chapter 115

Tabor silently played the role of Teacher Tony, and he operated as fiercely as a tiger. When he looked up...

After making sure that all the drops on his head were clean, Tabor put on a small suit and hat and appeared in the toilet cubicle of the department store.

Just as he was about to open the door and go out, he noticed something was wrong. He seemed to have stepped on something.

Looking down, Tabor suddenly felt that the hair on his back stood up. He had stepped on a person, and a dead person at that.

After some sensing, Tabor discovered that the Muggle expulsion spell he had cast more than a year ago had failed due to insufficient magic power.In other words, the corpse being trampled under his feet is probably not a wizard.

Seeing the blood flowing out of the compartment along the crack in the door, Tabor knew that he had apparated to the scene of the murder, and soon, someone had even discovered that something was abnormal here.

Now it's not impossible if I apparate out of here, but all fools know that leaving traces of yourself at a crime scene is not a good thing.

After hesitating for a moment, Tabor suppressed his psychological discomfort, used the spare wand to cast a disembodiment spell on himself, stepped on the corpse and climbed onto the broom that was also invisible.Then he threw a few away and cleaned up the place he had just stepped on.

Just as he was about to fly away, he heard a burst of noisy footsteps outside the compartment, and then the strong door panel was violently dismantled.

A group of uniformed police officers surrounded the cubicle.

Tabor rode his broom and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he came early, and fortunately he was decisive enough.

If the Apparition comes at this time, the trouble will be big.

Tabor didn't care how the police found the murderer, but thinking that there was a corpse lying in the cubicle he had used many times, and that he almost violated the confidentiality law, Tabor didn't want to make it easy for the person who caused all this.

"It's strange. There are no traces of dust in some places on the body of the deceased. This is very abnormal. Could it be a clue?" An old police officer who checked the body muttered in confusion.

Tabor flew higher, and then flew out of the department store directly over the heads of the police officers and onlookers.

After finding a corner at random, Tabor remained invisible and turned the time turner a small half turn.

Tabor was sure that the blood on the ground had not completely solidified when he had just disapparated.Generally speaking, blood will coagulate within five to six minutes, but now that the temperature is very low, the coagulation time will be shorter.

So Tabor only needs to go back ten minutes to the past, and he should be able to see who committed the murder.

As for rescuing people, Tabor has no idea yet.

Remaining invisible, Tubbo rode his broom and floated above the cubicle like a ghost.This not only ensures that you will not leave any traces, but you can also clearly see everything happening below.

Before long, Tabor saw a man walk into the cubicle where he was, and another man walked in behind him.

After the two men secured the door, one of them took off his pants.

When Tabor thought that the next scene might be a bit jarring, the man with bare butt took out a bag of powder from his underwear.

Then the two of them discussed quietly.

Perhaps because they were not satisfied with the price given by the other party, the two began to have physical contact, and the movement became louder and louder.

Suddenly an angry voice came from the cubicle next to him: "I'm sick! I want to go to the hotel to play! I really can't even go to the toilet in peace*****."

The fighting stopped temporarily. When one person was cursing and about to open the door and leave, the other person took out a small dagger directly from his shoe, neatly slashed the man's throat from behind, and then jumped out of the compartment. .

Tabor flew slowly behind the murderer.It was only then that he noticed that the man was wearing a pair of gloves on his hands and a layer of rain boots on top of his shoes. This murder seemed to have been premeditated.

"Without cameras, it might be difficult for the police to find you. It's a pity that you didn't expect that someone could go back to the time when you committed the crime and witness it all."

Tabor followed this man back to the hut where he lived alone. He watched him snorting the white powder in the bag with an intoxicated expression, then pulled out his wand and cast the Imperius Curse.

The man was controlled by Tabor without any resistance.

To be cautious, Tabor did not get off the broom, did not remove his invisibility, and deliberately lowered his voice.

"Your name? Never mind, it doesn't matter who you are. Why did you kill that man in the department store?"

Man controlled by the Imperius Curse: "He asked me to trade painkillers there, but the lion opened his mouth, so I killed him to steal the medicine."

In an instant, Tabor understood everything about the murder.

"Give me all your possessions."

The man was still immersed in his own world, but his body obeyed and took out a lot of pounds, a box of antique jades, and several real estate certificates from his room.

"Military officer's ID card?" Tabor glanced at the young photo on the officer's ID card, and then looked at the middle-aged man in his 50s in front of him.

"Have you participated in the war against flower growers?"


"Where did you get these belongings?" Tabor used Occlumency to try his best to ask all the questions he wanted to know rationally.

"What you robbed is also subsidies from the military and the state."

Tabor collected everything and then said: "Now, you need to surrender. You don't have any property, but you took it all to buy medicine before today, you know?"

"Yes." After the man finished speaking, he opened the door and walked out.

After watching the man being imprisoned, Tabor found a good barber shop and had his hair treated.

After returning to Spider End Alley, Tabor took out the box of antique jade he got today in his bedroom.

Seeing these familiar and unfamiliar utensils, Tabor couldn't help but sigh deeply.Today's flower growers are still in the midst of war, and it would be difficult to preserve these things even if they were sent back, so Taber decided to keep these things until he had the opportunity to return them to their original owners.

After checking everything, Tabor covered the boxes and moved them to the basement.

As for the pile of pounds, Tabor put it in his wallet with great peace of mind.

As for the remaining property certificates, Taber decided to transfer them to his name tomorrow and then hand them over to the agency.

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